jaremish · 6 years
I Want Him Gone - Part 3
Pairing: Sam x teen!reader, Dean x teen!Reader (both platonic)
Warnings: Nothing really, fluff?
Word Count: 1260
Summary: You were kidnapped at the age of 14, having your parents killed right in front of you by a demon. Tortured almost daily for two years, you luckily escape only to run into the Winchesters. They quickly help you, not only physically but also mentally, taking you in almost as a little sister. Though there’s something crawling under your skin… revenge.
A/N: My god, I’m sorry this took so long to write. I had a mini writer's block (which is why i wrote those imagines) and couldn’t think of anything to write tbh. Well here it finally is! Feedback is GOLD. Happy reading y’all!
Part 2 | Series Masterlist | Taglist (or send an ask)
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You woke up a few hours later, still leaning against Sam. You kept your eyes closed, savouring the feeling of Sam stroking your hair. Your mother used to do this whenever you had a nightmare and you missed it so much.
Your mother was your rock. As a young teenager you go through a lot and your mother was always there helping you. Your 14 year old self would always argue against your parents, always overreacting at everything. It’s something you have to go through, being in the state between being a grown up and a kid can be confusing.
You missed your parents so much. The thought of them made you clench the fabric of Sam’s flannel in your hands. Your leg was still hurting, but you ignored it.
“Y/N?” Sam’s voice broke through the silence in the room
“You awake?” You nodded your head to answer him.
No matter how much you hated yourself for doing it, you started to trust Sam. It was against every single rule that you had put up, and you hoped to never regret this. He was that kind of person who constantly had this calming and trusting area.
“Yeah...” You mumbled out, being the first thing to say in a few weeks. The words felt wrong coming from you, almost a little too weak.
You immediately regretted saying something. You broke a rule. One of the most important rules you had to follow. Sam tensed under you and you quickly clenched your eyes shut. Your whole body tensed as well, waiting for Sam’s outrage on how you broke the rule.
Sam didn’t move for what felt as an infinity, but he started to relax, and you got confused. Where’s the punishment? You opened your eyes slowly, wanting to see what was going on. You didn’t dare to look up at Sam though, you were scared of what you might see.
“That’s, uh, that’s good. You hurting anywhere? We got you some painkillers if you need them.” He said after a while.
His voice was calm and collected, almost as if he didn’t want you to know what he was feeling. Was he angry? Sad? Or shooked..?
“My l-leg.” You didn’t know what had gotten to you, but you actually talked. Your voice cracked a little as you spoke and you cringed at the sound of your voice.
“Okay, yeah, let me just-” he didn’t finish the sentence as he gently gripped your waist in his hands and carefully lifted you up only to put you down a second later further away from him.
Stunned you just stared up at Sam as he got of the bed with wide eyes. You were not prepared for that, but somehow you didn’t freak out considering how jumpy you were.
He gave you a small smile as he made himself over to the nightstand where a glass of, what you assumed to be water, and some pills stood. He grabbed both of the items and handed them to you.
You looked down nervously at you hand where the painkillers were and you wondered if it’d be a good idea to take drugs that could be literally anything. Looking up at Sam again, he gave you a small nod, wanting you to take them.
The pills went down your throat smoothly by the cold water, and you drank the whole thing in one go before you handed it back to Sam. He placed it at the nightstand before crouching down before you.
“Do you wanna talk about what happened before you got here?” Sam asked carefully, looking directly in to your eyes.
You froze immediately and you eyes darted around the room, trying to awaid the hazel ones belonging to Sam. Your shaking hands clenched and unclenched in your lap and you shook your head a “no” at Sam.
Sam released a sigh as he stood up and reached out his hand towards you. You flinched right away and he lowered his hand a little, trying not to frighten you.
“Come on, let’s go to the kitchen and get something to eat, yeah?”
You weren't sure why you agreed to it, but you left the room with your hand in his as he led you through the corridors. It was difficult to keep up on how many turns you made and when you got to the kitchen you were unsure if it was 5, or 7 turns to get here.
