#If you thought Damien was stupid by himself readers you are in for a ride
charmfamily · 1 year
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Transcript Below.
[July 9, 2023. Cut to the interior where Damien and his closest friend and roommate Akira are inside, working out – Damien practicing boxing, Akira on one of the treadmills nearby.] 
AKIRA: – So reverse-stalk her work schedule and show up when you know she’s not gonna be there, dude. Switching up our spot, that we went to before you even met her, is bullshit. Coming all the way out to Moony Loony territory when we could have just literally walked a block to a really nice place that doubles as MILF Heaven is also bullshit. – Look around, Charm, there are zero luxurious cougars doing yoga, it’s a hairy dude sausage party in here and it blows.
DAMIEN: What is your fucked up obsession with yoga moms? [He wrinkles his nose in mock disgust, perking a questionable and curious brow.] Do you need to talk about it? Not with me, I don’t wanna hear that shit, but like, with a professional?
AKIRA: I read in one of those women studies books Grace left laying around one time that they hit their peak in their forties, plus, from personal experience, they either have to keep it casual ‘cause they’re already married or they’ve been-there-done-that with the whole commitment thing so it’s all just for fun, you know? None of them take me seriously, I don’t have to take any of them seriously, it’s the ideal situationship if you know how to game the system.
DAMIEN: I shoulda brought Gracie, you are the last person someone should ask relationship advice from. AKIRA: I’m the best person, what the fuck?
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ladywhitetower · 5 years
Damien is a monster and I will NOT be convinced otherwise
But I WILL convince you
You call all thank @chadarum for indulging my nonsense which I now set upon you
@podcastlimbo this is my main theory, @jakkubrat, @shorter-than-her-tbr-pile, @a-green-bean and @onesmoothassendoplasmicretilum, you all showed interest in this post, so now y’all get tagged. @cryptidie, this is the theory in full!
Long post because this is a hell of a ride.
Alright so basically:
Part 1- Damien has a sensitivity to the Other (divine/monstrous)
Part 2- The saints are all monsters, actually
Part 3- Damien himself is part monster
Part 4- Damien is connected/descended from SD himself
(Could I make several posts instead of the one? Yes. Will I? No. @chadarum, you have given me Too Much power.)
Now, let’s begin:
Battle at World’s End Part 4 is The pinnacle of Damien’s conflicted dilemma, but the thing is. He talked to Saint Damien. Actually talked!!! SD was answering him!!!
We hear Rilla admitting to Sir Caroline that he thinks all the saints talk is nonsense, but it’s important to Damien so she doesn’t mind it in The Spiral Sage, Part 2, after being told by the Judge that there’s no rules in his court.
Sir Caroline thinks it’s all stupid bullshit in the same conversation
And no one else seems to really believe in them? The Queen makes a few “saints help us” comments but, for a city built on the principle of three saints building their citadel, why is Damien the only one who really seems to believe in them? He is the only one who actually prays
Battle at World’s End Part 4, from Damien’s monologue: In days when you spoke to me, in days when you didn’t leave me to linger, lonely at your heel.
He says “days”. Plural. P L U R A L. And we KNOW SD spoke to him that day at the river (SD ACTUALLY HELPED HIM) plus we Just heard them talking!!!
Damien also makes a big deal about SD forsaking him, and about losing his tranquility. Why, in Lady of the Lake he thinks SD just might drown him in the poisoned water.
Actually, let’s count the times Damien asks his saint for help and is delivered:
Knight of the Crown, Lord of the Swamp, part 2: In part 1 we hear Damien saying the tranquility bit before striking Arum, but in part 2… while being chased by the rat monster, he asks SD for help, and the rat’s growls shift into the sound of waves!!!!!
Lady of the Lake: While drunk, Damien says he asked SD for guidance once he was about to drown, and the waves around him Stilled, lulling him to sleep
AND the conversation. SD helping him regain his tranquility at last.
