#Im just frustrated with seeing that in trauma healing communities and I'm like... :
999deadblog999 · 2 years
I'm not gonna lie, I feel like I have a problem with the term 'abusive people.' I'm not huge on the indication that they're just like that, as a person, and even if they tried to change, they're 'still an abusive person'
I absolutely don't intend to erase anyone's experiences-I'd be erasing my own too if that were the case. However, doing dbt and learning how to frame things in a healthy lense... It's not helpful to me in my healing to see things phrased like that. It just feels weird. I've hurt people before and not realized it- and they turned and leveraged the idea of 'abusive people' against me and told me I would never change, and that fucked with me for years. It still does sometimes. Even when I'm doing great, being social, and working on myself, it's hard to get away from seeing that drilled at you while you're trying to sincerely apologize for your behavior.
I've never found a situation painted with broad, unforgiving strokes to be compassionate or helpful. It just twists your thinking into a more 'them VS us' view of the world, which is precisely the type of black/white thinking that dbt therapists generally try to get you away from.
Everyone has the capacity to heal. Whether they act on it or not is on their own accord.
#Clavikiss personal#Im just frustrated with seeing that in trauma healing communities and I'm like... :/#It's just a different type of weaponization. People are just people. And sometimes people can get real lost and be really shitty.#Sometimes they're remorseless and not interested in don't better. My birth family is like that. I get that.#My biggest prob with it comes in when ppl use it to assert their ableism against ppl with stigmatized mental health problems#Which seems like it happens quite a lot unfortunately#And it's precisely that type of thinking that led an older trans woman to abuse myself and my boyfriend-she was convinced one or both of us#Have NPD. And sure#One of us does#But turning around to be unremorsefully shitty towards with that others won't heal the trauma she acquired from her abuser.#It left us with even more trauma we'll have to unpack with a therapist that'll hear us.#It perpetuates an exhausting cycle.#Hurt people hurt people. Break the cycle. There's never a reason to believe someone is innately shitty because 'it's just how they are'#Everyone has the capacity to heal and be better.#Everyone.#I mean it.#Doesn't mean you have to talk to them#But developing an us VS them mindset won't heal your pain. It'll just make you scared. Or a hurtful person to be around.#Also- no I'm not being transphobic I'm literally trans and talking about my experience#If you come into my askbox with that I will not give you the time of day.#People in minority groups have just as much capacity to be abusive as someone who is not.
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passable-talent · 4 years
reader exclusively refers to Anakin as Skywalker and teasing nicknames and never Anakin because they have that totally rivals who Do Not get along/would die for each other/kinda "I'm down if you're down but I'll never admit it and neither will you" dynamic. Reader *only* calls him Anakin in emotionally heated moments, e.g. he just got hurt REAL bad and reader is panicked. rivals/reluctant partners to lovers, maybe friends in between. this is hella specific so feel free to take some liberty w/ it
cute. very cute. that kinda dynamic is what I feel like everyone has with anakin
yall came THRU with the anakin requests and im HERE for it 
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So, uh... stealth missions with Anakin Skywalker tend not to stay that way. 
He’s impulsive, he’s quick to decisions, he’s unpredictable. It’s irritating. 
“Was there not a plan?” You shouted at him over the firing of droids. You stood side by side with him, deflecting them, allowing Ahsoka and your combined droid units to get to the side. “Or did I hallucinate the entire mission briefing?” 
 “You actually listen to those?” He shot back, then tearing down the hallway after his clones. You followed, saber held behind you while you ran, frustration ringing in your ears. 
“Maybe if you did, you wouldn’t have so much head trauma!” 
“I don’t have any head trauma!” You snorted incredulously, dodging another group of fire by shoving him further from a hallway’s corner so you could slide in beside him, the red bursts of energy ringing past your ear. 
“You think so, Quick Fire? Memory loss- that’s the head trauma.” He rolled his eyes briefly, but his attention was taken from your banter by Rex, giving yet another update as to where you were supposed to be heading.
Unlike the Jedi Knight beside you, the one you loathed to be on a mission with, you knew the point of this mission, and you knew the plan that had now evidently been thrown out the window. You were meant to infiltrate a separatist listening post, and dispose of the droids running it, all without drawing the attention of Grevious. 
