butchcarmy · 7 months
i’d really like to know your opinion on carmy and sex, in the sex scene with claire he doesn’t seem all there with it
YES I would LOVE to discuss this!! Strap in everyone I have so many thoughts, and I totally invite ppl to agree or disagree :D
Firstly you’re so right… tbh I never gave that scene much thought but I love this take for many reasons. Like, carmy is a VIRGIN. he’s NEVER had a girlfriend. I think he’s barely had friends. He’s not good at relationships. While I do LOVE writing him as a pussy devourer and soft dom it would take a while for him to get to that point… putting this in a read more bc it got lengthy btw
Carmy is a very repressed person by nature. With that being said, I think he’s also very lonely. He definitely has sexual desires and fantasies, but has never let him act on them, nor has given himself the opportunity. After never having sex for 30 years, I think he’s built up a lot of pressure towards it.
He also has so much trouble allowing himself joy of any kind. He has this logic where if he lets himself be happy, tragedy will come. Foreboding joy and all that. That extends to every part of his life, including sex, ESPECIALLY sex, relationships of any kind. But deep down, he truly wants connection, physical intimacy, emotional intimacy.
So when he has sex for the first time, it has to be with someone he really trusts and likes. He’ll put a ton of pressure on himself to feel good, but mostly to make the other person feel good. He’d ask the other person how to make them feel good, what he should do. If he’s good at anything, it’s following instructions, following a recipe to completion.
But he’s probably gonna get too caught up in what he thinks he should be doing to properly enjoy himself. Sex is about communication, something he isn’t good at doing with himself or with others. He’ll get stuck in his own head, possibly being unable to pick up cues from himself or his partner. And probably end up dissociating quite a bit, just like you noticed.
Practice (and communication) makes perfect! As long as he has a patient partner, I’m sure Carmy will be able to reach a comfortable place with sex. He’s a giving person, and he wants to give in bed too, vis a vis pussy eating champion (but also oral fixation lol). I also think a blow job could fix him HAHAHA he could come like. Instantaneously LMFAO
I have a lot of fun writing him being like, super good at sex, and I think once he jumps over some mental hurdles he can become his enlightened pussy destroyer self. That’s the version of carmy I’d write in my fic line “let me love on you”, but realistically, sex for him would look much different than that. That’s what I hope to explore in my slow burn fic “ALEXITHYMIA”!!
Anyway wow my thoughts are all over the place here but I hope this makes sense. I think about carmy so much lol
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shooshopath · 6 years
Ngl I lowkey regret coming out to my mom
90% of our conversations are already filled with condescension willful ignorance and her getting way too touchy/close to me so idk why it bothers me more when it’s about being bi but here we are ¯\_( ツ)_/¯
Idk venting into the void usually only helps me when its not mom related but here comes the rage train I guess!!
Friend got me a bi flag as a holiday gift and my mom saw it and as soon as she asked me what country it represented I could sense the oncoming train wreck with my third eye
Me, internally cringing in preparation of the inevitable: it’s the bisexuality flag
Momtron: Oh! What does that.....mean
Me: It means I think guys are cute......and girls.......and other people.......
Momtron: ...........*fake surprise noise* ,,,,,,,Then I am also bisexual.  
And then I started boiling in rage because like....beyond the blatant bullfuckery a) I KNOW she knows what being bi is, she’s worked with lgbt groups before, she just wants me to say it for her weird fucked up mind game reasons, b) I have come out to her THREE TIMES now, and I’m willing to give her a pass on the first because she legitimately missed that one but now it’s just irritating and sorry! You’re gonna get the same answer from me every time!  I’m not getting any more straight!, c) I know she already knows from the second time because she’s super obvious and acts like a hetero whenever anything queer/lgbt is in tv and will Not Look At Me), d) I know this is hard to believe, but your attempt at changing the definition of bisexual isn’t going to make me think girls are any less hot!  Sorry!
The rest of it was also a fun little mess in which I got to explain what bisexuality was while she pretended not to understand but I ended up just cutting to the chase and telling her I wasn’t dating anyone rn and didn’t have plans to because we all know what she actually cares about is if I’m dating a feeeeemale and she did her whole condescending little smirk smile thing and dropped it.
