#If tumpix or whatever picks this up i'll be so happy
monstermaster13 ยท 2 years
What I Consider Acceptable:
- Being turned into a humanoid or half-non-humanoid character. Non-morphic animal characters have to be anthro before they can be used as tf subject here, so either make them anthro or have an anthro version.
- Anthro Pokemon/half-humanoid Pokemon that can speak English. Fakemon are allowed.
- Horror characters as long as they're not Creepypasta characters, has to be a character from a horror movie or show, live-action prefered but can involve characters created via stopmotion, clay or sfx makeup.
-Nintendo and/or Smash Bros as long as you leave Fire Emblem characters out.
- TG of both genders.
- Curses.
- Becoming what you're dressed as along as it's a character i'm okay with.
- Alien species transformations.
- Dan Aykroyd/Aykroyd-verse themed especially if it involves the Were-Aykroyd. You can suggest crossover ideas too.
- Tim Burton transformations.
- Anthro-styled werecreatures.
- OC related as along as your OC isn't one we're supposed to root for only for said OC to turn against humanity at the end.
- Celebrities/actual people with the exception of people from the 40's to the 60's or athletes.
- See above..but as long as it's not historical figures since those don't count as celebrities or serial killers.
- Characters i'm familiar with, no anime characters outside of ones I know of since I only know of a few of them. But I will consider Jojo or Dragonball or anime I have seen.
- Disney characters.
- Dreamworks.
- Nickelodeon.
- Marvel.
- DC.
- Power Rangers/superhero in general.
- Bojack Horseman.
- South Park.
- Dead By Daylight.
- Buffyverse.
- David Lynch characters.
- Teen Wolf.
- Simpsons.
- Biker Mice.
- SNL.
- MLP.
- Weight gain if either the person is A: happy with being plumped up or B: Is turning into a character that is known for having that kind of build.
- Non-morphic animal characters but they have to anthro-fied first.
What I Don't Consider Acceptable:
- Anime characters unless it's one I have seen. Keep in mind I will be hesistant to tackle anything relating to Jojo or other anime unless I can do my own take on it or lampoon it. Just you have to give me info on the character you want and it has to be any anime I have seen or heard of. Despite what some may think I actually do appreciate some parts of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure and know there are good people in the fandom and you just have to look hard enough, but still...I might do Jojo characters down the line IF I can do something with them like for example having a stand user who has a stand themed around or based on a comedy song like Loadsamoney or a Weird Al song.
- No Nudity..not even SFW. Not even being a toony animal with no visible privates will save you from being scolded at by me for breaking this rule. I'm okay with sexy fan-service or shirtless/topless scenes but not full on nude scenes.
- 'Nothing scary/depressing/dark in my universe'...yeah, we're going to have to talk about that, for one thing I DON'T care if you made it that there's nothing scary/depressing in your world/the world of whatever creature you and your friend established, you're not in your world anymore, you're in mine, and you're going to have to toughen up to survive here, if you're expecting me to be turned into some cuddly-wuddly floofy creature of the night or something in my world, then you can kiss your expectations goodbye because cutesy-wutesy is something I don't do anymore...at least not often, and a lot of what I like is scary. Besides, if you use this type of excuse while also having a character that is known for being scary/predatorial (e.g wolves, sharks, big cats, etc) you are a hypocrite.
- Bodily functions.
- If you have your adventure/episode's lead be a child. Look I don't hate kid characters in RPs, it's just there's not much with a child character I can do that is essentially just an orphan character or a character who supposedly has no parents and just runs away from home only to meet said monster or creature character and decides that without even thinking of the consequences that this character should be their new mother/new parent. I'm sorry but even if you think it's a good idea, don't. This is a random monster you just met 3 hours ago, don't you even want to get to know them first before making them your new parent? Also where are your actual parents? Look, even if your depict them as being abusive dickheads, I am sure that they'll still be worried about you. Also there's not much I can do using kid characters that aren't established kid characters to begin with, like okay...your character is a kid at around 8 or 12 years old, is there anything else to them? Also please don't pair child characters up with adult characters up, even if they are animals, look I don't want to be accused of pedophilia. Either age them up to be adults or teenagers or make it so they're actually not children at all.
- Rubber latex anything. What does a rubber version of a character have that is different than the original form of that character? Apart from being made of rubber, nothing.
