(Feel free to delete this if u want) Positivity for a Bro who is just,, in the worst possible mood? Dysphoria hit me p hard, my depression kicked in, and I had some pretty depressing kin memories earlier. And Ive been shot down by six blogs when i requested some positivity, so I guess that dropped my mood a lot? Thank ya. - Bro
hey bro, its mod raven here. I just wanna say first of all your cool as shit. this is fact, no one can argue this with me and those blogs were due as hell for turning you down, I am sorry you had to deal with that. its a real issue in the community that should be dealt with and i am sorry that your suffering because of it. you are not your actions, not in this life and its unfair of people to treat you that way.
As for the dysphoria thing, that ones hard. I am trans myself so i feel you. sometimes theres not much that can be done. it just hurts but a few things i have learned help a lot are: makeup!! make yourself look however the hell you want! and if you cant youtube can teach you how! supplies can be hard to come by but if you have any that can be great.
Working out sometimes helps for me. the sting and adriniline  of getting something done and improving myself makes me feel waaaay better.
and hey if all else fails let me be the first to tell you that you are 110% valid however you idnify! you rock in any colors you bear!!
depression sucks major ass, theres no denying that. I am sure you have heard lots of things about ways to cope and some may or may not work but the few i would like to throw in are: self care fucking rocks, even if its just making your favorite food and rewatching your favorite show.as stupid as it is to hear, fresh air helps to. even just opening a window.
Kin stuff can be hard but a big thing to remember is that its a different life. that was in the. those pains cant hurt you here and those actions cant follow you. you have a change every morning to do, be and feel different then in any canon. memories can be hard, but thats all they are anymore memories. they cant control or hurt you no matter how much it may feel like they can so hold your head high and dont let them drag you down!
I hope this helped bro and hey if it didnt feel free to request for mod doomeddirk to do it. I just wanted to try and help!! have a good one cause you sure as hell deserve it!!
~mod raven
So as it turns out, both me and Raven had some stuff to say about this! So I’m gonna tag my bit of advice onto the end:
So firstly, for the dysphoria; I’ve got a couple requests in the past to deal with this, so I’d love to point your attention to these three posts. I’ve talked a lot about trying to deal with dysphoria when things are getting rough, so try taking what you can from those posts whenever dysphoria starts trying to kick your ass. Just remember to be firm in yourself and your identity; ask the people closest to you to repeat your chosen names and pronouns as much as they can, whisper to yourself over and over your chosen identity to make it stick in your mind, maybe look at some fanart you associate with yourself and keep telling yourself “that’s still me”. Anything can help, big or small. You’ve got this, dude. You’re badass enough to handle this and more, and come out the other side even stronger than before.
As for the depression… o h man do I understand that. Depressive slumps are the goddamn worst. I’m not sure how it gets to you most, but in general, remember to eat regularly, and eat well. Eating junk food at 3am usually makes your depression worse. Have people remind you and force you to abide by that if you can. Remember to bathe and change your clothes as often as possible - because That Depressed Feel when basic hygene gets too much, but it really, really does help to revitalize you after you’ve stared at the shower wall for half an hour, and suddenly you actually feel half alive when you’re in clean clothes. Watch things that make you happy, do any sort of self care thing you can think of, talk to people and take comfort in them as much as you can - anything can help a depressive slump. Even just going into rabb.it and looking at dildos for an hour while laughing at your friends’ reactions can help; it doesn’t need to be big or impressive. And make sure you sleep on time. Depression kicks your ass when it comes to sleep, and staying up late just makes it worse. Again, have people remind you and make you sleep if you need it. Looking after yourself is so, so important right now, Bro.
The kin memories suck, and sadly, there’s not much you can do about them. Don’t forget them. Forgetting them usually just leads to them rising up again at the worst time. Leave them to one side, and remember happier things instead. Focus on the good you recall - maybe not even from the same canon, if you have multiple; try and find the memories that stick out to you most as happy, and cling to them - and just quietly tell yourself that even if the bad was there, it’s not enough to outweigh the good. Talk to someone about them if possible - talking about them can help take the weight from them, the emotional drain - and honestly? If it helps, try to disconnect yourself from them. They’re just memories. They suck, they affect you, yeah, but they’re still just memories. Things in the past. Whatever happened in them, you can improve upon. You’ve got a whole new life to make up for all the crap that happened before - so every time you get a depressing memory, firmly tell yourself, “it’s okay. I can make it better this time”.
As for those blogs - and please excuse my language - but fuck them, honestly? I agree with Mod Raven. There is no reason why you should have been shot by down them, Bro. You deserve help and positivity as much as anyone else. You’re just as deserving, just as wonderful, just as perfect, as anyone else. Those blogs suck. Ignore them, ignore the way they shot you down, tell yourself “I’m just too good for them”, and focus on the people and the blogs who are there for you. We’re happy to help here, Bro. We’ve got your back, and we are more than happy to remind you of how awesome you are, how strong, for getting through everything you’re dealing with and still trying to keep going. Look at what you just told me! Dysphoria, depression, awful memories, and a mood drop because you kept getting shot down when you asked for help. And yet you kept going, you’re staying strong, and you got here. Dude, that’s way more than I could have done. I crack as soon as I get bad memories and depression at once, let alone all of that. You are so goddamn strong, dude. That’s hella admirable.
In the end? Bro, you’ve got this. You can handle anything that comes your way - have handled everything, and without blaming anyone for it, from the tone of this ask, despite you having every right to be mad/upset about being shot down by other blogs - and honestly? When everything settles down, it’s gonna be okay again. I promise, dude. Everything is gonna be better than fine.
And just so you know - we’re always here if you need anything. Anything at all.
- Mod DoomedDirk
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