As you looked up you saw the other man, Dean, sit a the table eating a lot of bacon and some scrambled eggs. He looked up as the two of you entered the room with a look of surprise.
Dean mainly looked at Sam though, and sent him a quick nod. Sam gently pushed you towards the table and you looked up at him with an unsure look.
“Go on, you can sit at the table while I make something for you.” He said with a small smile.
With a short nod you turned towards the table and made your way over to the chair opposite of Dean. You grasped the fabric of the t-shirt you were wearing in your fists. Your hands where shaking really bad and you were trying to make them stop.
The room was cold. Like really cold. Not only where your hands shaking but your whole body was shaking, trying to keep the little warmth that it had inside of you.
You jumped as someone placed their hand on your shoulder. Looking up you saw Dean with his flanned he had previously worn in his hands. He wrapped it around you and smiled down at your tiny form.
“It’s a little cold in here. We’ll get you some nice fitted clothes for your after breakfast.” With that he turned around and sat in his own chair again.
A little while later Sam returns to the table with two plates in his hands, placing one right in front of you. It was the same thing Dean had on his plate and you watched as they both happily started to eat.
Picking up the fork you took a few bites out of the eggs and the bacon, not really feeling that hungry. They were done within minutes and looked up at you. Not liking the attention you quickly stared down at your plate.
“Not feeling hungry?” Sam asked.
Shaking your head briefly he grasped your plate and brought all three of them to the kitchen counter. The loud noise of the dishes made you jump a little.
“You wanna take a shower? We’ll get you some clean clothes to put on afterwards.” Sam said as he walked over to you.
The thought of a shower brought a little smile to your lips. You hadn’t had a shower in forever and you craved the feeling of hot water and feeling clean. When you nodded your head quickly to Sam he let out a chuckle.
After a “Come on, this way.” from Sam, you followed him yet again in the corridors. He led you to the showers and left after telling you that your clothes would be right outside.
As you walked in you found the towell and the shampoo where Sam described and quickly stripped down to take your shower. As the warm water hit your body you let out a big happy sigh. It had probably been 15 minutes with you just standing under the spray of the water before you eventually got the shampoo.
Maybe this was too nice to be true.
Masterlist | Part 4 (coming soon)
Tagging (crossing means that I can’t tag you)
@miraxo-xo-supernatrual @bellero @chennyetomlinson@sammywiththegoodhair @im-forever-a-fangirl @whocares006 @sushisecor @spectaculicious @oliolioxiclean @mrsmichaelclifford1 @ellaorelizabeth @iliketowrite02 @pastellfarbeneaussichten @mirkwoodshewolf @emwinchester1 @colie87 @thatcrazybookwormgeek @laceyn-1201
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watchfacts-blog1 · 7 years
Nelson Report: IWJG Show Las Vegas April 2017
The International Watch and Jewelry Guild is making its way back to New York during our favorite time of the year!!! Springtime!!! The Cherry trees are in full bloom… The weather is wonderful and we can’t wait to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge again!!! Hey, it’s The IWJG EVENT at the Marriott Brooklyn Bridge on May 1st and 2nd in New York City!!!
The New York Events are all special and based on our Pre- Registrations, this one will be no different!!! We left Las Vegas with great sign ups and the phones have not stopped ringing… If you have not registered… Do Not Wait… Call Olga NOW at 1-800-554-4992 or 1-713-783-8150… Register over the phone and then just walk right in to the New York Show!!! It’s that Simple!!! No Lines!!!Do Not Wait!!
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Please remember, the First of April for 2017 has come and gone… Everybody knows that the International Watch and Jewelry Guild Dues must be paid before the First of April…Call Olga NOW at 1-800-554-4992 or 1-713-783-8150!!!