- Mind control used for humilating other people into being your depraved sex-slaves or for the purpose of intelligence draining. To me it's just scary and horrifying to watch.
- Feral.
- I don't do revenge stories, these stories are mostly fictional so don't ask for your enemies to be made into a revenge story.
- Anything Night Fury related. Look, I got burned out on Night Furies ages ago and I don't think i'll ever do one again, but please if you have to do them, make them anthro. I wouldn't know what to do with normal Night Furies since they don't make any noises apart from growls, hisses and animal-like noises.
- Creepypasta characters. They don't count as horror characters, to me a horror character has to be a character from a horror movie or horror comedy movie, a horror show, or a video game that is horror related, anything like Slenderman or Jeff the Killer falls under 'internet age horror'.
- Size changes. Especially if it's within the giant or kaiju variety.
- Sissyification or bimbos since to me it's demeaning unless I can parody that.
- Forced love. If you try to force a character to fall for another character specifically if that character hates the person/creature trying to make them love them.
- Clowns. Clowns aren't a species unless it's a clown based monster. Clown-based characters like Joker are acceptable, just stereotypically mindlessly happy clowns obsessed with spreading the happiness.
- Inanimate transformations. I know some people romanticize this a lot and enjoy being forcibly turned into something that cannot move or talk but I don't, I don't do those, I wouln't be at all attracted or fascinated by someone slowly swelling up as their organs are replaced with stuffing and they turn into an identical version of a stuffed animal/plushie that they saw in a store earlier. Please consider this when you do it.
- Minors. Absolutely nothing with characters who aren't past 18 please and no sexualization of child characters. Due to uhhh...reasons.
- Suiting. Being incased in a costume doesn't count as a transformation, that's basically just bondage.
- No non-morphic bear transformations...bears in transformations are overdone as they are due to how there's nothing much to a bear tf apart from snugging, hugging, and putting on weight for the winter, and here's the thing, I kind of think they're boring. If you want to be a bear, you have to make it anthro to get my approval, and any bear-like characters should at least be humanoid or anthro. It's fine if you want to be a bear character, but please give me a choice other than a bear. Give me something more interesting. Bears aren't interesting, all they do is eat and sleep...if you want that, you could have just chosen a koala.
- Being forced to be the same species as you. No offense to those who probably will do it, but why would I want to be the same species as the character i'm being turned into if it's like this? Do I have to be a bear like Ellinor? But Queen Ellinor is an annoying shrew, even as a bear and a terrible mother...why would I want to be like her especially if it's the only choice for someone like me? That Gooey Earth universe's rules confuse me, I mean yeah you SAY only Disney furry characters but half of the characters featured are non-morphic animal characters and one monster (Sulley), who probably shouldn't even be there since he is a monster as in a mythical being and not an animal, but hey at least he's bipedal. And also yeah i'm sorry but non-morphic animal character does not equal furry character, okay the Disney's Robin Hood cast I can get since they're anthro, but clearly Baloo and the others are non-morphic. Also Kenai I can understand since he's a cursed human turned bear and wasn't one from the start of the movie, but the other animals..yeah, you're going to have to explain how come all of the other Brother Bear animal characters can talk in English despite being non-morphic and how come humans cannot understand Kenai as a bear and can only hear growls. Like with Elinor, how come she can't talk as a bear but keeps her human intelligence? Is it specifically mentioned in the spell that the witch cast on her? Does it say 'you cannot talk as a bear but you'll regain your human intelligence'? That would be like if I cursed someone to turn into a Japanese monster and told them they could only speak in Japanese but with sbutitles and could keep their human intelligence and personality. Also...what constitutes as a Disney furry anyway? Do alien species from Star Wars count since Disney owns Star Wars? Do any of the Muppets count since Disney owns The Muppets too? Do any of Marvel's humanoid animal characters or alien characters count? Also...I don't care if the rules have it so the mud or whatever morphs me into whatever animal i've been interacting with, there should be a way to make it so I DON'T end up as the same species as the character i've interacted with. Also if we're going with the bear theme, could I at least be an anthro, or maybe just Rebecca from Talespin? That's the only mama bear i'd actually want to hook up with anyway since she's anthro. Look, i'm happy to be with whatever character you have chosen to turn into, but can I please be allowed to choose what species I get to be, if the only way to be with you is to be 'Shrekked' into being the same species as you, forget it.
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