jasmariswonderland · 2 years
Shining Hearts Chapter 10 ~ Metamorphosis
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Chapter 1 |  Chapter 2 |  Chapter 3  |  Chapter 4  |  Chapter 5  |
Chapter 6 |  Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 |  Chapter 9
Chapter Summary: After coming together to rescue one of their own, Danica wonders if her team can come together once again to do the unthinkable. 
Warnings For This Chapter: Violence, kidnapping, slight blood and mentions of Vidaria’s less than stellar past.
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The evening descended into an unexpected veil of eerie fog. So thick that it was difficult for the girls to make their way through the forest. But Iman explained that this was a tact of fae native to Vidaria’s homeland, a kingdom which itself was cloaked in mists that kept it hidden from the rest of the world. And they had planned accordingly, Yuulan and Taima ventured deeper into the misty forest, with the latter using her unique magic to clear the fog for as long as they could. They also possessed the most skill in physical combat and, along with Grim, would confront Vidaria’s assailants head-on if needed.
Iman, Danica, and Ione each went in separate directions to ensure they could maintain deniability if they ran into any students or faculty. Before setting off, the girls had visited Sam’s shop to pick up something that would come in handy for their plans. Back in October, Ione and Taima had learned of a special mirror pendant that could show the wearer anything they wished to see and could be used as a means of communication.
They didn’t want to risk the sound of phones tipping off the mist fae, and of course, Sam had multiples of these pendants in stock. Iman purchased one for each of them, including Grim, along with several vials of potions, a panacea tablet, and three daggers, one made of steel and the other two crafted of iron. The latter of these items raised the concern of the normally laid-back shopkeeper.
“I’m not going to ask questions since I know you five tend to stay outta trouble,” he said as he packed up the items. “But what I will say is whatever is going on, please be careful. Don’t go getting involved in something way over your heads!”
Sir, we are about to go on a rescue mission which very likely will involve fighting fae! I think it’s a little too late for those kinds of warnings! These were Yuulan’s thoughts, but she didn’t voice them. Instead, she promised Sam that they would be safe, and while these purchases seemed suspicious, they planned to use them with only the purest intentions.
“We’ll be fine, Sam! We promise!” Taima grinned. “don’t worry about us!”
“And don’t forget, charge my personal account for this stuff!” Iman added. “I don’t want my parents to know about this, ‘kay?”
Meanwhile, four male fae dragged their royal captive deeper through the forest, her hands bound in front of her as she was dragged like a dog on a leash. Her voice was under the influence of a powerful silence spell. They made their way to the cliffs, where Vidaria knew there was a checkpoint to a portal that would take them directly across the sea, back to the Land of Mists. Her heart was pounding, and tears streamed down her face. Unfortunately, for all her crying, she knew no one could hear her.
How many times would she have to endure this? How many times did she have to escape them before she would cease being tormented? By her own people no less. Whatever the circumstances that brought her into the possession of the Draconias, Vidaria had accepted her fate. All returning her home would do is exacerbate a violent situation long pacified by her consent to marry Malleus, risking further bloodshed between both of their kingdoms. Was freedom truly worth such a thing?
Her back tingled with a burning sensation that was her instincts telling her to try and flee before they took her to a place she wouldn’t be able to easily return from. A place where Iman wouldn’t be able to easily find her. Vidaria didn’t know why she was thinking about this; the last time she attempted to use this escape attempt, it had gone horrifically wrong and had decades-long ramifications. Still, it was the only thing she could think of. Closing her eyes, she paused and focused all of her energy on her back and felt the sensation burn with more intensity, exactly what she was hoping for. Her captors noticed she had stopped moving and yanked on the rope binding her.
“Keep moving, Your Highness!” one of them barked at her. “There’s no one here to help you, so make things easy on us, and yourself, and just…wha…WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”
He turned around and realized why Vidaria had stopped moving when he saw how her body radiated with a golden glow, bright enough to cut through the mists. A second captor quickly planted his foot into her back, roughly knocking the wind out of her lungs and forcing her to her knees. She fell face-first to the ground, the golden glow vanishing from her body.
“Stubborn girl, but clever no doubt!”
“How dare you?! We were told not to harm her!”
“She was summoning her wings, idiot!” The second captor grabbed her by her ponytail, dragging her back to her feet with one hand and taking the rope binding her with the other. “I told you we should have knocked her out!”
“She’s a daughter of the house of Cherith!” said a third captor. “And the only hope for the Land of Mists! Don’t you think the Draconias have traumatized her enough?!”
Then what the hell do you call this?!
Vidaria suddenly felt a surge of anger rushing like fire through her veins. With all the strength she possessed, she shook her body out of her captor’s grasp. And when he used the rope to yank her back, she sank her fangs as deep as she could into his arm, piercing through his clothing and tearing into his skin. The sudden taste of blood filled her mouth as he shrieked and released the rope in a moment of agony. She spat into the ground to show her contempt as well as to get the bloody taste out of her mouth.
“Your Highness, please!” the fourth captor tried to plead with her. We don’t wish to hurt you; we are trying to save you! You and our kingdom from Draconia tyranny!”
“Fuck being nice! We have a job to do!” The second captor had enough of Vidaria’s resistance and was ready to take a more violent route to achieve their goals. “If she won’t accept her fate, we must force her to!”
With gloved hands, he brandished a pair of large iron chains and lashed them at her, his fatal error. Vidaria jumped back and dodged them with ease, but the sight of the chains caused all the color to train from her face. No, she had seen chains like that before; she could never forget them. In an instant, a flood of horrid memories seized her. Nightmares about a similar encounter in a forest not so unlike this one. A visceral nightmare from her childhood that she wished she could forget and bury in the past forever.
This captor had just signed his death warrant.
She took several steps back and stamped on the ground with all the force her body could muster, the earth responding to her call with intense ferocity. Her captors tried to get closer to her, but she stamped the ground again to increase the magnitude of her quaking spell. Such was the force of her magic that the ground beneath them began to crack.
Her voice was still gone but the fire in her eyes told her captors all they needed to know. The earth fractured and large pieces dropped and crashed along the rocks along the sea. The second captor who had pulled out the iron chains was the first to meet his demise under the crumbling earth, and while his comrades were preoccupied trying to save him while trying not to fall themselves, Vidaria sprinted off in the opposite direction. Back into the forest and back towards NRC.
Even from several meters away, the girls felt the after-tremors of Vidaria’s seismic magic. Yuulan and Taima quickly ducked under bushes, and once the ground settled, Taima pulled out her mirror pendant to contact Iman and the others.
“Did you feel that?!” She asked. “The Isle of Sages never gets earthquakes!”
“I know, me, Dani, and Ione felt it too!” replied Iman. “That’s Vidi’s magic at work!”
“Does that mean she’s still in this area?” Yuulan asked.
“It must mean that, you guys keep searching on your own. We’ll meet up with you soon!”
Just as Iman said this, she saw a bright golden light cut through that heavy fog. Blinking like a beacon, guiding their way. A surge of hope caused Iman’s heart to jump. She grabbed Ione’s hand, pulling her in the direction of the light as Danica followed them.
“She’s here! She’s still here!”
“What a relief!” Ione sighed happily.
“Once we find her, we’ll bring her back to Pomefiore,” said Danica. “Vil thinks we’re rehearsing there late, so no one will know about this.”
Vidaria’s guiding light slowly faded and soon vanished altogether, but they continued to follow its direction. The sky was quickly getting darker but the fog had begun to dissipate, making it a little easier to see where they were going. A loud rustling sound forced them to stop, followed by voices that sounded nearby. They didn’t recognize the voices, nor understand the language they were speaking, but Iman heard Vidaria’s name called and quickly ran ahead.
“Show me Vidi. Where is she?”
Iman whispered to the mirror in her hand. Immediately she was shown an image of her friend cowering in a bunch of bushes, biting at the rope binding her hands. She had a burning feeling that she was nearby and as soon as the thought passed her mind, she heard another rustling sound.
“I feel like she’s close,” Iman communicated to everyone else through the pendant. “Everyone, stay sharp! If she’s really here, that means the mist fae are close too!”
Danica and Ione followed Iman and saw as she crouched into the bushes ahead of them. When Iman didn’t emerge right away, they knew what it meant. Ione came a little closer and in the darkness, could see two shadows in the bushes. They had found their companion.
“Oh, thank Sevens!”
Iman breathed a sigh of relief as she took one of the daggers and cut through the ropes binding her friend. Vidaria smiled but made several wide motions with her mouth. Iman understood and felt around in her pocket before finding the small red panacea tablet and slipped it into her mouth.
“Don’t worry, this will bring your voice back!”
Vidaria swallowed the tablet and wasted no words. “They’re still pursuing me! Please tell me you’re not alone!”
“I’m not. The other swans are with me, Yuulan, too. We’ll get you out of here, so don’t…”
Vidaria quickly shushed her friend by pressing her hands to her mouth. They were close; she could sense them. From the place where they hid, she and Iman could see two figures coming towards them. Her heart stopped, but she gave a silent sigh of relief when she realized it was just Danica and Ione. Iman was about to call them over, but Vidaria's grip tightened on her arm, directing her attention elsewhere.
Danica and Ione stayed close, frequently brushing hands against each other so neither would get lost. Ione thought she heard Iman’s voice, but before she could act on it, she felt someone tap on her shoulder. And the quick squeeze Danica gave her hand told Ione that it wasn’t her.
That’s when her eyes immediately locked with Iman’s, seeing through her and Vidaria’s hiding spot. Ione swallowed a gasp as Iman’s eyes warned her of a presence lingering just beyond her peripheral vision. She silently begged her not to accidentally betray them. And whatever courage she had gained during the training camp, she would need every ounce of it now.
“Who are you?” Ione turned to the fae towering above them, already knowing the answer. Her voice was shaky as she tried to take on an imperious air similar to Iman. “You aren’t a faculty member. What are you doing on school grounds?”
“Greetings, humans,” he replied with an air of nonchalance.  “I am searching for someone, and my search has brought me…”
“That doesn’t answer my question!” Ione cut him off. “Who are you? And how did you get past the school gates?”
“I came through the school gates the same way you two did,” he replied, forcing a smile.
“You came through the gates?” Ione raised her eyebrow, “In spite of the fact that the gates leading into NRC are protected by magic?”
“ Magic known only to our headmage? ” Danica added, joining in on the ruse. “We take it Crowley is aware of your presence then?”
“Ah, yes, Dire Crowley!” The fae grinned. “Indeed I am…visiting him. We are old friends.”
“Hmph, well, in that case, you have no reason to be wandering the woods like you are.” Ione asserted, though her nerves tingled with anticipation.
“And what about you, humans?” The fae asked slyly. “Are you not doing the same? What are two hapless humans like yourselves doing all alone on a winter evening like this?” He looked around them, noticing how Ione and Danica’s eyes kept shifting to the bushes where their companions hid. "Hmm, perhaps 'alone' isn't the most accurate term..."
“Uhhh…I…we…ummm,” Ione suddenly hesitated. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Iman and Vidaria slowly moving out of their hiding place. She took a deep breath; she only had to continue this charade a few moments longer. “Sir, we are NRC students. We are far from hapless! And unlike you, we actually belong here!”
“But you’re right about it being cold,” said Danica. “We’ll take you to the headmage now if you wish.”
“After all, for someone claiming to be visiting him, you’re pretty far from his office!”
Ione did not wait for him to reply before boldly grabbing his hand to pull him away from the bushes. The fae humored her and allowed her to lead him further away but his senses remained locked onto the bushes, looking for any hint that something might be amiss.
