#Personal rules for rps and stories
monstermaster13 · 2 years
What I Consider Acceptable:
- Being turned into a humanoid or half-non-humanoid character. Non-morphic animal characters have to be anthro before they can be used as tf subject here, so either make them anthro or have an anthro version.
- Anthro Pokemon/half-humanoid Pokemon that can speak English. Fakemon are allowed.
- Horror characters as long as they're not Creepypasta characters, has to be a character from a horror movie or show, live-action prefered but can involve characters created via stopmotion, clay or sfx makeup.
-Nintendo and/or Smash Bros as long as you leave Fire Emblem characters out.
- TG of both genders.
- Curses.
- Becoming what you're dressed as along as it's a character i'm okay with.
- Alien species transformations.
- Dan Aykroyd/Aykroyd-verse themed especially if it involves the Were-Aykroyd. You can suggest crossover ideas too.
- Tim Burton transformations.
- Anthro-styled werecreatures.
- OC related as along as your OC isn't one we're supposed to root for only for said OC to turn against humanity at the end.
- Celebrities/actual people with the exception of people from the 40's to the 60's or athletes.
- See above..but as long as it's not historical figures since those don't count as celebrities or serial killers.
- Characters i'm familiar with, no anime characters outside of ones I know of since I only know of a few of them. But I will consider Jojo or Dragonball or anime I have seen.
- Disney characters.
- Dreamworks.
- Nickelodeon.
- Marvel.
- DC.
- Power Rangers/superhero in general.
- Bojack Horseman.
- South Park.
- Dead By Daylight.
- Buffyverse.
- David Lynch characters.
- Teen Wolf.
- Simpsons.
- Biker Mice.
- SNL.
- MLP.
- Weight gain if either the person is A: happy with being plumped up or B: Is turning into a character that is known for having that kind of build.
- Non-morphic animal characters but they have to anthro-fied first.
What I Don't Consider Acceptable:
- Anime characters unless it's one I have seen. Keep in mind I will be hesistant to tackle anything relating to Jojo or other anime unless I can do my own take on it or lampoon it. Just you have to give me info on the character you want and it has to be any anime I have seen or heard of. Despite what some may think I actually do appreciate some parts of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure and know there are good people in the fandom and you just have to look hard enough, but still...I might do Jojo characters down the line IF I can do something with them like for example having a stand user who has a stand themed around or based on a comedy song like Loadsamoney or a Weird Al song.
- No Nudity..not even SFW. Not even being a toony animal with no visible privates will save you from being scolded at by me for breaking this rule. I'm okay with sexy fan-service or shirtless/topless scenes but not full on nude scenes.
- 'Nothing scary/depressing/dark in my universe'...yeah, we're going to have to talk about that, for one thing I DON'T care if you made it that there's nothing scary/depressing in your world/the world of whatever creature you and your friend established, you're not in your world anymore, you're in mine, and you're going to have to toughen up to survive here, if you're expecting me to be turned into some cuddly-wuddly floofy creature of the night or something in my world, then you can kiss your expectations goodbye because cutesy-wutesy is something I don't do anymore...at least not often, and a lot of what I like is scary. Besides, if you use this type of excuse while also having a character that is known for being scary/predatorial (e.g wolves, sharks, big cats, etc) you are a hypocrite.
- Bodily functions.
- If you have your adventure/episode's lead be a child. Look I don't hate kid characters in RPs, it's just there's not much with a child character I can do that is essentially just an orphan character or a character who supposedly has no parents and just runs away from home only to meet said monster or creature character and decides that without even thinking of the consequences that this character should be their new mother/new parent. I'm sorry but even if you think it's a good idea, don't. This is a random monster you just met 3 hours ago, don't you even want to get to know them first before making them your new parent? Also where are your actual parents? Look, even if your depict them as being abusive dickheads, I am sure that they'll still be worried about you. Also there's not much I can do using kid characters that aren't established kid characters to begin with, like okay...your character is a kid at around 8 or 12 years old, is there anything else to them? Also please don't pair child characters up with adult characters up, even if they are animals, look I don't want to be accused of pedophilia. Either age them up to be adults or teenagers or make it so they're actually not children at all.
- Rubber latex anything. What does a rubber version of a character have that is different than the original form of that character? Apart from being made of rubber, nothing.
- Mind control used for humilating other people into being your depraved sex-slaves or for the purpose of intelligence draining. To me it's just scary and horrifying to watch.
- Feral.
- I don't do revenge stories, these stories are mostly fictional so don't ask for your enemies to be made into a revenge story.
- Anything Night Fury related. Look, I got burned out on Night Furies ages ago and I don't think i'll ever do one again, but please if you have to do them, make them anthro. I wouldn't know what to do with normal Night Furies since they don't make any noises apart from growls, hisses and animal-like noises.
- Creepypasta characters. They don't count as horror characters, to me a horror character has to be a character from a horror movie or horror comedy movie, a horror show, or a video game that is horror related, anything like Slenderman or Jeff the Killer falls under 'internet age horror'.
- Size changes. Especially if it's within the giant or kaiju variety.
- Sissyification or bimbos since to me it's demeaning unless I can parody that.
- Forced love. If you try to force a character to fall for another character specifically if that character hates the person/creature trying to make them love them.
- Clowns. Clowns aren't a species unless it's a clown based monster. Clown-based characters like Joker are acceptable, just stereotypically mindlessly happy clowns obsessed with spreading the happiness.
- Inanimate transformations. I know some people romanticize this a lot and enjoy being forcibly turned into something that cannot move or talk but I don't, I don't do those, I wouln't be at all attracted or fascinated by someone slowly swelling up as their organs are replaced with stuffing and they turn into an identical version of a stuffed animal/plushie that they saw in a store earlier. Please consider this when you do it.
- Minors. Absolutely nothing with characters who aren't past 18 please and no sexualization of child characters. Due to uhhh...reasons.
- Suiting. Being incased in a costume doesn't count as a transformation, that's basically just bondage.
- No non-morphic bear transformations...bears in transformations are overdone as they are due to how there's nothing much to a bear tf apart from snugging, hugging, and putting on weight for the winter, and here's the thing, I kind of think they're boring. If you want to be a bear, you have to make it anthro to get my approval, and any bear-like characters should at least be humanoid or anthro. It's fine if you want to be a bear character, but please give me a choice other than a bear. Give me something more interesting. Bears aren't interesting, all they do is eat and sleep...if you want that, you could have just chosen a koala.
