#Ibogaine Treatment in Mexico
cyber67 · 13 days
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Top Rated Ibogaine Treatment Center Near You: The Avante Institute Bahamas
More: https://avanteibogaine.com
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ausetkmt · 29 days
Psychedelic drug ibogaine hailed as healing. U.S. patients ask why it’s illegal.
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An iboga shrub in Libreville, Gabon. Ibogaine is an extract from the plant.
After three decades and five combat deployments in Navy Special Operations, Stephen Jones’s life spiraled into blackouts, bouts of angry confusion and alcohol-fueled benders. Doctors diagnosed him with traumatic brain injuries inflicted by years of sea dives, parachute jumps, firefights and bomb blasts.
The extract of an ancient African shrub known as ibogaine, he says, helped heal him.
His treatment unfolded at a clinic in Mexico, where he sank into a dreamlike state, reliving forgotten memories: a lake-view as a child; a snake popping out of a pile of leaves; a young boy dead in Iraq, his head pierced by shrapnel from an enemy grenade. Ibogaine, he said, kicked his brain “into a higher gear.”
Jones, 59, was part of a Stanford University study published in January showing that ibogaine dramatically improved symptoms of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder in 30 Special Operations veterans diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries.
For advocates, that study offers the latest evidence that patients should have access to the drug in the United States, where it remains illegal despite decades of encouraging findings, principally for use treating addiction. Even as momentum could be shifting in ibogaine’s favor, concerns persist about the threat the drug poses to the heart, reflecting a risk-reward calculation that frames studies of other psychedelic agents.
The increased interest in ibogaine arrives amid urgent efforts to ease the nation’s deadly addiction crisis and comes as companies race to develop psychedelics to treat mental health ailments. In Ohio, a prominent ibogaine advocate in February partnered with a nonprofit that supports people with addiction and called for using state opioid-settlement money to study the drug. It mirrors a much-publicized plan in Kentucky that sought to allocate up to $42 million in settlement money for research, an effort that fizzled amid shifting politics.
“Ohio is one of the nation’s leaders when it comes to opioid deaths. It’s natural fertile soil for research and development of ibogaine,” said W. Bryan Hubbard, who directed the Kentucky commission that considered that state’s ibogaine plan and is working with an Ohio state treasury program to explore ibogaine and other treatments for veterans.
In Mexico, Jones swallowed capsules over several hours, shook a tambourine to the beat of tribal music, laid on a yoga mat and slipped a mask over his eyes. He emerged from his long psychedelic trip feeling motivated and drinking less. Family relationships improved. He returned to running and surfing.
“For a disabled veteran, I can do some amazing [stuff],” Jones said, who teared up remembering his experience. “I can’t believe I’m back in the water shredding waves.”
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tabularasaretreat · 3 months
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fantasticbouquettrash · 3 months
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hemspblogs · 1 year
Post-Treatment Outcomes at Inscape
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The question of success in addiction treatment is an interesting one, not least because the definition of “success” frequently depends on whom you ask. 
For recovery centers in the United States, success is commonly defined as 30 days abstinence post-treatment -- often with the aid of substitute drugs like Suboxone and Vivitrol. For some treatment centers, simply completing the program is considered a successful outcome. 
At Inscape Recovery, we recently conducted a survey of former clients that asked questions about their quality-of-life post-treatment. The survey included a range of questions that were designed to go beyond binary measurements of success (simple “yes” or “no” answers), and instead give the question of post-treatment success a greater degree of context and clarity.
This is a survey we plan to continue using with future clients, with the hope that we may one day publish our findings in a more formal context. Our survey, of course, has its own imperfections, but we hope by highlighting what those are, we will avoid the confusion or obfuscation typical of similar reports. For now, here are the results of our recent survey, conducted in March:
Since starting Inscape in November 2018, we have had 17 participants complete the program (not including the four participants in our current cycle).  Of these 17, eight had received ibogaine before coming to Inscape. Out of the 17, two did not respond to the survey, and two others reported being in active addiction after a short period of sobriety.
Of the remaining 13, the results are very promising. Two of them had brief periods of relapse following treatment (one immediately, and the other after about two months of sobriety), but both are reporting improvements in harm-reduction behavior (using less or less harmful substances).  Both have stayed connected to the Inscape program, returning for follow-up care or having online sessions with one of our psychologists. 
The other 11 have maintained abstinence from their drug of choice and other harmful drugs since leaving the program (some of them now for a year or more). All have reported significant increases in their quality of life. Most are only using plant-based medicines in a ceremonial context, and a few use cannabis (a significant harm-reduction from heroin or methamphetamine).  One is currently living in Mexico, one is traveling the world (including a recent stay with the Huni Kuin tribe in Brazil), one is traveling the world promoting a short-film that has received film festival acclaim, one in a transitional living program in Austin, TX.  The rest have returned to their lives, engaged in gainful employment or schooling.  
Of the eight participants who took Ibogaine before coming to Inscape, six report that they have remained sober since leaving treatment at Inscape; of the ten participants we’ve had who did not take Ibogaine, five report that they’ve remained sober.
Compared with conventional treatment outcomes, Inscape has seen a remarkable success rate (granted the small sample size thus far) around improved quality of life and the maintenance of abstinence or practice of harm-reduction with conscious-contracting drugs and alcohol. Eleven out seventeen is a 65% success rate, and even two of the "failures" in terms of total abstinence are in a much better place in terms of quality of life and harm-reduction practices. 
It should be emphasized that this survey is somewhat preliminary and unscientific. It uses a very small sample size, and contains inconsistencies -- for example, some of those interviewed had only been out of treatment two or three months, while others had been out a year or more. Still, the results are very encouraging, and we hope that as we move forward, we will develop an increasingly reliable and sophisticated method for gauging quality-of-life after Inscape compared with pre-treatment.
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ibogainetreatment08 · 10 months
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Seeking addiction treatment in the UK? Discover the best Ibogaine Treatment Center and experience a holistic approach to recovery. Find hope for a better tomorrow. We have been receiving clients from as far away as USA, Mexico, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Russia and beyond, Austria, United Kingdom(UK), Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Russia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic (Czechia), Greece, Portugal, Hungary, Belarus, Serbia, Bulgaria, Finland, Slovakia, Ireland, Croatia, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Latvia, Estonia, Montenegro, Luxembourg, Malta, Iceland, Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Holy See. Click here to find out more about the latest price. Let me know more. Please visit at  https://www.ibogainetreatment.co.uk/
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eprnews · 1 year
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The Holistic Sanctuary, One of the Leading Ibogaine Treatment Centers in Mexico and the USA https://eprnews.com/the-holistic-sanctuary-one-of-the-leading-ibogaine-treatment-centers-in-mexico-and-the-usa-675648/
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morefloor23 · 1 year
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Avante Ibogaine Rehab Center has been developed by a team of experienced and compassionate professionals who understand the complexities at the very core of addiction and take an integrated,
More: https://avanteibogaine.com
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