May I bring up, “But isn’t that your way? No true wisdom can be told, only learned.” Damien has had several talks with SD, we all know and agree right? He knows well enough to know he won’t receive an answer. But the fact that he did not show ANY shock at hearing SD‘s voice, rather about hearing it in monster territory, means it has happened before
I am ALSO going to bring up “there’s something Human in his eyes” because while it is a very nice turn of phrase and all, isn’t it curious how he is the only one to say anything of the sort? Damien immediately notices this from bantering with Arum ONCE, and like. Arum hot. But Damien saw this and was Right. He is Perceptive!
So, Damien talks to SD several times and receives help, plus sees things in monsters that no one else does and is strangely sensitive to them (only one to hear the howling in LOTL, anyone? Only one to see it at first?)
Let’s talk about how Damien’s explanation about monsters vs saints is shaky at best
Taken from his exchange with Talfryn in The Spiral Sage, part 2
Talfryn: But don’t monsters have that kind of power?
Damien: Monsters And Saints, my friend! It’s actually quite simple. Monsters break the divine rules that govern all things. Saints ask for permission from the powers above to bend those rules. And with that permission granted, they know their acts are good!
Talfryn: But… how are you supposed to tell the difference?
Damien: Faith, my friend.
But… there’s a few problems with this theory
The monsters have a court. They have their “anyone can do anything they want rule” and apparently things like censorship are taboo. And we Know “Judge Helicoid” was absolute bullshit but we Also know everyone took his word and genuinely thought he Was asking the universe for verdicts, and everyone followed and respected them.
This communication and dealings with the universe lead us to believe that…. actually, the monsters are more connected to the universe than the humans are
In their explanations, Quanyii and Arum BOTH say that magic is unpredictable and depends entirely on the universe. Rilla even calls Arum out on Not Knowing how the universe works exactly, and he disdains her desire to understand things completely.
Exchange from The Moonlit Hermit, part 2, after attempting to use it to heal Arum’s Keep:
Arum: ... that is how magic operates. When you reach for the cosmos, there are no guarantees. What didn’t work then may work now. We will not know unless we try.
Rilla: So magic is inconsistent.
Arum: Exactly.
The Hallowed Halls of Helicoid, part 1, after Quanyii saves Sir Caroline:
Quanyii: And that, sweets, is how you make magic work for you. Magical spells, commands, etceteras and so-ons only feels like answering them.
Therefore, if monsters could Just break the rules of the universe… wouldn’t their magic be more reliable?
By Damien’s explanation, Arum and quite possibly Quanyii could be saints. The only difference is that they don’t care about their acts being good. Arum reaches for the impossible. Quanyii just… likes the power.
Because of this, we can dismiss his explanation being 100% accurate.
His tale of the Three, the one the whole citadel apparently tells, has them display abilities that make them either witches or monsters
But I’m gonna say monsters because of a few things:
The Spiral Sage debacle. Is he human? Is he monster? Is he… both?
Quanyii saying “No. No matter how hard I try” when asked by Rilla whether she is a monster after revealing she can change forma, implying there Could be a way for a human to become a monster, and possibly viceversa. (More on this later)
These two quotes:
Head of the Janus Beast, Talfryn to Marc: “SIR CAROLINE IS A JANUS BEAST?”
Lady of the Lake, Sir Damien to Sir Angelo: “Sir Angelo! She could be a monster herself!”
Those lines, plus the fact that BOTH the nymphs and the fungi monster could take human forms, both So accurate that everyone thought they were real at first (NO ONE realized the nymphs WEREN’T human until THEY said so!), outright make it evident that some monsters, at least, are capable of taking human forms. The Nymphs are the most relevant, obviously, because they didn’t take the forms as illusions or separate entities, they Wore those shapes and were comfortable with them.
Finally, the tapestries Damien sees in The Hallowed Halls of Helicoid, part 2, of monsters and humans “living together… lying together!” (Pix and David, anyone?)
(Actually Pix, David and the tapestries, including Spiral Sage’s, make it clear there was a time before the first citadel being destroyed where monsters and humans not only mingled, but lived peacefully… at least in some places) (On that note… I don’t think Fort Terminus really belonged to these monsters… I think they broke in, too.)
