#If my yard wasn't so trashy I would definitely do the rest of what I posted here
moonfireflight · 5 years
Happy Birthday to Saeran and Saeyoung!
Oof, I know I’m cutting it close, but I managed to finish a little story for the boys. It’s been so beautiful seeing all of the art posted here and on Twitter to celebrate their day. Happy Birthday to my 2D husband and muse, Saeyoung, and to my digital brother-in-law, Saeran. You both deserve the all of the best
Anyway, onto the story! 1.7k words of fluff, cake, and gift-giving. 
“Honey~ Are you still asleep?” MC patted the blanket-covered form next to her, but the only response was a quiet snore. She was worried that he might sleep through half of his birthday but didn’t want to rouse him if he was tired enough to snooze through that. Deciding to give him more time to sleep, she snuck out of bed to begin preparations for the day.
A few hours earlier, Saeyoung had been the one to slip out of bed unnoticed by his girlfriend. Once dressed, he headed to his workroom and gathered up everything he needed. It was tough work by moonlight and his cellphone’s flashlight. After checking the guide he’d found online, and rearranging the garden soil to look nice again, he stood up and dusted off his hands. He tapped on the new app he had created and smiled at the sound that told him everything was working. Or, so he hoped.
Back inside the house, he scrubbed the dirt from his fingernails and shuffled out of his stained clothing. MC stirred, making a cute sleepy sound as Saeyoung curled back up next to her. As he drifted off, he marveled at how his life had changed over the last year. His brother was back in his life and would wake up to his gift soon. Then there was MC…, the woman who had completely altered the course of his life. Someone who loved every side of him and let him finally drop the mask that he had long thought to be a permanent part of his existence.
The sun was barely up when Saeran made his way out to the garden. He was learning to love the smell of it again - the earthy scent of the soil, sun-warmed grasses, and the few flowers that had already begun to bloom. With a deep breath, he stretched his arms over his head, drinking in the sunlight and fresh air, letting it infuse his body. The sound of his phone beeping frantically shook him from his morning reverie. “What is it…,” he grumbled, pulling his phone from his pocket and unlocking it. There were several messages from his brother.
   “Happy Birthday to my other half! I know you were worried about the garden wilting if you went on a vacation, SOOOO!!! I hacked your phone, sorry not sorry, and added a new app! Check it out!”
“What the hell would an app on my phone have to do with the garden?” Though he groused about it, he was honestly curious. How would an app let him leave the garden alone without having to worry about it? On the home screen of his phone, there was a new app with an icon of a cartoonish plant sprout. It opened with a short video of Saeyoung’s goofy avatar explaining that the app-controlled a new irrigation watering system that he had… installed in the middle of the night? Saeran shook his head, subconsciously trying to hide the smile on his face. He had to admit; it was pretty impressive.
With a ferocious yawn, Saeyoung woke up from his morning nap and snuck away into his workroom. He cracked open a Ph.D. Pepper, relishing in the satisfying hiss it made, and flopped into his favorite office chair. Paying no mind to it creaking under him, he booted up the program he’d made for his drones. A smile, interrupted by another yawn, stretched over his face as he played back a recording from earlier. Saeran had liked his gift! Judging by his brother’s reaction, he’d done a decent enough job of installing the tubes and connections and hadn’t ruined anything in the process. He replayed the video again, sighing in contentment.
After a moment, he switched to control mode and guided the drone he had left perched outside back into the shed. With a few clicks, he took control of another smaller drone that was already in the house. He knew that MC would be mad if he found out what she was working on for his birthday but he couldn’t resist taking a peek. Keeping the tiny robot close to the ceiling, he panned the camera around until he spotted her. Heat rose to his cheeks. She was licking white frosting from a spatula and dancing around the kitchen. How could she be so cute and sexy at the same time?! A moment later, Saeran entered the kitchen but his back was to the drone so he couldn’t guess what they were talking about. Saeyoung decided not to risk moving his drone closer to find out - Saeran was always much better at spotting them than MC was. He carefully perched the bot on top of the refrigerator, out of sight. Hmm… what were they up to?
He decided to find out in person instead. Besides, he was dying to wrap his arms around MC and snuggle up to her soft form. So she would have a chance to hide anything she was working on, he called out to her from the living room. “Honeyyy~ Good morning!”
“It’s almost afternoon! Oh, and hold on a sec! I’ll be right there!”
