#I kept ships out of the but obvi if there were canon ships up to me they would be JP/Maney. Omar/Craig. and Kelsey/Stacks/Wildernessa
I read your headcanon regarding Craig Of The Future. Pretty cool. 👍👍. I know you don’t do fics of COTC anymore, but out of curiosity if you could write a plot for any kind of story regarding those headcanons what would they be?
(In reference to this)
I definitely can see quite a few different plot lines for Kelsey, Stacks, Wilderness, and Maya as a group. Them finding ways to all hang out, trying to find things that are adventurous enough, but not so dangerous that Stacks would feel out of her element and not destructive enough to make Wildernessa upset about the effects it might have on the environment. Them all pitching in to give that pet store an overhaul would definitely be cool to explore, too, with Nessa knowing what animals need, Kelsey being a bird expert and in general very in-tune with how the animals feel, Stacks being a good source of information on things outside of animal expertise like where to order things they need, how to keep the store running, being the stores treasurer, ect., and Maya just having great management skills overall.
As for Craig, he probably spends a lot of time freelancing. I think he ends up following a few bands around, helping them design and sell merch on tours, that kind of thing. It probably ends up taking him all around the US, so I imagine if there was a fic about it, it would be a small anthology of Craig coming home, showing a bunch of photos he took to his friends, and each photo having a contained story to it. He's probably been to New York and Austin and Seattle, a lot of big cities with interesting climates.
Omar definitely has a lot of plots. He goes to trade school instead of college like the rest, so there's a lot of potential stories there. He falls out of archery and then back into it when he has more free time, and there was a small story there in the original post where he goes out with some friends and takes them off guard with his archery skills and then is just like "haha, guess I'm a little rusty still" while they're just in awe of how well he did. Not to mention, he has a lot of fun dynamics with Craig, Maya, and JP. I think Omar might have the most potential storylines out of the main cast.
JP is a lot more difficult. His role in my headcanon is the guy who knows everyone, so if he were in a storyline, him being there would usually means a minor character of some sort is going to appear, too. I feel like JP appears in other plots as comic relief and an ideas guy more than he has his own plotlines. That being said, there are a few stories to be gotten out of him playing hockey in college, like him making the team and trying to figure out which role on the ice he'll fit best, him trying to get along with a difficult teammate, him having to seriously debate if sports is really what he wants to pursue in live or if its just an extracurricular he enjoys.
I feel like if any other characters got a Craig of the Future plotline, I'd love to see future versions of Jason, Handlebarb, and Sparkle Cadet. Jason probably is a scout leader, and is a lot more mellow. Handlebarb is probably a professional bike stuntman or a stunt double on movies, and obviously still has that love of biking. Sparkle Cadet is a teacher, and her goal is to make sure the school's art and theater departments stay well-funded so her students always have the opportunity to express themselves via art the way she did as a kid.
There are some thoughts. If anyone wants to use these ideas, feel free; just remember to credit me. Thanks for the ask!
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ghoooooooooooooooost · 7 months
i only shared it w a friend before but can i tell you all my death mark 2 au/rewrite... here (spoilers obvi, also body horror + insects warning)
(edited so theres more details smile)
most things r the same except for the departed (and no naked girl cgs OFCOURSE)
making it so that the departed pretends to be daimon instead of the two high school girls
normal daimon is around but he’ll gradually get sick n every now n then something weeeeird happens (as in yashiki accidentally talks to fake daimon. also maybe you see the weird bug ghost that hovers above everyone near endgame with him first)
crowbar scene happens w fake daimon while real daimon is actually passed out somewhere. mashita comforts yashiki n then they both realize its a fake
(that's what these doodles were referencing)
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my dearest friend chip suggested the departed could also be konoe so n that would make sense n make him more present in the plot so byeah
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we both agreed that they didn't push the bug + mold horror theme far enough so i tried my hand at it. mold can be really gross irl ewwww
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my design for departed daimon is actually toned down from the og tho, just bc i thought the weird spider face was more goofy than scary. personally bugs are scary to me when they're crawling on you n burrowing into your skin n making holes n laying eggs in there - like the bees in death mark 1. there was some real-stories tv show abt that specific thing happening that aired when i was a kid n it freaked me out a lot
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why was hime's mold just ourple swirls boooriiiiiiiiiiiing
edit july 15th 2024 adding this into the main og post since wonderful chippard linked it (basically a neater rewrite of everything i just said + what i said in the reblog addition. i rewrote it for a solo zine hence the proper capitalization lol)
Instead of Himeko and Michiho being The Departed, it’s Daimon and Konoe. Normal Daimon is still there but every now and then he’ll start acting strange or feeling sick due to The Departed’s possession. The “love” aspect would be shown through Daimon specifically too so Doctor Duo ship is canon in this. Konoe basically uses Daimon to try to get to his Dear Husband. In place of going into a coma like in the original, his behavior intensifies and condition worsens until he suddenly runs to the bathroom. When he comes back… dun dun dun… that’s The Departed – Yashiki doesn’t know…! Crowbar scene ensues. But!? After Yashiki tells Mashita, they see Daimon perfectly alive in the infirmary. Yasuoka found him collapsed in the hallway at some point.
