#Idk this is also what I've found out that he was an ESFJ; more women are FJs
strawberry38 · 8 months
panicking and chara who thinks a group of people enjoy being deceitful
You know for a moment forget fem!hercules. Just look at fan-made SAINW song and translated version too(russian?). The song for inspo.
You need more worry and psycological aspect/involement with the character. You panic and think that people or certain population are ugly-decietful. And even worse they enjoy and brag about their hidden intention. How they approach and what you discover what they talk about behind their back, happy about becoming sketchy. Like that. Long story plus, this part needs more imagining and pulling memory so, yep, this text is short, yup, for an inspo. Give in more to your own imagination.
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