#Idk but I feel like I tutored Cale
icyteaa · 3 years
It was no longer just an iffy feeling; it was a truly bad feeling. It was a terrible feeling, the type of feeling he would have if the God of Death would appear in his dream tonight and ask him to share a meal or something.
—Trash of the Count’s Family, Chapter 667
Note: those sentences floats in my head ever since I read it and now I couldn't resist but write this crack headcanon down. Hope I will not get caught for writing this cursed headcanon 😂
Cale had a bad feeling ever since he brushed his teeth and prepared to go to sleep. He had a bad feeling even when he hushes and humming the children to their dream. And after he caught up in his own sleep and found himself in an unfamiliar room in his dream, he knew something was up to him. Again.
Cale frowning while his mouth let the sound of clicking. He scanned the room that he was dreaming of. It was a room that was filled with elegant property and seemed very expensive. It is all stuff with Victorian Era style, just like his world as Cale. But instead of glittering with gold, this room was filled with luxurious black. It's like everything in the room dyed black, and even his own shirt changed to black. Cale had a scowl on his face as he could tell what had happened even if he didn't want to.
"That mother fucking bastard!" Cale cursed as he found himself sitting up in the dining table with a plate in front of him. His frown was as deep as ever when he realized that he could feel the soft seat he was sitting in. This dream felt too real and if he just never experienced these kinds of weird dreams, he would think this was real and he just moved or transported to another place without him even wanting it. Just like every time that goddamn had done every time. And Cale didn't want either of that, so he still hates this.
"You shouldn't curse like that, my child." Cale can figure out the owner of this voice right away and it makes him gritted his own teeth tightly out of anger. After all, this voice is always chiming in his head every now and then in his sleep or when he is conscious ever since the war ended a year ago. But this is the first time he can feel the dream this real. Cale breathed heavily as he tried to stay calm in this damned situation, "Just what are you trying to do this time?"
There is a sound of footsteps echoing around the room. Someone appears from the shadow that Cale presumably is the realm form of his biggest distruber that he continuously considers to seal because of these deeds it does very often. God of Death, the realm that took man form with long black hair and black outfit, smiles widely. Undaunted even if it knew the annoyed tone in Cale's voice.
"There is nothing, my child. I just want to have a meal with my child." The God of Death paused a few moments as his hand reached his chin as if it was thinking, "In your world, it's called a date, right?"
Cale can feel shiver down his spine and he finds himself having an urge to throw up. Didn't want to hear more about this disgusting topic or see that annoying look on its face. Cale tried to use his power as he shouted, "Just sent me home already, you bastard!"
But nothing happened. Cale finds himself unable to use his ancient powers. He couldn't hear them either. He glared at the man that laughed loudly as he took a seat opposite from him. "We are in your mind, and there is no one who can distribute our sweet talk here. So give up trying, my child."
Cale never felt this disgusted in his life. Not when he found almost everyone on the continent called him a Hero or Young Master Silver Shield. Not even when he saw the sparkling eyes of crazy bastard Clopeh Sekka and his rambling about legend. No. This is at a different level of disgusted. He felt really annoyed and furious. And every word that goddamn god lets out just makes it worse. And within this outrage that overwhelming him, Cale found himself couldn't understand what this god wanted. Just why is that god disturbing him so often?! Is this god didn't have anything to do except annoy him?! Now he felt frustrated as well.
As it didn't care how red Cale's face was because he held his anger, the God of Death flicked its finger and a feast filled the wide dining table. "I know you like eating, my child. Eat as much as you want."
Cale huffed and let out a very long sigh. He stared at the face that was very handsome that couldn't even be compared to the ancient dragon Eruhaben, but Cale didn't give a fuck even a little bit of it as his hand reached the plate. It was very subtle, because he tried very hard to not change his expression when an idea passed his head. Without any moment coming to waste, Cale throws the plate and any food he can reach to the god's face. "Just what do you want from me?! Let me out of this and out of my life! You disgusting goddamn bastard!"
Cale felt very angry and tired. After he shoved anything he could throw, he panted so heavily. Cale forgot when he was this emotional with a negative meaning. He was very calm and collective person after all. But this—this existence, always puts him in rage every time. It pissed out of him.
Cale stared to the front again when he heard the cuckled voice. Very unfortunately, there isn't any food or whatever he throws hurt that god form. All of it stopped with a bumped sound in the air before falling to the table as if there was a wall in front of the god. "My child, you are very spirited today. Are you feeling happy after seeing my face now? Just so you know, you are the only human I ever showed my face. So you should feel grateful because of that."
Cale hissed with very sharp eyes. He really wants to use his ability to seal this god now. "Just spit out what you want. Now. Stop talking nonsense because I never felt great or happy to hear your voice or see your face."
Now as it realized Cale had already in his limit of patience, the God of Death shook his head before standing up. It slowly walked around to approach Cale before saying, "Alright. I will say what I want now, even if I want to do it after we have a nice meal together."
Cale turning to the left where the God of Death approached him. He shut his mouth with an odd expression as he felt this wasn't going to be right. But before he could anticipate what the god did, he saw the God of Death kneeling in his way before opening a small box that suddenly appeared in his palm. "I realized I just said this to you through my other child, so I want to say this myself now. You are a very interesting child and everything you do is very fascinating to watch. I think we will be fit to work together. So Cale Henituse, will you be my Holy Maiden?"
"I WILL NEVER FUCKING ACCEPT THAT POSITION, YOU BASTARD!!" Cale breathed abruptly as he shouted until his lung felt hurt. His body was full of sweat as he finally found himself in his own bedroom and finally woke up from the biggest nightmare he had ever experienced. The children immediately woke up after hearing the shout and even everyone that had sharp ears in the villa woke up from their slumber and rushed toward the 5th floor to check his condition. Cale felt his stomach hurt and his complexion was very pale. "That goddamn bastard...." He hissed in his heavy breath.
Everyone who knew who was the existence that could bring this much rage into Cale's face turned with rage too. That god ... it still disturbed our young master even after all the crap it did to Cale? It's what they thought as the anger within them makes the atmosphere in the room very hideous and makes Cale get another shiver.
Even without Cale asking, everyone was so fired up and contacted Cage to help them so they could hunt down a certain god. While Cale had a long rest that day because he felt sick because of the nightmare.
This headcanon is very cursed and I feel bad for Cale. But yeah, I regret nothing for writing this😂
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