The plot would play out basically the same with some changes (no fanservice girl cgs; more Konoe screen-time; Michiho + Himeko act differently; Saki or Abe partner? more school-related ghosts...).
Maybe the game could be longer to give the new characters more time to shine while not removing the returning ones. Not sure how that would work exactly… One possible solution would be to have day segments where we get to play as Yashiki while he's actively teaching (which would also address the "why'd they even pick a school setting" problem bc damn they barely did any school specific plot shit outside of Hanako & Kashima). Would be awesome and in-line with how the first game brought up war if they kept addressing problems with the education system. Also I think I wouldn’t have any unavoidable human casualties after Hanako’s chapter? All the unavoidable deaths made my friends confused about if they were doing something wrong or not and it honestly felt off to me too. It would be compelling if after failing to protect the first student(s), Yashiki actually successfully protects the rest of them in the good route. Making him feel like he’s become more steadfast after the first game and staying true to his word. Especially if Naomi survives in my opinion - ‘she almost dies but is spared if you make the right choices’ or something like that. She could even be in the room when Yashiki sings the school song.
Not sure how I'd make The Departed feel even more connected to the school... Maybe there's a romantic superstition popular among the students that's based off their "wedding ceremony" -- but it's innocent enough to not give away how they died.
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ebisul · 3 months
TCW Rewatch notes: Season 1 Episodes 1-4
This started as an attempt to analyze the political climate of the star wars galaxy in timeline order, however, my notes on the clone wars series slowly became less and less serious bc it is infact a kids show.
There is probably some entertainment value to be found here so enjoy!
Episode 1: Ambush
Dooku attempts to sway Toydaria to the separatists side
Sent Ventress to sway Toydarian ruler from allying with the Republic
Ventress challenges Yoda to fight for Toydarias alliance
Toydarian ruler didnt appreciate ventress and dookus underhanded methods
Yoda wins the alliance and Ventress attempts an assassination on the Toydarian Ruler which was then stopped by Yoda
Ventress manages to escape arrest fleeing back to separtist forces
I didnt have much to say past the narration. Although Yoda is the first Jedi we see interacting with the Clones in the show and i wish I had made more notes on that
Episode 2: Rising Malevolence
Plo Koons fleet track grievous’s ship searching for a devastating secret weapon, Plo contacts Anakin but his communications cut out due to interference
Both ships engage in combat and Grievous uses the weapon to drain Plos ships of power and destroys the ships
Plo escapes with Commander Wolffe and other clones in an escape pod and Dooku sends droids to hunt down survivors
Is that a war crime? Its definitely fucked up
Ahsoka and Anakin want to run a rescue mission but the council and Palpatine have deemed it unnecessary due to the lack of previous survivors and Plo and the clones are presumed dead
Arguably palps clearly just didnt want them snooping and he had sway over the council but presuming they were dead because they just must be is wack
The clones don’t believe their lives are of value and thus assume no one will rescue them, Plo disagrees
Plo and his remaining troopers are targeted by the hunter droids, they defend themselves obvi
“We’re just clones, sir, We’re meant to be expendable” “not to me”
I do love seeing Plo’s relationship with his men
Anakin and Ahsoka save plos survivors and Plo reveals the secret weapon is an ion canon
Dooku doesnt want any witnesses to the weapon, Anakins ship outruns the ion canon and returns to his own fleet
Its worth noting that I actually am not familiar with what are and are not war crimes as defined and listed by the geneva conventions. Its mostly guessing and what I think is just egregious enough to be a war crime
Episode 3: Shadow of Malevolence
Anakin prepares a counterattack on Grievous and the weapon
The ion canon fs goes in the star wars geneva conventions right?