Also, from LOTL, “Knights… slay monsters, don’t they? Seems convenient. And there’s a witch right in front of you.” PLUS Rilla’s backstory, The Moonlit Hermit, part 1, with her parents being exiled and Quanyii’s presence in the court means that witches and monsters often associate or are lumped together.
I know I sound like a crazy person, but the saints are CLEARLY either monsters who took human form or monster/human descendants
But pray tell, Ria, why would they fight for the humans?
WELL MY DEAR, CAPTIVE READER: while we have Heard that the destruction of the first citadel was the only time the monsters unified, it isn’t difficult to believe that some, like Arum, were rather indifferent/on the outskirts of the conflict. I suspect some, also like Arum, may have forged connections with humans. Or perhaps they were horrified by how much destruction and death they caused. If they were monster descendants, the root might have been love.
(We’re almost near the end I promise)
Damien is a monster
Because I say so
Okay actual evidence:
SD’s constant interference
May I direct you to this exchange in The Caves of Discord, when Damien is late to the meeting (thank you, Sir Caroline)
Sir Angelo: Sir Damien? You’ve called Both of your greatest knights for one little monster?
Queen Mira: I never said there was a monster. Now, sit.
Sir Angelo: A monster that is not a monster? Intriguing.
Knight of the Crown, Lord of the Swamp, part 1, Arum, upon being told by Damien there’s something human in his eyes: You’d never considered they might be something… monstrous in yours?
He isn’t saying it because he Sees anything, he’s saying it bc he’s cornered, but… Damien takes it pretty seriously.
Also from Knight of the Crown, Lord of the Swamp part 2, Damien to Angelo upon giving him his last poem for Rilla: After all, it’s easier, is it not? To mourn a man who was a monster all along.
If Damien is sensitive to the divine, and the divine is monstrous, then Damien is sensitive to the monstrous. I’m gonna say he is a monster, too. His arc is Way too full of that theme for there to be any other choice.
Damien was also the most sensitive to the Monster from the cocoon, and yes, we can attribute that solely to his anxiety and already rippling fear but… after Part 4, he stops being that sensitive. Rilla Screams and nearly dies from its impact, but Damien is…. strangely fine? He is sensitive but overcomes it anyway, and was at never point physically affected. Could just be tranquility… could also be… monster.
But Ria, you ask, How are SD and Damien connected? Well.
Did you notice NO ONE knew about the Spiral Sage?
Absolutely no one.
Literally the only reason Rilla knew was Because of Damien.
Everyone else was completely unfamiliar with these myths, br Sir Caroline who mentioned the South World’s End but had never seen the North, including the existence of Fort Terminus, and while we know Damien comes from a scholar family, at least from his father’s side…. couldn’t it be possible that his family is made of scholars Precisely because of that link to SD?
I mean Damien knew the Whole BAWE poem which was… so long.
They could have very well have kept these three thousand year old myths if they were SD descendants. Because it Has been about a long time? At least “centuries passed” (KotC, part 1) between the First Citadel and the Second Citadel as we know it. And in THHOH Part 1, Rilla confirms three thousand years have passed. How do they have access to such well preserved myths??
Even Sage Helicoid could be explained away as the family protecting themselves but still wanting to keep those myths.
Maybe Damien’s mother was a monster? I lean more on far descendants tho.
Plus, Quanyii, in the same episode, says the one time the monster attack was completely unified, it was “so bad it wiped out most of recorded history before that.” So… how does Damien know?
Plus, why Else would SD interfere so many times in Damien’s behalf? There’s no other instance of any character receiving saintly help, but several where Damien does.
Remember Damien’s prayer?
Damien: Saint Damien, we beg that you lend us your spear to pierce the veil that keeps this beast from home. If it be your will, if it be your will… as it is mine.
And that last line? THAT is when the portal stabilizes!!!
They are connected FIGHT ME.