“He’s still looking this way,” Iman whispered to Vidaria. “We might have no choice but to bolt.”
“But Sister…”
“It’s four of us and one of him, and Yuulan and Taima are around here too!”
“Yeah! You guys can’t hide here forever!”
Grim emerged from behind them, scaring them both. His loud tone more frightening than the fact he had snuck up on them. He would surely give them away if he didn’t lower it.
“Hush, you blasted cat!” Iman hissed. “We’re hiding from Vidaria’s kidnappers! Why isn’t Yuulan with you?!”
“I told you I’m not a cat!”
“I knew you were hiding something from me!”
They had been discovered. And just like that, the two other fae suddenly emerged, one from the bushes and another from up in the trees. This had been a trap all along. The one following Ione yanked her away from him but Ione, in a fit of boldness, jumped in front of him. He smacked her to the ground but she quickly got back up, summoning her pen.
“How dare you?!” Ione ran after him.
“Out of my way, human!”
He chased Iman and Vidaria, but they had begun running off in the opposite direction. Grim was lagging behind them and tried to create a diversion by summoning a wall of blue flames. His fiery magic separated the girls from the fae but also encircled them and prevented further running. They screamed.
“Ha! Try getting through that?!”  The cat smirked with satisfaction.
“Damnit Grim! We’re trapped!” shouted Vidaria.
“Yeah, but he mist fae can’t get to you now! And…MYRAH?! What the…”
“Hmph, pathetic.” The fae sneered when he made the flames vanish with the wave of his hand. Grim’s smug look quickly melted. “Such unrefined magic.”
“And such futile efforts,” as the flames faded, the other two fae appeared and one grabbed Vidaria’s arm. “Playtime is over, Your Highness! You’re coming with us now!”
“I think not!”
With the force of a strong and violent gale, Taima and Yuulan arrived on the scene, ready to defend their friends. Ione and Danica had caught up to them as well, and Iman and Vidaria took the opportunity to run back toward the campus. One of the fae gave chase to them, but Grim jumped up on his head and began viciously biting at his face.
“Uh…at least he’s enthusiastic.”
Yuulan couldn’t help but giggle at her feline companion’s antics, even as her heart trembled at the sight of the imposing second fae in front of her, Danica and Ione. She took a deep breath and, for good measure, retrieved the dagger concealed in her jacket pocket.
“I don’t know what you want with Vidaria and frankly I don’t even care!”
“Don’t make her use that!" Danica warned. “Cause what happens next will be on you!”
“You wanna take Vidaria, you’ll have to walk over our coffins first!” Added Ione.
“Damn, Ione, that’s pretty hardcore!” Yuulan grinned.
“Uhh, not really. I just thought you guys sounded cool and I wanted to sound cool too,”  Ione admitted with a sheepish smile.
“Silence! We’ve had enough of this!” The second fae pulled out a large magipen of the likes neither had seen before. “As for walking over your coffins, keep standing in our way, and there won’t be anything left of you to bury!”
The girls squeezed hands, and Ione and Danica put themselves in front of Yuulan, the only magic users of the three. With one fae occupied with Grim and the other fighting Yuulan, Ione, Danica, Iman, and Vidaria watched from a distance. Vidaria wanted to help them, but one look at her very blotted magipen quickly made her forget that idea. She was already very distressed and didn’t want her unstable magic to cause unintended damage.
They decided to run back to campus as soon as they could, but when they finally decided to make a run for it, the third of the fae tried to block them. Taima immediately came to their aid, grabbing him by the waist. Despite being much taller than her, she was able to quickly drag him to the ground, a useful skill from her martial arts training. He engaged with her but called out a warning to his comrades.
“Don’t let Princess Vidaria escape!” Getting back on his feet and glaring down at Taima. “And you! Stay out of our way, and you won’t be hurt!”
“Ha! Implying you can hurt me!”
She cloaked herself in a protective whirlwind that prevented the fae from getting too close to her. As they fought, she held in her hand one of the iron daggers. When her shield began to fade, he grabbed her by one of her pigtails, and she immediately slashed at his arm. He jumped back, grabbing his arm, and Taima took advantage of his current state to deliver another kick to his skull, leaving him sprawled on the forest floor.  
“Now, Dani! While they’re all occupied! Use your unique magic!”
Danica closed her eyes and sang out an incantation that, if done correctly, would render the fae unconscious and stripped of magic.
“Silenced to my whim, enchanted to your ruin. A cursed serenade, my beloved…”
The fae fighting Grim finally managed to yank him off her face, throwing him against a nearby tree and knocking him out. He grabbed Danica by her hair, throwing her against a tree before she could finish her spell.      
Yuulan screamed and went to pick Grim up and make sure he was alright. Holding his unconscious body and seeing the fae approach Danica while she was struggling to stand enraged her. She quickly got back up.
“Ione, hold Grim, give him a potion to help him wake up,” she said before taking out her dagger again and calling out to Taima. “Get him!”
At once, they charged him, sinking their daggers into his back. He screeched loudly, loud enough to deafen them, and turned to Yuulan, smacking her to the ground.
“Feckless, human bitch!” His grip tightened around her neck. “Your end is here!”
Taima helped Danica up, and they tried to help her, but the other two fae blocked them. Yuulan tried her best to break free, but she quickly became lightheaded as she struggled for air. Her eyes became heavy, and soon, she couldn’t feel anything as her vision went black.
“MYRAH?! Oh no!” Grim had regained consciousness and gasped at what he saw. “Yuulan! No! He’s going to kill her! Ione, we gotta do something!”
But Ione stood frozen, terrified at what she was seeing. She knew fighting fae would be far from simple, but it astonished her how quickly everything was going wrong. Their magic was on a whole different level, even compared to the third-year students, and she briefly wondered if she could ever acquire enough magical skills to be even half as proficient. Looking around her, she saw that Iman and Vidaria were nowhere to be seen, and she prayed that they had somehow made it to safety.
Yuulan…he’s choking…no! He’s going to kill Yuulan! But what can I do? I can’t fight him! I’m not strong enough! No! I’m never strong enough! Worthless weed! Worthless weed!
Ione was weak, she was awkward, and her existence in this world had only ever brought others misery or cruel amusement. She was the weakest member of Danica’s VDC team and she had been powerless all of her life. She wasn’t like the others, she wasn’t stylish and she wasn’t cool and she certainly wasn’t strong. And on top of all of that, she was apparently stupid because here she was, watching one of her classmates being choked out and all she was doing was standing there, stupefied and afraid.
Yuulan is going to die! Worthless weed! Worthless weed!
She squeezed her eyes shut as they overflowed with frightened, angry tears. No, she couldn’t let this happen. She wouldn’t let this happen. Ione refused to be a worthless weed any longer.
Worthless weed! Worthless…
She screamed, dropping Grim, as her entire body felt as if it were ablaze. Something strong and powerful was coursing through her, magical energy unlike any she had ever felt before. It was pulsing and relentless, demanding she act on it.
Several large roots unearthed themselves as she spoke these words, grabbing Yuulan’s assailant and his companions. Yuulan was released and she immediately began gasping for air as Grim gaped at her and Ione.
“Ione! How are you doing that?!”
“I don’t know!”
“What?! What’s this?!” The fae seemed just as shocked and confused by Ione’s sudden newfound sorcery as Ione was summoning it. “Unhand us! Vile roots!”
But the roots would not relent and Ione quickly abandoned her shock at what she had done and began using it to her advantage. She pointed at the fae with murderous intent and more roots answered her call, coiling around them like large snakes.
I don’t know how I’m doing this, but it doesn’t matter now!
With her fears melted away and her confidence in full bloom, Ione directed the roots around their necks. And with incredible force, the roots dragged the fae screaming and thrashing, squeezing tighter around them. They would soon get a taste of what they had just put Yuulan through.
“Choke them! Strangle them! See to it that they never try to harm Vidaria again!” Ione spoke to the roots, demanding them to destroy the fae, and giggled as she saw them fall under the influence of her new, spectacular magic. The others watched her with equal parts surprise and awe. “I told you to leave us alone! What happens next is wholly on you!”
Soon enough, the fae were rendered unconscious and the roots released them, leaving them on the ground lifeless and limp. Grim cautiously threaded over to them, smacking them with his tail to ensure they were not responsive, and grinned when he realized they weren’t.
“That was awesome!” He shrieked. “So, awesome! Ione! I never knew you had magic like that!”
“N…neither did I…” Ione replied, down from her powerful high and gazing at the result of her magic. “What…how did I…”
“You can contemplate that later!”
Iman and Vidaria had stayed close to keep the fae away from the campus. Now they reappeared to reunite with their friends.
“That was amazing!” Vidaria smiled. “Thank you, Ione. Whatever magic you now have at your disposal, at that moment, it was our salvation.”
“Never in my life did I imagine you’d have it in you, Wallflower!” Iman grinned. “And the way you spoke to them! That was so courageous! I told you, you have a lot more to give and for once, you gave a thousand percent to this situation!”
“Come on, guys!” Danica started heading toward the campus, looking over her shoulder at everyone else. “Let’s get out of here before they regain consciousness—if they regain consciousness!”
“She’s right,” Taima said, following behind her. The others soon followed suit. “Let’s get back to Pomefiore.”
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Danica brewed some of the herbal tea Violetta had given her and offered it to Vidaria. She drank it slowly, breathing deeply in and out as her mind and body left survivor mode and she realized that she was truly out of danger. Soon enough, the blots on her green magestone faded, and they would all be safe.
“I’m sorry, everyone,” she said. “Forgive me for putting you all in such a harrowing situation. It was bad enough that Iman had to endure that over winter break. But to involve you all… no one should have to face what I've endured.”
“You’re talking about this like this was your fault,” replied Taima. “From what Iman told us, you’ve been dealing with terrorists from your homeland for years.”
“It’s my fault for trying to come back to Ramshackle on my own,” Vidaria shook her head. “I went back to Diasomnia with no trouble, but Malleus…he…we got in a quarrel with Lilia because I gave my VDC passes to Silver and not him. Malleus also wasn’t too keen on me being in the VDC either so this just made him even more upset and in a fit of frustration, I ran out of the dorm and wasn’t even thinking! I just wanted to get out of there! I wasn’t thinking, I wasn’t thinking at all!”
Iman could see the tears coming, and she placed her arm around her friend. It was all too much for Vidaria, and she quickly buried her face in Iman’s chest, weeping as Iman stroked her hair.
“It’s alright, Vidi. Everything’s alright. You’re safe now.”
“No! I’m not! This is only going to continue until I marry him!” she looked up at her friend with glittering eyes. “And who knows? This may even continue well until our coronation! I’ll never be safe! Never!”
“Vidaria,” Ione cautiously spoke up. “Why would those fae not want you to marry Malleus Draconia? I thought he was crazy-powerful. Wouldn’t it be good for your kingdom too to have a…”
“Ione, hush!” Iman hissed, not wanting to see her friend further distressed. But Vidaria gazed at Ione with sympathy.
“It’s a very long story, but the short version is this: a long time ago, our kingdoms were at war. But once they came to a stalemate, it was decided that the eldest princess of one of the kingdoms would marry the eldest prince of the other, thus uniting them. And that prince and princess are…”
“You and Malleus…” Danica sighed. “Yes, we understand now.”
“But there are some in my kingdom who reject peace. They think they can still defeat the Draconias, and so every few months, they try to use me as leverage to end the current ceasefire. I have to be under constant guard because of it! I can never be alone, I can never travel without escorts, I can never be normal!”
