#IN WHICH I had to do this one ooc because Kag would've refused to answer XD
thundertide · 1 year
AND ALSO. MAYBE: Daffodil, Quince, Xanthoriza?
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Flower And Tree Language Prompts!
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Daffodil: Has your character ever had unrequited love for someone? Have they ever loved someone but held it in for any reason?
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While Kagota would say no, there's been one - the old 'friend' who tried to end her life towards the end of her year of training. She saw him as family, loved him like a brother as well as a friend, and it's perhaps part of the reason why she ignored incredibly obvious signs that he didn't see her the same, resulting in his attack on her at the end of the mission. While it wasn't romantic, the love she held for him still haunts her as much as what she can remember of the fight and night in general, and it's not something she likes to own up to - Even to her own husband, who she's sure isn't aware of everything that went down that night.
She's been incredibly careful with the topic of 'love' since, and will only ever admit to loving her family and husband.
Quince: One temptation your character has had.
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Childe- XD All jokes aside, a lot of Kagota's temptations come from her desire to change the world into the one she's working towards and effectively install herself and Childe as queen and king. You put her in a room with any harbinger not under the title of Tartaglia, and she immediately has the temptation to punch them all in the face-
Perhaps a less violent one is the often felt temptation to just... Quit. Leave the Fatui, take her husband and their families and go traveling, become an adventurer, work for herself... It's a nice thought, but it's one she can't have, and she knows it. There's too much battlelust in her, too much trauma, too much of a leash keeping her bound to the Fatui that she'll never be able to just... Up and go, especially not if she seeks to have her head remaining firmly attached to her neck. It'd be easier on her to leave and maybe she'd b able to calm down someday if she did, but so long as the Fatui and Snezhnaya itself exists? No can do.
Now as for punching the other harbingers in their faces... Just let her off her leash it'll only take a second-
Xanthoriza: What’s something your character has run away from?
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Her family. Maybe not in the technical aspect - she didn't 'run away' to join the Fatui, she left home after a discussion with her parents about it - but she feels completely she ran away from things in Morepesok. Her mother had wanted her to be a housewife and stay in the village with her. Her father wanted her to work with him as a merchant and stay close to them, like she had as a child when she'd given them a hand in everything she could and even traveled with her dad on some of his business trips.
Kagota hadn't wanted any of that, and took joining the Fatui as an escape.
To her, leaving was 'running away'. What her parents wanted for her had felt overwhelming, like she had no control over her own fate, and she'd thought joining the Fatui would help her with reclaiming that - It hasn't, but it was still a means of running off from a fate chosen for her, and she's been left to wonder... If she hadn't, would she still have met back up with Childe? Would they be married now, or would she have met someone else in the village? Would she be happy?
She's... Good not knowing.
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