Don’t Forget… Your Dues cannot be taken from your IWJG Account… They are always separate because of the 10% bonus, the IWJG gives you on your K account deposits… The computer program will not take your Dues from your IWJG accounts, because it would in essence be discounting the Dues… Make sure you call Olga and get current If you do not…Do not complain about the Line on Monday!!! It’s a two-minute phone call!!!
This is going to be a Very Good May Event… Do not miss it or forget to pay your Dues and have to wait in line!!! You will not like it and neither will we!!! Call Olga right now!
I didn’t have room for all of the reports from Las Vegas but here is part of what we heard from some of you!!!
Gary Zumalt said that Las Vegas was a KILLER SHOW… Gary thought that if you didn’t have a good event in Las Vegas he wasn’t sure how to help you… It was a good show!!!
Alex Negel reported in with a Really, Really Good Show… We are glad Alex… Thank you for being in Las Vegas!!!
Jennifer Chu reported in with a Very Good Las Vegas event!!!
Ariel Shimunov Loved Las Vegas… Loved his Location and had Great Vegas results!!! We are glad Ariel!!!
Bret Kopelman reported that he noticed that the IWHG Shows in 2017 are definitely on the uptick compared to 2016… We are happy the results are trending upward for the New Year!!!
Jorge Haro reported in with a really good show and Miami Member Joe Akar thought Las Vegas was a good show as well!!!
Arej Shah gave us a Good Show Report and Chicago Member Fred Hakimian thought Las Vegas was a good event for both buying and selling… Glad you were with us in Vegas Fred!!!
Abdalla Alyhabib stopped by to let us know that he had a Great Show in Las Vegas and Jacob Mace turned in a good show report as well!!!
Andrew Cohen had a GREAT SHOW… His first time setting up…In the past he had only walked the floor and bought… Monday he sold over thirty watches before he had a chance to get out on the floor and buy… Andrew loved his results in Vegas!!!
Paul Fox said his Vegas results were Good and he was glad he was there and Stephen Marzilli said his results mirrored Pauls’… We are glad to hear it!!!
Bob Maron and Ron Cordova both had a good event in the Desert and Micha Motale was with Bob and Ron in his report of a good event in Sin City!!!
Aleksander Pinkhasov handed in a Really Good Las Vegas Show Report and Robert Beggs was very happy with his results as well… On a personal note, Mr. Beggs, we are glad you stayed with us through the end of the show on Tuesday… I think you enjoyed the wind down period with us… We were glad you were there!!!
It is good to know that we had lots of very happy IWJG Members in Las Vegas… Buyers and Sellers!!! Make sure you have your merchandise ready for New York!!!
Just a reminder…Do not carry your merchandise with you at the show… We have safes that are guarded by armed officers who are there to protect you and your goods… Do not be Penny Wise and Pound Foolish… Let us know if we can help you!!!
Call Olga now at 1-800-554-4992 or 1-713-783-8150, pay your Dues (if you haven’t), book your IWJG Show and your Rooms at the Marriott Hotel, 333 Adams Street, New York for May 1st and 2nd, before she runs out of good space on the floor and sleeping rooms, because IT’S CHERRY BLOSSOM TIME IN NYC and we can’t wait, to serve the best membership on this planet!!!
Olga, Joe, Christina and the entire IWJG Staff!!!
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sheepgirlwizard · 5 years
demonladytakkuri replied to your post “watched the steven universe movie, the moral i took away is: fuck pink...”
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usivo1 · 6 years
bij Kiel https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn2E6X-iwhg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=45w7qpwi7i73
0 notes
jaremish · 6 years
I Want Him Gone - Part 1
Pairing: Sam x teen!reader, Dean x teen!Reader (both plantonic)
Warnings: Blood, panic & needles
Word Count: 1650
Summary: You were kidnapped at the age of 14, having your parents killed right in front of you by a demon. Tortured almost daily for two years, you luckily escape only to run into the Winchesters. They quickly help you, not only physically but also mentally, taking you in almost as a little sister. Though there’s something crawling under your skin… revenge.