- Being forced to be the same species as you. No offense to those who probably will do it, but why would I want to be the same species as the character i'm being turned into if it's like this? Do I have to be a bear like Ellinor? But Queen Ellinor is an annoying shrew, even as a bear and a terrible mother...why would I want to be like her especially if it's the only choice for someone like me? That Gooey Earth universe's rules confuse me, I mean yeah you SAY only Disney furry characters but half of the characters featured are non-morphic animal characters and one monster (Sulley), who probably shouldn't even be there since he is a monster as in a mythical being and not an animal, but hey at least he's bipedal. And also yeah i'm sorry but non-morphic animal character does not equal furry character, okay the Disney's Robin Hood cast I can get since they're anthro, but clearly Baloo and the others are non-morphic. Also Kenai I can understand since he's a cursed human turned bear and wasn't one from the start of the movie, but the other animals..yeah, you're going to have to explain how come all of the other Brother Bear animal characters can talk in English despite being non-morphic and how come humans cannot understand Kenai as a bear and can only hear growls. Like with Elinor, how come she can't talk as a bear but keeps her human intelligence? Is it specifically mentioned in the spell that the witch cast on her? Does it say 'you cannot talk as a bear but you'll regain your human intelligence'? That would be like if I cursed someone to turn into a Japanese monster and told them they could only speak in Japanese but with sbutitles and could keep their human intelligence and personality. Also...what constitutes as a Disney furry anyway? Do alien species from Star Wars count since Disney owns Star Wars? Do any of the Muppets count since Disney owns The Muppets too? Do any of Marvel's humanoid animal characters or alien characters count? Also...I don't care if the rules have it so the mud or whatever morphs me into whatever animal i've been interacting with, there should be a way to make it so I DON'T end up as the same species as the character i've interacted with. Also if we're going with the bear theme, could I at least be an anthro, or maybe just Rebecca from Talespin? That's the only mama bear i'd actually want to hook up with anyway since she's anthro. Look, i'm happy to be with whatever character you have chosen to turn into, but can I please be allowed to choose what species I get to be, if the only way to be with you is to be 'Shrekked' into being the same species as you, forget it.
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Am i the A-hole for trying to protect a women focused space?
I'm the mod from the super one sided retelling of the "Refusing to change OC's sexuality to bi/pan" situation. Shin (the person who wrote that post) know i don't use tumblr so of course he bring the drama here so that people would judge "Laura" and me without knowing the full truth. Thankfully, a dear friend of mine who followed this blog told me about this and was kind enough to allowed me to send this ask using her account.
First of all, it's pretty clear that Shin is lying about his identity. Shin said he is a trans man but he admitted that he don't want to transition beside wanting flat chest. Shin also said that he is south east asian but his display name and his OC's name are all japanese, which is a huge sign of white weeb fetishizing japanese culture. The fact that his english and understanding of slangs is way too good to be south east asian.
Secondly, Shin joining this server knowing that 90% of the members are yumejoshi, he should be grateful of the fact that we even allowed those yaoi characters invading what basically a space for women. I know we advertised the RP as a non-shipping focus death game story but you should have read the room and know what type of people this space is catering to and not bring your gay character in if you didn't want him to be shipped with women.
Thirdly, if Shin was uncomfortable then he should have made it clear from the start instead of letting "Laura"s character flirting with his, like having him respond rudely or out right rejecting her or something. Shin said he is having undiagnosed autism in his bio then he should have understand how it feel when people don't state what they mean clearly. His OC still being nice to "Laura"'s OC even if he didn't like the flirting, of course she would misunderstand that his OC developed romantic feeling for her OC.
Fourthly, Shin said before that he didn't count alternate timeline versions of a character from a visual novel he likes the same as the original timeline version because of their different life experiences then why can't he do the same to his OC? Why can't he just agree to let "Laura" make an alternate version of his character if in his logic they are completely different people? Hypocrite much?
And finally, "Laura" was very upset about this and it took her a while to move on, she could have hurt herself back then because of you. Also, we had to revised our server's rules and banned all the non-yumejoshies, which cut several RPs short.
So who is really the A-hole here?
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toffeebrew · 3 months
Any errink headcanons? :D
Tumblr hates me so I had to rewrite this, anyway... [Note: all my hcs ofc nothing is canon but some may be based of canon information! Sometimes I may refer to non-canon past rps :P]
Error and ink do dumb rps with his puppets together, they've made a super dramatic soap opera plot.
I think Ink realizes Error would never change and he's content with that (sigh as much as I would love to say he would).
Ink finds error's six tongues fascinating, rather than gross. In a similar way, error is fascinated by ink's star eyes (I wonder what that hc came from).
If they ever kissed it would be the most disgusting revoltingly thing ever because error doesn't know how to kiss at all and he also has 6 tongues.
If you asked them how they became friends they would just look at you and shrug. Not even they know how to happened. All they can say is they "get eachother." Error deep down has always wanted a friend and Ink gives him that. Ink is willing to deal with error's bs and error is willing to deal with ink's. Ink can feel a little lonely in his own role and among a world that is fake and Error being an outcode like hin understands him a way others wouldn't. Not even mentioning their story parallels but I gotta stop my self before I start rambling. They're some of the only people who know some of other's deep insecurities.
Ink found Error's crashes funny before he knew how absolutely painful they were. Although not sure if he would ever trigger them on purpose even before he knew ngl.
more yapping under the cut
I would define them as whatever happens when you cross a friend an enemy and a partner.
Ink loves all of his shipkids and error... feels very conflicted about all of them.
They also think the other is a freaky than them when in reality they're both freaks.
Error still thinks about when Ink proposed to him at loveball, ink doesn't think about it at all. Ink also proposed to him with a ring pop that he found in the candy bowl in my head LOL.
Ink doesn't mention his dads to him .. maybe out of fear
Other people still make fun of Ink for proposing to error at loveball and ink always goes "IT WAS ONE TIME!"
Error and Ink are both quite short, Error is only a few inches taller than Ink.
Due to loveball, Error is always scared (in a playful way) when Ink starts drinking.
Error does feel guilty for the time he left ink in the antivoid. Not all of the time, but at times when hes sitting with Ink in the anti-void he can't help but reflect on it. If he would ever admit it? Probably not.
Error and ink's dancing at loveball was a beautiful disaster. Ink is actually an okay dancer but because Error was really nervous it threw him off and it was so off beat. It was really cute though, regardless.
Ink finds errorink ship art very amusing and he shows it to error just to freak him out sometimes.
Error always kills ink first in among us. Error also always blames ink as the imposter even if he isn't.
They have a "close but not too close" rule just close enough to feel the warmth of the other person but not enough to touch. (do skeletons give off warmth?). They do hold pinkies though fr fr. Also Error does lay his head in Ink's lap sometimes, typically when they're watching something. Ink may also give Error forehead or hand kisses.
I like to think Error runs quite hot, because he crashes all the time, so hes warm like a computer LOL. Ink who in my hc has a lessen sense of touch and runs sorta cold due to be soulless lovess sitting around him because of it.
Crack headcanon, when error's eyes glitch up or hes about to crash if you really listen you can hear the sound of computer fans going ham.
Ink will often just... walk up to error and put him a different outfit. Something about his being "too basic" and "his outfit has an ugly color palette".
If you know my pinkie sense ink hc Error doesn't know HOW it works but he fully believes him every single time. Even when ink is trolling, LOL!
Error and Ink call eachother "Ruru" and "Kiki" but only to annoy the other. Specifically if ink is pleading for something he'll do it to annoy him "please ruru :(" They also call eachother glitch and squid in a movking as well LOL.
They have friendship rings? platonic rings? idk if those are a thing made from blue string.
In my own error design, he has a big tooth. Because of it ink calls him a "big kitty" to make fun of him.
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snickerzanddoodlez · 2 months
I’m staring a little experiment in hopes of uniting the community and helping all of us make a few new friends!
