#Ily but you Arrow guys are hilarious
takaraphoenix · 2 years
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This is honestly so funny to me. YOU are the one who chose to fight with a &*#@# bow and arrow and throw himself at alien and demon monsters!! 😂 😂
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rainingpouringetc · 3 years
As my apology pls accept my latest weird thought
Why am I thinking platonic gracetopher tangled au
Is it cause I've been wstvhing a thread in instagram how tangled can be a musical?
Is it cause I watched it today
Is it cause curious kit finding a tower FEELS like smth hed do?
But im having so many thoughts rn
oh my god YES
grace w her long flowing hair that i NEED to see on the cover of chot
tatiana as mother gothel
kit just wandering around the forest and he peers through the curtain of vines and oh what’s this? a castle? sweeeet
he starts poking around it and finds that there are some gaps between some of the stones, and he has arrows bc duh he’s an archer so he starts climbing it bc literally what else would you do in that situation and yeah he wants to see what’s up
he gets to the top and grace hits him with the frying pan and locks him in her closet bc that is an ICONIC scene that shaped me as a person and it would be hilarious to see play out with them
and then tatiana spews some bullshit ab grace staying in the tower forever
the horse is kinda hard to cast bc who in their right mind would hate kit so hear me out on this
it’s alastair
and he’s an officer for the kingdom or whatever
and he and kit don’t outright hate each other but instead have this grudging respect for each other and then slowly become friends throughout it all until finally they arrive in the kingdom and now kit and alastair and grace and jesse are all besties
the mime is james bc i think that would be hilarious
hook handed guy? lucie fight me
those ginger guys that flynn was with for a while and then gothel bought out are charles and augustus bc i hate them
thomas is that guy who runs up at the end when maximus is walking through the guards w their swords and he doesn’t have a sword so he holds up an apple
but like now i’m thinking about grace singing ‘i’ve got a dream / i’ve got a dream / i just wanna see the floating lanterns gleam’ (that might not be it exactly but i’m too lazy to look it up) and um im lowkey sobbing
‘at last i see the light’ but it’s platonic and them realizing that maybe the real dream was the friendship they found along the way
pls let me know your thoughts too i LOVE this
and don’t worry babe you were the ppl i was concerned ab 😅 but i do appreciate the apology and the effort!! ily ur doin great <3
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hoodiesandcomputers · 6 years
Official Goodbye
I’ve been pretty absent for a good year, year and a half. Much of it is due to life getting in the way, personal issues, new job(s), new city, new responsibilities. But I’m also finding it increasingly difficult to enjoy watching Arrow when I find myself hating almost every character/writing decision. I don’t feel passionate about wanting to write a blog post defending the writing choices, or calling out the writing choices, or trying to find another blog post justifying/explaining my thoughts. And even though I may not agree with the majority of bloggers about certain characters/plots, I honestly don’t feel like writing my thoughts down anymore. It just doesn’t interest me as much. I’ve gotten tried of relying on everyone else’s analyses about why certain writing choices will pay off in the future, or me trying to make sense of it all because I don’t really see it happening anymore. 
(Side note: Really fucking tired of seeing Smoak Technologies brought up as a convenient appetizer for Felicity fans, but when Felicity needs a major arc this season suddenly Smoak Tech has disappeared. Smh.)
Anyway, the one thing I miss the most is interacting with all of you. I hate that I’ve been absent and haven’t interacted with other bloggers, but I’ve been drifting apart from this fandom for a long time now. I’m not sure if it’s because I was relying on likes and reblogs to make me feel better, or because I had created a set of expectations and it upset me when I didn’t meet those. Or maybe I’ve just gotten older, and the way I blog is more like me periodically writing my thoughts down then disappearing. 
So that being said, I think it’s time to officially say goodbye to the Arrow/Olicity fandom. 
It’s been a wild ride -- I started watching Arrow after S2 mid season finale because everyone on my dash was freaking out about THE Olicity hug, and I binged on Arrow by downloading episodes on kickass (RIP). Not long after I created this blog and rest is kinda history. 
I’ve had some spectacular shipper fights, hilarious conversations with other bloggers, said some pretty stupid shit, started shit, and apologized for said shit. Most of my college experience can be summed up to vigorously voting for Olicity in online polls while I completely ignored my own studying/homework (not that I mind), or staying up all night reblogging the hell out of the Olicity tag. I’ve written fics and seen my writing improve a lot. I’ve met some amazing people on this site and conversely there are some wish I hadn’t (yes, I’m still petty). I finished my first multi-chapter fic in years for Olicity, which is huge considering I rarely finish my stories.
I attended Walker Stalker Con (my first con EVER!) and got to meet real, online fandom friends -- something I was ashamed of admitting to be honest. I thought it was too nerdy to find a group of misfits who love the same thing as you do. I think there was a part of me that didn’t believe it was possible to find hundreds of other people who were as passionate about a show as I was. For the first time in my life, it made me feel welcomed. 
I was home.
The Olicity/Arrow fandom was the *first* fandom experience I ever had and I’ll never forget it. I’ll never forget the ILY at the end of S2 and seeing everyone freaking out, having Olicity kiss in canon in S3, and having them (literally) drive off into the sunset. Remember the polls, the antis, everyone telling us we were impossible? That we’re stupid fangirls/guys wanting stupid things? Look how far we’ve come!
But eventually, coming home also means leaving it, and now is the time to do so. I’ve outgrown this show and this fandom, and maybe even Olicity (ugh that pains me). I’ve gone multiple episodes not watching Arrow and I don’t realize I’ve missed it until I see it on other social media sites. I didn’t even watch the S6 finale. I’ve just kind of drifted away, unfortunately.
So... I guess this is goodbye. Thank you for the laughs, the friendships, for dealing with my crazy self and crazy posts. Thank you for showing me what it means to be in a fandom. Y’all were/are so supportive of one another and I couldn’t have asked for a better fandom to get started in. 
Thank you.
(You can still catch me on my other multi-fandom blog, @punishmejon, if you’re interested!)
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