“So that’s why Lilia wanted the Diasomnia students to stay here,” Taima said. “To protect Vidaria.”
“It gets so tiring!” Vidaria suddenly exclaimed with fresh new tears. “For as long as I can remember, I’ve been trapped in this arrangement with Malleus, unable to do anything about it lest more blood be shed between our nations! I wanted to join the VDC because I thought it would be fun and maybe, just maybe, I could have the experience of a normal girl! But I couldn’t even have that without them targeting me! It’s a nightmare I’ll never wake from and what’s worse, there’s another person I want to marry, and guess what? It’s not Malleus Draconia!”
“WHAT?!” Iman gazed at her friend with shock. “Vidi! You never told me…”
“What is there to tell? It doesn’t matter anyway! He’s a human, for one, and whatever my feelings are on the matter, I have to marry Malleus to keep peace between the fae nations! The fact that I’m in love with another counts for nothing!”
“But what about Malleus?” Yuulan asked. “It might be possible that Malleus loves someone else too. Couldn’t your two kingdoms come to some kind of understanding that doesn’t involve a marriage of state?”
“I don’t know what is in Malleus’ heart,” said Vidaria. “But he is not in mine, and sadly, this situation is past the negotiation point. I will be the next queen of Briar Valley, and I am powerless to change that.”
Danica had been listening to Vidaria’s lament but had little to say. Instead, she listened and began to wonder why Sidonie hated her so much. Vidaria was in a remarkable situation that she probably did not ask for, and she couldn’t help but feel sympathetic. Her admission of feeling powerless made Danica further wonder if they were really so different after all.
“You’ve gone through so much,” she went on. “But the fact that you are still here is a testament to your strength, Vidaira. You’re far from powerless.”
“I wish I could believe that,” Vidaria sniffed, wiping her face with her sleeve. “I gave up believing I was strong a long time ago. What I am is stubborn. I don't want to die. I still wish to live even when it’s painful. That’s not strength.”
“Yes it is!” Taima said. “Cause it means you haven’t been broken yet! It means you can’t be broken!”
“For once, I agree with Taima,” Iman nodded, giving Vidaria another hug. “Vidi, you are one of the strongest beings I’ve ever known, person or fae. And you can’t let those bastards take that from you.”
“We shouldn’t let anyone take that from us,” Danica sighed. “You aren’t powerless, Vidaria; none of us are. We all worked together to help you, and Ione realized her UM. We aren’t powerless.”
“My UM?” Ione looked up at Danica. “UM? You mean…my…my…unique…”
“It’s the only thing that it could be,” Danica replied with a little smile. “Congratulations, Ione. You’ve found your unique magic!”
“WHAT?!” Ione’s jaw dropped, looking at her magipen and then at her companions. “My unique magic?! Really?! I…I…”
“Yeah!” Iman grinned. “Way to go, Wallflower! You’re already ahead of more than half of the freshman!”
“And even some of the sophomores,” Vidaria smiled in spite of herself. “I haven’t discovered my unique magic yet either.”
“I can’t believe it!” In an excited fit of frenzy, Ione began jumping up and down, saying it over and over again. “My unique magic! My unique magic!”
The others congratulated Ione and for the first time since they began the VDC training camp weeks ago, Danica could see true camaraderie between her teammates. They had come together to help Vidaria, set aside their differences, and now they were truly getting along. Even with all that happened that day between her and Vil, she couldn’t help but feel a giddy sense of joy. And at that moment, she was feeling extremely bold.
“We can come together when we need to,” she said. “And when we do, we can do incredible things.”
“We are all pretty incredible. Aren’t we?” Taima smiled. “All of us, even Iman!”
“What’s THAT supposed to mean?!” Iman asked, laughing.
“But we should all be as incredible as we can possibly be,” Danica continued, with a little sigh. “And we shouldn’t have to hold back how incredible we are, not for anything, or…anyone.”
“Hmmm?” Taima noticed the look in her friends’ eyes and her interest was piqued. “What do you mean, Dani?”
“I’m done hiding, no more hiding!” With new confidence, she stood up and called for everyone’s attention. “Guys, there is something important I need to tell you all. It’s about our performance for the VDC.”
“We’re listening, Danica,” said Ione.
“First, I want to apologize to Iman. She was right when she implied I wrote our song because of Vil-san. I did, and the lyrics reflected how I felt about him at the time.”
“No need to apologize, Danica,” Iman smiled. “It’s been two years now, I’m sure your feelings have matured. Now that you’re older and you know him personally.”
“Were, not are,” Danica admitted somberly. “What my feelings were. But after today, after several weeks, I don’t know if I can honestly say I still have those feelings anymore.”
“Vil-san has been pretty hard on you,” Taima said. “And half of the time, he’s mean to you for things that aren’t even your fault. I feel like if he knew how deeply you cared for him, he would try to be nicer.”
“Weather he would or not is no longer relevant,” shaking her head. “Whatever you guys think of Sidonie, she has been my biggest support in Pomefiore. Forcing her off the team was the final straw for me. I can’t abide by his wishes anymore in good conscious.”
“What were his wishes?” Iman asked.
Danica hesitated. She felt her heart beginning to race as she thought about how to answer. She was standing at a crossroads now and very close to a point she would not be able to return from. The river’s current was flowing fast and unrelenting, and what she said next could very well determine whether she would find her way to safety or drown altogether.
You cannot fight the current, cherie. And you cannot fight what you truly know in your heart to be right.
What I know in my heart to be right…yes…what I know to be right…
“I…I’m not sure I can explain this in words,” she said at last. “I think it’s better if I just show you, and then you guys can decide if you agree with me.”
Thankfully, Farron was still awake and was more than happy to let Danica into his studio so she could retrieve what she was looking for and make quick alterations.
“Farron, before you return to your room, do you mind coming into the ballroom with me? I want you to be there when I show this to the others, but I also want to ask you something afterward.”
“Oh? Is it something you can’t ask me right now?” He asked as he removed the last few pins.
“No, but you’ll understand when we go to the ballroom.”
Farron thought this odd, but cheerfully took Danica’s hand as they walked back to the ballroom where Yuulan, Grim, and her four remaining teammates were waiting for her. Immediately, Iman gasped as her eyes took in the stunning black stage outfit Danica was wearing. Taima squealed with delight, reaching out to touch the black feathers adorning the bodice, and Vidaria and Ione also made their approval very clear.
“Such a beautiful dress,” said Vidaria. “Elegant and sleek, I love it!”
“Me too!” added Ione. “I’m not sure I would be able to wear something like that, but it suits you very well, Danica!”
“See? Why can’t we wear something like this for the VDC?” Iman asked. “I love this a thousand times more than what we’re currently wearing!”
“Farron is an amazing tailor, no doubt!” Vidaria agreed, “But I feel like that is more suited to our style. Our song, maybe not, but if we were…”
“That’s the point!” Danica cut her off.
“Originally, Danica had a whole different song in mind for the VDC,” Farron explained, smoothing out the fabric of her skirt. “And together, we designed this outfit to match.”
“Well okay then!” Iman nodded. “Why couldn’t we do that song?”
Danica sighed, her face flushing warm with a mix of embarrassment and fear.
“For that song, Taima and I also created choreography to accompany it. I showed some of it to Vil-san, and he hated it. Well, hate might be too strong a word, but he certainly disapproved. He said it was too sexy, and he didn’t want me to be provocative on stage.”
“Seriously?! So that’s why we’re stuck with what we have now?! Because Vil-san was afraid of OTHERS slut-shaming us?! What you’re wearing is not even all that racy!”
“It’s more flirtatious than provocative!” added Vidaria. “But flirtatious doesn’t always mean trashy!”
“He didn’t even want us to be flirtatious!” Danica sighed. “He compared this situation to the black and white swan and how I needed to remain a white one. He said we should all be sweet and graceful white swans instead of alluring and bold black swans. He’s worried if we…no…if I were too provocative, public perception of me would vilify me as a black swan forever. And I would never be able to break from that role or be anything else.”
“Oh, Cygnet…”
This was the first time Farron heard any of this. While it initially surprised him when Vil told him to design a whole new outfit for Danica, he had no idea how deeply this all ran. In her eyes, he saw sadness and the inner conflict of someone creative being forced to be something they weren’t—a conflict he knew all too well. He softly placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her while the others listened. But Iman let out a loud scoff.
“Merciful sands, I thought we as a society had progressed past such ideas!” she said.
“What do you mean?” Danica asked.
“Where I’m from, the only people who still cling to such backward ideas are bitter old men way past their glory days!” she went on. “I’ve heard some of the things Vil has said about gender, so I thought he’d be above such ideas too!”
“It does seem a tad unfair,” Ione admitted. “Even though I like our song and costumes, it seems hypocritical considering the boys definitely look sexy when they perform together.”
“It IS unfair!” Taima added. “And it IS hypocritical! No one is gonna bat an eye at what our boys do! Hell, no one bats an eye at what other boy groups do on stage either, and sometimes they can get very raunchy!”
“But sevens forbid we want to be a little coquettish,” Vidaria rolled her eyes. Humans never cease to amuse me with their stupidity sometimes. Why should we have to tailor ourselves based on what stupid people think?!”
“YES! RIGHT ON THE NOSE!” Danica jumped. “That’s EXACTLY what I’ve been thinking since we’ve begun this training camp! I knew from the beginning what I wanted for us! I trust Vil-san, I listen to him for the most part, but this never sat right with me! You know, in ballet, the white and black swans are usually danced by the SAME woman! Why should I have to be one or the other?!”
“You SHOULDN’T have to!” Iman affirmed. “That’s the point!”
“None of you have a say over what you’re doing, what you’re singing, or even what you’re wearing!” Yuulan shook her head. “If you ask me, that is true powerlessness.”
“Well, I’m sick of it! I’ve done everything Vil-san has asked of me, but he still doesn’t see how hard I’m working! He doesn’t understand! And even if…” Danica stopped herself to bite back a few tears. “Even if my feelings were recuperated, it wouldn’t matter because in the end, the black swan is the villainous foil to the white one. And only a white swan is worthy of the love of a prince.”
“I don’t believe that,” Taima said. “And if you ask me, Vil-san has been far from princely! You clearly care about him and yet he can’t even trust you to give the performance you want! You deserve better than this, Dani!”
“The more you all talk, the more I’m inclined to think we should change our VDC performance to be more like what we ALL really want!” Iman replied.
“There is just one issue,” Danica sighed. “We have literally eleven days before the VDC and if learning new lyrics and choreography weren’t enough…” She turned to Farron, who was looking at her with concern. “We wouldn’t be the only ones who would have to work together on this. So sadly, I don’t think…”
“I’m going to stop you right there, Cygnet,” Farron said, taking her hand. “Let me tell you something that Vil said to me during my freshman year. He told me, when something calls to you, you can never forget it. No matter how hard you try, you will be compelled to answer that call sooner or later.”
He gently squeezed her hand. “You are an amazing performer; you have a clear vision of what you need to do to win the VDC. Vil means well, but this time, he’s clearly in the wrong, and I can’t ignore how unfair he’s been to you. I will help you in whatever way I can.”
“But Farron…”
“All my work for the film research club is finished for the time being and anything that comes up, I can just give it to the other freshman.”
“And I’ll help him!” Yuulan stood up. “My sewing skills still need work, but Farron has been helping me improve so it’s only right I return the favor!”
“Thank you, Yuulan,” Farron smiled. “See, Cygnet? Yuulan and I will create new outfits for your black swan quintet. Outfits that will be just as gorgeous as yours!”