As you can see, I’ve created a comic page. I have no clue where the story will go- that’s up to you! Reblog this post with a comic continuing the story, and then from there, someone else can reblog, or I can reblog…and maybe we’ll have a story!
Heck, maybe we’ll have multiple reblog chains with multiple stories. Who knows!
I intend this to be similar to an RP in a way, but with less rules and a free come-and-go sort of thing!
-Keep it PG-13! Swearing is okay. Gore / horror is fine, and I personally am okay with sensitive topics, but tag them appropriately!
-This comic has an apocalyptic setting! Think “Invasion of the Bunny Lovers” but they’re actually zombies.
-Shipping within the story is fine, just nothing illegal!
-Nothing hateful!
-Art can be of any quality!
-You can reblog from any point! Even if somebody makes a continuation from a certain post, you can still continue from the same post! Branching storylines sounds really cool!
-Please tag any posts related to this as “Wordgirl Armageddon”!
-Have fun and be creative! You don’t have to worry about “contradicting” anything, I literally have no plans! That’s the fun of it, isn’t it? ;)
-Text replies are okay too!
(Note: I made this as a “prologue”, so interpret it as you’d like! You don’t need to continue from these two’s perspective, you can switch to someone else’s- but you’re also free to continue from here!)
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vsaintsin · 5 months
Writeblr Re-Intro
Yo! I'm V Saintsin. Or V or Vin or Saintsin or whatever you want to call me that sounds right on your tongue. I'm a self-proclaimed Social Media fumbler who got a late start to the party and has never quite figured it out. I hate how hipster and edgy it sounds to say "I'm bad at social media" but like I used to work with some people who actually managed the social media accounts for the business we worked for and there were rules and whatnot and damn, I think online media is just not my medium. That being said, here I am! Hah
I'm an author and general mess who's hoping to be the miracle man (somebody who makes a living writing silly little stories). I do use a pseudonym but please hear me out when I say I didn't realize how edgy it sounds, it just has some sentimental value to my personal life. I'm so sorry that I sound like I'm in my emo phase HAHA
About me -
He/Him Transguy from the American Midwest (arguably the south, depending on who you talk to, but the older people still say "Sodi-pop" and "ope").
I'm dysautonomic, bendy, permanently sleepy, and a survivor of Crappy Doctors Who Suck At Doctoring.
I like DnD, Pathfinder, Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk, Dragon Age, and other things in that vein.
I do make art of my stories and characters (Tablet is currently not working so I'm in a dry spell).
My writing background is predominantly ancient, dusty RPs from as far back as the foopets days and fanfic writing on Quizilla - I am an old and wizened elder of the net.
My formal education was music performance and behavioral neuroscience, I don't really know how I got where I am.
This is not my first rodeo with tumblr but it is the first time I have anything to SAY instead of just lurking.
In the event of malfunction, you can put me outside for 5 minutes and I'll probably factory reset.
My existence as I know it hinges on a massive number of sticky notes plastered throughout my room.
What I'm lookin' for -
Idk, whatever? I'm down for most things. Did you write it? Cool, let me see. I'm not too bent on genre or anything, just fascinated by the art of storytelling.
A bit tentative with fanfiction but that's just because if it's not a fandom I'm familiar with I am rather clueless about what the hell is going on and if it's a fandom I am familiar with I HUNT DOWN THE DEEP LORE.
I like art a whole lot, including fanart. Also art advice, love seeing things from different perspectives and learning something new.
Mutuals, really, for any reason. Building better connections on here, getting to know people. I am hideously bad at this but I try.
What I write -
Science Fiction with heavy subjects that matter to me - trigger warnings on a story-by-story basis.
High Fantasy (eventually books I think?) characters and their backgrounds for DnD and Pathfinder - I have been tempted to share these to help people get ideas or just for free use?
Things that I delete because I have crippling imposter syndrome and publishing makes me nauseous (doin' it tho).
Stories that I hope will make people feel less alone or that people could relate to, stories that I wish I had when life was worse and I was reaching out for anything I could find to keep me afloat, stories that try to be critical of things that SUCK in a way that's any helpful.
Lots of curse words and cussing (that's just how people talk 'round here), dubious science, things that I hope might make you cry but in a good way though.
Character-Driven stories that revolve more around the development of the person and less around the plot itself if that makes sense.
I've put blurb things below for my primary project/series which features a grumpy, queer, 37-year old chain smoking Frenchman and his misadventures with life and love and unbridled rage. If any of that sounds cool stick around and hang out? (This part is a plug bc I did a thing and I'm proud of it) And if my books sounds interesting the first one is 99 cents on Kindle and you just need a phone and a free app to read it!
THE SECRET OF LIFE (Published) - Sci-Fi/Psychological Thriller, Bi M Lead, Lovers to Enemies, AI but the oldschool cool kind not the real world thing that's stealing our future
Carlisle-Trystan Antoinette is a mercenary on a hard road, navigating life and death itself in an infinite cycle started by powers above his understanding. He has one mission - warn The Dianican Space Station of the coming threat and put a stop to a war that would encapsulate the whole of the Sol System before it can ever begin. Unfortunately for Carlisle, reality is a tenuous thing, made up only by our understanding of it. At least, according to his Psychiatrist, who tells him that there is no war, that he was never a mercenary, and that what Carlisle is experiencing is a severe but manageable psychotic break. Stripped of his combat enhancements, his bio monitor, and everything he's every known, Carlisle has a decision to make. Does he give in to the thoughts and memories, so real that he can almost taste them, or does he live a life of comfort and ease, returning to a husband and daughter that he left behind?
TWs: Domestic and War Violence, suicide, rape, medical trauma, grief, drug use
THE SILENCE OF ANGELS (Due 2024, TSoL 2) - Betrayal and Rage, Learning how to love again slow-burn romantic subplot, Learning how to Dad, A general inability for any one thing to just go right
(Quick Rough Blurb that offers no spoilers for TSoL) Making connections isn't easy for somebody who's accustomed to burning bridges. Isolation has always been Carlisle's mantra for surviving his life. Playing a role comes second nature, pretending to be the man that everyone else wants to see in him. When an old friend is murdered Carlisle finds himself as the primary suspect with all evidence pointing to him so clearly that even he calls to question what he is capable of. Unwilling to believe that he could commit such a heinous crime, Carlisle sets off to find the truth of his friend's death - was Carlisle framed or does he truly have the capacity to bring such harm upon those he loves? Old and new bonds will be tested, faith broken, and the future of everyone called into question as lines are drawn and sides are picked.
TWs: Violence, mentions of SA, graphic character death, more grief, more death
I don't know what else to say... Later!
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pommunist · 4 months
Ok tangent about communication (and lack thereof) in mcrp - can we as a community PLEASE normalize using safety tools??? Imagine being in an rp where you're frequently playing out heavy stuff like grief, dysfunctional family dynamics, governmental oppression, etc. and you aren't allowed to contact your rp partner AT ALL. Discussing boundaries? Exchanging feedback on how the rp went? Unwinding after a particularly intense scene together? Yeah if upper management catches you doing that they're not gonna let you rp anymore. Idk if this is parasocial of me (and it sorta feels like small potatoes in the face of the enormous workers rights violations that are still an issue) but qsmp ESPECIALLY is such an emotionally charged rp environment where it seems literally everyone was feeling intense emotional bleed around the eggs, so it boggles my mind that there were pretty much no safeguards in place to ensure the comfort of everyone involved. (Frequent ooc communication before during and after rp is the absolute minimum but I am on my knees BEGGING for minecraft roleplayers to download a ttrpg safety toolkit or at least agree on a safeword first)
I think there’s this frequent misconception in the collective mindset that improv rp is just coming up with things on the spot and rolling with it.
to an extent it is but there’s also a lot of etiquette rules to abide by or else it wouldn’t be possible to tell a story.