Also she does this thing where whenever one of us tries to have a Serious Conversation with her and she’s uncomfortable with it or know she’s losing the debate she’ll start nitpicking on some aspect of our physical appearance and constantly bring it up as a way to derail. And she was doing it here except SHE was the one who started the conversation in the first place so she kept on derailing and rerailing herself, it was fucking wild. So basically the entire conversation happened above was constantly interspersed with her zooming in on my face like a vulture and complaining that one of my eyes looked moldy (it makes more sense in Chinese)
It’s basically like mom weasley except with more gaslighting and Incredibly Blatant Manipulation Tactics That She Pats Herself On The Back For Despite Being Incredibly Blatant 
Hahaha I thought my dad was going to be the weird one about it but he’s been surprisingly chill beyond being an occasional awkward turtle. Honestly, I don’t know why I thought otherwise like when have I ever had a healthy relationship with my mom about anything.
She’s already 60% of why my self esteem is fucked in the first place and why I feel the need to constantly compare myself to others, was it too much to ask for her basic acceptance on this ONE part of my life? I don’t even know why I feel guilty about typing this out because it’s fucking true.  Part of its conscious and part of its unconscious and I know she loves me but so many of the things she does are specifically designed to chip away or criticize or look down on me and for someone who supposedly cares so much about diversity, anything beyond asian/asian american experiences never really seems to matter to you that much, does it?
I don’t even understand my own sexuality! I still have moments at least once a day where I feel like a fake and that’s not even bringing in all my conflicted feelings on my asexuality and aromanticism. It’s confusing and frustrating and I really wish I had a queer or lgbt or whatever adult to talk to about it! But I can’t ever act unsure of it or even discuss ace/aro shit because she’d use it against me.  It’s the same reason why I’ve never gotten closure with her on ANYTHING, if I try to initiate an actual conversation with her about it, all I’m going to be met with is her loving condescension, incredibly obvious attempts to change the subject, her inevitably forgetting it right after and me having to go through this shit all over again.  It’s not even worth linking her to articles because she’ll say she’ll read them and then never do it.  I know her, and she’ll never even make the effort.  I’m fucking tired.  I don’t know how people have healthy relationships with their moms because it’s always been tied up in passive aggression and narcissistic traits for me.
Surprise!!  Venting didn’t make me feel better!!  I’m angrier than ever!! Cool!  
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crazykendal · 7 years
This is too long
Why did you close the door the last time you closed one? so no little kids would rampage in Stripes or polka dots? stripes Do you care if people touch you when they’re talking to you? depends on who What is your gender? female Do you think that people think its obvious? i sure hope so haha
How long did your first date last? 0 seconds ;) Is your favorite color within 10 feet of you? yes Highlight of your day? my old friend came over Would you rather be on a boat or a plane? dood no boats those scare the f outta me, but ive never been on a plane Can you tell when girls (or guys) have eyeliner on? yes. Can you cook?
yikes uh.. nope How high is your ceiling? i believe 35 feet im some parts of the house Whats the worst job you can think of? honestly idk Do you swear a lot?  what the fuck are you talking about Does the last person you texted have an O in their name? HA no Is everything working in your house? i dont think so Would you rather have a pool or a trampoline? pool. Does pop give you energy? no..? TV show you love with a passion? the walking dead, and ive been watching the 100, but i love twd  a lot more Do you think you learned anything from the worst night of your life? yeah, im a fucking prick/dick head
Perfect age to get married? who the fuck knows
Is it safe to say you own over 20 pairs of shoes?  i own 3 or maybe 5.. i think Name a career path that women are known for taking. doctors?? idk Favorite type of cookie? chocolate chip, i can never make them because i always come close to burning the house down A quality you look for in choosing a significant other? if anyone can understand me im good What would I find if I looked in your pocket? no pockets What was your first word? yo wassup my homies. (I say that too much, but I have no idea) A musical instrument you wouldnt mind learning how to play? DRUMSSS Last time you went to 7-eleven? months ago A fast food restaurant that you hate with a passion? I kinda hate most of them equally Does everyone in your family have a job? yeah Going anywhere this weekend? im going to a legally blonde musical Is your room ever clean? yeah but usually never What does it mean when youre being quiet? im mad Last person you had a face to face conversation with? my cat Wheres your phone? dude idk ive been grounded for 2 weeks ahahahah Do you know the difference between your and you’re? yes i aint no dumb bitch How late did you stay up last night? 10 pm Anyone youre ready to kill? oh hell yeah Do you need to get a tan? yes What do you want? money and love Favorite TV show as a kid? dood idk