Dooku plans to exploit the fact that the jedi treat the clones like people which is wild
The separatists attacked medical transports thats definitely in the geneva convention
The separatists are specifically targeting the injured soldiers
Yeah fuck that ion canon up
Anakin grieving the clone deaths
Again mostly narration, from here on out I start including my personal thoughts as well.
Episode 4: Destroy Malevolence
Obiwan aims to capture grievous causing grievous to attempt to flee
Dooku tells Grievous to take Padme hostage whose ship stumbles into the path of the Malevolence. Padme is sent by Palps to investigate a lead on the banking clan potentially leaving the separatists.
This is potentially a ploy to put her in greivous’ path by putting her in the area and giving Dooku her information
Padme was told by palps that the Banking Clan wanted to discuss a treaty
Padme is captured and tells Ani to disregard her safety and destroy the ship
She knows its a trap but she doesnt suspect palps?? Come on Padme
Padme is what Satine wants to be
Thats is to say, a Badass
“Stowaway” bro you abducted her
Padme and Anakin having the worst kept secret relationship
Obi wan is trying to destroy the hyperdrive to stall Grievous’ escape while Anakin and Padme escape to the Twilight
Or Ani is sabotaging the Hyperdrive with Padme and Obi is playing as a distraction
The barrage continues
Grievous ghosts Dooku and Anakin drive the Malevolence into a moon (hopefully uninhabited and not dire to any solar systems…)
Thusfar the War Crime count is:
Separatists: questionably 3?
Republic: 0 as of now. This will change
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
Okay so instead of obscure asks, rapidfire canon ships: Prue/Andy, Piper/Leo, Piper/Dan, Piper/Greg, Phoebe/Cole, Phoebe/Leslie, Phoebe/Dex, Phoebe/Coop, Paige/Glen, Paige/Richard, Paige/Kyle, Paige/Mason (for funsies), and Paige/Henry
Prue & Andy
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
i must confess i do not remember them so super well bc it’s been a minute since i watched season like namely um. in order. but what i do remember is they were kinda like soulmatism there was just the genuine love there but beyond that there was the want this want for this to work out this want to be with the other and life kept throwing them curveballs but it could never get rid of how bad they just like. wanted to be with each other. like damn man. aint we all just looking for that?
Piper & Leo
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
i wish the writers did less with them they kept giving them such messy relationship drama like that love triangle?? who cared. genuinely. and like they kinda made leo a dick during that whole phase when piper & leo were at their peak just being soft just being silly like you know goofin around leo trying to be hip and piper bullying him for it the small moments where there’s just like. it’s so tender and it’s love and then they went okay but what if leo joined a secret faction and lied to piper about it in their divorce era like what??/ stop that shit man just let them sit on the couch together dude
Piper & Dan
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
dan was fun and he really was like perfect for piper and i get the whole reason she just couldn’t be with him was like because she loved leo but like in um. reckless abandon where dan’s great with kids and piper’s like wow that’s such a turn off like really?? really?? but dan could stand to have a lot more meat on his bones but like you know like he knew he’d always be playing second fiddle to leo so like. there’s that. i just. i wish they had done a lot of that differently because again he really could have been perfect for piper but they just didn’t want him to be to which like. make him less perfect. and they said no <3
Piper & Greg
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
greg had no personality except for being SPRUNG for that milf mad respect after not seeing her for two years he’s like damn u still single because i love you. me too buddy.
