#Im feeling nostalgic :') gonna go home and rewatch it
p2ii · 7 months
parents Wil blame social media for 'turning' their kids trans but it's was actually her
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stitchthesewords · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈, 🌿, 🪄 for fic writer asks? :D
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with? - So I think I've mentioned this before but I actually really struggle with fluff? And so, shockingly, I think to two fics that gave me the most trouble are The Heart of the Cards and Home for the Holidays. Both of them are just cute, feel good stories about characters enjoying one another's company but they kicked my ASS to write them. Home for the holidays was written in tandum with the pirate au I wrote for that same chunk and that Pirate AU only took me like, two hours? Home for the holidays took 6. And the vault got to watch me G R I N D heart of the cards - between having to teach myself TCG mechanics, rewatch etho's videos to figure out what his base looked like, and just...writing Renthubs I reaaaally struggled.
🌿how does creating make you feel? - Dude it's like...a cozy blanket in a cool room, but the sun is shining and you can hear birdsong. It's almost nostalgic for me at this point - I've both written and crafted ever since I was itty bitty and getting to still do both of those things as an adult feels like I'm connecting with little child me, in a way.
🪄what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic? - Alright im not gonna lie to you, I don't have uh. The healthiest cycle. I have a tendency to post something and then refresh AO3 religiously for like the first hour or two because I wanna watch the number go up. Like not even really in a 'i want attention/I want to see people reading the fic' way but purely like. Number tick up. I'm. So normal. But also generally I finish writing for the day and use it as an excuse to wind down through stitching and watching youtube or maybe playing video games. Also the vault + some other miscellaneous people typically get little snippets of whatever I wrote because I enjoy tormenting my friends sharing :)
Fic Writer Ask Game
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quarkcore · 3 years
1-5 for the asks :)
1: Song of the year?
ok so i feel like theres so many contenders for this. This year has been strange for me, and right until i finished my degree, I didnt listen to much new music. I had a real focus on nostalgic faves. Because of that I have a hard time placing a specific favourite; its all just this long blur of old familiar tunes. If we go by my spotify, “Alone Again Or” by Love is my top song, and i cant deny that its absolute bop. If were going by what song i consider my fave right now, its “Lay This Body Down” by Sam Lee.  If i was gonna choose an absolute favourite new track, I think i would go with “Rack Of His” by Fiona Apple. Obviously, her new album is an absolute masterpiece, and thats the song that i just consistently enjoyed the most.
2: Album of the year?
Not Fetch The Boltcutters, surprisingly. For the place I was in, I personally found it just a bit too much to take in. I had a pretty massive shift towards pop, which FTBC just..... isnt. I needed comfort, familiarity, something i didnt need to analyse. With that in mind, The Mountain Goats’ The Jordan Lake Sessions is becoming a real late game favourite for me. I have started listening to stuff that challenges me a bit more again, but i still crave old favourites, and TJLS has packed a lot of old favourites onto one album, while also filling the gap that the lack of live music venues created in my life. Listening to TMG live is a really special experience for me and to have something replicate that, even imperfectly, really meant a lot to me.
3: Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
There isnt an immediate standout for me, so I’m just gonna list a few good contenders. Rina Sawayama, who id technically listened to before, but never to the same extent is an obvious choice, Noname (who id also technically listened to before) is another. Id also listened to the Kinks before, but got into them after watching a part of the umbrella academy and rewatching hot fuzz (they feature on both soundtracks). Ive really been enjoying Dorian Electra, and 100 Gecs became a new favourite in abt the same time period. yet again im limited by how little new music ive listened to lghdkfgj.
4: Movie of the year?
FINALLY ONE I CAN DO!!!!! ITS PARASITE ITS 100% PARASITE!!! nothing has worked its way into my brain in the same way, I’ve watched it 3 times and every single time i went fucking ballistic. i dont think theres anything i can say thats not already been said better, but the single bit that hits me the most is the one where the Kim family’s sub-basement has flooded and the father tells his son “You know what kind of plan never fails? No plan. No plan at all. You know why? Because life cannot be planned. Look around you. Did you think these people made a plan to sleep in the sports hall with you? But here we are now, sleeping together on the floor. So, there's no need for a plan. You can't go wrong with no plans. We don't need to make a plan for anything. It doesn't matter what will happen next. Even if the country gets destroyed or sold out, nobody cares. Got it?” because GOD how fucking real is that. every fucking day im thinking about parasite.
5: TV show of the year?
SPN’s Destiel but only for the bants.
Nah, kidding. its still deep space nine for me right now, but red dwarf is also a contender. both are rewatches (continuing the trend for the year glhfgkj). If you havent watched red dwarf, its a sci-fi sitcom, focussing on Lister and Rimmer, the two lowest ranking people on the ship red dwarf. Along with the Cat (exactly what it sounds like) and Holly, the ships’ AI, they on a quest to return home to earth. If you are a big fan of star trek, and want something extremely funny, and which in many ways critiques utopian sci fi (imo) you cant go wrong. Red Dwarf’s vision of the future is that its more or less the same as now, and thats mined both for comedic purposes, and for more serious plot lines. I first watched it when i was around 10 years old, and going back and rewatching only reinforced my belief that its one of the greatest shows of all time. It has a lot to say abt the british class system, and abt the capabilities of the peopel at the very bottom of society, in my opinion. It also unfortunately has a lot of homophobia and misogyny. The way i personally cope with that is by not watching the only season with an actual human woman (yes, really), and by taking all the  gay jokes to their logical conclusion, and actually headcanoning multiple characters as lgbt. its my show now and i can do what i want.
if youre here, then i assume you know what ds9 is like and why its good.
edit: A) what did tumblr DO to this post, B) i forgot joanna newsom!!! its bc shes not on spotify rip. DEFINITELY a new fave and contender for new fave artist.
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