Whats a show that you absolutely refuse to watch? Strangers Things How many times have you been in love? once Go camping or go to a party? camping Do you remember how old you were when you started swearing? maybe when I was 12 How many years older than you would you date someone? I would like to date anyone in my grade, nothing over or less What was the last thing you pinky swore on? I dont swear to anything, ever, unless i care about the person usually more than my self Would you consider yourself a nice person? no. why is this even a question Are there a lot of mirrors in your house?  a lot more than I think there should be Has there ever been a serial killer in your house?  I sure hope not
Do you know anyone who looks like Adam Sandler? no True or false: Glee is annoying. true, ive never watched it but I know its annoying Last thing you cooked? grilled cheese Do you use slang often? maybe Wear glasses? yes hahahaha
About how old was the last person that hit on you? well.. no one has ever hit on me OH wait I cant say (this one girl maybe I don't her well oh god) What color are your headphones? black and red BLUETOOTH BITCHES Would you make a good teacher? Why? I would rather be some sort of leader than teacher Dont you hate those commercials that try too hard? lol some commercials are my life, like the life alert commercials. HELP IVE FALLEN AND I CANT GET UP but yeah some over them are just to much Is the fan on? I have like a ton of fans on right now Any special reason why youre taking this survey? i have nothing better to do What does the last text message you sent say?  i was telling my mom that my little sister was being a pain in the ass and that i wanted pizza hahaha
Your friend needs you to run to the store to get a pregnancy test. Do you? which friend? Friend #1, id ask her who she fucked and be really surprised. Friend #2 I wouldn't even have to ask. Friend #3 I would be shocked and possibly upset. But id get them for all of them hahahaha Do you log out on facebook when you leave the site?  i dont use my Facebook What color are your underwear? white How short are your nails? short Do you like the opposite sex to be dominant or you the one in control? funny you ask that, id rather have the opposite sex dominant and id rather be dominant with same sex.. yep Favorite holiday? Christmas If I asked you to point to Ohio on a map of the US do you think you could? yeah You're locked in a room with spiders. Do you have an issue? spiders don't really bother me, depends on size tho Do you wear your most expensive item of clothing often? uhh Do you eat a lot of food? no THERE'S NO FOOD IN OUR HOUSE
Have your parents ever tried to control your relationship? well like a relationship relationship? maybe Have you ever had to give someone directions before? yes i forget everything but I know how to give directions like a mastermind Speaking of which, are you good at understanding driving directions? ive never driven before because im too little!! in two years i can tho hahah How many people do you text daily? usually none Do you play any instruments? Which instruments do you play? nothing Is there anyone who you call by their last name? no What did you do on your last birthday? I dont remember I think I had a sleepover tho Which of the Seven Deadly Sins do you commit the most? what Has anyone ever told you that you’re incapable of whispering? no What is your least favorite subject in school?
math and science Have you ever been involved in a custody battle before? depends Do you know a couple who constantly sucks on each other’s face? what the actual fuck When was the last time you watched a YouTube video? a few days ago Have you ever babysat a newborn baby before? no
When was the last time you held someone’s hand? does my cat count How many meals have you eaten today, so far? none and it’s 1:05 pm Do you think it’s stupid for people to call others “hot?” no because they might actually be hot hahaha Do you personally think Wikipedia is a reliable source? yeahhh? depends Have you ever shopped at Wet Seal before? Did you like it? wtf is that Do you care about spending money if it’s someone else’s money? yeah What is your favorite Disney movie of all time? dude I dont really like Disney movies so none When you were a child, did you ever want to become a wizard/witch? wtf no Would you rather have hardwood floors or carpet? i have both in my house Who was the last person you yelled at? Why? my little little sister As a kid, did you ever go to camp? no Have you ever made out in a movie theater before? no Are you currently trying to learn to play any instrument? no. When was the last time you went somewhere you thought was haunted? hmm a few months ago Who was the last person to compliment you? idk that was over a month ago How old were you when you got to go on your first date? never have and I bet I never will :( Would you call your parents over-protective or under-protective? over protective helpppp Did your parents ever let you play in the pits of those multicolored balls? what Have any of your siblings ever had a crush on your significant other? chandler riggs or alycia debnam-carey? Are you the jealous type? yeah When was the last time you felt like you were high on life? when clarke and lexa had sex mwahahaha what Do you know someone who cares about themselves more than their child? yeah haha we have their kid now Do you still watch cartoons on television? no What do you usually order at Taco Bell, if you go there?  