Phoebe & Cole
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
i get how people ship them i really do and they have some great scenes and some great moments but i hate the inception of their relationship i hate human cole era and um obvi i hate king/queen of hell era oh and like supercharged cole era also sucked so like. it definitely comes up L for me. but i get it i do like i see how easy it could be to like them i just simply don’t
Phoebe & Leslie
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
honestly? a relatively high ranking more than reasonably they deserve but i like the concepts behind them like the workplace rivals to lovers one of those ships where they’re both aware of how hot they are and then of course the doomsday clock leslie will leave those are the facts and phoebe doesn’t even want to try because it’s just gonna end all love ever does is end but she does just like. like him. it drives her up the wall but it’s true but what is she supposed to to with that? that and they’re both relationship advice columnists dancing around their own relationship there’s a lot fun there.
Phoebe & Dex
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
they don’t even get vomit because they don’t elicit enough emotion from me. he fucking sucked. lame ass.
Phoebe & Coop
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
haha besties. love them. they’re both like. like they’re both agents of love who have resigned to the fact they will never find true romantic love for themselves until they dooo haahaha they find it with each other <3 i have a longer post explaining my love for them so if ur really like damn why it’s gonna be somewhere in my phoebe x coop tag ik not a lot of people like them because they were rushed but like. i love filling in the gaps and i love them
Paige & Glen
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
they were fun! we didn’t do much with them like at all but like childhood friend to on and off lovers / fwb like??? insanely fun dynamic
Paige & Richard
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
whoa whoa whoa margaret what in fuck’s name did this ship do to get such a high ranking um simple. i am richard montana & i’m also really in love w paige matthews. their whole go save an innocent or something / yeah i’m trying deadass such a banger we don’t talk about their amazing potential enough
Paige & Kyle
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
listen listen okay if paige and kyle weren’t canon odds are is i would ship them because they could have an insanely funny enemies to lovers stoner x narc dynamic with wild child paige and stick up the ass brody but they didn’t!! they like. ugh they made it so bad she just liked him with no clear reason why and it’s like what he tells her oh yeah i tranqed a lady and keep her hopped up on drugs so she can’t remeber who she is and paige is like so true bestie let’s have sex or like piper’s like hi paige ur boyfriend just tried to kill my husband and paige is like kyle🙄😪! like. what the fuck was going on there??
Paige & Mason
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
should have given us more at the very least had him be more than “the boss’s son” like idk let us see him once before it’s phoebe-paige vaguely on a date with him
Paige & Henry
already answered <3
send me a ship!
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swatato · 5 years
That episode literally blasted the last of my serotonin into smithereens but TBH??? WHO AM I MAD AT I should have seen this coming this whole volume has been such a headache. I cant be bothered to type up a coherent rwde essay on everything that bothered me this episode so im just gonna copy and paste my earlier yelling here instead ;A;
Team Rwby was god awful in episodes 11-12. They’re so self-righteous, entitled, hypocritical and cocky as a team and it doesnt help that they all suck as individual characters nowadays (except for weiss but even she lost best-girl points this episode also lmao blake and yang aren’t even INDIVIDUALS anymore they’re just bumbleby). It was annoying at first but now its just infuriating how rwby thinks theyre always right with their uwu energy and think they can do whatever tf they want with ZERO CONSEQUENCES.
Basically any time there is a problem in this show they have Ruby uwu at it and its solved lol.
They kept giving ironwood shit for taking on this incredible burden SO THAT NOBODY ELSE WOULD HAVE TO and rather than offer any real solution they just kept going “but mantle” like okay?? But remnant??? Like obvi letting mantle rot is bad but HE WAS OPEN TO ANY HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS CUZ HES OBVI AT HIS WITTS END AND DOESNT LIKE THE IDEA EITHER but yeah they just proceed to be the fattest hypocrites by hiding secrets of their own after being all “no more secrets uwu” and WHEN THEY GOT EXPOSED THEY JUST WENT “>:[“ (yangs self-righteous little glare here pissed me off so much oof) especially when ironwood was laying everything out in the open to them from the start. AND ESPECIALLY WHEN THE SECRET WAS FKIN “OH YEAH SALEM CANT DIE LOL” They watched ironwood make every decision he did in hopes of beating Salem while KNOWING she couldnt die??? So literallY WHERE do they get off on screeching at him with their yOu doNt hAvE to Suffer In ManTle YOu doNt kNow whAt iTs liKe bs. Wtf made ruby distrust iw at the start anyway? Because he had a bunch of ships out? They kept this CRUCIAL piece of information from him because he seemed stressed out?? Like what made ruby keep the secret from him. Someone tell me.