Damien says SD had forsaken him and was looking for a reason, but SD kept interfering for him in minor ways when he was in serious peril, however stops talking to him entirely UNTIL Damien is questioning his purpose after opening the portal.
Damien also says, in LOTL, “It is our sworn duty to kill monsters. To cleanse the monsters’ blight upon this land.”
Could it be that SD, a monster, stopped outright talking to SD once his focus shifter from helping people into just. assuming he had changed enough and mindlessly killing monsters to the point where he saw it as a competition with Angelo? Then, he performed a miracle once Damien not only wanted to help someone else, but wanted to help a monster (that he loved, for his beloved Rilla). And finally, once he saw Damien could still be saved because he was doubting, talked to him and guided him back to tranquility?
The Spiral Sage, Part 2, Quanyii introducing herself: [My name] is always Quanyii, no matter how much of my physical form I change, so pease don’t get confused. Oh, I know that sounds boring, sweets, but even when you’re trying to keep things fresh something has to stay the same or you might lose yourself entirely.
Notice how Damien is the only character to have a Saint as a namesake?
I’m not saying Damien is a reincarnation of Saint Damien or anything, but I Am writing fic about it and this tidbit is a Blessing to have.
But as to my is Damien a monster question?
I say Yes. Damien is a monster and connected to Saint Damien.
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broadwaynoodle · 6 years
I loved your Rowan imagines so i was wondering if you could write another one, i don't have any specific prompt actually, but really do whatever you want! I just love your writting so much and i just need some more Rowam in my life to be completely honest :)
Title: springfling and jackets
A/N: surething sweetheart, this will be my last Rowan Spivey fanfic because he is cutout and not an official character anymore but I’ll keep writing everything elsemean girls, hope you like it, sorry for the long wait, I’ve been working a lotand my computer crashed so the work I already had on this fic was gone ;-;
Pairing:Rowan Spivey x reader
Warning:few swears
Summary: Rowangets himself a date with his long time crush Y/N.
Word count:1291
(gif isn’t mine)
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Being amathlete was pretty great, even though made fun of you all the time, and people thought you were nerd, and you still didn’thave many friends, but you have real friends, but you had question marks withone of them, Rowan Spivey. You guys have shared a few kisses and you both likedeach other but things just never got official between the two of you, you and Rowanwere both to awkward to ask each other so you just stayed friends.
SpringFling ball was almost there, you had the big mathlete competition but you andthe guys were planning on going afterwards, just for fun.
At lunchyou met with the other Mathletes in Mrs. Norbury’s classroom. “Okay losers justa few days until the finale and we need to train, we are good but we aren’tnational finale good, and I want jackets understood?” Kevin said as he walkedinto the room were you, Rowan and Marwan already were. After training you gotto run to meet up with your other friends Janis and Damien, the guys stayed inthe classroom for a while. “And did you ask her?” Marwan sat on the top of his deskand looked at Rowan. “Well that’s an interesting question-“ He started only tobe cut off by his other friend. “Bro, you can just say no. We didn’t exactly exceptyou to say something else.” Kevin grinned. “Well I didn’t do it yet, but I will,soon, maybe already at the end of the week.” The nervous boy scratched hisupper arm, you always managed to make Rowan nervous, even just the thought ofyou was enough. “Well hurry up Spivey otherwise I’ll ask her, because dang sheis hot.” Kevin laughed at his own commend, Rowan smacked the back of his headbefore leaving to go to his next class.
“And did heask you yet?” Damian practically jumped off of his chair in excitement. “No hedidn’t and I don’t think he will, he doesn’t like me that way, he thinks of meas just a friend Damien.” You looked at your feet, not feeling like talking aboutit. “Owh then you aren’t paying attention, he always looks at you like heaven justpassed by.” Janis grinned. “Whatever guys, I need to  go to class. See you later.”
You andRowan sat next to each other in history. “Hey Spivey, so you want to hang outafter school?” he nodded at your question. “Sure, why not.” He said beforereturning to his notes. “you want to practice for the competition.” He noddedagain. “Okay great.”