And like you said, when heavy topics are involved, you have to have some safeguards put in place by communicating with your rp partners, even when doing more light hearted stuff, there are still topics that could upset the person you’re playing with and that’s why it’s important that you can regularly check with each others if everything is going smoothly.
A great example is if you want to establish a relationship with a rp partner you don’t do it by excessively flirting with them without talking about it first, or it may be uncomfortable for everyone involved.
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routersims · 2 months
president mind situation my take AND WHY I WAS WRONGLY BANNED!!!! (and why you shouldnt hate me!) TW/CW: mentions of shipping (sorta) and nsfw (chonny jash
this gonna be a long wall of text just sayin.. but pleeaaase read im tired of people slandering my name when im not bad.
im way better than the people who got me banned i was literally a scapegoat bro.. cordial and corey and all them mfs are so weird but thats a whole different thing
OK!! FIRST: Addressing the things i was banned for.
i was banned for hms sex jokes and erp yea true there is literally proof of the sex jokes but they're nothing but jokes even ppl who are told of the incident laugh at the screenshots because its so obvious that i WAS KIDDING. and being banned for erp? with no proof? really? yeah whatever literally none of what i did wrong was in the rules. especially for out of server stuff YEAH. IT WAS OUTSIDE THE FUCKING SERVER… IT WAS ALL IN A PRIVATE GROUP CHAT AND SOMETIMES (RARELY) DMS. everyone in the group chat was completely and 100% fine with EVERYTHING happening! everyone had said so. (let me clarify: there was no out of server rules when we were banned, they added them so they can fucking control their server members over shit like this like bffr.) stuff in the rp wasnt supposed to make anyone uncomfortable or be serious in anyway when it came to sexual stuff, the rp itself actually existed outside of the groupchat with extensive lore but it wasn't really sexual at all. the rp was kept private SO PEOPLE WOULDNT BE UNCOMFORTABLE.. even so, it being private wasnt enough apparently because some little rats had to jump into a place they didnt belong and build a whole ass story off the shit I did wrong?? when i literally did NOTHING against the rules. sure you can be like "oohh you were sexualizing chonny jash" sure! hms were there but we never mentioned chonny himself. we treated all three of them like our own ocs and completely unaffiliated with him, we thought it was fucking weird to sexualize chonny in anyway. (soul wasnt sexualized and anyone else in the rp were just OCs).
i never meant to make anyone uncomfortable, I never meant to make chonny uncomfortable i never meant to do ANYTHING wrong. I didnt think i was doing anything wrong. I didnt do anything wrong by the rules. IT WAS ALL PRIVATE. it was all JOKES. other people (CORDIAL) literally make hms nsfw jokes (AND JUST NSFW) about HMS in PUBLIC and get less backlash than i did? like are you serious? what is this favoritism? what did i even do wrong against the rules or in general if we just fucking allow this stuff?
you all act like im a piece of shit and problematic for what I did. but, I wasnt sexualizing chonny jash. I wasnt making anyone uncomfortable. I wasnt being weird in public. I was just a stupid kid bro, I know what I did was wrong. I'm sorry if you want to hear. i havent erped or done anything sexual since that whole thing.. ESPECIALLY NOT WITH CHONNY JASH!!! i dont even rp HMS in general AT ALL and avoid it outside of my roblox group + youtube channel.
Seriously guys It's been a fucking year I'm tired of you dragging my name when you dont know the whole story. you only know the things said by sal and the people who got me banned and they're ALL FUCKING WEIRDER THAN ME.
they fucking ran into something that wasnt their business, they stole screenshots from a groupchat they werent even in and fucking plotted getting us banned for like a week or two? like how odd are you? cordial's weird. cordial did / does the same shit i did that got me banned BUT WORSE. cordial does even more weird shit I can't disclose because the person who came out to me asked me not to. i quite literally was a scapegoat for this fucking weirdos and im so tired of having my name dragged because of them.
now, Sal?? sals a fucking weirdo too. like how are you the owner of a fucking huge fan server and when your server member gets wrongfully banned you continuously TALK SHIT IN PUBLIC CHAT ABOUT THE WHOLE SITUATION? what kind of a fucking owner are you? you really sat there telling EVERYONE about the situation, dragging my name, and for what. because you were bored? you're a fucking adult and im a minor. need i bring up the weird shit you say in general chat too? i remember seeing you saying weird shit about a server member wearing a collar. fucking creep. now lets talk about the other admins!
who are you—fucking adults when the whole situation was with minros—to ban us out of fucking no where when it wasnt against the rules and private. then fucking drag our names with it. YOU ARE ADULTS. WE ARE KIDS. WE WERE DUMB KIDS. mind your fucking business instead of making it a whole big deal and making everyone hate us for over a fucking year.
HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO STRESS THIS? WE. WERE. DUMB. KIDS. I'M SORRY! I AM. If i made you uncomfortable, tell me! i will personally respond and give you a fucking apology and im 100% serious bro just stop treating me like im a fucking monster.
all I ever wanted to fucking do was make you people laugh and have fun with you then you fucking get me banned and drag my name and call me problematic when the shit i did WASNT EVEN BAD.
i dont care, if you forgive me i'll forgive you and we can forget everything but you have to fucking see my side of the story. you have to look me in the eyes and understand where im coming from; if you're even willing. i dont hate any of you, I still love the community (maybe not chonny jash as much just because I still feel guilty..) and I just wish I could come back and be accepted for the funny gal I once was known as.
I didnt know I was doing anything wrong, not until I was fucking banned out of the blue without being asked my side of the story. until I got that banned message with no context, without a fucking explanation without ANY reasoning or reaching out to me. suddenly everyone I loved in the server where I met all of my friends hated me and thought I was problematic?? i was so fucking sad and confused and nobody gave a SHIT about me.
ur server died and sucks since u banned me btw should've minded your FUCKING BUSINESS. but thats besides the point,
you mods suck. the people who got me banned, suck. the people who slander my name when you dont understand, SUCK!!! and im sorry. im sorry for everything, im sorry for making you uncomfortable and upset, even if I was wronged. I dont know how many times I have to say it or beg to be understood or how many CJ fans I have to re-meet and tell me im really cool and didnt deserve what happened until you actually fucking understand and let me back in, because Im not a piece of shit! im probably the nicest person you'll ever meet, if you even fucking bother to meet me.
i forgive you, please just forgive me and recognize the fact that i aint a monster or problematic.. im just a stupid kid who didnt mean to do any wrong and ive grown since then.
I'll clear up one more thing, because as you know I'm dating mortis (THE MORTIS) and shes a lot more problematic than me:
mortis does her own things and when we started dating she didnt act like this and I know there's kindness in her thats why I dont leave her for her actions. I dont support all the stuff she does, not at all. I'm afraid to talk to her about it (hi mortis you're definitely reading this!) I love her, even though she does the stuff she does.