And the fact that rwby beat the ace-ops makes no goddamned sense. The power-scaling in this show is non-existant. We finally got to meet some pro huntsmen in this universe who aren’t teachers but are actually on the job, but because we gotta move out of the way for that 👌🏽✨ Power Of Friendship✨ and ✨rwby is always right✨ they somehow managed to beat experienced huntsmen with YEARS in the field who’ve actually graduated school??? FARM BOI OSCAR WHOS *JUST* LEARNING HOW TO FIGHT MANAGED TO LAND A PUNCH ON NEO FKIN POLITAN??? Didnt neo dance circles around yang??? Yang, who punches for a living and also beat mercury and adam??? I cant yall (and the fact that he didnt even bother to sneak up on her this boi literally screamed “no!!” as he ran down a hallway and neo didnt even have time to blink??? Pls)
Ruby’s “you were the best, until you trained us :3” -for maybe 2 days before my team went dancing ruby sis shut right tf up pls my god is this line just so. UNEARNED. Training in a room for a short while does not simply grant you the years of field experience the ace ops have and whAT IS UP WITH HER TRYING TO REASON WITH HARIETT AFTER SAYING THAT COCKY LINE AND FIGHTING HER??? WHAT and also like. The entire idea of “the ops lost cuz they weren’t good friends and were bad at teamwork uwu” is just so dumb. Ur telling me this group of high ranking hunstmen who’ve most likely been working together for at least a few years didnt have teamwork down??? Learning to work together is the most BASIC concept for a team to learn!! Its like the first thing a team has to perfect!! If the ace ops are supposed to be the best of atlas you dont think the ops would have gotten something as fundemental as teamwork down?? I dont buy it. And who gives a shit if they dont hang out after work or take selfies with eachother. Being friends doesnt necessarily mean theyre great at working together. If they succeed at relying on eachother to watch their backs, to keep each other alive (in the words of hariett herself) then Id think theyd know how to protect eachother i.e WORK TOGETHER.
And for all the ✨friendship✨ and ✨going through so much with someone✨ talk rwby like to do, the show barely displays these people acting like friends. We’re constantly TOLD how great of friends this group is, but the actual CONTENT we are shown leaves a lot to be desired. Tell me the last time ruby and blake teamed up in a fight. Or weiss and blake. Or yang and weiss. What teamwork?? Yang only interacts with blake now and weiss is only ever allowed to interact with ruby. Has blake ever said nora or ren’s name out loud? Have jaune and yang ever held a conversation between just them? Team rwby just spent a GOOD DEAL of time seperated from eachother, but when they reunite their teamwork is still somehow better than the ace ops?? Honestly its easier to believe that ruby is closer with team jnpr than she is her own team. If they showed the ops messing up during rwby vs ace ops fight due to lack of communication, then it still doesnt matter. My point is that they shouldnt have lacked teamwork in the first place.
Robyn was m e h this episode “JaMes ConTinUes to UnDeresTimAte Me” *proceeds to get knocked over in .3 seconds and is then KO for the rest of the episode* also great job for starting a fight and aiming to take clovers life in a moving airship with a terrorist on board when clover was acting PEACEFULLY and qrow was WILLING TO TALK IT OUT WITH IW and potentially work on a solution, but naw robyn is big mad and shall shoot.