“Black Swan Quintet…” Danica smiled. Yes, it was a fitting name. She couldn’t have thought of a better one herself. “Yes, Black Swan Quintet! That’s what we’ll be from now on!”
“So…does this mean what I think it means?” Ione asked.
“Yes, Ione,” Danica grinned, her power having returned at long last.
“We are changing our performance! We aren’t even going to tell Vil-san about it! He will find out the day of, and by then, it will be too late to turn back! We’re still going to win the VDC, but we’re going to win on my own terms! In my own way!”
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It had been an eventful day, far more than any of the girls had anticipated. They returned to Ramshakle with exhaustion weighing on them like heavy cloaks. As Danica reached the door of her room, a familiar presence stopped her. She turned to Vil, an unreadable expression etched across his fair features.
“Where have you been?” he asked, in a tone more concerned than irritated. Still, Danica fought the learned urge to flinch under his scrutiny.
“Look, I’m sorry we came back late,” she said. “But we were…”
“Late?” Vil interjected. “More than late; it’s nearly midnight! I tried calling you several times but received no answer!”
“I’m sorry. My phone must have died. But we had to rehearse late. After all,” Danica had been avoiding his gaze but now looked up at him with weary indignation. “Our performance for the headmage was lackluster today, as you put it.”
Vil recalled his words and felt a sharp pang of guilt. Such harshness was unnecessary, and he acknowledged it to himself. Even if he remained as stoic as ever. He signed.
“Well, the boys have already eaten and gone to bed. You should have been back earlier. Proper rest and sustenance are as crucial to rehearsing as rehearsing itself.”
Danica swallowed her frustration, nodding in agreement. But she noticed how his reprimand lacked its usual sharpness, a subtle indication of his underlying concern. She silently acknowledged it, but her pride prevented her from commenting. Instead, she turned away from him. But as she turned the knob of her door, Vil stopped her again, gently tapping on the side of her forehead.
“What’s this?” he asked, referring to a scratch on her forehead, an injury sustained during Vidaria’s rescue. This time, his concern was evident in his tone, but Danica brushed it off with another lie.
“It’s just a scratch. I wasn’t paying attention and bumped into a sharp branch. It will be gone by the VDC.”
Vil sensed there was more to the story, but he chose not to press further. He could feel the chill in her tone, a reflection of his own coldness towards her.
“I shouldn’t have yelled at you earlier,” he said. “I realize Sidonie’s sudden departure fractured your progress today. That wasn’t your fault, and I shouldn’t have…”
“Then you should have thought about that before getting rid of her!” Danica retorted sharply. Despite her exhaustion, her anger was evident, and Vil knew he had no right to defend himself. Not yet, anyway.
“We’ll discuss this further after your final evaluation,” was all that he said in response, his tone softer than ever. “Goodnight, Danica. Try to get some rest.”
She did not respond with words, merely nodding as she closed the door behind her. Despite the thaw in Vil’s demeanor, she remained unmoved. And she greatly looked forward to unveiling the Black Swan Quintet at the VDC,  eager to see Vil’s reaction to her newfound power.
In truth, Vil was too preoccupied with his own thoughts to really give any extra to what was quickly happening right under his nose. About an hour later, Danica sent out a text to her teammates, beckoning her to come to her room. Once they were all gathered, she played Guilty Kiss for them for the first time. If they had been eager for change before, they were positively ecstatic now, enthralled by the infectious electro beat and profound lyrics.
“I’m going to change a few of the lyrics around, but the melody will stay mostly the same," she explained. I wrote this song during winter break when I was…feeling guilty about feeling attracted to someone.” A soft red tint came to her face. “Someone I felt guilty about desiring.”
Iman's teasing glance prompted a blush from Danica. “Not about Vil,” she clarified. “But I think this will be about Vil now, the lyrics, I mean. Before, this song was about guilty physical attraction. Now it will be about guilty love. Caring for someone who continues to hurt you over and over again.”
“Oh, Dani…” Taima sighed sadly.
“Guilty feelings,” mused Ione.
“A guilty heart,” Vidaria added.
“Guilty heart…” Danica repeated Vidaria’s words, a new grin spreading across her face. “Yes! Perfect! Guilty Heart! That will be the new title!”
The following morning, after the boys left for rehearsal and they were alone, Danica showed off some of the dance moves she and Taima had come up with for the song. Iman was thrilled. Vidaria and Ione on the other hand were warier but Danica assured them that she would tailor their performance to suit each of them and that they would mostly have to focus on singing.
“I believe Iman, Taima, and I are the best dancers in our group anyway,” she told them. “So I think we will have the most intense choreography and what I give you guys to do will still be lovely but not as involved.”
After weeks of dancing and learning to dance, it was surprisingly easy for everyone to shift to the new choreography Danica made for them. And there was something to be said about how their new enthusiasm made learning their new performance all the easier. For the first time in weeks, Danica was beginning to truly feel confident again in what she was doing.
Meanwhile, Farron and Yuulan worked on the new costumes. It was easier to do this since Farron’s studio was off-limits to most other students, and Vil was out of the dorm most of the day except for rehearsal with the NRC Tribe. And when Vil was around, they simply placed their work back in the closet away from sight, going right back to their work the second he was gone.
“Such a shame, though,” Farron said to Danica one day during a fitting for Vidaria’s costume. “I do like the white costumes I made, even if you guys don’t end up using them.”
“Honestly, I like them too,” Danica admitted. “I just don’t like what they’ve come to represent. But maybe once this is all over and done with, we can find a use for them. Maybe for next year’s VDC if we decide on a sweeter performance concept.” She giggled. “Wouldn’t that be rather ironic?”
“I think as long as it’s something you actually want, it shouldn’t matter what your concept is.” Yuulan chimed in. “Who cares if it’s ironic?”
“Well said, Yuulan.” Vidaria smiled, looking at herself in the full mirror and admiring her new costume. “But I really love this dress, and I hope…” quietly. I hope he likes how I look, too.”
“Oh?” Danica looked up at her. “Who? You don’t mean Malleus-sama do you?”
“I don’t,” Vidaria winked. “But that’s a secret only for me!”
The hardest part of this transition was that they were still expected to continue practicing their original performance. Since Vil still had no idea of what was going on, and Danica wished to keep him in the dark, they still devoted time to perfecting their original performance. Even if they practiced Guilty Heart for two hours, they still devoted at least the same amount of time to Our Happily Ever After . This was especially important since Vil would soon be giving them one final evaluation before the VDC, and a lot was riding on this one. If Vil could be satisfied with their performance, then it was likely he would let Danica off the hook and no longer be as involved in their progress. Making their ruse easier to pull off.
That evaluation finally came a few days later when Vil gathered the girls in the Pomefiore ballroom to see their progress. They were fully dressed in their white costumes and in spite of practicing two very different songs at the same time, they were determined to pass their final evaluation. And Danica was determined that after today, she would never sing Our Happily Ever After again.
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morgluvsconnie · 1 month
VOW, a.arlert
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↜ CHAP.3 / not proof read yet! fluff, mild language :) / CHAP.4
A/N / HEYYY um this week been long asf & i’ve been so busy 😭 but this chapter is just calm and nice yk? updating friday as a bonus bcus i won’t be able to finish the chapter tonight, enjoy!
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“i just don’t think she like me.”
you mumbled to sasha while sitting in the bleachers. you watched as the boys practiced for an upcoming basketball game.
“she just acts like that because eren was looking at you.”
“he don’t like me either.”
“eren would fuck a leaf if it had a pussy. he likes everything and everyone.” sasha looked at an assignment she decided to do early.
you stared at the basketball players practicing, just now realizing armin said he played. it took you by surprise for just a second, even though he told you only a few days ago.
and talking about the situation with sasha was late, simply because you didn’t wanna remind yourself of how embarrassing it was to be around new people.
crossing your legs, you watched as the basketball coach spoke to armin, seeing him pinch his practice jersey and pull on it a few times.
some of his hairs sticking to his forehead as he looked around at the rest of the players. eren too, on the other side of the court, putting his shoes on while he sat on the ground.
“how long he been playin?” you asked sasha.
she finally looked up after some seconds of focusing on her laptop. “who, eren?”
“no. armin.”
“you’re obsessed.”
you scoffed. “i just wanna know.” you leaned back against the stands behind you. “‘s not like i like him.”
“but you like him.” she raised a brow.
you tilted your head side to side, thinking. “i like him. as a friend.”
sasha put her laptop to the side and sat up, turning towards you and crossing her arms. you sighed at her obvious body language. “now he’s your friend. thought you hated everyone there but jean and ony?” she smiled.
you sighed loudly, waiting for her to answer your previous question.
as sasha caught on, she smacked her lips and grabbed her laptop, “ion know, ask him.”
quickly shaking your head, you looked back down at armin. “we don’t talk like that.”
“you can’t ask a simple question?” sasha squinted in genuine confusion. you took a deep breath in and continued to watch armin with an exhale. “gonna make it seem like i wanna get to know him.”
“you don’t?”
you looked at sasha with an ‘obviously’ type of look and she hummed. “well to be honest, i don’t know. probably since middle school?” she shrugged, moving her attention to armin.
“eren started like two years ago but he was too busy with football for it.”
you looked over to eren, who’d looked up after a few seconds and glanced at you. you rolled your eyes as you saw him walk over to armin, who was having a water break, and point at you with a grin.
armin scanned the bleachers before finally spotting you, smiling and pointing before waving.
you raised your brows with a light smile and tilted your head to greet him back.
“oh yeah, did i tell you annie’s his ex?”
“annie?” you frowned in disbelief, looking at sasha. sasha sucked in air between her teeth and cringed. “ah, yeah. she’s shady as fuck when it comes to armin. and if you get close enough…” she pursed her lips together, hinting what would happen.
“i really don’t care.” you shrugged while shaking your head. “like i said, it’s not like i want him. just tryna be friends is all.”
“you just said he wasn’t your friend.” sasha widened her eyes with a smile. “see? you like him.”
after a long debate, and a moment of an awkward silence as sasha waited for you to explain why you wanted to be his friend, it was time to go.
you grabbed your bag and made your way down the steps.
your movements halted when you heard your name being called, you and sasha looking back to see who it was.
and to your surprise, “shut up sasha.” eren nudged sasha’s arm, making her frown and push him back. their bickering was completely ignored by you and armin, who’d walked out of the gym with you.
“i never seen you in there before.” he looked down at you, wiping his sweat and downing a bottle of water.
“she insisted.” you looked at sasha who walked a few feet in front of both of you, beside eren.
“bet she did.” armin pulled out his phone and went to the camera to fix his hair. “was hoping…” he flicked a strand. “…you came to see me practice.” he mumbled.
as armin held the door for you, you both walked to the exit of the campus.
you laughed softly, “if you asked.”
armin smiled, scratching his head. “well, since youn wanna watch me practice, come to my game tomorrow.”
raising a brow, you looked at him. “you want me to?”
he made an “ehhh” sound and nodded. “i’ll play better if you come. if ion got support ima start slacking.” he admitted, but you just shook your head.
“ion know.”
considering you’d just met him, there’s no possible way he was saying all this right now and actually meaning it, not just to flatter you.
“you good.” he looked up at you from his phone and put it in his pocket. looking around, he put his hands in his pockets. “you stay around here?”
you nodded, looking at the houses you passed.
“me too.”
“so the friend group does stay on the same block.”
