buddyhollyscurls · 1 year
Jan Di being like I want to go back to the time before I knew F4 and Gu Jun Pyo is a pretty fucked up thing to say ngl
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vatt-world · 2 months
movie star
I think we should start looking at the blocking.
Josh, you want to set that up?
Right, thanks, Rebecca.
Oh, thanks.
It's okay?
Yup. welcom to rebecca im good
So…Marilyn Monroe, she was part of the, you know,
the actor's studio.
We should see it. The classes, the characters.
Okay, the problem with that is that in this scene
we just don't really have enough time to get into all of that.
But that's exactly my point.
There really isn't time in any of the scenes
to dig into her psyche.
They're too short.
I mean, personally, I'd rather see longer scenes
and a little less singing and dancing.
Heh, well, it is a musical after all.
Yeah, but it doesn't mean it can't be deep and smart.
I mean, and that song, it's boring.
I mean, it should be more fun.
Okay, you know what?
Um, this sounds like a longer conversation.
I'm driving you crazy, aren't I?
No, not at all.
Yes, yes, I am, I know.
I'm such a pain in the ass.
[Cars honking]
Boring! She thinks my music is boring.
It might be a little less boring //
You see? This is exactly what I'm talking about.
This scene, it's just getting started
when suddenly I… ? Break into song ?
You know what?
Uh, this sounds like a sidebar conversation.
I didn't want to interrupt the rehearsal, the--
Not to worry.
I think everyone could probably do with a break.
Okay, that's ten.
Oh, um, don't forget. // And if she wants you to write an extra-long scene
before dig deep, you will write that extra-long scene
and you will have it on my desk by 5:00, understood? // Anyway, the real reason I came by
is to talk about the scene.
I just got the pages from Julia.
It's inspired.
She's such a talent.
Mm, I agree.
In fact, it gave me so many other ideas
on how to deepen the rest of the show.
I'd love to get everyone together for a pow-wow. // ou run a bar in the city
you're gonna get your hands dirty.
But if you're looking for a way out of this with me,
you're don't have to hire a Detective.
Just tell me you're not interested.
I'm not looking for a way out.
It's just…
I've been through a lot.
So now we're getting somewhere.
And I'm out of practice.
You can take this as slow as you want.
You're the one who's always rushing around.
I'm just such a… //
We have a lot to show you.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen,
let's take it from the top, please.
Rebecca, you ready?
You better believe it.
The challenge for the act is to use sense memory
of childhood trauma.
All: ? Aaah, use the past ?
The actor must deploy the conscious
and dig in to the unconscious.
The challenge for the actor is to learn to be private.
I dig it the most.
I'm through with Hollywood.
It's New York and the actor's studio for me.
And if any of those boys from Hollywood come a'calling,
you can tell them I said this… // rebecca unable to sing tom says great they will sit down she is on key find costructive solution we need ivi back real ivi need tosing debra and tom ivi enters rececca sings with tom dev and kathy talk rebecca talks to derek actors studio songs boring
she thinks boring - tom angelina calls
alright nick whats wrong with u rebecca with acting coach - derek ex bf comes write that scene to tom - angelina rebecca with angelina talk about scene other ideas rally the troops derek meets angelina keep it tht way rebecca meets team u need bigger skin - angelina meets bartender i have been thru a lot derek - challenge for actor
publicity kathy and derek talk can we start something idea what r u doing tonite i hate her y dont u direct she cant sing it let them in who should sing it karen will sing they exchange clothes - kathy rebecca i texted u dev u never came home movie star problem smoothies no free minutes i having food with rebecca in indian restaurant i want to be keith richards can i borrow ur phone stop messing around with me she went home voice on ur head i think marlyn should sing that song
Karen, can I talk to you for a moment, please?
Everything okay?
Why, did I do something wrong?
No, no, sorry.
I'm just letting you know I won't be needing you anymore,
For Marilyn, I mean.
You won't be needing me?
I wouldn't be so sure of that.
No, I mean, Rebecca's gonna be needing all my attention.
And I'm just the understudy. I get it.
Don't worry, Derek //
she doesntshowup star plane hicup u want to understudy kathy - derek asks i know all the blocking iva i was a mess -iva dev and kathy meet times sq walk trian wreck mom and kid eva she walks thru times sq music kathy sexual harass tells dev rebecca will be soon angelina in bar talks to bartender bartender gives money derek u can be smarter towel dance songwriter/tom sings kathy do u have a pencil …gives her direction derek bartender makes him meet rockstar kids perform angelina meets rockstar -- nolimit to return kathy /eva walk thru times sq debra and kid talk tom and date talk at coffee ..reading newspaper debra calls husband angelina on computer just do it derek angelina bartender u introduced us kathy at home /derek comes u did great work/ i want to apologise derek meets boyfriend fight karen bf hit me why dont u start call u bombsell latest investor - randy cobra debra in restaurant kathy singing infront of derek rebecca duvall comes
hell on earth its a lot i have a audition tom and bf meet republican fundraiser ava with pills i worked ass of on that workshop going thru stars we need title whats the problem finish the script can we get hughes ivi len rushes maryln workshop talking i got the commericial greenscreen costume tom and gal talk ivi works as background marlyn on brooklyn bridge it wasnt anything she wears green screen debra husband meet michael u came to my house we are looking with new director she lands everything iva im not sick of that sick what are u reading ivi's glasses ivi takes tablets replacing with derek with hughes are u in or out he puts on backup uniform she sees tablets ivi are u there ivi walks out u are about to go on u didnt fight enough ivi dad is leaving kathy and ivi become friends they dance at times sq ivi falls flat on bed its 5am i would not answer phone thanksfor meeting out here they come up with title bombshell
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vatt-world · 2 months
movie star
I think we should start looking at the blocking.
