turqo · 5 months
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do you have any headcanons about what lisa was like?
yes! not that many but i definitely do have a couple:
- firstables, this one is most likely already canon but i place lisa in the age range of 12-14 at her death; i personally put her squarely at age 13
- this may also be canon-adjacent, but i think lisa was an atheist or, at the very least, was NOT christian. the omnipresence of christian imagery in conjunction with marty in lisa the first definitely does not paint christianity in a good light, so i think she must have held some deep resentment for it
- the fighting capabilities of the armstrong family seem to be genetic (brad can shoot fireballs n shit while buddy cant, but we know brad taught her to fight so he definitely wouldve taught her that if he could have), so i think that lisa actually had some dormant powers that she never got to discover or learn about because of marty. marty actively discourages brad from learning “his grandfathers karate” as well, so i think if lisa had been more freely able to come and go, she probably would have had similar skills to brad
- looks-wise, for some reason i always envision lisa being more tanned and with very curly dark brown hair (and thats how i always paint her LMAO)
- personality-wise, i think she was probably a very somber, sardonic kid, someone who radiates sadness - but also someone who was generally braver and more adventurous than kids her age. after all, shes been through one of the worst things a person can withstand, and experienced it regularly; what could be scarier than that? i also think that juxtaposition of her being both sad and angry while also being independent and brave is probably what drew bernard to her in the first place
- i think she was probably a bit callous with bernard, but unintentionally so. she had no frame of reference for how to treat people in a fair, unselfish way, so i think there was definitely a power dynamic in their relationship with her “in charge.” again, NOT on purpose and not with any malicious intent, but she strikes me as not fully grasping what she was doing to bernard in her desperation to get away from marty
- as for her relationship with brad, i think it was a poor one. there was a significant age gap between them so they couldnt really connect in that way, brad was so beaten down by marty that he couldnt stand up to him, let alone defend lisa, and when brad did eventually leave the house, he left lisa behind. lets not forget that brad was also made to participate in lisas abuse when he was a child, though what exactly happened is not stated (and rightfully so). i think lisa probably felt really let down and abandoned by brad, and likely resented him for escaping when she couldnt.
i dont have many more headcanons than that, but im always happy to hear ppls thoughts about lisa (unless theyre wrong ♥)
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