I'm pro-Palestine, and I love and support everyone regardless if I know you or not. in order to function, we have to all see eachother eye-to-eye. I don't think any of you are insane, or "mentally ill freaks", I love everyone. except you cordial fuck you but I do love everyone else. even if I have a differing opinion, or think a certain way about you or your behavior, I'm not gonna hate on you or go out of my way to bully you like she does and I apologize on her behalf for the things she has said.
separate me from her actions please, I love her and I could never bring myself to leave her unless she actually does physically hurt someone or do something else insanely bad (p.s. shes also pro-palestine she just um is weird about it. clearing that up)
I like chonny jash still (mostly CCCC), I like the community still, I love my girlfriend, I love everyone and I just want to make everyone happy and smile so please stop dragging my fucking name. I. AM. SORRYYY!!! I have so many people that can vouch for me in the community and outside of it, please for once just listen to me and them.
sorry for bad grammar/formatting and repeating myself I'm really trying to get my point across here and just thinking as I type.. (no this is not president mind returning, he wont ever be this is just routersims here and im trying to get people to like me again, maybe!!! maybe even unban me!!!!!!!! im fucking innocent!!!!!)
yea thats about it guys
this is for mortis: hi if you;re reading this / still reading this I didnt mean to hurt you in any way by that I really really love you but a lot of the things you do are really evil and youu probably shouldnt be doing them.. everyone is a person, it's everyone's first time living. we're all scared and confused and hurting people for how they are or the things they like really isnt helping anyone.. i love you so much and I always will but lets be nicer okay? you can bring this up in vc if you're still worried about me being mad at you and stuff but im not and I love you
ok bye
ps. adding chonny jash tag cuz my friends are telling me to, im not trying to get chonny to see it.. just adding this little note!
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wizblr-blue-moon-ball · 5 months
You find a letter addressed to you...
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The envelope is a pale, moonstone white with gold filligree. It is sealed with a wax seal, the engravings from the stamp showing an intricate magical spell used to ensure the letter was delivered to you.
If you are with a friend who also recieves a letter, you notice that each seal was customized to specifically reach you and you alone.
The paper inside a fine parchment with an invitation written in deep blue ink....
Hello Magical Friend~☆
You are cordially invited to the Blue Moon Ball, the first of its kind hosted on Wizard Island (Island).
It will be a week-long celebration of the magical and arcane with old and new friends; if you happen to receive this letter, you are one of many esteemed guests we would like to host at our establishment.
Should you decide to attend, please sign the RSVP card added within this envelope and send it back using your preferred method of mailing.
The ball will be held in the fourth week of May, the Nineteenth through the Twenty-Fifth (May 19-25). We hope to see you there!
Welcome everyone to the official announcement post of the Blue Moon Ball! Wizardblr's (maybe?) first community-wide event. Hosted by yours truly @the-necrobotanist! I'm happy to see you here!
The event will take place over the course of seven days, where participants will make posts relating to a series of themes throughout the entire week.
The event will take place on the week of the 19-25, mark your calendars!
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Please be polite and kind to other participants
No AI generation in any and all submissions
Do not reveal any personal info
(This is everything for now. Please do not make me extend this rule list)
There are four categories for people to partake in for the prompts: Art, Writing, Roleplay, and Photography. I'll explain a bit more in detail about them below.. .
ART [#Blue Moon Ball Art]
Draw your character according to the prompts, and perhaps other people's characters!
Use of picrews/heroforge is allowed as long as you credit where you made the image from
Use of AI to make art is strictly prohibited and will not be included in the event.
WRITING [#Blue Moon Ball Writing]
Write a story, drabble, or fic of your character!
There is no base word count or word limit, do whatever you wish!
Poems and the like are totally welcome and allowed!
No AI generated writing is allowed.
ROLEPLAY [#Blue Moon Ball Roleplay]
Roleplay at the event! I'll make a few starters for people to post and add to :)
Keep everything SFW, and if a RP situation makes you uncomfortable please remember that it is okay to back out
PHOTOGRAPHY [#Blue Moon Ball Photogtaphy]
Take a photo! Whether it be an outfit, food, or a pet!
No revealing personal information. This includes your face, address, full name, etc. Please practice internet safety.
The official prompt list will not be revealed until 3 days before the event! There will however be a prologue prompt!
Prologue Prompt
Your prompt for before the event is.....
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Gather your fabric and get your sewing kits ready, your first prompt is to design and create your character’s outfit for the ball!
Create an outfit and post it to tumblr, whether through art, writing, or whatever you wish! Make sure to use the tag #BMB Outfit so people can see your work, and feel free to mention me so I can reblog!
All outfits submitted (unless noted otherwise in the post) will be added to a poll for a "Best Dressed" poll that will he hosted after the main event is over, consider it an afterparty of sorts.
All rules above apply to this post, I hope you all enjoy!!
That's everything for now! I'm so excited to be hosting this, and I'm so, so happy and grateful for the huge amount of people interested. I cannot wait to see what you make!!
Enjoy the ball, Magical Friends~☆ !!
Pinglist Set A
@scuttling-comfuddlement @the-gnomest-bastard @kobold-sanctuary-buss-island @satyrs-apothecary @irving-the-pirate-wizard @morbingtime @justagingerwithredhair @chaos-familiar @these-detestable-hands @regina-the-sorceress @combustion-witch @yourlocalbreadenthusiast @selldemapplez @agentldiddy @fractalkitty @wizard-island-trading-co @good-wizard @the-illegal-wizard-council @ash-the-tiefling @mysticminion @blobbiedaykeeppcaway @life-is-okay-rn2 @skyethebisexualwolfwizard @thequeerwizardcouncil @dread-the-eldritch-wizard @profeshinul-wizurd @a-squirrel-wizard @the-mighty-dalob @amateur-wizard @chaos-wizard-nyehehe @bertskullhaver @transgender-wizard @flowers-the-sun-witch @the-silliest-sorcerer @wizard-ghost @a-goose-in-a-trenchcoat @flirtyambiguouswizard @paltering-peculiarity @parkyrtheelvishbard @ceeceelemons
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rp-partnerfinder · 10 months
Hello and welcome to RP Partner Finder!
The goal of this blog is to help 18+ roleplayers find other adults to write stories with. We aim to create a space for mature, like-minded people to find eachother. As such our primary demographic is older adults.
We are not a roleplay blog, we are a roleplay advertising blog. If you are 18+ and looking for other roleplayers you can submit an ad to this blog and we will post it.
We do not discriminate against most adult content. However, we do not accept ads with requests for underage users or characters, real person fiction, or ads that contain racists terms. For further details, please read our rules before submitting an ad.
1. Not all stories posted contain smut or dark themes, but YOU MUST BE 18+ TO SUBMIT OR CONTACT PEOPLE FROM THIS BLOG.
2. Your ask/submission MUST include the minimum age you are seeking. ex "LOOKING FOR 18+ 25+ 30+ etc." or some variation. Stating your own age is not enough. Posts that include "No Minors"/"Of Age People"/"Legal Age Only" and no minimum age will be DELETED. This rule is not negotiable and is the most commonly broken rule, so please do not avoid this step.