You walkedout of your car, towards your car where Rowan already was. You wanted to get inbut Rowan stopped you by holding you wrist. “hey Y/N I was wondering.” He tooka deep breath. “Would you maybe want to go with me to Spring Fling after thecompetition?” he continued. “Uhm sure wasn’t that the plan? Us and the boys?”you looked confused at the blonde boy in front of you. “No I meant as, you knownever mind, it was a stupid idea, have a good day Y/N see you tomorrow, tellyou parents I said hey.” Rowan wanted to walk away but this time it was yourturn to stop him from going. “You meant as?” You wanted him to finish hissentence really bad. “I meant as a date.” He spoke very soft and not clear but youcould still hear him, he looked at his feet too ashamed to look you in the eyes.You tiled his head up so he’d look at you and took his hand in yours with yourother hand. “I would love that Rowan.” You smiled sweetly at him. “Owh okaycool, cool.” He started to smile. “You still want to study?” he nodded excited.
At the dayof the competition you sat in your room getting ready when your mom walked in. “Heysweetie, what are your plans for the night?” she smiled at you in the mirror. “Wellfirst we are going to win the championship, then I’m going to the dance withRowan and I’ll be home at eleven.” You said. “Okay go kick some ass out thereY/N.” You smiled at her. “Thank you mom.” You kissed her cheek and then walkedoutside to wait for Kevin to pick you up.
You walkedinto the car with a wide smile on your face, you were excited for everythingthat was about to happen tonight. “looking good Y/L/N.” Kevin looked at you asyou entered the car. “Jesus thanks Gnapoor, I’m touched.” You rolled your eyes.“Cut it you two, we have more important things to focus on.” Mrs. Norbury camebetween the two of you. The rest of the car ride was silent, everyone was doingtheir last preparations for the finale. “Okay guys we’re here.” Mrs. Norburysaid. “But guys, before you go in there I just want to say that standing thereis already a victory, you guys did so well this year, I’m so proud of you, lookat us, we have two girls on the team. You’re in the finale. And no matter ifyou win in there or not you did great.” Mrs. Norbury was big on speeches, andmost of the time they were the thing that gave you the last push to not let herdown. “hey Rowan?” You said before he walked into the building. “What’s up Y/N?”He raised an eyebrow at you before you connected your lips in a boost of confidence.“What was that for.” He smiled. “Good luck.” You winked before you followed therest of the team to inside of the building, leaving rowan stunned outside ofthe building.
When Cadyscored the last point and you won the competition you jumped up in excitement whenyou felt two arms around your waist, when you turned around you saw Rowan grinningat you. “We won.” He smiled like an idiot. “Yes we did.” You turned back withthe same if not bigger smile. “Get a room you two.” Marwan yelled at what hisfriends were doing. “Can I you know, kiss you.” He asked getting a bit more nervous.“Yes you can Spivey.” And before you could blink his your crush for 3 tears waskissing you. “Go get it Spivey.” Kevin grinned causing you to pull away. Mrs.Norbury came back with the new mathlete jackets.
The 6 ofyou arrived back at Northshore still in full mathlete outfit and you were proudof it, when you just arrived the king and queen were announced, you were happyfor Cady, she got the change to right all her wrongs.  After she gave her speech a slow song came onand Rowan came towards you. “Can I have this dance?” he giggled at you and he gaveyou his hand, you gladly took it. You had fun at the dance but dances justweren’t your thing, same for Rowan so you returned home fast after.
“You know Ihad a real fun night, thank you for all of this Spivey.” You said, holding hishand. “No problem Y/N, I had fun too.” He smiled at you. “you know what wouldmake my day even more fun though.” He continued. “Shoot Spivey.” “If the mostbeautiful mathlete in the world would like to be my girlfriend.” He smiled. “Ididn’t know Kevin was a girl, but you should ask him.” You joked. “Y/N I’m tryingto be serious here.” He stopped walking and looked at you. You laid your armsaround his neck. “Yes I would love that Rowan.” You said before you kissed him.
the end
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