“Now that they’ve sent up the alarm, we’ll need to destroy the base, to make sure they can’t use it again,” Skywalker said, his saber sheathed and at his hip while he gave his piece. 
“We can set up detonators and explode them remotely,” Ahsoka offered, and Captain Rex quickly pulled something up. 
“If we place them around the heating system core, it should amplify the explosion,” he said, and Skywalker nodded, igniting his lightsaber again. 
“Then into the basement we go,” he said, rounding the corner to droids who had gotten much closer, and quickly tore through most of them. You followed, side by side with Ahsoka, clearing the way for the clones. It didn’t take long until the path was clear, even though alarms still rang through the halls. 
The base was small, which served your purpose well. It didn’t take long to descend into the heating system, but it took long enough that more droids had amassed. Why so many damned tin cans were needed for one listening post, you didn’t know, but still you stood between them and Anakin, drawing their fire to allow him to concentrate. 
“There’s one more,” he shouted, coming to your side, saber in hand. “It’s all the way at the bottom. Lead the clones out while I distract them, and once you’re out, I’ll place it. Then we’ll blow the place.” You grit your teeth as you deflected another blast. 
“I’m not leaving you here alone,” you said, and you meant it. 
“It’ll be easier for one to escape than twenty. Go!” Destroying the last droid in front of you, you turned to him, eyes narrowed. You could hear another wave approaching. 
“Am I sensing nobility in you, Skywalker?”
“Am I sensing hesitance in you?” Humor was a distraction, especially with more droids coming closer, and you needed to use this break in waves to escape. 
“You better make it out,” you told him, “you’re not dying on my watch by anything other than my hand.” 
“Oh, I’m not dying, either way.” You shook your head, turning to the rest of the men. 
“Clones, with me!” Skywalker ordered Ahsoka to follow you as well, and you ran up the stairs, blasting your way from the post and into the snowy landscape of the asteroid it was positioned on, your escape giving Skywalker the distraction he needed to place that detonator. 
Hidden under a rock ledge, you and Ahsoka gathered around Rex’s communicator, keeping you aware of Skywalker’s movements. 
“It’s placed, and the droids are almost here,” he said, running up the stairs you had traversed not long ago. “Get ready to blow it, Rex. On my word.” 
“He should be here, by now,” Ahsoka said, and your gaze shifted to her. You hadn’t realized it, but she was right- if Rex was going to blow the base, Skywalker needed to be at least as clear as this embankment, or he’d get caught in the blast. 
“Rex, now!” Skywalker shouted, and you yelled ‘wait!’ but Rex had already followed orders. You shot to your feet and launched to the top of the cliff which had meant to serve as your protection from the blast, just to see Skywalker open a door, fifty feet back from the outer wall of the base. Your gaze connected to his, and you saw panic in his eyes, not for himself, but for you. 
“Get down!” He shouted, and such an order needed to be followed. You stepped back and off of the cliff, holding yourself from a fall by your fingertips, and you felt the blast of heat on your knuckles when it blew. When the rumbling of the stone beneath you faded in time with the light and sound above you, you waited just a moment to hear him reach you- but he didn’t. 
You pulled your torso up, trying to find purchase for your toes, but the view you found nearly shocked you enough to send you plunging downward. 
He was pinned to the snow by a piece of scrap metal double his size. And he wasn’t moving. 
“Anakin!” you shouted, the name leaving your lips without a second thought as you pulled yourself the rest of the way up, so you could run to his side. A combination of your desperation and your Force powers lifted the metal from him, and it revealed where it’s upper half had impacted his head and its lower half had impacted his lower back. Both had drawn blood, but his back was much worse. It had torn through his robes, and you couldn’t tell how deep the cut was. 
“Ahsoka, get up here,” you ordered through your wrist comm, and in the time it took for her to reach you, you’d piled snow onto the wound on his back to slow the bleeding. You had nothing else at your disposal. 
“We’ve got to get him back to the ship,” you said, though you hated to move him, after a head injury. You didn’t know if a neck injury was involved too, and that would be so much worse. 