i dont like taco bell Is there anyone currently annoying you? yes Do you have freckles? no :’( How many dogs do you have, if any at all? imaginary doggos Have you ever witnessed someone being beaten up? i couldn't say I witnessed someone being beat up I usually beat up things Do you think biting is weird or sexy? well it depends on who Would you rather be called hot or beautiful? hot but im neither hahaha Have you ever had a pet turtle before? yes Do you still sleep with your parents when you’re scared sometimes? no. Have you ever met someone with two different color eyes? nope. Have you ever felt like someone was following you? yeah
What color shirt are you wearing at the moment? white Do you enjoy going school shopping? sometimes Do you think Pug dogs are adorable or just plain ugly? I LOVE PUGS my grandpa has some and I love them so much Have you ever met someone who completely resembled their pet? haha ive never thought of that but maybe What was the worst substance you’ve spilled on yourself before? bleach Have you ever made out with more than one person in one night? no Do you think there is a soulmate out there for everyone? no defiantly not me
Do you like short or long surveys the best? long Have you ever bought fake money and tried to make it pass for real? no Are your siblings nice the majority of the time? depends on who Do you freak out when a thunderstorm comes along? no i live for thunderstorms How often do you shower? every other day Have you ever had to sell something for a school fundraiser? maybe How many sodas do you usually drink in one day? sometimes one but usually never Have you ever met someone who was completely weird all-around? yes shes a good friend of mine Do you ever watch any soap operas? i have no idea what that is Have you ever met someone who was mean to everyone? yes. (me) thats not trueee though <3 Do you usually have a low tolerance for pain or high tolerance? I dont care whenever I get injured Would you rather eat or sleep? i dont care Are you one of those die hard Twilight or Harry Potter fans? no just no
Do your parents ever force you to talk to your grandparents? I have one grandpa and a step grandma and I dont really know her that much but I never really see them Do you think long surveys are boring or entertaining? it depends on the questions. Have you ever learned that someone had lied to you all along? i feel like someone has been lying to me but I dont know if its true or not Have you ever wanted to be a lawyer? no. Have you ever had to bail someone out of jail before? no. Is there anyone in your immediate family who was adopted? yeah Do you know anyone who doesn’t have any common sense? yes my same weird friend, oh and me :) When was the last time you bought something? Monday Do you think you look anything like your parents? kinda What are your plans for this weekend? i answered this What color is your significant other’s hair? Chandler Riggs and Alycia Debnam-Carey both have brown hair. Woah ive never thought about this but every single person ive ever crushed on was a brunette Have you ever applied for a job at Walmart before? no. Would you ever become a foster parent? id rather be a foster parent than give birth but I fucking hate kids (maybe that's why I hate myself) Are you ashamed of anyone in your family? yeah my cat Bub he attacks my other cats Would rather talk to someone on a landline or a cell phone? cell Has anyone ever given you a psychiatric assessment? no What is your favorite amusement park?  i dont know Did you ever have braces? I WAS SUPPOSED TO GET THEM OFF THIS MONTH BUT NOOOOOO What is cuter: kisses on the forehead of the cheek? i like both? why am I answering to this Do you believe in evolution or creation? evolution, there was never a god who created anything
Would you rather take a bath or a shower? Why or why not? shower, I dont have time for baths Does it bother you when people touch your personal items? depends. When was the last time you did something sexual? ..depends on what.. Do you collect anything? What? snapbacks Are you better at hand-drawing things or painting? I cant paint to save my life Have either of your parents ever called you a failure before? oh my god all the time! They tell me that more than compliments Have you ever suspected someone of cheating on you? no. When you get married, will you convert your last name? depends on who :) Are your parents divorced, married or separated? married Has someone ever left a relationship with you for someone else? no. What’s the most painful thing you’ve ever experienced? from december 5, 2002 all the way to today When was the last time you went shoe shopping? like 4 weeks ago Are you a part of any clubs at your school, if you still go to school? like in 7th grade CREATIVE WRITING CLUB oh man Do you know someone who wears a wig? no What is your best friend’s last name? nakamura. its my cat haru When was the last time you cried? For what reason? awhile ago because im a fucking baby, just because im going to a different school than a friend of mine who im going to tag mwahaha sucks to be you IM LOOKING BACK AT THIS ITS NOT TRUE IT WAS THE LEXA DEATH SCENE