Qrow made zero sense this episode too. I was with him right up until he chose TYRIAN OVER CLOVER??? THE PSYCOPATH WHO CANNOT BE REASONED WITH OVER THE RATIONAL DUDE YOU KNOW IS GOOD except clover wasnt acting rational in this fight at all and ill get to that AND IS THE ONLY FRIEND YOU HAVE WHOS NOT 19????? Qrow rly looked at tyrian- a man who is literally an enemy to all of remnant and went after ur neice- and said lets get rid of this punk together u and me bro. Like screw teaming with clover to bring down the dude you ACTUALLY have a grudge with whos also a serial killer and then trying to talk it out with clover whod be willing to do things peacefully why is this show like this
and AS FOR CLOVER. where were the braincells this episode. Qrow was trying to fight tyrian-the WAY bigger threat here, but clover??? kept knocking him away from tyrian and restraining him with his hook like??? YEAH LETS HELP OUT THE DEMON SCORPION CRACKHEAD HES CLEARLY NOT THE PRIORITY ATM nvm clover deserved to die there m8
His death scene was emotional and I feel bad for Qrow but u literally sealed his death when u ganged on him with tyrian so why are you even surprised. And on the subject of fairgame, im glad it didnt happen. Qrow was in no state for romance and I was glad he finally had a friend. He just spent the last volume thinking he wasted his life away helping oz, drowning in misery, drinking til he passed out on the street and so drunk he couldnt even be of any help during the apathy situation, when up til now hes been shown to fight just fine while drunk. I don’t see this as a “bury your gays trope” because clover was never confirmed to be gay and all their scenes added up to 40 seconds of platonic friendship. These two are grown ass men, if they had the hots for eachother then im pretty sure they could openly show it and not dance around it like theyre kids. I do feel bad for mlm viewers who were hoping for some rep with fairgame/lucky charms (cuz rt only cares if ur a cute marketable lesbian) but idc for the overly entitled fans who try to force their own headcanons on the writers and go feral when they dont get what they want. You dont just get to prance around claiming whats canon and what isnt. If rep is there then great, but if it isnt, then why not look somehwere else and let the author tell the story theyre trying to tell? Shipping fairgame cuz you think its cute is absolutely fine but not when u start getting ready to casterate crwby for not catering to you. Also, rwby sucks with lgbt+ rep anyway so what were yall expecting.
The only thing that was great this episode was the chorerography. It just sucks that the animation/choreo continues to improve while the writing doesnt. Another thing that really fell off this episode was the whole “we’re friends but we have to fight” drama. It doesnt work when its only ONE SIDE SHOWING ANY DISTRESS OVER IT. Only the ace ops (marrow, clover, the vine dude) seemed to show distress over having to fight rwby (it sucks that the only 1v1 weiss has won was because marrow was going EASY on her cuz he didnt wanna fight her fr) but rwby???? They didnt give any shits. They were so quick to turn against them and aim for their heads. They were SMILING as they ran at the ace ops, while they looked conflicted. If you oppose their UwU philosophy, you’re dead to them.
I really wanna enjoy RWBY but sometimes this show (and the fndm) really tests me. Its ironic how this episode came right after last episode, which I thought was the best chapter this volume. Anyway I rate this 10/10 cuz it gave me best character ironwood and best boi marrow and I would like to give them hugs for carrying this volume on their backs. (Also tyrian and penny and winter have been great too)
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galaxyraised · 5 years
hi ! feel free to answer this publicly or privately . i was just reading your discovery canon divergences and was happy to see that in your canon jett is reunited with her wife ! i was wondering if you'd thought more about her as a character ? if i recall she was non - human but that's literally all the show gave us . i'd love to hear any ideas you have about her and her relationship with jett !
first of all,  ily a lot.  and second,  this is an absolutely wonderful question!!  i’m still figuring out a lot of the littler details about jett and developing her beyond what we see in the show so this is perfect,  but!!!  in zanza canon,  the bury your gays trope doesn’t exist and every lgbtq+ character in zanza canon gets to have their happy ending in my main verses   (   which,  for the record,  is all of them not a single muse on this blog is even remotely straight and the only time any of them die are for Personal Temporary Angst Purposes,  u heard it here first,  folks every muse on this blog is immortal from here on out   ),   so obviously that was the first thing that needed to be fixed.  but onto actually answering the question!!