“I’ll call it as close as I can,” Rex said, and the clones set to work while you and Ahsoka worried over him. Really, there was nothing you could yet do but keep pressure on the wound, and keep from moving his neck. It looked bad- you hoped that it was just melted snow making it look like there was so much blood. 
“General! It’s as close as we can get it!” You threw a look over your shoulder at Rex, and the ship they’d landed a hundred yards away, where the debris was fewer and further between. You snarled, wishing anything could be done other than what you were about to do. 
You lifted him from facedown in the snow by his arms, and threw him onto your back, dragging his toes through the snow as you ran. 
“Let’s move!” You shouted, and Ahsoka put herself in front of you so that as soon as you boarded, the ship’s door could close and they could lift off. Yularen’s cruiser wasn’t so far, where he could get better care, but until then he certainly needed to be monitored. Luckily, there was a small medi-droid on board. It wasn’t even a surgical 2-1B, just a tiny J6-P that warned you in the most irritating droid-basic you’d ever heard:
“ᴳᵉⁿᵉʳᵃˡ ˢᵏʸʷᵃˡᵏᵉʳ ʰᵃˢ ʳᵉᶜᵉᶦᵛᵉᵈ ᵐᵘˡᵗᶦᵖˡᵉ ˡᵃᶜᵉʳᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿˢ ᵒⁿ ʰᶦˢ ˡᵒʷᵉʳ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ.“
“We knew that!” You roared, kneeling beside where you’d laid him lengthwise across little seats meant only to carry clones into battle. “Give me something useful!” 
“ᵀʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ʰᵉ ʰᵃˢ ˢᵘᶠᶠᵉʳᵉᵈ ᵃ ʰᵉᵃᵈ ᶦⁿʲᵘʳʸ, ʰᶦˢ ⁿᵉᶜᵏ ᵃⁿᵈ ˢᵖᶦⁿᵃˡ ᶜᵒʳᵈ ᵃʳᵉ ᵘⁿᵗᵒᵘᶜʰᵉᵈ.”
“Good,” you said, looking aside to Ahsoka. “Find me some fabric, and water, if you can.” 
Once you’d docked into Admiral Yularen’s cruiser, Anakin was rushed to a med unit and placed into the medical wing. A wound like this wasn’t uncommon for a Jedi, especially one as reckless as Quick Fire, but still you worried for him. You sat beside Ahsoka on the two extra chairs given to the room, staring out the small window at the endless space and stars beyond it. 
When you looked at her again, she was fast asleep. 
“Ahsoka,” you said softly, nudging her awake. “Go to your chambers, get some sleep. I promise I’ll call you when he wakes up.” She stifled a yawn and shook her head. 
“You need the rest, too, master.” 
“You more than I. Go, love.” She gave you a grateful, tired smile, and retreated from the room. Once she was gone, you rolled her chair over to the window, tossing your feet up and onto it. You rested your head on the wall, and closed your eyes. Meditation came easily in moments like this, almost between sleep and wake, and so you could reach out to the Force, and feel it. Skywalker channeled the Force like a magnet, and so like always when you were around him, it felt like pushing into a magnetic field. His presence was as strong as ever. 
He was an idiot for ordering Rex to detonate before he was clear. He wasn’t far off- if he’d waited thirty seconds, he wouldn’t have had to go through this. Not that it was such an ordeal, he was already healed by the med unit and now just sleeping off the exhaustion, but still. Quick Fire didn’t need any more head trauma. 
A small groan came from the unit and you opened your eyes, waking yourself from what was almost sleep to find him awake. 
“Anakin-” you said, throwing your feet to the floor to stand at the foot of the bed. 
“Did it work? Is everyone alright?” He made to sit up, and you rounded the bed to shove his torso back down. 
“Everything’s fine. We’re on the Admiral’s cruiser, I just sent Ahsoka to bed. We made it out.” He nodded, his breathing falling to level, satisfied. 
“You’re still an idiot,” you said, after a moment. “You’re lucky I was there to carry your, once again, head-trauma’d ass off of that asteroid.”
“Maybe I’d stop taking risks if you’d stop covering for me.” You shook your head and pulled a chair over so that you could sit at his bedside. 
“No, you wouldn’t,” you said, almost fondly. He smiled. You like when he does that. 
