#If I made a typo or 2 somewhere in this I'm sorry lol
mortal-kombat-1 · 5 months
Hello! I'm so inspired to start a Mod because of your mk mod, can I ask what app do you use to make them? I really really wanna learn because of you🥹
Hey there! And that's awesome to hear, love it when others wanna learn how to mod.
I use several apps for my mods.
Firstly, you're gonna need to download thethiny's hook if you've never done so. This way, you can use mods. Never use this one as it's one heck of a way to get your account flagged and banned. Basically never allow anything that messes with the main games application onto your computer (it's also a good way to get a virus). That's why a majority use hooks. It does exactly that: hooks onto it.
Secondly, you're going to need the models, gear, skins, etc from the game. I made a short post here that tells you how to do that. Within that same post, I mentioned a tut or 2 about using Blender. Make sure you're using Blender 3.6 otherwise, the custom editor will not work with your custom/modded models.
Speaking of custom editor (UE), you're gonna need to be logged into your github account and enroll/join team Epic Games to be able to access the download for it.
If you need help setting up the custom editor and with Blender, let me know. If you're not bringing anything new into the game (like a whole new model that wasn't in the game) then it's like a 5 minute thing, but if you're adding something from another game (never add in anything that's copyrighted; paid 3d models from like Daz, etc), then you're gonna have to learn weight paint, UV editing and how to merge textures as models are limited material wise.
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You will need a few plugins for Blender to be able to import and export your models properly.
It's all rather confusing at first, and yeah it takes a lot to get mods working in MK1. But after awhile, and through trial and error, you'll get the hang of it.
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