#If I wasn't an overthinker sure I'd probably enjoy a bit of horror.
123countwithme · 1 year
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So umm found Welcome Home and yeah.....
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ashisstrange · 3 years
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My oddly specific Nathan Prescott headcanons
After doing Warren it felt wrong not to do Nathan right away, since they're both my favorite characters in lis1.
I'll probably post a grahamscott hc post soon too, which will probably tie these two posts together a bit more (hint hint)
ps. the themes are kinda all over the place, sorry for that lol
‼TW: slight mention of suicide/sh in like two of the hcs‼
• Listens to all kinds of music, but mainly classical, It's calming.
• 100% dog person, he wouldn't want to be found dead with a cat. Cats hate him just about as much as he hates cats.
• Has a tendency to wear the same clothes for long periods of time, without actually noticing that it's gross
• Man abuses the shit outta deodorant and cologne though so nobody notices. He only changes once Victoria points it out lol
• Him and Victoria are childhood friends, and their families are very close
• He has a facination for oldtimers (old cars). Which is the exact reason he has a beat chevy pick up instead of your average rich kid car
• Begged his mom to ask his dad for a chevy instead of a sports car
• Which brings me to: mommy's boy :)
• He loves his mom, even though he's ASS at showing it. He checks in with her at least once a week.
• Tends to start his day with two whales diner breakfast. If he doesn't go to the diner his day usually ends up being at least 25% shittier than usual. Maybe joyce just brings luck.
• A CHEM MAJOR ‼‼ (pls im 99% sure this is canon pls take notes)
• Has been interested in art and photography since he was a kid, but his father never praised him for his art. He wasn't allowed to attend art school in the end, so he opted on taking the chemistry course at blackwell
• He usually insults people when he doesn't actually mean it, and if you don't react to his insult angrily he'll probably apologise
• "The fuck you want u tard!?"
  "I'm..... i'm sorry i didn't mean to call you that,"
• A  s u c k e r   for old movies and music, but doesn't really have anyone to watch them with
• He also enjoys horror a lot, particularly the gory kind (Think of japanese horror movies or for example the saw series)
• He owns the entire junji ito collection
• He likes to photograph subjects that are close to death or have been in direct contact with death, just so he can forget about how much he actually wants to die himself
• He gets anxious really easily, he tends to fidget a lot and struggle with sitting still (bouncing leg and picking at his fingers)
• Freckles!!! like all over his face and collar bones
• Overthinks like, everything he does/says
• Which is why he usually tries to not talk to people outside of his circle too much
• A sucker for disney movies, but he's never admitted that to anyone, not even Victoria. His sister knows, since they used to watch them together as kids
• Quite a picky eater, which is why he tends to stick with the same order for nearly every restaurant he goes to
• Can't really handle big changes well, so he sticks to the same people to hang out with and the same routine each day
• Can't sleep unless it's completely dark and completely silent
• Knows how to play the piano
• Doesn't use social media much, because he doesn't really need more negativity in his life than he already has. He only uses it to check Victorias page or online shopping
• He does enjoy his alcohol/drugs, but he knows his own limit (and he also clearly knows when he's purposfully crossing it)
• A complete sucker for stargazing, even though he knows absolutely nothing ab astrology
• Hangs out at the lighthouse a lot to cool down after a long week, smoke a cig and listen to some music after dark
• Hates physical contact with anyone he doesn't trust (which is practically everyone except like three people)
• regarless of that, he's very touch starved, so when he does get a hug he will like melt into it
• HATES summer with a burning passion. Probably also because it's quite hard to wear long sleeves and get away with it (plus its unbearably hot)
• Doesn't realise he has a resting bitch face lol
• He has one of those pine tree air fresheners in his car, hanging from the rear view mirror. Specifically the dark green one that smells like a forest.
• listens to music all the time, like while doing the most basic tasks. Mostly because music helps to drown out his thoughts (and possibly distract from hallucinations)
• His hands and feet get cold very quickly
(Comments are very welcome, i'd love to know ur opinion on my hc's :3)
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