#Ignore the potatoes in the bg lmao
illmoraineakoi · 9 months
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(That’s a 4 foot table btw, to give a sense of scale.)
I made accidental duplicate sides of Fancy Swoop Left Back and Fancy Swoop Right Front, as well as both sides of Broken Horn Right and a Weird Flare Back instead of a WF Front. I missed one side of Sibling Quadhorn 1 and Inward Curl, so including the WF Front I needed too, I only needed to go back to make 3 more pieces after I cut everything out.
Not bad!
All these pieces was done with just 3 yards; I had estimated I needed 4. Saving that full yard feels good, that gives me a bit more wiggle room for the cloak yardage estimation.
(I might go back to the cloak pattern and redo it again. Not sure I like it. Or maybe I’ll make one with the white minky in the full process I want to do, to see how it turns out…)
Anyway, it feels good that now I can just grab a horn pile and get to sewing while sitting on my ass in my nice comfy chair lmao. My back’s been chewing me out for the past few days.
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