#Idk I'm such a ride or die for Kelsey/Stacks/Wildernessa lol
I read your headcanon regarding Craig Of The Future. Pretty cool. 👍👍. I know you don’t do fics of COTC anymore, but out of curiosity if you could write a plot for any kind of story regarding those headcanons what would they be?
(In reference to this)
I definitely can see quite a few different plot lines for Kelsey, Stacks, Wilderness, and Maya as a group. Them finding ways to all hang out, trying to find things that are adventurous enough, but not so dangerous that Stacks would feel out of her element and not destructive enough to make Wildernessa upset about the effects it might have on the environment. Them all pitching in to give that pet store an overhaul would definitely be cool to explore, too, with Nessa knowing what animals need, Kelsey being a bird expert and in general very in-tune with how the animals feel, Stacks being a good source of information on things outside of animal expertise like where to order things they need, how to keep the store running, being the stores treasurer, ect., and Maya just having great management skills overall.
As for Craig, he probably spends a lot of time freelancing. I think he ends up following a few bands around, helping them design and sell merch on tours, that kind of thing. It probably ends up taking him all around the US, so I imagine if there was a fic about it, it would be a small anthology of Craig coming home, showing a bunch of photos he took to his friends, and each photo having a contained story to it. He's probably been to New York and Austin and Seattle, a lot of big cities with interesting climates.
Omar definitely has a lot of plots. He goes to trade school instead of college like the rest, so there's a lot of potential stories there. He falls out of archery and then back into it when he has more free time, and there was a small story there in the original post where he goes out with some friends and takes them off guard with his archery skills and then is just like "haha, guess I'm a little rusty still" while they're just in awe of how well he did. Not to mention, he has a lot of fun dynamics with Craig, Maya, and JP. I think Omar might have the most potential storylines out of the main cast.
JP is a lot more difficult. His role in my headcanon is the guy who knows everyone, so if he were in a storyline, him being there would usually means a minor character of some sort is going to appear, too. I feel like JP appears in other plots as comic relief and an ideas guy more than he has his own plotlines. That being said, there are a few stories to be gotten out of him playing hockey in college, like him making the team and trying to figure out which role on the ice he'll fit best, him trying to get along with a difficult teammate, him having to seriously debate if sports is really what he wants to pursue in live or if its just an extracurricular he enjoys.
I feel like if any other characters got a Craig of the Future plotline, I'd love to see future versions of Jason, Handlebarb, and Sparkle Cadet. Jason probably is a scout leader, and is a lot more mellow. Handlebarb is probably a professional bike stuntman or a stunt double on movies, and obviously still has that love of biking. Sparkle Cadet is a teacher, and her goal is to make sure the school's art and theater departments stay well-funded so her students always have the opportunity to express themselves via art the way she did as a kid.
There are some thoughts. If anyone wants to use these ideas, feel free; just remember to credit me. Thanks for the ask!
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