3. We no longer allow "maximum ages" in ads. (ie 20-25, 18-22, etc.) We believe this excludes many of our users and goes against the spirit of this blog. For further explaination you can read this blog post.
4. We will not publish ads looking for underage roleplayers or characters. NSFW involving child characters (canon or original) will not be posted. NO EXCEPTIONS.
5. Child and minor characters MUST be aged up, regardless of NSFW material. It is the blog's assumption that all characters are 18+ or that characters will be aged up for RP.
6. This blog is lgbtqia+ and kink friendly, but keep NSFW mentions vague (this is to avoid getting the blog flagged). Listing kinks/fetishes is okay (for now.)
7. No Real Person Fiction. This includes KPop bands! RPs looking for a certain faceclaim are allowed. It is this blog's assumption that "actor-verse" requests are not for RPF.
8. When looking for it, please use “omegaverse” when making your ad. Posts containing A/B/O in any form will result in your ad being deleted.
9. Do not send ads multiple times. Posts on this blog are queued and the current wait time from submission to post is 5-7 days. We are no longer answering asks or DMs about when your ad will be posted.
10. Group roleplays are allowed. You may also send submissions to advertise your own RP Ad Blog. We will not promote blogs that have underage users.
11. Mods have final say in any postings and any non-ad material will be tagged "mod mail." All hate mail will be deleted, no exceptions.
Thank you for reading! 
For additional advice on writing your ad, check this post.
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utilitycaster · 7 months
The thing I've realized, in the broader Actual Play space, is that a lot of creators are trying to turn Actual Play shows into TV shows.
You mentioned Kollok in your tags, and the creator of that has mentioned creating Kollok in a way to try to appeal to the Netflix audience.
And I'm all for experimentation, but tbh if I wanted to watch a TV show, I would go watch a TV show. That's not what I'm looking for in an Actual Play and over editing and gimmicks actively turn me off from it.
Folks creating Actual Play seem to put a lot of weight on it, but I don't know if it's that important from an audience perspective.
Hey anon,
Huge same - I've been thinking about this for a while, especially in regards to choices I didn't like (notably on D20, though the Candela split screen in chapter 3, while relatively minor, felt like part of the same trend and I'm really interested in seeing whether they keep it). I actually did mean to write more about this not in the tags of a reblog, so thanks for this ask because it gives me that motivation to do it!
Earlier this year I was at an event and someone who to be totally honest I found kind of annoying was talking about Dimension 20, and I decided to keep quiet and listen to what other people had to say, and another person (whom I respect and specifically know to be like, left-leaning and inclusive and not gatekeeper dudebro type, which is relevant to the next statement) who is solidly in Gen X and has been playing D&D since at least 2e mentioned that he doesn't like Actual Play at all because he is from the era where D&D was frequently played in third person and is somewhat of a purist in that sense. Ie, this guy would say "Gawain pulls out his sword and smites the dragon, with a 24 to hit", rather than "I'm going to pull out my sword and smite the dragon." He described his idea of D&D as being very much collaborative storytelling in the sense of a bunch of third person narrators who happen to be the storytellers for one specific character, not a first-person acted scene.
I happen to like both forms of narration and am not a purist either way, and indeed use both third person and first person myself as a player (as do many actual players; you see this on CR and D20 all the time). But I think this does show just how broad this spectrum is. You have people all the way on the "I am narrating an improvised story, I am the storyteller puppeting my character and I am not trying to be immersed" side and then you have shows that are trying to push this into full immersion...but so long as you have dice rolls, you'll never achieve it.
I prefer something in between: I do love watching people act, but I really like the gears and wires! I love mechanics! I think people who say "I love actual play D&D but I don't really care for combat, only RP" don't actually like actual play D&D! This is a specific format and I do not want people to hide the fact that they are using the rules of a game and are at a table, because they are and we know it.
This came up when I and others talked about the Legend of Vox Machina adaptation: they're probably going to have to find a way to convey the same tragedy and gravity of Scanlan's ninth level counterspell that doesn't require viewers to know the mechanics, because if you watch that scene as actual play the meaning of Sam saying "Nine" is immediately apparent. It hits hard with that one single word, but that won't be the case in an animated adaptation where no one is rolling a D20. Mechanics are in intrinsic part of actual play. You can enjoy actual play without that knowledge, but a solid grounding in those mechanics will only enhance that enjoyment (well, unless you're one of those rules-lawyery weirdos who gets bitter about any GM rule of cool/homebrew that they couldn't predict from the rulebooks but those people will never be happy).
The more general context of "being in a game", not just mechanics, is also in my opinion valuable. Brennan, on a Worlds Beyond Number fireside chat, referred to certain NPCs like Caramelinda as "furious that they are in a D&D game" and it's a funny and true statement. I feel like trying to push actual play into the realm of scripted shows is that: it feels like you're trying to hide the origins, and I think the quality of the show will ultimately suffer when you do that. It feels almost ashamed of what it is, and I don't think you can make something that transforms a medium/genre/thing in between the two without having a profound love and respect for the original, even if you also find it flawed. (This is also, tbh, how I feel about a lot of attempts to divorce D&D from the fact that it is ultimately a game influenced heavily by sword-and-sorcery fantasy, or about attempts to turn high or heroic fantasy into something that neatly affirms all of one's 2024 real world political beliefs, but that's another post).
I also think that the out-of-character element of actual play is a big draw. I have been open about having complicated feelings about the parasocial and projection aspects; but those feelings are "hey, this is still a show that is a source of livelihood, you are not hanging out in someone's living room and getting weird about the fact that the CR cast no longer responds to every tweet is dumb" and "you have not been betrayed by the creators because you didn't get the plot you wanted," and "the fact that two actors sit next to each other is not, in fact, a solid basis for shipping." I am equally opposed to the idea of "the actors do not exist, only the characters do," put forward in that attempt to make actual play Netflix-ready. It's fun to watch the CR cast rib Travis for turning bright red for, as people said, pretend kissing his real wife. It's fun to watch the Intrepid Heroes heckle Brennan when he plays a villain. It's fun to hear Aabria and Erika scream at WBN plot developments and for the McElroys or the NADDPod crew to wheeze with laughter and all of these shows but CR are to a degree edited, and all leave that element in, which I think says something really important about what actual play is understood to be!
It does not escape me that the seasons/shows using heavier camera edits have often, in my opinion, sacrificed story quality for a visual style I don't even care for. I do watch prestige television, and one of the more striking cinematographic choices I've seen lately are the extremely long single take shots used on both Succession's final season (Connor's Wedding, 4x03) and The Bear's first season (Review, 1x07). Prestige TV is not doing the glitchy Neverafter stuff. Hell, I liked Sagas of Sundry: Dread and never finished Madness before it went offline and haven't made an effort to seek it out specifically because the black box theater feel of Dread felt fun and new but not too removed from actual play vibes, whereas the higher production values of Madness, ironically, made it feel too artificial and stilted to keep my interest.