What is your favorite shop to go to at the mall? forever 21 What time do you usually go to bed on the weekends? like 10 or 11 Have you ever considered suicide? not much? Have you ever been raped before? no. Would you ever consider becoming a marine biologist? no if i ever see those words again im going to fuck someone up. (my dad wants me to be one but im deathly afraid or the ocean) Did you carry a lunchbox as a child? yes. What is your favorite ‘sweet’ to eat? idk Are you someone who usually eats when you’re bored? no Have you ever eaten your way through a breakup? no. Who was the last person you texted? my mom Do you usually buy popcorn when you eat at the movie theater? yeah Did you sleep alone or with someone last night? alone. What kind of dressing do you eat on your salad, if any? none Are you someone who constantly likes to wear hats? no what are talking about im not wearing a hat at all Have you ever seen a Lifetime movie that relates to your life? what What is your Myspace URL? never had one Are you someone who likes to wear dresses more than pants? hahaha if i ever have to wear another dress again im going to kill myself Have you ever dated someone who was way overprotective of you? never fucking dated alright What was the last thing you touched besides your keyboard? my HAT When was the last time you witnessed a fist fight? never..? Do you know anyone who lives in the state of California? bitch I do
Are you waiting for a text right now? no Is it your summer vacation right now? yepp fucking kill me Do you like traveling? love it, more time I can listen to to musicccc What color are the walls of the room you’re in right now? dood i think grey, im looking now and its hard to tell Do you still make mix cds? no. Are you eating or drinking anything right now? no
Do you go to church regularly? no i dont believe in that stuff Who’s your best friend? haru Are you determined? yeahhh...
Are you always looking for/in a relationship, or do you like being single? id love to be in a relationship but i hate so many people and a ton of people hate me and I bet i never will Ever had your heart broken? yeah Even broken someone else’s heart? oh god yes Are you confident? not really When’s the last time you smiled? today. Are you tan? no
Any big plans for today/tonight? I want pizza What’s the background on your computer? oh I recently changed it to lexa and clarke from the 100 Do you have days where you just want to listen to sad songs? yeah Don’t you hate when your plans fall through? sometimes Ever maxed out a credit card? no How old are you? older than time itself Who’s the last person you kissed? my cat Are you hoping they will also be the next person you kiss? no Do you ever actually go on dates? no
Im going to tag @rottentulips because I finally found a really long question tag for her to do so you're welcome ;)
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annabelharmony · 4 years
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like advice.
Stranger: i am m16 and want to fuck my mom :(
You: your step mom
Stranger: no my real mom
You: is she hot
Stranger: she’s been teasing me
Stranger: yes
You: no she hasnt
Stranger: yes she has
You: like what
Stranger: she constantly try’s peering at my dick and has her tits out :(
You: haha really
Stranger: yes
You: well dont do it
Stranger: why i want to
You: bc shell go to jail
Stranger: sorry i don’t wanna fuck her
Stranger: i want her to give my dick kisses
Stranger: and cuddle with me and let
Stranger: me suck her breasts
You: ok? thatll lead to fucking
You: and she can go to jail for that
Stranger: who’s gonna find out
You: me lol
You: also whats up with your dad
Stranger: he’s old and fat
You: lmao
Stranger: i’m 6’2 taller then him
Stranger: he’s 5’11
You: wow thats hot youre so tall
Stranger: well i’m not unattractive looking and i like the look of my body
You: im 5'3
Stranger: uoure a girl?
You: uh yeah
Stranger: how old?
You: 14 lol
Stranger: awe haha
Stranger: this was kinda weird sorry then lmao
Stranger: if i had a girlfriend who babied me i’d be so happy
You: not your mom right
You: bc we arent doing that?
You: bc she gave birth to you??
Stranger: i think i just have pent up sexual thoughts
Stranger: i don’t think i’d do anything just it’s frustrating
You: ik
Stranger: like
You: shits gonna be weird every family reunion
Stranger: she constantly does things that make me think she wants it but it’s definitely me jus throng horny
You: ok so she def has a problem
You: who tf she is
Stranger: at 16 is it normal that she kisses my lips?
You: yes
You: does she use tounge?