A/N: Soooo, I’m rewriting “I don’t think I deserve it”. The plot was just a mess and *sigh* I didn’t want to give it up. Happy Reading y’all!
Series Masterlist | Taglist (or sen an ask)
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“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N…” The demon said with a sigh as he walked around your sitting form in circles.
Blood have been dripping from somewhere in your head down you face for quite some time now. Your legs and arms were bound awkwardly around the uncomfortable chair and your head hung low. You had lost your sense of feeling in your right arm where a pretty nasty gash had stopped bleeding.
“You know, I always enjoy our time together, you and I,” He said, running a finger down your left arm as he walked around you. “It’s so easy getting rid of all the stress with your help.”
He stopped walking and squatted down, leaning his face towards you, and whispered in your ear. “Too bad I don’t hear one of your precious screams, now isn’t it?”
Sharp pain shot up your left leg and you opened your eyes to see a knife buried in your leg. A sharp scream left your lips as you tried to breathe out the pain, trying to focus on anything just to distract yourself. With a quick punch to your face you blacked out, though it wasn’t for long.
You woke up just a few minutes after, being dragged down the hall and thrown into your dark and small cage. A moan came across your lips as you landed on the hard concrete floor. The door slammed and you released a deep breath.
The cage that you had been spending most of your time in was really small. You could barely sit up straight without hitting your head on the ceiling. You couldn't even stretch your arms out to the sides. It was also dark, no windows or lights could be seen.
You pressed yourself up in a sitting position and used the door for help, only the door opened slightly as you pressed your weight at it. The door wasn’t locked. Adrenaline shot though your body. Without a second thought you bolted through the door as quietly as you could.
The bulting pain from your leg was long forgotten as you made your way down the halls, remembering how you mesmerized the way towards the exit just in case you’d actually have a chance one day at getting out of here. As you ran towards the exit you started to hear voices. With all the adrenaline and panic going through your body you managed to open the door and run for your life.
You just ran. It felt as if your heart was going to pump out of your chest and your lungs hurt from all the running. You had a hard time breathing as you rounded corner after corner, trying to confuse them if they were chasing after you.
Just as you were turning your head to see if they were actually following you, you ran into something and fell down on your butt. The hard impact with the ground made you whimper in pain. With panicked eyes you looked up as hazel ones staring down at you.
“Hey, shit, you okay kiddo?” The tall man said with a frown.
You didn’t have time to study him as you made up your mind on trying to get up again only to be meet with even more pain. The adrenaline was wearing out and the major injuries on your body did not help to soothe the pain.
You didn’t notice that the man had squatted down next to you until he placed his hand on your shoulder. Immediately you flinched away, trying to get out of his grip. Worry glazed over his face, though you did not notice this in your attempts to get away from him.
“Hey, hey, hey, calm down. I’m not going to hurt you.” His voice was calm and collected as he tried to speak with you.
His eyes ran over your body scanning for injuries and he sure as hell found them. It wasn’t had though seeing as you only wore a larger sized t-shirt that had ripped in many places. Mumbling a “shit” under his breath he quickly picked you up from the cold ground.
A scream was heard from you when he lifted you up in his arms. Panic was still running through you and your heart beat way too fast.
“Shh, calm down. I’m getting you some help. I’m not here to hurt you kid.” The man said as the looked down at you.
He began walking, walking away from where you’d come from. He looked down at you quickly trying to read something from your face without luck. You began to relax a tiny bit in his warm arms and your heartbeat begun to slow.
“Dean! I need some help here!” The man suddenly called out.
You tensed in his arms, but your eyes started to drop a little. The amount of blood that you’d lost were probably not that good. A few moments went by where you went in and out of the radar, having trouble focusing on what was going on around you.
You opened your eyes slightly when another pair of hands were on you. You didn’t have the strength to pull away. The other man, Dean, pressed around the areas of your injuries but you didn’t make a sound until he pressed at your leg leg. A whimper was all you could master up to do.
