#Ian pulls out his ROTC learning and Mickeys just like this aint fuckin' boot camp its prison
spacerockwriting · 1 year
Galladrabbles: Chore
I've got two i just wrote and I'm torn between which one to post first, so I decided first on my Prison boys. So thanks to @galladrabbles and @lupeloto for this weeks prompt. My second post will be up later.
“I think we should lay down some ground rules,” Ian says, second day in prison.
“Ground rules? We’re in fuckin’ prison, our only rules should be don’t fuckin’ blab, an’ don’t get stabbed.”
“Like chores,” Ian says. “Take turns cleanin’ an’ shit.”
It was almost cute how Ian treated this like a fuckin’ summer camp. Like they were domestic bitches in a house or apartment. But cute didn’t work in prison.
“Clean what?” Mickey gestures around. “We’re in fucking prison. ‘Sides, I do enough cleaning on my fucking laundry shift.”
“ROTC says—“
Mickey scoffs. “Fuck them, we’re in prison.”
Now my chore is to get back to writing.
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