Stranger: a lot of people here say no
Stranger: and no but i wish she did
You: haha you might just be fooling urself
Stranger: so like
Stranger: the other day i had to go to the post office and mom told me to throw all my
Stranger: clothes in the wash when i got home
Stranger: then to shower
Stranger: so i did and i normally always have pants on because i don’t like walking in just boxers so i ran quickly to the bathroom
Stranger: and she was in there and i’m in my underwear and she’s cleaning, i told her i had to get in and i got hard bc she was wearing no bra with a loose shirt :(
Stranger: she kept bumping against me as she left and it made me harder and she kept looking at jt
You: how old is she just wondering
Stranger: like 39
You: um ok
Stranger: looks like 32
You: can you do me a favor
Stranger: yes
You: please for the love of god go on dr phil
Stranger: lmao no
You: so i can say my bff from omegle is on dr phil after he tried to fuck his mom
You: has she ever explicity said anything weird
Stranger: she does enough to make me think, too little to confirm it. yesterday i went to the bathroom when she walked in and i said “i can’t pee when your in here” and turned around enough so she could see my dick and she said “when i was a baby i saw your pp all the time and you
Stranger: peed all over me!”
Stranger: so i laughed and hugged her :(
Stranger: :(
You: ok that would be a nice story if she wasnt literaly your mom
Stranger: :( can i say it’s my step mom
Stranger: would you feel beyter
You: yes i would
Stranger: so we are talking about my step mom who does this what do i do to be able to get further?
You: just get her pregnant and youll be the father of your half sibling
You: um well like to seduce her
You: or just in general
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: just like
Stranger: i want to know
Stranger: if she wants what i want
Stranger: without ruining everything
Stranger: i give her kisses but even if i don’t pull away she pulls away first
You: walk in when shes changing and dont leave
You: ok so i saw this thing on dr phil right
You: Well I saw two things
You: One was a mother in law and her daughters husband
Stranger: it’s like she’ll ask me to leave if she’s changing, but if she’s peeing in the room i she stands up and wipes in front of me and shows her pussy
You: then dont leave and wait for her to make a move on you
You: youve seen her pussy?
Stranger: yes but like she doesn’t like
Stranger: idk
You: ok so basically the mom walked in while he was jacking off
You: and then she jacked him off so if you want that ig you could try that??
Stranger: but i can’t just let her catch me jacking off what if she got embarassed
You: does she masturbate?
Stranger: she fucks my dad srill
Stranger: still
You: ok then show up right after they finish
You: while shes still naked but hes out of the room
Stranger: thays the problem. i can’t really do that.
Stranger: so i know they fuck when they say goodnight then get up to go to the bsthroom
Stranger: because they have to get ready for bed after they fuck
Stranger: but they say goodnight before then and lock their dolf
Stranger: door
You: well have her walk in on you right
You: and make direct eye contact
You: whats the best advice youve gotten so far i just wanna know
Stranger: well like. when i use the bathroom when she’s in there i’ll show it off and masturbate a little and tell her i’m having trouble prring
Stranger: peeing
You: oh ok
You: has anyone given you any good ideas
Stranger: that was a good idea i thought
Stranger: i haven’t done that much yet
Stranger: but i want to more
Stranger: ohh there’s one more
Stranger: when i get sick and i’m all alone with her i want to call for her in the bathroom if i take a shower or tub
Stranger: and tell her i feel ike i’m gonna be sick
Stranger: and show my hard cock
You: haha ok
Stranger: i’ve been walking around hard and pushing it against her when i can
Stranger: hugs from behind and kisses on the lips
Stranger: and she’s been wearing bras where her nipples fall out lots
You: I really like you but idk what to tell you
Stranger: and like the other night we watched tv and she put her legs on top of me and rested one on my crotch but didn’t make it obvious. if it happens again i’ll press her feet down on it
Stranger: you like me?? but i’m weird as fuck
You: your problem is so fucking specific
Stranger: hahaha
You: no i dont like you like you
You: I think your a good person
Stranger: what makes you say that?
You: But idk if I should be helping you by preventing you from doing this
You: Or give you ideas?
Stranger: give me ideas
You: idk you seem nice
Stranger: right now i’m sitting on my bed with a hard cock just thinking about it. talking about it helps relieve some of the stresss
You: like youre horny as fuck but not as much as some other people
Stranger: like i’m i circumsised right? and i think my mum likes it thay was since she was the one who decided
Stranger: un^*
You: ok
Stranger: so when i show her when i’m soft i think she actually enjoys it
You: so i have a question about like circumcised and that stuff
Stranger: and like when i take the head out it’s super sensitive and i just want my step mommy to give me kisses there :(
Stranger: yes please!