“Take her to the bunker. Make sure she doesn’t fall asleep, those wounds does not look good Sam.” Dean said.
Your eyes closed again, completely giving up on trying to stay awake. You felt yourself being moved, though you were unsure what was really going on. When you opened your eyes next you were sitting in a car, next to the man who picked you up, Sam. His eyes landed on you when he felt your gaze upon him.
“Try to stay awake, I’m going to help you I promise, but you gotta stay awake.”
You managed to stay awake for the rest of the car ride to wherever he was going. It felt like hours but it’d only been about 15 minutes. Sam parked the car in front of a big iron door and got out. He walked over to your side and opened the door.
“I’m sorry if this hurt, just hang in there will you?” He said as he reached for you.
He picked you out of the car as gently as he could but that didn’t help as you blacked out again. With you limp in his arms he made his way down the stairs and into the closest room with a bed to put you on.
He heard the door behind him close and he looked up to find Dean. You were awake again, but it was all just a mess in your head. You were laying in a bed, an actual bed. Sam picked up a box and opened it where he sat, next to you on your left side.
The men were mumbling to each other and you could just pick up small things from what they said but none of it made sense to you. Sam started to wipe a cloth across your wound on your leg and it hurt as hell. Tears were spilling down your cheeks as you tried to get away from Sam.
Dean however saw this and held you in place, placing one arm across your hips and the other holding down your shoulder. Your vision was blurry due to the tears, but when you saw the needle you freaked out. Screams opon screams left your lips as you trashed in Deans hold.
“On it.” He answered to Sam’s shout.
Dean lifted you up, climbing into the bed with his back pressed against the headboard. You were lifted up in a sitting position, leaded back against Dean who held you in place. You shook your head repeatedly as you feared what Sam was going to do.
“Shh, calm down. Don’t look at what Sam’s doing, just calm down.” Dean said to you.
As Sam fixed up your wounds you had your jaw clenched the whole time, tears still falling down from your eyes. Dean tried to make you relax by mumbling encouraging words to you.
You had lost yourself to your own thoughts halfway through. You couldn’t help but be scared of how things would turn up now that you were somewhere else. You didn’t dare to break anymore rules, that you were sure of.
Sam snapped you out of your thoughts when he called your name. You faced him, though your gaze were not meeting his, afraid he’d be mad. Dean was standing beside him, having noticed how calm you were and left you be long ago.
“Y/N?” Sam called your name again.
He had noticed how your eyes continued to drop, seeing how tired you were. Sam stood up, walking over to you. Exhausted, but still afraid you made an attempt of scooting away from him, still not trusting any of them.
“Why don’t you get some sleep? You don’t have to force yourself to be awake.” Sam started as he knelt down next you you, trying to make himself small. “You’re safe here.”
You shook your head lightly at this, not wanting to sleep somewhere you were not aware of the things happening around you.
“Me and Dean will be outside of this room, making sure you’re okay.”
Stubborn, but losing to yourself, your eyes started to get heavy. You tried to blink a couple of times, desperately trying to stay awake. Sam saw this and draped the blanket over you. It was warm. It had been so long since you’d been warm. You stayed perfectly still, savouring this moment for as long as possible. A yawn escaped your lips and you finally gave in. You were out cold after a few minutes, in for a long sleep.
Masterlist | Part 2
@chennyetomlinson @sammywiththegoodhair @im-forever-a-fangirl @whocares006 @sushisecor @spectaculicious
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jaremish · 6 years
I Want Him Gone - Part 2
Pairing: Sam x teen!reader, Dean x teen!Reader (both plantonic)
Warnings: Blood, lots of panic, torture, angst
Word Count: 1740
Summary: You were kidnapped at the age of 14, having your parents killed right in front of you by a demon. Tortured almost daily for two years, you luckily escape only to run into the Winchesters. They quickly help you, not only physically but also mentally, taking you in almost as a little sister. Though there’s something crawling under your skin… revenge.