“only me, you, and eren.” armin laughed lightly and glanced at you. it went silent, the only sound being your shoes rubbing against the sidewalk with every few steps.
swallowing, armin bit his top lip, looking at you again like he was remembering something. looking down and too the side, armin clears his throat.
“live wit parents?”
“you blushing?”
armin frowned into a confused expression and stared at you for a moment. “what?” he turned towards you, giving you a clearer view of his face.
“your face—its pink.” you explained, examining his face.
and it was pink, just as said. from the bottom of the outter corner of his left eye, to the outter corner of his right. his ears were a hue of light pink.
you started to smile into a laugh.
armin just stayed silent and scrunched his nose up at you, looking at the pavement silently. “ion know what you talkin bout.” he kicked a small pebble.
it came to your realization that the sun was setting, and the pink shade on his face only showed up because of that.
the orange light from the setting sun made his face pink.
armin, coming to the realization of what you’d noticed, turned away and started to walk, you, talking a couple quick steps to catch up to him.
“and yeah, i do live wit my parents.” you answered his previous question, which he’d forgotten all about.
as he nodded slowly, he spoke, “me too. well, my dad.”
you raised your eyebrows and looked at him. “‘s it fun? where’s mom?”
getting caught a little off guard by your choice of wording when it came to mentioning his mom, he just shrugged quickly, as if he knew you’d ask the question.
“it’s… shit, ion know. it’s cool.” he looked up to the sky. “like…” he started, trying to explain, but you stopped him in his steps with a grab to the forearm.
“my stop.” you jutted your head towards your house.
“oh, shit.” he laughed before exhaling. “about that game.”
“still don’t know.”
“let me know.”
“no number.” you paused. “well, i’ll tell sasha. she’ll tell you, i hope.”
armins hand paused on his phone that rested in his pocket. “oh. yeah, okay.” he rubbed his arm with a groan. “ima see you tomorrow, if you come to the game.”
you glanced back at your house before looking up at armin.
“i’ll be there.”
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fezho · 3 years
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Home | Fexi
Summary: Lexi goes to visit Fez a while after the store incident. And it hits off from there.
A/N: this series just spun out of some posts I’ve made on here, it was going to be a one shot but after some comments asked me to continue I just went a head and wrote this. Idk it’s awful but I want more interactions and cute shit and since Sam ain’t giving anything imma make my own crap up lol enjoy! Forgive any mistakes lol
Warnings: swearing, lol, drug use/talk etc, anything you’d expect from Fez/Ash/Lexi etc it will probs show up
Chapter 1: Could Just Peddle Away…
chap summary: The one where Lexi gets a house tour
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Lexi stood at the door, apprehensive to knock. Why was she even here? She wondered to herself and glanced over to her bike leaning against the wall.
Fuck. She could just quickly jump on and peddle away. But she knows what would happen if she did. She’d be thinking of him non-stop again. And be back here another day and the whole thing will happen again and again.
She sighed getting annoyed at herself and knocked on the door.
Ashtray was listening to music as he was checking the pills he got under the magnifying glass. No bad. He poked the pill a few times with some tweezers to make sure it wouldn’t crumble and reduce itself to a wasteful dust he wouldn’t be able to push. He heard knocking on the door and turned towards the noise and then looked at the monitors sets up for the front door camera.
It was that chick Lexi.
Ashtray had only briefly met her properly after Fez came back stuttering when Cal had left the store and puffed out his chest to intimidate them. Ashtray left the fridge after a brief sit down to get his adrenaline down, asking Fezco “yo, what the fuck did he want?”
Lexi looked bewildered to where Ashtray stood halfway out of the damn fridge, and ducked her head down when she saw how Fez’s eyes were just watching her. Ashtray shook his head. “Yo. Fezco? Do you think that mother fucker will be back ‘round here?”
Fez finally looked away from Lexi and lazily replied with, “Ion know, man. But we preparin’ just in case.” Ashtray understood, gave a nod of his head, and went back into the fridge.
Ashtray smirked a little as he hit the mic button.
“Who is it?” He asked. Yeah he knew but fuck it, he wanted to see what she would say. Would she say she’s a friend of Rue’s or Fez’s? Will she fumble with her words?
“Um…it’s Lexi?….I-…I’m a friend?” He could see how she cringed at herself as she said it.
He left the room and closed the door behind him, making sure it was locked as usual. He walked down the hallway and heard Fezco walking around upstairs about to descend them as Ashtray got to the door to open it.
“Yo, who is it?” Fezco asked as he walked down the stairs, sneakers off, cigarette behind his left ear.
Ashtray didn’t answer and opened the door. There stood Lexi looking at her bike then suddenly let out a big smile to Ashtray.
Ashtray nodded but kept his face stoic of emotion. Fez walked up behind Ashtray. “Lexi Howard. What are you doing here?”
Lexi’s eyes went from Ashtray to Fez and then back and forth.
“I…um…actually I came to….well-“ she began before Fez smiled and said, “nah your good, come on in.” He moved back and pushed open the screen door, then took the other door from Ashtray so he would hold it for her.
Ashtray laughed under his breath as he retreated into the kitchen to make a snack. In reality he wanted to watch them struggle to communicate with one another since all these two ever did was stutter and smile.
He got a bowl out on the kitchen counter and began to get himself some cereal, real slow.
Lexi stood there hands behind her back as she smiled at Fez and briefly looked around the place. “Nice home.”
Ashtray laughed then let out a cough as he pretended to be busy. He started looking at the huge choice of cereals to choose from.
All three of them.
They both looked at Ashtray then back at each other as Fez let out a quiet ‘thanks’
“Would….would you like a drink or something to eat? A sandwich?” Fezco asked her.
Ashtray closed his eyes and shook his head as he opened them. Did he just really offer her a fucking sandwich?
“Um…a drink would be nice. Thank you”
Ashtray was done with his cereal and turned with a bowl and spoon as Fez walked towards the kitchen as Lexi stood there.
“Your name’s Ashtray? Right?” She asked carefully.
He nodded again.
She briefly looked at Fez then back at him wondering what to say as she gave an awkward smile. “That’s an..interesting name.”
“I once ate cigarettes from an ashtray as a kid”
She didn’t know how to reply to that and also was a little shocked he actually spoke to her and shared something about himself.
“Did you know that the ashtray’s existence was dated back to around the early 19th Century?” she randomly let out.
Ashtray stood there holding his bowl, with a small frown. “But some people say it might have been the 1400s” he replied back.
Lexi stood there a little surprised.
“What? I deal drugs I’m not stupid.” He let out and retreated back to his room.
Fez was grinning as Lexi was talking to Ash. He never thought about the history on the ashtray. Like what? But the fact she just KNEW that blew his mind.
What else did she know? He just wanted to listen to her talk.
He got them two orange juices and placed the glasses on the counter where Ash was before he left.
“Um…here you go.” He smiled softly and Lexi thanked him.
He wanted to know why she was here. Why did she come here? To his home?
Was it to see him? Was it because she was scared of what happened at the shop and wanted to ask if he’d seen Cal?
Why did Cal ask about her telling him who he was?
“So, w-would you like a tour?” He asked. He don’t know why he asked that but it just came out.
She stood with her hands together in front of her now and nodded with a smile, her dimple showing.
He pointed a thumb behind him. “Well, this is the kitchen.”
She laughed and nodded. He loved that he made her laugh. He wanted to do it again.
And he motioned to the living room. “That’s obvious I guess.”
She laughed again with another nod.
He walked down the hall and pointed at various rooms and just said what they were or let her look in them. When they reached his grandma’s room he was a little worried, only because he didn’t want her to think that he had hurt his grandma in anyway or the image of her in bed would shock or disgust her.
“Um, so this is my grandma’s room. She’s….sick so I-I look after her.” He said as he opened the door.
Lexi looked into the room as he opened the door. He kept his eyes on Lexi as he pushed it open. She looked at the woman who laid in bed, hooked up to various machines and drips.
Lexi looked back at Fez. “You’re also a full time carer for her?”
He nodded and sheepishly looked away at his Grandma then back her. “She makes good company, sometimes” he ended that with a one shoulder shrug. Lexi smiled in the way she did when he said she was the coolest person at the party. Like she felt her insides melt.
What a selfless and caring man. What was he doing wrapped up in all this? She realized just how soft and kindhearted he really was.
After talking about his Grandma, they moved to the opposite room that was the last one. His room.
“Um this is my room. There’s not much else to the house. There’s Ash’s room and some other places but you don’t need to be seeing them.”
Lexi understood what he meant and wasn’t expecting him to open his bedroom door, but he did.
She peered in and saw how normal his rooms was, apart from some things that took her by surprise.
His bed had an old wooden headboard to it, and the pillow case had a galaxy print on it. That made her smile. Did he like space? His blanket was navy blue and furry, looking comforting and really soft. Also another furry blanket that had money printed on it. That one made her chuckle a little. Then she spotted the big French fries novelty pillow. The decor was like the rest of the house, not touched at all.
She saw how he had random posters of things he liked like comics and movies, but not too many. He was very neat and kept things in order by the looks of it. She even saw some figures on a shelf. She expected his room to be either the bare minimum or full of things she saw in other boy rooms when they went to parties and she would wander off looking around since everybody would just usually leave her all alone.
It had cute things that he obviously liked and meant something to him. She didn’t want to pry, but maybe he didn’t have a childhood like other kids and this was some of that old self showing through.
“I, er….I like comics and shit but I don’t read shit like you do.” He scratched the back of his head a little as she turned to look at him.
“I like it.”
After awhile they were both sat down on the sofa talking. They forgot how long for, and to be honest they didn’t care either. Ashtray walked into the kitchen to grab a drink when he heard them laughing together about something. He rolled his eyes as he grabbed a coke can from the fridge and shut the door to it.
Lexi was sat on the sofa with the knitted blanket on her knees as she sat with her shoes off and her feet on the sofa. Her arms around her legs hugging them as she laughed and spoke softly.
Fez had one arm on the back of the sofa slightly facing her listening and laughing to the things she’d say.
What the fuck was happening?
Was Fez falling in love?
Was that even capable in this business?
Was it too dangerous to let anyone love you or even love someone. They could get hurt, they could be used against you and dragged into a matter that would put them in danger.
Ashtray watched them as they spoke until Lexi realised he was there and turned her head to look at him, shifting her body more on the sofa towards Fez.
She was speaking to him. Including him and not leaving him out. He wasn't used to that. He was just seen as some young kid that ain’t got a future and brushed aside because he isn’t big enough to deal with or even worth talking to. He blinked a little taken back.
“Yo” he let out.
“Been busy?” She asked with a soft smile.
He let out a stiff nod. “Been checking the quality of the new batch of C2-57 pills. Not bad.” He drank from the can.
Lexi blinked back at him, mouth gaped a little. “Ummm..” she said quietly. “Cool”
Fez laughed. “Hey Ash, do you want to get some pizza tonight or summon?”
“Sure” he answered and walked closer to where they were sat.
Chapter 2
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50 Shades of Green (Jaken's Story)
Chapter 3: Sango
An ongoing collaboration with @moon-ion,@yukinon-writes,@ruddcatha, @sassybratt9791,and more to come!
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So, um, yeah...I don't really know how to introduce this properly without choking on my own spit. So I guess I'll just leave this crack fic here and hope someone reads it. I lovingly blame @moon-ion for everything, so please direct all inquiries and/or all complaints to her ask box. Thank you. 💩
Without further ado I present to you...