so!  jett’s wife is soyousian,  and we know literally nothing about them except for the fact that they exist,  so i’m gonna honestly be creating her as i go.  which is always fun!!  u know,  trust me and my adhd brain to craft an entire alien race from their name??  cool let’s do it,  what could possibly go wrong?  i’m gonna be vague to begin with,  bc i wanna give the development of the soyousians themselves the care and thought they deserve,  so mostly this is gonna be me talkin about their relationship?  
sO in zanza canon,  as far as it’s been established,  the soyousians are fairly newly known to humans.  they’ve been warp-capable for almost 300 years,  and share a bond with humans in that their first contact was also with vulcans.  this common thread is what led jett’s wife,  who i’ve gone ahead and named iminre,  to want to visit earth not too long after humans and soyousians made initial contact.  a small delegation was chosen,  some were commoners,  some were diplomats,  some were students.  iminre was one of those who fell into the latter category.  she’d always been fascinated by other cultures,  and even on her own planet she loved learning about the differences between those who lived even cities apart.  she was fairly young when the first group were going to earth,  roughly 23 in earth years,  and still a student.  from what we know about her from the brief conversation jett had with hugh,  she’s the sort of person who just knows what they want and isn’t afraid to do whatever it takes to get it  —  which is probably how she ended up being one of those picked for the trip in the first place.
this isn’t where she met jett,  but it’s where she first really became infatuated with humanity in general.  the way people lived,  their general zeal for exploration  —  it wasn’t something she saw much on her home-world.  they were warp capable,  yes,  but many preferred to keep to themselves,  and others were downright xenophobic.  iminre had always been seen as odd for having such a desire to explore,  so when the delegation of soyousians left,  she stayed behind.  she joined starfleet and became a xenoanthropologist which is??  sort of how we get into her and jett meeting.
sO they were assigned to the same starship after iminre’s graduation from the academy,  and jett was a lieutenant already,  and obvi. an engineer,  but not really a people person?  she sort of kept to herself,  didn’t have many friends,  and really just preferred to work or sit in her quarters reading.  so the two of them didn’t even meet until the comm system in iminre’s quarters stopped working and jett was the one sent to fix it.  she didn’t say much,  she really just let iminre talk her ear off,  but there was some decent banter and a connection right off the bat.  before anything could really spark,  though,  jett was transferred to another ship.
it was another three years before they saw each other again,  and to both of their surprise,  jett was the one who approached iminre and asked her out.  said she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about a certain annoying,  talkative,  opinionated soyousian for three damn years and figured she might as well.  for a long time it was long distance bc they were assigned to different ships,  but one day iminre showed up on the ship jett was assigned to and jett was like ‘wtf you’re supposed to be on a mission right now’,  and iminre just kissed her and was like ‘well i decided i didn’t like that, so i came up with a solution’ and fucking proposed right there   (   bc ‘you asked me out first,  jett,  this gets to be my thing’   ).
jett didn’t really want any part of wedding planning,  especially since she knew iminre would be all over it   (   which we know she was   ),   and despite the complaining she does to hugh about the micromanaging,  jett ended up really surprised that her girl  —  despite all of her opinions,  and strong-willed stubbornness  —  managed to make it the perfect day for both of them.  and really?  jett can be kind of a drama queen,  and has a tendency to blow things a little bit out of proportion for the sake of a story.
but honestly they’re just the kind of people who work really well together?  they fight over dumb little things,  but they also bring out the best in each other.  jett likes to joke that iminre only married her because of her fascination with humans,  but she’s (almost) always kidding,  and she Knows she’ll always get a kiss out of it??  and uh.  they’re pure and soft and iminre brings jett out of her shell more,  and jett helps iminre to tone it down a little when she needs to.  and when they’re reunited?  they get into a “i thought you were dead!!”  “well i heard you were almost dead!!!!”  arguing match before they both start crying and hugging each other,  and iminre transfers to the discovery as soon as she’s cleared to return to duty and jett acts more like she did before the war and everyone’s like ‘???? who are you and what have you done with jett reno?’ and she flips them all off.  thank you.
always ask questions abt my kids i love this sm??   |   accepting   |   @dieserve!
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