A/N: Okay I know, I just posted the first part yesterday, but I couldn’t hold myself.. The next update will be some time later this week. Happy reading y’all!
Part 1 | Series Matserlist | Taglist (or send an ask)
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You were in the state between being asleep and being awake. Not wanting to wake up, you shifted to get into a more comfortable position only to be meet with pain spreading from your left leg. With a small whimper your eyes shoot up looking around the room.
You were left confused and panicked, not knowing where you were or what to do. Maybe this was another set of illusions that the demon had set up. It was one of the first things he did to torture you, making you believe you were with your parents only for them to be killed constantly, breaking you down more and more.
Feeling terrified of what's coming next you shot out of the bed, not caring for the pain and making your way towards the corner. It was something you learned early, having your back free always hurt you. This way you had a clear vision on what was going on in front of you.
Pulling your legs up towards you chest and wrapping your arms around them was the next thing you did. Your leg was bulting, making itself known. The frustration and fear of not knowing what was going on forced fresh tears down your cheeks.
You stayed in the corner, feeling alert and focused for about an hour before you put your head down to rest against your knees. The black t-shirt you had on was not yours. It was really big on you, but it was still warmer than what you usually wore. It felt nice against your skin, it didn’t itch at all.
You kept staring down at the t-shirt, almost admiring it. Too lost in your thoughts about the shirt you didn’t notice the door out of the room open.
“Y/N?” A soft voice said from the door.
The sound made you jump and you turned your head towards the voice. Your whole body was tense until you saw who it was. Sam. The memories from how you literally ran into him, and him bringing you here made it into your head.
Sam spotted you in the corner of the room, shaking. He made his way towards you slowly, not wanting to startle you. When he was close enough he stopped and sat down in front of you.
“You okay?” Sam said.
You didn’t answer. You just kept staring at him, not trusting him at all. Your body was tense, ready in case he attacked. Maybe he worked for the demon? Maybe this was their new way of torturing you.
Leaving the door open for you to have a sense of hope and freedom only to stab you in the back when you started to trust them. But Sam looked like he cared. He didn’t have the same sick smile on his face like the others had…
“Can you tell me what happened?” Sam asked, still trying to make you say something. Quickly giving up on the heavy questions he asked something simple.
“Are you hungry?” He smiled after asking this. He had this calming effect about himself. A little sigh left his lips and he stood up.
“Well you must be, you’ve been sleeping for days kiddo. I’m gonna come back with some food, okay?”
With that he left the room. He came back after a few minutes with a tray in his hands. You had not moved from your spot at the corner. Sam knew you wouldn’t move up to the bed if he asked you, so he sat down in front of you again on the floor.
He put the tray down in between you both. On the tray was a plate with bacon, eggs and some pancakes. There was also a glass of water, a fork and a knife on the tray as well. He made a motion with his hands as if he wanted you to do something.
You shook your head at him, not wanting to eat the food he came with. For all you knew he could have poisoned it. Sam was pretty sure you wouldn’t eat at first glance, so he brought his own fork with him. He took a bite out of the eggs, showing you that it was okay to eat.
You watched him take a bite out of the bacon and the pancakes too before he reached for your fork and gave it to you. Your hand wrapped around the fork carefully. You looked down at the tray and took a small bite out of the eggs. This made Sam smile a little and he incurred you to eat some more.
You avoided the bacon, not liking how the smell reminded you a little of burnt flesh. You ate really slow, always watching Sam’s every move. There was a lot left on the plate when you decided that you were done with it.
You reached for the water, craving the feeling of the cool liquid. Your throat had been pretty sore ever since you woke up. You emptied the glass quickly and put it back on the tray, looking up at Sam.
“You know, you don’t have to sit in the corner. You have a pretty comfy bed in here.” He said after a while.
You made no movement as he scooted the tray away and reached over to the bed. He took the blanket and a pillow and put it next to where you sat.
“At least put this around you, it can be pretty cold on the floor.”
