giving-brain · 1 year
@from-across-the-stars​ answered your ask! 
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“Flock? Well that is rather generous.” Adamska mutters under his breath. 
He would be lying to say he wasn’t happy to see the lads. He had been off doing ‘work’ for a few months, even Miu hadn’t heard from her father in that span of time. Truth be told, he would rather be at the school then doing his full time job.  
“Good on you, some big boots to fill. Maybe some day. Presumptuous to say you would make a good father.” A scoff slips, and another quiet comment. “I hardly make a good one myself and yet strays follow.” 
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giving-brain · 2 years
Mid school day was always hectic, the students who only had afternoon classes rushing in, the morning students leaving, staff trying to catch five minutes of cool down time. Hope’s Peak never slept. In the mix of it all, of every combination of student and employee on campus, Adamska ran into Kaz. The lad annoyed him, his daughter’s friend and lab partner, though he didn’t care to know how intricate they were. All he knew was that Kaz enabled her chaotic inventions that usually got him called into the office as well for not scolding Miu better. 
“Kaz....” The Z in his name catches on his tongue like a sting, 
He was a locked jaw and high and tight haircut, military uniform and polished boots. Eccentric, but cold. It was easy to see the resemblance. As much as he carried himself as a hot shot, he carried a bento box with a hello kitty pattern on it, obviously one of Miu’s purchases. He was just about to go outside to enjoy his lunch before being thrown back into the classroom for the rest of the day. 
“I didn’t expect to see you outside of your lab, taking yourself away from your important business?” 
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giving-brain · 3 years
”Kaito.” A stern voice cut through the idle chatter of the hallway. Adamska, Miu’s step father, and much more importantly, the international politics class professor had a very mixed bag of experiences with Kaito. It was very obvious he was an intellectual, his step-daughter even declared so. that was a commodity.
He can recall a night the two of them went to Yoshinoya’s after a partially grating finals for the semester. When he had read out Kaito’s name to Miu she stopped him mid sentence, stabbing her chopsticks in his direction rudely. “He’s not that bad, like, he can be a normie jock, but he can hang.” For what ever that really had meant for Adamska, he was not sure.
What he WAS sure of was that Kaito did not turn In his midterm essay, and that was inexcusable. “Kaito, do you intend to keep me waiting for your essay for half credit, or do you want to pass my class with dignity.” He poses the statement rather intimidatingly, gesturing that it really did not effect him. Pulling the classic ‘it hurts you more then it hurts me‘ card.
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giving-brain · 2 years
"Collector of the Lost, I have finally discovered a familiar befitting of you after eons of search!” This time it was Gundham coming through the classroom door, thankfully with far more control than a certain mechanic had just a few days before. His hands are tucked under the flap of his coat, the fabric of which is wriggling slightly as he came to a stop before the man with a grin that not many people got to see. “Behold! The latest addition into my empire!!!”
Pulled out with much more care then what his enthusiasm would suggest, the overlord presented a very small and very grumpy looking Bengal kitten to the man, it looking just barely old enough to be on its own. “I discovered her upon my return from the realm of angels, trapped by the great metal bars of the rushing tides.” A cat trapped beneath a sewer grate he found coming back from his mother’s then. Nothing was ever simple with the breeder... “With assistance from the Tamer of Automatons, we were able to rescue her from such a hellish prison with little surrounding chaos, our power level is truly unmatched when allied together!” Which meant they cut through the bars to get to it, fantastic... 
Oh well, at least they were finally getting along now, no doubt in thanks to Miu knocking their heads together from time to time... 
“I cannot say as to why, but she called a recollection to you when I saw her, so I wish to allow you the honor of bestowing her a title!” The great Overlord of Ice allowing someone else to name one of his precious pets!? No one would ever believe Adam if he told them of this... //hey,,,,bengal cats kinda look like ocelots dont you think,,,,,hdskadfh
Adamska swore to himself he would never get another cat. Never, never, never. Not with his heart break. Still now, as he is presented with the little animal. Never, never, never. He freezes up, it telegraphs on his face, but he did not want to hurt the man who became his son. Still, he outstretches his hands, his body moving on its own. Of course he wanted a cat. But was he... allowed? Who on earth would tell him no? Who did Adamska fear, like a child?
"Kiddo..." He said quietly, like the creak of a wooden attic floor. "It's... good to see you boys get along, finally." Cradling the small cat in his hands, his whole disposition softens. What a ridged and sharp body could return to when feeling human and sentient... "How is the 'angel' anyhow." Adam hadn't met Gundham's mother, but he spoke highly of her. He sat back in his desk chair, supporting the cats bum, propped up on his chest like a baby. He seemed to be thinking rather deeply about a name for the little bengal, studying her like he might make an incorrect judgement.
"I am vexed by the name 'Jenavive'." He states, holding the kittens head with his finger, as to which the cat turns away, before attempting to crawl onto his desk with shaky legs. The bought of a kittens drunken walk always made Adamska chuckle.
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giving-brain · 2 years
“Mister Dad!!” Kazuichi yelled as he barreled into Adam’s classroom, the mechanic subsequently slamming into the doorframe in all his excitement with a loud clack, it throwing him off step for a moment before he continued his sprint. “I made you a thing!!” He was all smiles as he came to a bouncing stop in front of the man, a decent sized box held in his perpetually greasy hands. “You’re the closet thing I have to an actual dad now, so I made you this for father’s day!” He handed over box before resuming his bounce, eyes starry and smile never once falter. “Open it, open it!” 
In the box was what looked to be a toy gun, one that Kazuichi had copied from old pictures Miu had shown him of her father in his younger years. The gun didn’t shoot bullets, but marshmallows, set up with a trigger just the same as any gun with an opening towards the barrel to insert the ammo. There was a large bag of tiny marshmallows in the box as well, plenty of ammunition that should last the man a good while. “What do you think? Do you like it??”
If the yelling didn't grab his attention, the loud clack of the doorframe slammed into Kaz's head sure did.
"I hope you mean as in respect, and not insinuating I'm your father in law." He sighs through his honor, it was a lot to shoulder, but he did somehow. Just as Miu collected boys, Adamska suddenly collected sons out of nowhere. He couldn't help being cordial to the boys who evidently where victims of abuse, he hoped that maybe his support could be a form of healing for them. Sometimes he wondered if he was a good dad, but that was put to rest by how reactive Miu was to him. She looked for his input, didn't harbor emotions from him. Even told him if he did something that pissed her off.
He took the box and looked it over, of course he would know in an instant if this were a trap, or much less harmful, a prank.
"Kazuichi, you realize what you have given me?" He takes the the fake revolver out of the box, it sat in his hand comfortably, immediately twirling it around his finger, before reversing the centrifugal force and pocketing it.
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"What a mistake!" In a split second he removes the revolver and shoots Kaz from the hip, typically an incredibly inaccurate form of shooting. The marshmallow bounced off of Kaz's forehead before landing on the floor. "Fantastic gift kiddo." He actually chuckled, giving it a few tosses between his hands and behind his shoulder.
The ultimate trick-shot never gets too rusty.
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