Chapter 3: Sango
Rating: ⚠️Mature/18+⚠️
Word Count: 1730
Characters: Jaken, Sango, Reginald Spaghetti (Reggie) [Feudal Connection server's beloved resident haiku bot]
Additional Tags: Humor; Crack; Ficlet Collection; I Blame Moon, But It's Really My Fault; Slight Himbo Reggie (And I Mean Slight); Why Am I Like This?; Nobody Asked For This; Welcome To The Nest 🐣
Summary: When Jaken realizes he needs a special tool to perform the rituals depicted in the sacred book, he seeks the help of a blacksmith. But this blacksmith's help does not come cheap, and Jaken must use his mastery of the haiku to help him pay the price the blacksmith desires, Sango's heart.
Read Ch. 3 on AO3: 🦓
*cough* Go read Ch.1 & 2 *end cough*
Preview below the cut:
“Are you an acquaintance of that woman, imp?”
Jaken turned to see the blacksmith leaning against the doorway of his hut.
“Me? Acquainted with that demon slayer? Ha!” Jaken threw his head back.
“That’s too bad. I thought we might be able to strike a deal. I’ve had my eyes on that woman for some time now, but she won’t even notice me. I was thinking that if you could introduce me to her, I might give you the tool you desire in exchange. But if you have no connection to her…” he said as he pretended to examine his dirty fingernails.
Jaken wasn’t willing to stoop so low, but then images of the hundreds of women and men throwing themselves at his feet, begging for his affection flashed before his eyes. The spells depicted in the sacred book would never work if he couldn’t get his hands on that magic stick of pleasure.
“Lady Sango?” he said, whipping around. “I’ve known her for years. Now who do I have the pleasure of making a deal with?”
“Reginald.” The man smiled. “But you may call me Reggie for short.”
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The New Romantics ch. 8
(If you have songs I can add play to a playlist for this fic please let me know!!)
Formerly known as Frenemies
Part 1 Here
Part 2 Here
Part 3 Here
Part 4 Here
Part 5 Here
Part 6 Here
Part 7 Here
click the OP if the read more link doesn’t show.
A HUGE GINORMOUS GREAT BIG FUCKING THANK YOU TO @klancedup for commissioning me for a part 8!!!!! You were my first commission, and I really hope this chapter meets your expectations <3
Remember, you can commission me for continuation of stories or a new story by transferring money through my Facebook (Ally Phoenix Lopez) !!
Reaching the castle again that night was emotionally draining for everyone. No one wanted to leave their family, but they knew they had a job to do. It was easier now that their families knew they were alive at least. Shiro and Allura helped Keith lug his new books to his room, and Keith couldn’t help but read as he walked with a stack of books under his arms.
He had randomly grabbed a book called We Are the Ants, and he was enraptured. He’d already read the poetry book he’d first grabbed which left him with chills. And he was still listening to the music from his iPod.
While the others had gone to bed, Keith stayed in his room, reading his book until he heard a knock at the door. “Come in!” he shouted.
The door slid open and he looked over to see Lance coming into his room. His eyes skimmed the room and his eyebrows went up in shock. “Whoa.”
“Pidge let me borrow some books.”
Lance nodded and walked over to the bed. “May I?” Keith nodded and pulled his legs in to give him space. “Um, Becca forgot to give you this. For when the iPod runs out.” He handed over a charger and then held up a plastic bag Keith hadn’t noticed. “Also, Maria and my mom wanted to give you this. I told them you like drawing and….” He handed the bag over.
Frowning, Keith looked in and gasped. He began pulling out the items one by one. Erasers, charcoal pencils, regular pencils, colored pencils, pastels, two sketchbooks, and a pack of brush pens. “How did they…? Why?”
Lance smiled and shrugged. “We have our ways. My mom really liked you. She wanted you to have a way to calm down. You said you feel better when you draw.” Keith nodded and smiled as he looked at his new supplies. He was already itching to start with the pastels. He was ready to see the smear of colors on his fingers until a page came alive with bursts of blues and reds and purples. Before he could get them out of their packaging though, Lance nudged his leg lightly to get his attention. Keith looked at him, finding a solemn expression on his face. “Keith, I-I’m sorry if that girl being there made you upset. I didn’t know-”
“That girl? You mean Rosa?” Lance blinked in surprise and Keith rolled his eyes. “Maria told me who she was.”
Lance sighed and nodded. “Yeah. The only one who ever liked her was Papa. I don’t even know why I ever liked her. She’s so shallow.” Keith snorted and Lance looked at him. “What?”
Keith shook his head and crossed his arms. “A girl finally refuses to leave your side and you don’t like her? You know that kiss suggested otherwise.” He shrugged. “But I guess you can kiss someone without liking them. We used to do that all the time.” He couldn’t help the blush that filled his cheeks, so he busied himself with unwrapping his art supplies.
It was quiet for a while, and Keith realized he was desperately hoping Lance would just lean forward and kiss him again. He wanted to hear him say that he didn’t like Rosa, but he did like him and that kissing him was different. He wanted Lance to take him by surprise and just kiss him like he’d read about in his book, wanted to feel what the poems described.
But Lance didn’t move. Because Lance didn’t like him. And they were just friends, and that was supposed to be enough.
“Can I stay with you?” he heard Lance whisper. He looked up to see his eyes pooling with tears. “I just… really miss my mom and I know the deal was coming back, but… I wish I’d stayed. I won’t bother you. I’ll just watch you draw. I could really use a friend right now.”
Keith fought back the urge to caress his cheek and nodded. He scooted over for Lance and set down his new things under the bed, keeping a sketchbook and the pastels with him as he scooted against the wall.
As he placed a pastel against the page, he felt a slight pressure against his shoulder and felt Lance’s hair tickle his face. “Is this okay?” Lance asked with a sniff. Keith hummed in affirmation and Lance settled against him more comfortably. Keith took a breath and ignored the speed of his heart and the rush coursing through his veins.
Who knew a crush could be so similar to the adrenaline he felt during a battle?
Keith leaned his head against the crown of Lance’s head and began to bring his page to life.
By the time he’d smeared, blended, and accented everything he needed, his hands were coated in different colors. He’d simply created the view of space with blues and purples and black, sprinkled it with stars, and smeared ion beams and purple canon blasters across the page. It was soothing and disturbing at the same time.
A tan hand turned his own over and Keith caught his breath as slender fingers trace his. “You have art hands,” Lance whispered sleepily. “It suits you.”
Keith managed a chuckle and curled his fingers, only barely holding Lance’s where they rested on his palm. “Go to sleep. You sound tired.” He pulled the blanket up on him, a sign to tell him he was welcome to stay the night. Lance shuffled down and turned onto his side, eyes shut. “Goodnight,” Keith whispered.
His eyes fluttered open, bright blue meeting Keith’s and sending a shock through him. “Night, Mullet.”
As soon as Lance’s breathing evened out, Keith turned to a new page and cleared his hands as best he could on his shirt. Then he picked out light blues, soft pinks, white, and soft yellows before beginning to fill the page.
As he drew, he thought of Lance’s eyes. Of how bright and full of life they could be when he was happy. How cold and determined they were when he was fighting. How icy and chilling and distant they could be when he was angry. How welcoming they were when he smiled, while being intimidating the second he scowled.
He had never thought of how ambiguous blue could be before.
Keith was nodding off in his sitting position as he blended his colors, so he managed to set his art aside before plopping down and pressing himself against the wall and succumbing to sleep.
He wasn’t sure how long he’d been asleep when he was awoken by the soft touch of warm fingers against his face. He opened his eyes and made out Lance’s shadow, his eyes bright in the darkness of the room. He scooted closer and Keith shivered as his thigh pressed between his legs and up against his crotch.
“Why are you so far away from me?” Lance whispered into his ears.
“What are you doing?” Keith stammered.
He didn’t get a response as Lance’s lips pressed against his throat, sucking softly. Keith let himself relax and sighed as he exposed his neck a little more. Lance’s hand trailed down to his jeans and slipped his under after unbuttoning them. Keith gasped as Lance’s hand ghosted over his growing hard-on over his boxers and he gripped Lance’s shoulder.
“What happened to being just friends?” he gasped.
Lance smiled and pulled his hand back enough to stop touching him. “You want me to stop?” Keith jerked his hips forward, which was all the answer Lance needed. He slipped under his boxers and cupped him, making Keith whimper. “I want you to fuck me. Can you do that for me?” Keith nodded and gripped his face, kissing him almost ferally.
As he did, Keith was slipped out of his jeans and boxers, and Lance clambering onto him, hands roaming under his shirt. He felt the curve of Lance’s ass against the tip of his cock, and he gripped his hips stop him. “What are you doing? Don’t hurt yourself. I can-”
“I already spread myself for you,” Lance murmured against his lips. “Come on, Keith, I need you.” Keith nodded and Lance began seating himself down against him. He was leaking precome and it was smearing his shirt, but neither of them wanted to take the time to remove their shirts. He was warm and his entrance enveloped Keith so perfectly, Keith could hardly take it.
Lance began to rock himself, letting out little pants as he let his head fall back. Keith watched him and thrust his hips up to settle himself deep inside, moaning aloud with each sound of skin against skin. Lance had one hand on one of Keith’s thighs, fingernails digging deep into the flesh. His other was gripping the hem of Keith’s shirt as he bounced on him, face scrunched up in desperate need.
Keith pulled himself into a sitting position, pulling Lance along with him as he pressed against the wall. “You’re beautiful,” he breathed as Lance continued to fuck himself at his preferred pace. “So beautiful, Lance. Look at me.” His eyes opened to meet Keith’s and Keith couldn’t help himself from gripping his hipbones and fucking up into him mercilessly as Lance turned to mush against him.
He was so close, but it wasn’t enough. Lance was gasping and letting out mewls of pleasure as Keith thrust up and pulled him down. “H-harder,” he begged. “Fuck, Keith.” He wrapped his arms around Keith’s shoulders and kissed him. “Don’t let me go. Don’t let me go.” Keith shook his head and flipped him over, pushing his legs up as he slowed his pace. “Wanna be yours. All yours, Keith please.”
“Mine,” he growled. “You’re mine.” He pounded into him, making the bed springs creak and snap, the mattress thudded against the wall almost comically, but Keith didn’t care. Lance was screaming under him, begging for more, and Keith could only think that Lance was his and only his.
He pulled away and shuffled down to wrap his mouth around Lance’s cock. Before he could even push himself all the way down, Lance was releasing into him, catching him by surprise.
Keith sat up in bed, coughing almost violently. Beside him, Lance sat up and rubbed his eyes. “Keith? You okay?”
Keith waved away the question, trying to catch his breath, still reeling from the vividness of his dream and the things that had been said, and the fact that it was just a fucking dream. Lance touched his shoulder, and Keith gasped, curling into himself. He could feel his boner pressing against his leg in his jeans and groaned because not only could he do nothing to fix it, but even if he could it would be nothing compared to what his dream was like.
“I’m fine,” he grumbled, voice hoarse. “Sorry I woke you.”
Lance was wincing at the light. Keith hadn’t turned them off when he fell asleep. “Do you want some water or something?”
“No, Lance, I’m okay,” he snapped. He sighed and rubbed his face. “I actually need to use the bathroom.” He slid to the edge of the bed and walked to the door so Lance couldn’t see the front of his jeans before he bolted.
He slammed the door shut in the bathroom stall and risked an inquisitive hello. It was the middle of the night, so he was certain no one was in here. He shimmied his jeans down, hating himself but needing a form of release, of satisfaction.
With memories of his dream, he managed to stifle his groans until he was panting into his hand, shivering slightly. He cleaned himself up and left the stall, splashing his face with water and staring at himself in the mirror. He took a breath and went back to his room.