Sam then stood up with the tray to leave the room. He looked back from the door and smiled a little at you before he walked out.
You were all wrapped up in the blanket, ready to take a small nap when you heard voices. Straining your ears to hear what they said you quickly knew it was Sam and Dean talking in hushed tones.
“Did you test her? Was she clear?” The voice belonged to Dean.
“Yeah Dean. She held the silver fork and drank the holy water and nothing. She’s just a small terrified girl.” Sam answered back with a sigh.
“Do you know what happened? Did she talk to you?”
Sam sighed again and you assumed he shook his head or something before he answered.
“No, she’s not talking. She looks so scared, I’m worried something really bad happened to her.”
Their voices started to disappear. They were moving away from the room you were in. Still being tired you gave in and fell asleep on the cold, hard floor.
“Hmm, Y/N, tell me… for how long have you been here?” The demon said.
You were sitting in your usual chair, wrists and ankles bound by leather straps. Your hair and your clothes was sticking to your face and body. Sweat tickled your skin as it slowly ran down your limbs, almost as if it was teasing you.
“Screw you.” Was all you said.
The demon hummed as he came closer to you. He was holding something in his hand that blinded you as it came in contact with the light.
“I believe that’s the wrong answer..” He said.
The thing in his hand turned out to be a scalpel. He ran it down your arm, not putting any pressure, just making sure you knew who was the boss here.
“Let’s try that again, how long have you been here?”
“Go to hell!” You screamed at his face.
The scalpel was pressed against your arm, running down in a long horizontal line, blood seeping out of your arm. Your screams could be heard for miles away. You trashed around, trying to get away from the scalpel and the pain it was causing you.
“For how long have you been here?” He said again in a calm voice.
“One day I’m going to kill you, you better watch out.” You said through gritted teeth.
He laughed. He actually laughed. Then he rammed the scalpel in your stomach. You screamed, coughing out blood. He continued to cut you though your screaming. All you could see was blood everywhere, pouring out of you stomach and all you could do was lay there and scream, wishing you were somewhere else. You felt as if you were on the blink of death when he stopped and leaned down next to your ear.
“I do hope you remember how you should speak to me from now on. A lil tip is to never speak when you don’t have the word as well.” He whispered in your ear.
“I hope I teached you a lesson.” Was the last thing he said as he rammed the scalpel through your leg.
You woke up to your own screaming. Tears running down your cheeks as the memory flooded through your brain. You could almost feel the pain he inflicted on you that day. The door slammed open, making you scream even more.
“Hey, hey, hey, you okay?” Sam said as he ran to your trembling form on the floor.
You were shaking, panic running through your body. Trying to breathe was another challenge seeing as if there were no oxygen left in the room. You started to hyperventilate, feeling even more panicked because you couldn’t breathe. Your heart beat fast and your head started to spin.
Sam was by your side in an instant, picking you up from the cold floor you were laying on. He sat on the bed with your back plastered to his chest.
“You gotta calm down Y/N. Try to match your heart beats to my own. Feel this?” He said as he placed your hand on the sheet. “This is real, you’re here, nothing’s gonna hurt you.”
He continued to give you instructions on how to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, taking deep breaths with you. It was not long before you started to calm down. You still trembled in his arms, not letting go of the memory.
“Shh, just breathe. It’ll be okay. I’m here, nothing bad is going to happen to you.” Sam said camly.
Not long after that you start to relax, feeling his heartbeat was calming you down due to you having something else to focus on. Sam draped the blanket over you and continued to encourage you to take deep breaths. After a while of just breathing you started to fall asleep, leaning against Sam. 5 minutes later and you were out like a light.
Masterlist | Part 3 (coming soon)
@miraxo-xo-supernatrual @bellero @chennyetomlinson @sammywiththegoodhair @im-forever-a-fangirl @whocares006 @sushisecor  @spectaculicious @oliolioxiclean @mrsmichaelclifford1 @ellaorelizabeth @iliketowrite02
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