Actual play is its own beast, and in trying to appeal to a new audience you're probably going to lose a lot of the one you have. A big part of why I haven't been motivated to check out Kollok is that everything I hear about it, even positive reviews, makes it sound like it's missing the things I like from actual play and doesn't achieve the level of scripted shows. Honestly I think the REAL answer here is that if you want to find a space between a Netflix drama and an Actual Play show, ditch the rules and make stuff like Midst, which is as discussed inspired by ttrpg/actual play spaces, but is broadly plotted out in advance. I think that approach can combine the best of both worlds, whereas I feel as though attempting to be a Netflix show will usually spend so much time trying to hide the fact that there's a table there that it will detract from the actual story.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 27 days
I was a part of an PMMM rp group ages ago and since I was last to join I was saddled with the role of Kyubey.
The original goal of the group was to try and create an alternative ending for a new cast of original characters. I believe the plan was to find a way to rp everyone into a happy ending if possible, but no one was against it turning out dark like the source material.
I don't remember a lot of the rules except for one because I purposely exploited it as much as humanly possuble. The rule was that if you had conversations with other players outside the main group chat you had to inform the GM of it and provide screenshot evidence of your conservations.
These private messages were meant to be used as filler rp where players could further develop their characters and relationships outside the main story. I want to clarify that I had full permission from the GM to use this option with less restrictions as they agreed it would be in character for Kyubey to seek out more private conversations versus participating more openly in the group chat.
Long story short I fully dived into my role as Kyubey and systematically went after everyone in private messages to turn them against each other. Again this was forever ago so I'm a bit foggy on all the details but I managed to convince at least 2 members to kill each other, got 1 to turn into a witch by manipulating their character into thinking another player's character was cheating on them with someone else from the group, and then managed to trick another player into doing a contract with some clever word play on my part that the GM later backed me up on when that player denied agreeing to it.
The group didn't last long mostly due to scheduling issues but I still hold some fond memories of it. I haven't been able to pull something like this since then.
But I'll never forget how it felt to watch all my machinations fall into place and the demented giggle I let out when that player finally realized I had tricked them into a contract.
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I am ... good for you? XD
Tbh I have no idea how text based rp works, but your GM must have had really trusted you not to abuse the game and/or derail the story by making you fucking Kyubey a;dljkfa;lgjal;dajga
Personally, I've only ever played villain characters when I've been the GM/DM myself. So in that aspect, I can absolutely relate to that giddy feeling that comes with rping a villain and pulling one on the heroes.
But HOLY FUCK, man O_O
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loopadoop · 29 days
*Hello, little stars~*
How can I help you on this wonderful blog of mine? Just call me Loop, should be pretty easy to remember. You can use They/Them for my pronouns in case you need to think of me on your own time.
I figured I'd make my own little blog here so I don't get bored while the saviors are busy saving Vaugarde. Got to keep myself entertained somehow during the downtime here in Dormont, right~?
[OOC mumbo jumbo & all that jazz]
yeah, this is an rp blog for Loop, if that weren't clear enough. I'm keeping my main online guff anonymous mainly due to it not quite fitting with... this (in my opinion anyways), but if you want to sus it out here's ya a hint: =). for ooc stuff, use he/him for lil' old me.
In case you need to know, I have played through all of In Stars & Time (including 2hats) and Start Again: A Prologue, so don't worry about spoiling me on any which thing from those games here.
this blog is intended to coincide with other isat rp blogs, but I'm open for interactions beyond that too while I'm here. I intend to keep the asks open for the foreseeable future - anonymous or otherwise - but that could be subject to change. Don't plan on changing the status all things considered, but still.
of course, the OG Character and (unless stated otherwise) any media I use (which, of course, excludes media from asks) are from Insertdisc5's In Stars & Time, and none of the interactions here are canon to the original game or its story... not that I think someone would think that way, but might as well cover the bases I can.
[General Rules]
No nsfw stuff. This ain't intended as an 18+ type deal as I'm sure most would assume, so let's try and keep it that way 'kay?
DNI if you're a MAP, Zoo, Bigot, Racist, or anyone any reasonable and respectable person would not want to interact with. Might as well state it for the record to get it out of the way.
OOC speak - i.e. talking to me in asks or smtn instead of Loop - is allowed, just remember this is an rp blog for a character first and foremost so don't get too carried away with it - I'll do my best not to in return. (I recommend putting that stuff like this), [and I'll respond like this.]
I trust the rest I could put here would be common sense. I will edit this when needed but... yeah, that's all I can think to put. If there's anything else I should put, feel free to let me know.
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This is a fandom related thing. I will say that right off the bat, but I needed a few extra opinions on this since it feels like I am alone on this.
AITA for killing off my OC in a group rp?
For some context, I (using the name Snow for myself) joined a group rp with some other people where we would come up with a plot together. Everyone would be using original characters (OCs) It was agreed that the things that happened would be voted on, but people were not allowed to control what other people did with their OCs. It is the whole "my oc, my rules" thing. For those who don't get it, it basically means that since the oc is yours, only you get to decide what happens to them.
To the story. I had plans I wanted to do with my OC. I wrote her to be someone who was secretly working for the villains and was only tricking the others into thinking she was their friend. The only other people who were aware of this were the moderators, and they had approved of it.
What was the problem then you may be wondering? Well the problem was that another member, I'll just call them Star, had said that they had gotten an emotional attachment to my OC. Which I personally found weird, so I typically tried not to be stuck alone with them.
When it came to reveal the plot twist with my oc, Star had a freak out upon finding out. They started crying and complaining that it wasn't right to do that and they could not picture "their" emotional support character doing that. The other members decided to comfort Star. They always sided with Star and acted like they were oh so special. The others were saying that this was all just a joke and that it wasn't actually going to happen. "It is just a joke right, Snow?" they had said.
And I replied with. "No. It's not a joke. My oc has been working with the villains the whole time."
Star's response was to have a meltdown over it, saying that I was out to hurt them and ruin their day. So I ended up getting a message from the moderators asking me to change my OC's backstory as to not upset Star further. They ended up telling Star that it would be changed to just having my OC be mind controlled the whole time.
This was not something I agreed with, but I pretended to play along begrudgingly. I hated that the group decided to treat my OC like she belonged to Star. But I played along and came up with my own idea. There was a plot point that came up in the rp that would have someone die off, so I took it as my opportunity to kill off my own OC. If I wasn't allowed to do what I had planned for her initially, then she wasn't going to stick around anymore.
After I killed her off, Star logged off and vanished for an entire 3 days. All the other members constantly messaged them to try and get a response from her, but they did not answer until they returned. When they logged on, they said that they had to a panic attack over what had happened and felt hurt that I would do that.
I just responded with "my oc, my rules. I quit this group." Then I quickly went through and deleted every little bit of information I had shared about my OC with that group before leaving their discord. After, I got a lot of messages from all the members, about sending the information so that Star could continue playing with my OC since she was their comfort character and it wasn't fair I was doing this to them especially after their panic attack. I said no and blocked everyone who had asked me that.
Sure I feel bad that they had a panic attack, but I felt betrayed that everyone else was willing to bend the rules for them and allow them to control my OC. Even if I no longer use said OC, I still wouldn't let them have her. This is still my property and I stand by the "my oc, my rules" thing.
So AITA for killing off my OC?
What are these acronyms?
