#If only I knew how to make CCs I would've made the Kurung dress ;__;
wa-royal-tea · 3 years
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(Transcript under the cut - Click Pics for HQ Version!)
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The Wind Palace, Ahtolia (6:20pm)
Mr. Einsley: Good evening, your royal highness.
Alfie: Evening. Is my mother inside?
Mr. Einsley: Yes, her majesty just returned from a meeting just now. Would you like me to tell her you want to see her?
Alfie: No need. Thank you, Mr. Einsley.
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*door closes*
Alfie: Mum, can we talk? I have something to talk to you about.
Sofia: Okay, give me a second. Let me sign this paper. You can have a seat. I’ll call Mr. Einsley to refill the tea.
Alfie: It’s fine. I won’t be long.
Sofia: What’s the rush for? Are you going somewhere?
Alfie: I’m not going anywhere. I just want to ask you a question.
Sofia: Well, what is it?
Alfie: Why didn’t you tell me I was kidnapped when I was a baby?
Sofia:...who told you this?
Alfie: Does it matter? I just want to know why you kept it a secret from me.
Sofia: Your father and I kept it from you because we didn’t want to traumatize you, Alfie. You were so young back then and everything was happening too fast. With the war and people dying here and there. We figured that telling you this will scare you.
Alfie: I have the right to know about this! In case you’ve forgotten, I almost died.
Sofia: How could we forget, Alpheus? You were our first child and you were taken away from us. Do you know how scared we were for your life?
Sofia: Listen, Alfie. I’m sorry for keeping this from you. We thought that not telling you about this will protect you. But we were wrong and I’m sorry for that.
Alfie: This...this is too much, mum. My mind is a mess right now.
Sofia: I understand. I’m sorry, Alfie. We thought we were doing the right thing.
Alfie: I just...I can’t believe that Lina’s family was involved in this. I felt so betrayed. I really like her, mum. But this...I just can’t...
Sofia: What do you mean?
Alfie: Lina and I...we’re over. I can’t do it. Not when the truth is out.
Sofia: Oh Alfie...
Alfie: I want to enlist. Far away from here. I need time to clear my head.
Sofia: You can take your time. I can send you to Savaria. Your Auntie Alexandra will be there to check in on you. I know it’s hard but don’t hate Lina for what her family did. She’s innocent in all of this.
Alfie:...I’m sorry, mum. I don’t want to talk about her anymore. Please.
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A few months later...
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Brunch In Café, Hemstad (12:45pm)
Alfie (text message): Where are you?
??? (text message): I’m almost there, gimme a sec!
Alfie (text message): If you’re late I’m going to eat your pie.
??? (text message): Don’t you dare!
Alfie (text message): Watch me :P
Alfie: *chuckles* I bet she’s running here.
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???: *pants* Almost there.
???: I swear to god if he eats my pie, I’ll kill him.
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???: *panting* I’m here! I’m here!
Alfie: *laughs* Oh my god, you really ran all the way here!
???: Oh shut up, you.
Alfie: *laughs* Sorry, Marie, I just think it’s funny how you’re running here when you have a car.
Marie: Are you making fun of me? You know I failed my driving test the other day, right?
Alfie: Oh really? I thought you passed?
Marie: I wish. Oskar had to drive me here and you know he drives very slow.
Alfie: Well, better luck next time I guess. The driving test isn’t that hard.
Marie: Easy for you to say, Mr. “I-can-do-anything-flawlessly”.
Alfie: *chuckles* Hey relax, I can teach you how to drive if you want to. But you’ll have to wait until I can leave camp again.
Marie: Well, don’t you have the “Crown Prince” title? Can’t you just use whatever privileges that title came with?
Alfie: If it were that easy, I would’ve asked them to let me have the weekdays off and only train on the weekends.
Marie: Then you will have to stay here longer. Don’t you miss your home?
Alfie: I do. But I can go back when I have time. So don’t worry about that.
Alfie: Enough talking, here. I didn’t eat your precious pie.
Marie: Of course you didn’t. You hated it.
Alfie: I didn’t hate it. I just hate the cinnamon in it.
Marie: Sure, sure. Whatever you say.
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