Josh, you want to set that up?
Right, thanks, Rebecca.
Oh, thanks.
It's okay?
Yup. welcom to rebecca im good
So…Marilyn Monroe, she was part of the, you know,
the actor's studio.
We should see it. The classes, the characters.
Okay, the problem with that is that in this scene
we just don't really have enough time to get into all of that.
But that's exactly my point.
There really isn't time in any of the scenes
to dig into her psyche.
They're too short.
I mean, personally, I'd rather see longer scenes
and a little less singing and dancing.
Heh, well, it is a musical after all.
Yeah, but it doesn't mean it can't be deep and smart.
I mean, and that song, it's boring.
I mean, it should be more fun.
Okay, you know what?
Um, this sounds like a longer conversation.
I'm driving you crazy, aren't I?
No, not at all.
Yes, yes, I am, I know.
I'm such a pain in the ass.
[Cars honking]
Boring! She thinks my music is boring.
It might be a little less boring //
You see? This is exactly what I'm talking about.
This scene, it's just getting started
when suddenly I… ? Break into song ?
You know what?
Uh, this sounds like a sidebar conversation.
I didn't want to interrupt the rehearsal, the--
Not to worry.
I think everyone could probably do with a break.
Okay, that's ten.
Oh, um, don't forget. // And if she wants you to write an extra-long scene
before dig deep, you will write that extra-long scene
and you will have it on my desk by 5:00, understood? // Anyway, the real reason I came by
is to talk about the scene.
I just got the pages from Julia.
It's inspired.
She's such a talent.
Mm, I agree.
In fact, it gave me so many other ideas
on how to deepen the rest of the show.
I'd love to get everyone together for a pow-wow. // ou run a bar in the city
you're gonna get your hands dirty.
But if you're looking for a way out of this with me,
you're don't have to hire a Detective.
Just tell me you're not interested.
I'm not looking for a way out.
It's just…
I've been through a lot.
So now we're getting somewhere.
And I'm out of practice.
You can take this as slow as you want.
You're the one who's always rushing around.
I'm just such a… //
We have a lot to show you.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen,
let's take it from the top, please.
Rebecca, you ready?
You better believe it.
The challenge for the act is to use sense memory
of childhood trauma.
All: ? Aaah, use the past ?
The actor must deploy the conscious
and dig in to the unconscious.
The challenge for the actor is to learn to be private.
I dig it the most.
I'm through with Hollywood.
It's New York and the actor's studio for me.
And if any of those boys from Hollywood come a'calling,
you can tell them I said this… // rebecca unable to sing tom says great they will sit down she is on key find costructive solution we need ivi back real ivi need tosing debra and tom ivi enters rececca sings with tom dev and kathy talk rebecca talks to derek actors studio songs boring
she thinks boring - tom angelina calls
alright nick whats wrong with u rebecca with acting coach - derek ex bf comes write that scene to tom - angelina rebecca with angelina talk about scene other ideas rally the troops derek meets angelina keep it tht way rebecca meets team u need bigger skin - angelina meets bartender i have been thru a lot derek - challenge for actor
publicity kathy and derek talk can we start something idea what r u doing tonite i hate her y dont u direct she cant sing it let them in who should sing it karen will sing they exchange clothes - kathy rebecca i texted u dev u never came home movie star problem smoothies no free minutes i having food with rebecca in indian restaurant i want to be keith richards can i borrow ur phone stop messing around with me she went home voice on ur head i think marlyn should sing that song
Karen, can I talk to you for a moment, please?
Everything okay?
Why, did I do something wrong?
No, no, sorry.
I'm just letting you know I won't be needing you anymore,
For Marilyn, I mean.
You won't be needing me?
I wouldn't be so sure of that.
No, I mean, Rebecca's gonna be needing all my attention.
And I'm just the understudy. I get it.
Don't worry, Derek //
she doesntshowup star plane hicup u want to understudy kathy - derek asks i know all the blocking iva i was a mess -iva dev and kathy meet times sq walk trian wreck mom and kid eva she walks thru times sq music kathy sexual harass tells dev rebecca will be soon angelina in bar talks to bartender bartender gives money derek u can be smarter towel dance songwriter/tom sings kathy do u have a pencil …gives her direction derek bartender makes him meet rockstar kids perform angelina meets rockstar -- nolimit to return kathy /eva walk thru times sq debra and kid talk tom and date talk at coffee ..reading newspaper debra calls husband angelina on computer just do it derek angelina bartender u introduced us kathy at home /derek comes u did great work/ i want to apologise derek meets boyfriend fight karen bf hit me why dont u start call u bombsell latest investor - randy cobra debra in restaurant kathy singing infront of derek rebecca duvall comes
hell on earth its a lot i have a audition tom and bf meet republican fundraiser ava with pills i worked ass of on that workshop going thru stars we need title whats the problem finish the script can we get hughes ivi len rushes maryln workshop talking i got the commericial greenscreen costume tom and gal talk ivi works as background marlyn on brooklyn bridge it wasnt anything she wears green screen debra husband meet michael u came to my house we are looking with new director she lands everything iva im not sick of that sick what are u reading ivi's glasses ivi takes tablets replacing with derek with hughes are u in or out he puts on backup uniform she sees tablets ivi are u there ivi walks out u are about to go on u didnt fight enough ivi dad is leaving kathy and ivi become friends they dance at times sq ivi falls flat on bed its 5am i would not answer phone thanksfor meeting out here they come up with title bombshell
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