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gatheredfates · 4 months
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Hello my lovelies! 🦈 You might be asking yourself 'Sea, this is weird, You don't update during the week!' and you would be correct. I was supposed to push this update out by the end of my long weekend as an addition to this; however, due to a bunch of irl stuff I won't go into here, it was delayed. I have endeavoured to rectify it now rather than waiting out the week so peoples' resources are properly showcased. This will not be a common occurrence!
However, as of today (06/04), the following resources have been added to Sea's Community Compendium for XIV Creatives.
The Final Fantasy XIV Tumblr Community — A public Tumblr community where you can share FFXIV content and meet other players.
*NOTE. Tumblr communities are currently in beta and cannot be joined/applied to directly at this time. You will need to request an invite from @spotofmummery in order to join. When communities are out of beta, the disclaimer on the Compendium will be removed to properly reflect its public status.
The Rabanastran Record — A resource on Dalmascan lore, history and additional notes incorporating missing information via FFXII content. Is regularly maintained and updated when new information is given in game/lorebooks or on request. Created and maintained by @stalwart-spirit on tumblr.
Pandæmonium Raid Series Transcript — This is a full transcript of the quest dialogue, battle lines and NPC dialogue from all of P1-12! Created by @divinitymanifest.
FF14 Battle Portrait Tutorial — Have you ever wanted to create a battle portrait for your WoL similar to the ones you see in Endwalker story events and dungeons? @twitter-sakuranokaze has put together a guide on just how to do it!
A 'lore' checkbox has been added to the google form to better reflect the update to the Compendium's sorting. It was the one part of that change I forgot to do, so it's now up-to-date!
Free Company / Community Focused / Event Servers has not been updated to Free Company / Community Focused / Event SPACES to better reflect Tumblr communities and potentially encompass other smaller communities not easily covered by Large-Scale or Misc.
Bookmark links to certain resources have been added/amended. Again, not sure why they broke... but they're working now!
Want to submit? You can either fill out the google form here, send me an ask with the relevant information contained on the Compendium, or join my Discord at SEAFLOOR (21+ only)!
Is my space suitable for the Compendium? Most of the time, yes! Below the read more is some more information/stipulations. Again, all the below information is accessible on the document! 🐡
Below are the following things I do not accept on the Compendium:
Personal/Single-Character LFC ads.
Content intended for or can be used for bullying, harassment and OOC gossip. E.g. ‘Secrets’ blogs, receipts, callout posts, etc. This does not include in-character tabloid blogs used to generate RP.
Communities that do not have an RP/writing element (large-scale exempt).
Anything I find personally distasteful or goes against the spirit of this project.
Common-sense rule applies.
I want to put my community on the compendium but we have an application process. Is this okay?
Yes! Just note somewhere in your application that's a requirement. The only thing that is mandatory for the Compendium is that you must be open to new members or have a public-facing/accessible facet. There's no point advertising a community if no one can join it in some way!
I want to put my community on the compendium but I only have x number of members —
Also totally okay! People don't start with large communities. Activity is a must but, whether your server has two or two thousand members, if you're looking for new people to join, I'd love to help you find people.
I want to put my community on the compendium but I worry its too niche?
Okay, and? If your Eorzean Fishing Alliance has four members but you roleplay every second weekend, I still want to know about it.
What resources/communities can I add if I'm not the owner of them?
Mutual consent is extremely important to me, so anything that isn't a large-scale community OR a publicly accessible resource must be endorsed by the owner/admin/moderators in order to be added to the compendium. I operate under the assumption that a resource posted to a public space (tumblr, googledocs, youtube, etc) is open to all. A large-scale community is one with a significant member count or openly advertises itself as being accessible to everyone for whatever purpose it serves. If in doubt, please get in touch with me. I'm happy to contact your community owners for you!
How active does a community need to be?
If you find a community has not been active in about two/three months, send me a message and I'll take a look at it. Communities have ebbs and flows, especially event spaces that may take hiatuses depending on member interest/life events. I'm not strict in my implementation provided a space isn't dead. If a link or anything is broken, absolutely contact me about that.
I have [insert a question not stated here]?
No drama! Send me an ask or use the #Compendium channel in my Discord!
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it-wakes · 1 month
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The Entity hears your call… IT WAKES.
It Wakes is an exclusive, English-speaking, 18+, no doubles, forum-based Dead by Daylight roleplay server. It Wakes operates within its own self-contained universe, allowing you to go further with headcanons you may have for your character.
We are officially open to the public and are searching for new members to join our community.
A LGBTQIA+, POC and disability friendly space! Everyone in our server is welcoming and doing their part to ensure a safe and comfortable environment.
An active staff team with guides and answers to any question you may have.
Server events meant to affect your muse's story.
Lax activity rules to let you roleplay at your own pace!
Forum-based roleplays (hosted on Proboards) & a Discord server for community and non-canon, sillier threads!
For more information, please visit our Carrd! This includes our rules and our current roster of characters.
We are accepting any open characters, but the graphic above shows those that have been personally asked for by members of our community!
If you are interested in applying, use the link below to submit your application form! We check it daily. We hope to see you soon!
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curryalley · 4 months
Can we talk about how Chetney technically is be dead and how it doesn't and shouldn't matter?
Orym and Laudna were fighting. It was still in the early stages, not out of hand yet.
Laura looks over at Travis, says something I couldn't quite hear over all the chatter at the table but I think she asks is Chetney awake.
Travis seems non-commital.
"Roll your d100," she tells him because if Chetney was going to be awake, he first would need to see if survived his sleep. Travis has been playing with these rules all campaign. Every day he rolls a percentile die when Chetney wakes. If he fails, Chetney dies in his sleep from old age.
Travis reaches into his dice tray. He rolls. His mouth drops open. He stares at his dice. Looks at Laura. Looks at his dice. Looks at Laura.
Laura's face changes as she realizes what's happening. "What do you even have to roll?"
Travis answers with hand signs and whispers. Down the table, Orym and Laudna are still engaged in their battle of wills for Otahan's sword.
Travis whispers along with the hand signs. No one else has noticed what's happening.
"Zero. Zero. One."
Travis has rolled a 1 on his d100.
He picks up a die, shows Laura the face it was on. Holds it. Rolls it. Rolls it again. Rolls it a couple more times to clear it.
When Matt asks if Chetney was sleeping through the fight, Travis says yes.
Fearne kicks Chetney awake. He rouses.
Here's the thing. Should Chetney be dead? Yeah, probably. But is there anything in the mounting tension between Orym and Laudna (and Delilah) that would be improved by Chetney being found dead when Fearne kicks him? Absolutely not.
Suddenly wrenching the story away to deal with dead Chetney is bad rp. But more than that, Travis is playing with a voluntary rule for the fun of it. There is nothing in DND that can force you to voluntarily kill your character. Chetney lives as long as Travis wants him to, barring disasters in battle (and even then, Matt has clearly said he will bring dead characters back if the players want to keep playing them). It does not matter what Travis rolled.
Now could Travis have a makeup roll some quiet morning in the near future where Chetney slips away in his sleep because that's the right moment to deal with this one? He could. Personally, I've been hoping to see Travis "Strategy" Willingham come in with a cleric specifically designed to destroy Matt's hopes and dreams.
But until he says otherwise, Chetney plays on.
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