Lance was gone.
His sketchbook was open and on the back of the cover page was a small note in Lance’s writing.
Thanks for letting me sleep here for a while. I’ll leave your bed to you for the rest of the night. ~Lance
Keith couldn’t help the disappointment he felt. He sat on the bed and gripped his hair. He didn’t know why he had to have fallen for Lance McClain, of all people. How was it that the same boy who had driven him nuts and pushed every button on him by being irritating was now the one giving Keith wet dreams, jitters, and making him blush?
Then suddenly it clicked.
Keith didn’t like him. He just thought he did. Because Lance kissed him, touched him, had sex with him, said the right things. But if he hadn’t? If they hadn’t simply become friends with benefits, would they be where they were? Would Keith still feel the things he felt?
His feelings were superficial. They had been concocted out of the misinterpretation of their actions. Just because Lance was a good kisser and had been the only one to touch him in such intimate ways didn’t mean he really cared for him. It didn’t mean they were compatible. It didn’t mean Keith really liked him. He just thought he did.
And if Lance had gone to Hunk? Or Shiro? Or… Allura? Lance would’ve been messing around with them, and Keith wouldn’t feel any of this. For crying out loud, Lance didn’t even like boys before his sexual frustration began, and Keith had never really liked anybody before he decided to experiment with Lance.
There was nothing solid. And there was no way that Keith would ever be able to bring himself to believe Lance if he miraculously liked him. Because none of it was real.
His feelings were just a stupid illusion. He had been so starved of touch and affection and Lance offered it, said the right things at the right time, and now….
Keith covered his eyes and jerked back when his hands came away wet. He’d been crying…. And now there was no stopping the sobs that began to rack his body.
The following day, Keith spent his time training. He was too angry to keep reading, to stressed to calm down enough to draw something unrelated to Lance, and he just wanted to let out his anger.
He returned the next day, and the next, and the next. Before he knew it, he had returned to the same spot he’d isolated himself in for the past week with as little interaction with the others as possible.
Lance had stopped by to see him, and Keith had to remind himself not to feel anything because it was all just a stupid trick of his mind.
“Are you gonna eat? Lunch is ready.”
“In a bit,” he answered, tying his hair back as he prepared for the next level.
“Well, do you wanna train together maybe? I’ve been working on-”
“It’s fine. I kind of need to work on individual combat.” He turned away and started the next sequence. Lance’s presence emphasized his frustration and bitterness, making it easier to get through the level and to the next. He turned back to see Lance waiting, looking uncomfortable. “You can go eat. I’ll be a while.”
“Are you mad at me?” Keith shook his head. No, this wasn’t Lance’s fault. This was his own. His mind got ahead of him. He had made his mistake. “Then what gives?”
Keith turned and crossed his arms. “What, now I can’t take a day for myself? Can’t train alone or be more than five feet away from you for longer than-”
“Don’t you go there with me, you know that’s not what I mean,” Lance growled, stepping forward. Keith stepped back, immediately scowling. “Ever since Rosa got to my party back home you’ve been acting weird. Angry or something, and I just want you to tell me why. I won’t get upset, just-”
“Lance, do you really think that much of yourself? What, you think seeing some girl kiss you bothered me enough to be angry with you?” Keith stepped forward, closing the space, keeping his hands clenched at his sides. “I’ve fucked you and had you begging for more, Lance. I’m sure that’s way more than Rosa ever did for you.” Lance’s lips parted, and his cheeks reddened. “Don’t flatter yourself and think I’m desperate for your attention. I’ve got more important things on my mind.” He turned away, and started the next level.
Then Lance turned him back around and shoved him. “Don’t tell me you’re not mad at me then start insulting me. I just wanted to know what was bothering you.”
“Right now, you,” Keith scowled. “Just leave me alone!”
“Why are you avoiding me? You think we haven’t noticed that you keep holing yourself up in here like a 13 year old going through a scene phase?” Keith scoffed and turned away again. Lance pulled him back and Keith gripped his wrist tightly.
“Let. Me. Go.”
But Lance wasn’t backing down. His eyes were icy, piercing. “Okay, if it’s not about Rosa, then what? We were doing fine until that day.”
Keith snatched himself free and glared at him. “Did you ever think that maybe this isn’t about you? Not everything is, Loverboy.” Lance winced, but kept his jaw set.
“You said you wouldn’t push me away anymore-”
“Oh my God, shut up!” Keith shouted, shoving him back. He was overwhelmed with memories and emotions and the fact that Lance wouldn’t go away wasn’t helping. “This isn’t about you! This has nothing to fucking do with you!”
“Okay, fine! Whatever the hell it is, just talk to me!”
Keith felt his limbs shaking and a wave of dizziness. “Stop acting like you’re my friend,” he growled. Lance stared at him in shock and anger. “You only needed me to get you off and that’s the only reason you gave a shit about me, and I don’t need you pretending to give a shit about me right now.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Lance shouted in exasperation. “You’re always doing this, we’re always going back and forth. It’s like you want to isolate yourself, like you want to play a victimized loner-”
Keith reacted without fully processing what he was doing until he’d done it. Lance curled into himself, holding his jaw. He looked back at Keith with so much anger, and Keith knew he should apologize, but he didn’t want to. He was angry. He was angry at Lance for doing this to him.
Lance looked like he was holding himself back using every bit of will he had, but Keith didn’t want that. He wanted Lance to hit him back, to make Keith hate him so these stupid made up feelings would go away.
“Keith. Don’t.” Keith glared at him, lip curled and jaw set. Lance looked at him with those piercing eyes and took a breath. “I’m sorry for what I said. Okay? But let’s…. Please, just tell me how I can help you.”
He stepped forward, looking him in the eyes, and smirked, giving him a scoff. “Why would I want your help? Better yet, why are you bothering trying to help? Do you really have such a sad need for everyone to like you that-”
All of a sudden, Lance lunged forward, gripping his shirt and slamming him against the wall. Keith felt his head hit the wall and bounce off, but he only clenched his teeth. “You don’t know anything!” he shouted, and Keith swore he heard his voice break.
Still, he didn’t want to stop. He had where he wanted him. Just needed Lance to hurt him a little more so Keith could convince himself he hated him. So Keith could forget the pillow talk, the smiles, the touches. He shoved him off. “You sure about that? I know that you were so fucking lonely that you resorted to making me fuck you so you could feel like someone gave a shit for once. I know that no one back home likes your little girlfriend but you’re so desperate for someone to want you, you keep her around.”
Lance pulled back and swung, hitting Keith square in the eye, screaming for him to shut up. “You’re the one who came up to me offering to help like some fucking prostitute! You’re the one that came to my room because you couldn’t sleep without me. At least I’m not so touch starved I can’t even handle-” Keith shut him up by tackling him down to the floor, trying to hit where he could despite the pain in his eye. He felt Lance knee his stomach, felt himself get slammed onto the ground as Lance clambered onto him trying to block his hits. His face felt numb. Lance’s nose was bleeding.
No more words were spoken as they struggled on the ground, fueled by anger and hurt and insecurities.
Suddenly Pidge was screaming at them. “What the hell are you two doing! Stop it! Keith! Lance, get off!”
“Stay out of this!” Keith growled.
They continued their fight like primitive creatures, calling out ruthless insults, not even caring about who was seeing or who heard what. Keith kicked out and tossed Lance back, Keith’s leg and Lance’s elbow hitting Pidge in the process.
The green paladin turned red and snarled. “That’s it.” She barged out and the next thing Keith knew she was back, and there was a blinding pain in his side as the two split apart and Pidge was holding her glowing green bayard. “What. The fuck. Is happening?”
“Nothing,” Lance muttered, wiping his nose. His eyes were red. Keith pressed a finger to his cheekbone and winced when a spark of pain spread. Pidge stared at them and frowned.
“Guys, seriously. I thought-”
“Jesus, just drop it, Pidge,” Keith snapped.
“Don’t talk to her like that!” Lance hissed back.
Pidge looked at them worriedly and shook her head. “You guys have never gotten this bad before. Even before you… became friends.”
Keith stood up and scowled at the ground. “We were never friends.”
He left without a glance back, but he heard Lance shout, “Fuck you, Keith!” in the most hateful, raspy voice he’d ever heard out of him.
Keith kept walking, shoving past Hunk and avoiding Shiro as he walked the halls until he got to his room. He shoved all his art under the bed and wrapped himself in covers. Only… the covers smelled like Lance. They had the scent of some exotic fruit detergent and the sweet smell of his cologne. It smelled like Earth too.
Keith held back stupid tears and gripped the covers between his hands. He swore he wasn’t trying to smell them. It was just the necessary gasps of breath as he tried to control the painful knot in his throat. Because Lance didn’t want him. Didn’t really like him. Because Lance would never lay in this bed with him again. Because Keith would never have someone’s arms wrapped around him in the middle of the night, or wake up with the weight of someone’s legs tangled with his own. Because there was no one to keep him warm at night anymore.
He wouldn’t cry. Not over Lance. Not over a feeling that wasn’t even real. But maybe a little self-indulgence would be okay. Nobody would know.
So he laid down, pulling the covers up to his face. He didn’t care that it was hot. He didn’t care that his face hurt and that his hands felt bruised and swollen. He just wanted to hold on to this scent. This scent that was so welcoming and comforting, so Lance. At least while he could.
He faded in and out of sleep for a while until there was a small knock at his door. Keith didn’t answer. He wasn’t sure if he was hoping it was or wasn’t Lance. The knock came again, more insistently.
“Look, I know you’re awake, Keith. Let me in.”
Pidge. Keith frowned, walking over to let the door slide open. Pidge stood looking up at him with a plate of cookies, a first aid kit, and a bag of frozen something. “What are you doing?”
“I brought you comfort food and stuff to fix your face, duh,” she said. “Can I come in?” Keith sighed and shrugged, shuffling back to the bed. “What’s all the stuff under your bed?”
“Some art stuff Mrs. McClain sent me.” Pidge’s eyebrows went up and she walked over to sit on the bed with Keith. “Here, have a cookie. Hunk got some ingredients from home, so they should taste even better than usual.” Keith realized he hadn’t eaten in a long time, and the smell of the cookies was mouth-watering.
He grabbed one and stuffed it in his mouth, stifling a moan. He decided cookies were his favorite food. Pidge opened her first-aid kit and as she tore a pack open, the smell of disinfecting alcohol hit him. She dabbed it lightly along his eye, cheek, lip, and the bridge of his nose. He hissed but she remained focused.
“So…. You want to tell me what happened?”
He sighed and munched on another cookie. “Just an argument that got out of hand.”
She rolled her eyes and pulled away. The wipe was covered in specks of dried, brown blood. “I thought I already told you that you can’t bullshit me, Keith. I know Lance. He’s not violent. He’s a lot of talk, but….” She placed the bag of frozen something which was actually just an ice pack and placed it on eyes. “I thought you guys settled on being friends.”
He scoffed and said, “Yeah, just because we slept together. He never wanted to be my friend before. Now just because… all of that happened….” He shook his head. “And I don’t like him. I just think I do- or I thought I did. I don’t know.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked.
“If we hadn’t done what we did, I never would’ve started feeling these things. So these feelings can’t be real.”
She raised an eyebrow and bit her lip, trying to figure out how to phrase her next statement. “The thing is… you did do it. And the feelings did start. It’s like alternate dimensions. In one dimension, you guys didn’t and remained teammates that bicker and protect each other. In this one, you guys hooked up and ended up having feelings. That doesn’t make them fake.”
