#If I weren't currently on half a desk with barely the minimum material means
roomthirtythree · 2 years
In June 2021 I started a summer job. It was admin work. I'd never done that before, but I liked what I did! I stayed much longer than we'd anticipated, but they were always short, renewable contracts.
From the beginning I could not officially accept the more permanent, CDI type of contract, as my plans involved leaving the country. I don't think it's fair to accept that type of job when I know I'm not seeing myself there indefinitely.
They asked again if I'd stay and accept that kind of offer. I have until next Friday to give an answer. And sadly, I think I have to decline. In all my time there I've essentially seen 90% of my initial team leave. I don't get on well with the new team, and I don't particularly like the way things are being run now.
It sucks, because I love what I do. And I love the teams we have across France. But I can't accept that.
I've gained a lot of confidence during my time there and I've connected with people that made this position worth it. It's really the first company I've been at this long. It makes me sad to leave. But I'm miserable... So I know I have to.
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