You: i feel like circumsising your cocks like a religous thing right?
You: like its not as common
Stranger: exactly yes
Stranger: mostly common in jews but for some reason most americans do it
You: are you a jew?
Stranger: they think it looks better but i love the way it feels and looks
Stranger: nope because i am uncircumsized
You: wait but like
Stranger: jews are the ones who circumsise
You: this shits so confusing
You: ok i feel like circumsised penises look more normal??
Stranger: hahah yeah a bit, my mommy didn’t want any chances of it going wrong and hurting my dick
You: is that just my opinion ive seen that more
You: she wont hurt your dick
Stranger: i like am so horny talking to you it’s crazy i’m sorry
Stranger: circumsised dudes normally have a super sensitive tip, because the skin goes over the heads
Stranger: head
You: oh wait is it bc guys normally jack off and then we the head
Stranger: if i pull my skin back, it looks the exact same as a circumsised one
You: idk bro it shouldnt matter but ive been really confused
You: yeah that makes sense
Stranger: it’s ok, if you love someone it doesn’t matter the size of their tits dick the shape of their cock or vag it’s all normal
Stranger: you know?
You: are you insecure about yours or smth
Stranger: not at all, there’s things that make it not very normal but i like it
Stranger: like when i’m hard it’s curved upward, a lot of dicks do it’s not perfectly straight
Stranger: and i have foreskin which a lot of guys don’t hahe
Stranger: but it makes it more special i guess thinking someone would wanna give my pp kisses regardless of how it looks
You: yeah girls literaly have no prefrence of it
You: they dont care
You: well
Stranger: as long as it’s clean and nice and smells good it’s fine :)
Stranger: i shave because i like the way it feels
You: i was talking to a guy earlier whos complaining about his gf not liking his big dick
You: wait was that about vaginas
Stranger: i’m 6-7 is that too big too small or average?
You: average i think
Stranger: that’s good :) i have a thick cock too
Stranger: it looks nice is what i’m saying
You: thats good
Stranger: i like romance
Stranger: a fon
Stranger: ton
Stranger: i’d get so turned on my cuddling and small soft kisses
You: i dont really think thats a guys thing
Stranger: when my mom wakes me up in the morning i wrap my arms around her and kiss her and pull her on top of me
Stranger: then she gets up
You: um ok thats nice
Stranger: step mom
Stranger: what do you like
Stranger: are you a virgin?
Stranger: i am
You: yeah obviously
Stranger: hmm what size titties do you have?
Stranger: you don’t have to answer if it makes you uncomfortsbld
Stranger: i just like imagining
Stranger: thay maybe someone like you was here next to me
You: idk what do you think
You: oh well i guess you wouldnt know
Stranger: haha i’ll give a guess uhh B cup
You: yeah thats right actually
You: but sometimes they get a little bigger
Stranger: i’m 180 pounds 6’2 i’m 6-7 inches long i’m white with blackish hair thay is parted in the middle and people tell me i have a nice smir
Stranger: smile
You: haha ok thank you
Stranger: haha :)
Stranger: do you think it’s wrong for me to wanna start showing my pp to my mommy
You: yes
You: but i still accept you
Stranger: tank you :))
You: haha ur welcome
Stranger: hey i think you’re cute. i don’t know you very well but since i’m talking to you i want you to know if you were here i’d snuggle with you and kiss your titties <3
You: i didnt like you that much till i found out your hairs parted in the middle
You: aw ok
Stranger: my pp wants kisses :(
You: hey i have to go in a sec
You: if you wanna keep talking you can give your snap or smth
You: but if you dont want to its fine
Stranger: i have terrible anxiety and i told you i wanted to like do things with my mommy :( i would so give you it but i’ve probably already fucked myself
You: wdym
Stranger: like you said it’s illegal to fuck my mom
Stranger: and i told you i was gonna tru my best to
You: jesus i wont tell anybody
You: but i swear if you dont to its fine
You: *dont want to
You: you still there?
Stranger: yes sorry
Stranger: ;-; i just don’t know
You: ok i literaly have to go now
Stranger: i’m dorry
Stranger: sory
Stranger: <3 thanks for taking wit me
You: ok i hope you end up alright
You: see ya
Stranger: same to you thanks for being super understanding and helpful to talk to
Stranger: hoenstly
Stranger: made my heart happy
Stranger: <3 <3
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