He pushed the ice pack away from his face and threw his arms up. “Yes, it does, Pidge! If he’d gone to Hunk or Shiro, then he would be acting all sweet and romantic with them, and I’d still be that annoying guy he wants to one-up.” Pidge winced and shook her head. “I should have never started feeling these things. And they’re just… influenced by him, they’re not even… natural!” He groaned and let his head fall, gripping his hair between his fingers.
Pidge tilted his head up and moved his hands. “Lemme see,” she said gently. She coated his wounds in anti-inflammatory ointment and placed a stitch band-aid on his nose and two on his cheek. “You know, he was crying when I went to see him,” she murmured.
Keith hated that his heart clenched at that. He leaned his head against the wall and felt the slight swell of his lip. “I want to hate him, Pidge. But even after beating the crap out of each other….”
“Feelings suck,” she said with a sigh. She ate a cookie and sat with her back against the wall. “I can tell you from experience that trying to ignore an emotion doesn’t make a difference. You gotta accept it. It’s easier to deal with life if you acknowledge it.”
She shrugged. “It may be hard to believe, but I get crushes too, man.”
Granted, Keith had never considered Pidge having a love life. Maybe she had a boyfriend back home. Or girlfriend. Keith had never considered her sexuality either. Though, he supposed that was because she was so focused on finding Matt and getting things done. A love life seemed like the last thing on her mind.
“That makes sense,” he said. “Although, I’m not sure I can picture your type.”
Pidge laughed and shook her head. “Oh, like I could’ve ever pictured yours!” Keith stuck his tongue out at her. She smiled and blushed slightly. “I like guys that are smart and funny and honest and brave. Someone who can be your friend before wanting to be more. Trustworthy. Who gives great hugs and can nerd out with me and stay up with me when I’m hyper-focused on something. Then carries me to bed so I don’t get cricks in my neck.”
Keith furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Pidge’s face. She wasn’t looking at him, but she seemed lost in thought, her cheeks bright red. “That’s… specific.” She took a breath and turned away with a shrug. “Pidge, do you like Hunk?” She groaned and buried her face in her hands. “Look, I trusted you with my shitty feelings, it’s your turn.”
She looked at him and made a face before hiding it again. Then she nodded. “It just sucks, because I know him and Lance and Shiro all see me as the little sister, you know? I’m fifteen, I’m still a kid to all of you. It’s just two years! But I’m…. Well, me.”
“Is this what the makeup thing was about?” he asked.
“No. Not really. It wasn’t because of Hunk specifically, I just… wanted to look older. Not like… a twelve-year old boy.”
Keith smiled and felt a wave of sympathy towards her. “So… since when did you start liking him?”
She turned redder and bit her lip. “I don’t really know…. I guess countless nights sent together over equipment and graphs can do a number. And anytime I’m stressed he can make me laugh. I mean Lance does too, but I get more frustrated with him. They have different humor, and Hunk’s fits me more. I don’t know. Then he started lending me shirts to sleep in and… I was a goner.”
Keith smiled and nodded. “Feelings suck.”
She smiled and nodded. “Feelings suck.”
The following day, Keith was woken up to the sound of the castle alarm. He hurried out of bed and ran to the hangar, avoiding eye contact with anyone. Still, as he climbed into Red, he caught a glimpse of Lance before he put on his helmet.
His nose had a band-aid, his lip was cut and slightly swollen, and there was a square gauze taped to his temple. Keith felt his stomach flip as he got into the cockpit and started Red up.
“Alright team, we got a Galra attack on planet Arus again. There’s only one fleet, so we should be able to take them down quick,” Shiro said certainly.
“Uh, Shiro?” Pidge said as they reached the planet. “That looks like more than one fleet.”
“Oh no,” Hunk groaned. “Lance, on your right!” The blue lion dipped down and Hunk turned to blast away a Galra ship. “We’re spotted, we’ve been spotted guys.”
“It’s all right, nothing we can’t handle,” Shiro assured. “Let’s form Voltron and take these guys out. We have to keep the Arusians safe.”
“Let’s do it,” Pidge agreed. “Keith? Lance? You guys still with us?”
There was a slight silence before Shiro said, “Alright then. Form Voltron.” The lions began their typical formation, but nothing happened. The lions weren’t coming together. “Why isn’t it working?”
“I think we all know why it’s not working,” Hunk muttered.
“Hunk, come on,” Pidge said.
“Well, we need to form Voltron if we want to take those fleets down, and obviously Keith is messing up the bonding!”
“Oh, what so it’s just my fault?” Keith snapped.
“Don’t yell at Hunk!” Lance shouted.
“You don’t talk to me.”
“Guys!” Shiro snapped. “Crap, watch out!” The lions fled in different directions as one of the fleets fired at them.
Keith heard Shiro shout in pain and panicked. “Shiro?”
“Keep them at bay. I’ll try to contact Allura and Coran,” he groaned. “Go! And stop fighting!”
“I hope you boys heard that,” Pidge said with annoyance. “Now let’s go.” Despite being the youngest, Keith couldn’t help but feel like she was the one keeping them in line at the moment.
Throughout the fight, Pidge was the one shouting orders, and the one who quickly shut down any attempts at a new argument. Shiro had gotten hurt with the blast his lion took since he took the blow of nearly the entire fleet while trying to get the others out of the way. Coran and Allura had brought up the castle ship and managed to fend off a few more fleets.
As much as Keith wanted to ignore and avoid Lance, he couldn’t help the instinct that came over when he saw a fleet get to close to the blue lion’s turned back. He immediately shot a fire beam then turned to throw another ship against two that were flying in with the lion’s jaw. He would be lying if he said he didn’t keep one eye on Lance for the rest of the fight.
Finally they were able to get back to the castle ship, each tired and jostled since the fight took much longer without Voltron. Once they were out of their suits, they met in the lounge. Shiro stood beside Allura with his arm in a sling. He’d dislocated his shoulder. Keith thought he could fix that in a healing pod, but simply chose not to for a guilt effect.
“What happened?” Allura demanded, looking each paladin in the eye. Keith and Lance were on opposite ends, with Pidge beside Keith and Hunk beside Lance. Pidge didn’t even seem fazed by the fact that she was next to Hunk. Keith had to ask her how she managed that.
“We struggled a bit,” Pidge finally said. “We were just distracted. Tired.”
“Pidge, don’t cover for h- them,” Hunk said.
“Oh, don’t think I don’t know something happened between these two,” she snapped, pointing a finger between Keith and Lance. “It’s all over your bruised faces. Call me crazy, but I thought your stupid little feud was past us. Now, why in the world did you two decide to rearrange each other’s faces?”
Shiro put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. Coran was speechless, leaning against the wall. “I know you’ve all had your differences. But none of you have ever gone so far as to hurt each other,” he said. Keith clenched his jaw and risked a glance at Lance who was looking down at his hands. “What’s happening?”
“Keith’s the one who threw the first punch, ask him!” Hunk said. “We all know you’re the temperamental one, but this is too far even for you, Keith.”
“Don’t talk to me like you know me,” Keith answered, curling his lip. “You don’t know anything!”
“You need to stop talking to him like that,” Lance said, standing up. Keith stood up if only to minimize the amount he had to crane his neck.
“Oh, what don’t tell me he’s next?” Keith spat.
“Whoa! Okay,” Pidge said standing up.
“Stay out of it, Pidge,” they said at the same time.
Hunk stood up and shoved them each opposite ways. “We don’t need a reenactment, and you definitely need to leave Pidge alone unless you want her to taze you again.”
“What?” Shiro asked.
“Enough!” Allura shouted so loudly, all of them fell back into a seat. Shiro took a step away from her and Coran’s eyes widened. “You’re paladins! You’re not supposed to be acting like this! I understand you’re all young, but with this war going on, I’d expect much better out of all of you. All those bonding and training exercises-”
“You don’t understand, Allura,” Lance said tiredly. His voice shook, making Keith’s chest constrict. “You don’t have to get involved-”
“No, Lance, I think we do,” Shiro interrupted. “We’re not stupid. All of us know what’s been going on between you and Keith.” Keith stared at Shiro wide-eyed and with a deep blush on his cheeks. He glanced at Lance. For that moment their arguing and fighting was forgotten. They were just both embarrassed and panicked that their secret had obviously not been a secret.
“Welp, the cat’s out of the bag. I’m off to take a shower,” Pidge said awkwardly.
“Oh, no you don’t, Katie. Sit down. This is a team problem,” Shiro said. She huffed and plopped down.
Hunk shifted and crossed his arms. “Since when are their love lives a team problem? Sorry, buddy.”
“Whoa, love?”
“No one said anything about love.”
“It’s really not a team thing.”
“It wasn’t serious.”
Keith and Lance protested over each other, refusing to look at the other. Shiro sighed and rubbed his head with his Galra hand. “Guys, enough. No your romantic endeavors aren’t our business. Until they interfere with our jobs as defenders of the universe. And being unable to form Voltron because you two are angry with each other is not good.”
“Why don’t we start from the cause of the problem?” Coran said calmly. “What happened in the breakup?”
Keith hid his face and groaned as Lance huffed. “We were never dating!” A few confused looks between the Alteans and Shiro were exchanged. “There was no breakup!”
“Then why the hostility?” Allura asked in confusion, taking a seat at the other side of Lance. Keith felt a hot spark of anger but he snuffed it out. He peeked at Pidge and tried to mimic her tired expression.
“That, I don’t know.”
“Like I said, Keith threw the first punch. If you interrogate anyone, interrogate him,” Hunk said.
“Hunk, would you please stay out of it,” Pidge hissed, nudging him.
“Don’t tell me you’re taking his side. You’ve known Lance way longer than Keith and-”
“That’s not the point! Keith has a side too, and you’re just-”
“Oh, do tell me what the fuck his side is,” Lance said, leaning forward.
Keith sat straighter and touched Pidge’s arm. “Don’t you talk to her like that, you asshole,” he snapped.
“I’m the asshole?” he shouted, standing up again.
Keith stood, but before he could respond, Pidge was between them, facing Lance. “Aren’t you the one who kept telling everyone to cut Keith some slack because communication isn’t his thing? What now just because he’s not communicating with you it pisses you off?” Hunk stood up and put himself between Pidge and Lance. Keith noticed her tense. “Hunk. Please. You have to at least admit that I have a point! I’m not taking sides, but Lance-”
“Pidge, you don’t get it. It’s more complicated than that. You’re too young to get it, but-”
“Excuse me?” she breathed. Keith bit his lip and looked between them. Pidge scoffed and nodded, turning away and rushing out of the lounge. Keith glared at Hunk and followed after Pidge.
He heard her sniffling, and called out for her. But he wasn’t able to reach her until he’d reached the hangar where she was trying to get the green lion to open for her. She was crying, which was a sight Keith definitely never wanted to see. He hated seeing her so upset, especially knowing that the two people she was closest to were the two people she couldn’t be with.
He walked over to her, touched her shoulder, and suddenly she had her face buried in his shirt and her arms wrapped tightly around his waist. Keith sighed and wrapped his arms around her gently, feeling her shake.
“I told you. I’m just a kid.”
“He was just defending Lance,” Keith assured. “He doesn’t….” But he couldn’t finish what he was saying because he didn’t know Hunk. So instead, he hugged her a little tighter. “We’ll be okay.”
She sniffed and he heard a muffled, “Feelings suck,” in his shirt.
Keith chuckled and leaned down to rest his cheek on the crown of her head. “Feelings suck.” 
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