Saeyoung snickered and leaned up against the wall as he waited for her to arrive. His brother stepped out of the kitchen first and nodded to him. “Hey. I got your gift.”
“Yeah?” Even though he had seen Saeran’s reaction to it, his heart fluttered a little at the idea of hearing his thanks in person.
“You must have put a lot of work and research into that, huh?” Saeyoung replied with a shrug. It honestly had been a challenge to figure out how to make it work and program that app. He’d even set it to monitor local weather reports so it wouldn’t waste water on rainy days. “Mmhmm. I can tell. It’s… actually pretty brilliant. And helpful. Thanks.” Saeran pointed at his brother as he walked past. “No crying on your birthday.”
“Sae, honey? Are you okay?” She had arrived right as Saeyoung was putting his glasses back on from wiping his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m… oof!”
His breath left him in a woosh as his girl ran up and hugged him tightly. She rested her cheek against his chest, nuzzling against him. “Happy Birthday, love.” Her warmth suffused him, his heart full of his adoration for her. They stayed that way for a long moment, enjoying being so close together. Eventually, she stepped back. “I’m sure you already know I’m working on something, but if you give me a minute to hide it, you can hang out while I work on lunch?”
He stayed close to her all day, his hands finding her back or shoulder at every opportunity. Even after all the time they had spent together, he still loved having those little reminders that she was real.
The day passed in quiet companionship, though Saeyoung’s curiosity grew by the hour. He knew that his family was planning something for him, but he hadn’t been able to figure it out. Finally, when dinner was over, MC asked them to stay at the table while she disappeared into the kitchen again. Silent understanding passed between the brothers, and they nodded to each other with a smile, waiting for the reveal of their cake. Sure enough, MC returned with a cake decorated much like a Christmas treat - white icing peaks topped with strawberries, but also festooned with candles. “Happy Birthday, guys~! I hope you like it!”
Saeran appeared to be mesmerized by the candles. Last year, he stayed in his room for most of the day, so this was their first real birthday celebration since being reunited. “I was going to let him tell you, but Saeran grew these strawberries in his garden!”
Saeyoung glanced over at his brother and caught a smile from him. “Seriously?! That’s amazing! I can’t wait to try them!”
“It’s nothing. They’re tiny strawberries compared to what we can buy at the store.” Saeran’s eyes darted back to the cake.
“I tried one earlier and they are much sweeter than the ones from the store. You sell yourself short, hun. Anyway, shall we?” MC began singing “Happy Birthday,” and after a few notes, Saeyoung joined in as well. Both brothers leaned in and blew out the candles together, each making a wish in their hearts.
“Hey. Do you mind if we eat our cake out in the garden?”
Tilting his head in confusion, Saeyoung agreed to his brother’s suggestion even if it seemed odd to eat outside in the dark. “Let’s do it!”
Once everyone had their plates full of cake, they headed out to the yard. As they turned the corner, Saeyoung gasped. While the garden had been entirely dark when he was sneaking around that morning, it had been transformed. Glow in the dark rocks had been added to the gravel path, making it shimmer with blue sparkles. Tiny solar-powered lanterns peeked out from between the beds. Lastly, a string of star-shaped lights bridged the two tall poles on either side of one of the beds, casting light down on a trellis filled with large white flowers. “What is all this?”
Saeran motioned him over to a picnic table that had recently been added as well. “I know you aren’t into gardening, but I wanted to make this place into something nice for you too. I thought about this kind of thing a lot when I was a kid - making a space-themed garden for you to return to.” He gazed off into the distance as he continued. “Anyway, I didn’t know how to do it then, but here we are. The white flowers are called moonflowers and only bloom at night. The other flowers in that bed haven’t bloomed yet, but they’ll be columbines, which look like shooting stars, and night-sky petunias, which are blue with white spots like stars. Of course, the ones with the big fuzzy green leaves are… red geraniums. Maybe they look like supernovas or something but they were the flowers I picked out for you long ago.”
MC turned away, crying silently as the brothers embraced. It felt like finally, after all this time, the last of the barriers between them had fallen away. Even though she had known what Saeran was planning, seeing it all together like this was amazing. They had researched ideas together, but the design and work were all Saeran’s doing. She slipped away to get the gifts she had wrapped earlier, not wanting to end their evening in the magical garden just yet.
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