“You’re right.” Abandoning your better judgement, you reached out and brushed back some of his hair- it’s curl was quite pronounced, with all the sweat and smoke it had absorbed. His gaze stayed on your face, even as you watched his hair move through your fingers. 
“I told you you couldn’t die by anything other than my hand,” you reminded him.
“And I told you I wouldn’t die.” You closed your eyes, not having quite the energy to roll them. 
“I hate when you pull things like this, Anakin,” you said softly, and you didn’t turn your eyes to his face as a smile grew on it. So rare a treat it was that he got to hear his name from your mouth, and he appreciated it every time to its fullest. 
“But I love waking up to you.” You fixed him with a disapproving but lighthearted look, leaning your elbows onto the bed beside him. 
“There are easier ways to do that.” 
-🦌 Roe
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dramazones · 6 years
Oh Wow! Im finally here with a headcanon birth chart and analysis for jamie!
i'm on mobile so I cant even put this long ass post under a read more i am so fucking sowwy but anyways a lot of this was inspired from dewmie-in 's meta posts and also i rlly love astrology so pls follow them first of all or else ur a fake fan shhfhgjsjkfkd
☀️ ♓︎ Pisces Sun ♓︎ ☀️
There is no doubt that Jamie is a pisces sun. Some of the well known characteristics of a piscean are being the artistic ones, the ones more in touch with their emotions and the absolute dreamers of the zodiac, I can assure you this as a mercury and moon piscean!
And it’s quite obvious that these traits 100% match up to jamie’s surface character being a big theater nerd, writer, poet, and as an actor, he HAS to understand emotion in all its forms! While being the more compassionate of signs, that also comes with sympathy, and maybe even empathy.
to which he expresses when he tells steven that a good story with a quality protagonist HAS to include said protagonists struggles as well, now this might be a reach but perhaps this was self projecting after his own struggles in kansas, maybe even foreshadowing ooOoOh
(“a real hero must struggle” jamie struggles living in kansas, moves back to beach city, nails his first production and gains management position @ the theater, aka his heroic ending i guess idk, then more theater related accomplishments as mentioned in letters to lars ofc)
☽♎︎ Libra Moon ♎︎☽
One of the biggest desires for any libra placement is balance, And the moon sign being the emotion sign, Libra moons desire an emotional balance as much as they do in their environment. Libra Moons can also be known as a “people person” while typically depending on the study of others to lean their own nature.
Jamie fits the Libra moon description being a sort of people person himself. Though he’s capable of keeping a friendly conversation with just about anyone, There’s also no doubt that this guy has severe anxiety that affects his communication with others along with his emotional stability (even affecting him physically). The thing is that he’s managed to keep the anxiety and his social skills much more balanced the more we see him or i guess as time passes, not one of them overpowering the other. (see venus in scorpio as to why he limits himself socially as much as he would his anxiety)
While he desires emotional balance that also comes with a feeling of frustration and defeat when things are even slightly out of balance (also a symptom of anxiety ; easily irritated/defeated) such as his improv performance in letters to lars, ending his performance within a minute after feeling overwhelmed as it started going south.
So while there are several moments of him maintaining an emotional balance he also has another side of the scale that’s less balanced (astrology word play lmao) such as a general lifestyle balance, also nonexistent for jamie (even though your lifestyle heavily affects your behavior) in a sense that he lacks of a healthy sleep schedule being a mailman AND an actor, one occurring from the early morning to the afternoon and the other job occurring at night. Probably irrelevent but its MY sleepover and Ill add as much necessary info in this birth chart reading as i please.
Im also including buddys book as an example because though it was only jamie being the faceclaim for buddy theres no denying that since historical friction theres at least some parallels between the two characters sharing the same traits (being writers, returning to beach city to prosper in their careers, being absolute drama kings)
♀️♏︎ Scorpio Venus ♏︎♀️
One of the biggest aspects to Jamie’s character INCLUDES being an absolute sucker for romance so lets get this bread and talk abt his relationships w/ everyone and his views on love uwu
Scorpio being a water sign means healing is one of the largest aspects to the sign. Healing nonetheless comes with a relation to trauma being from the planet representing death itself. Life and Death go hand in hand to define each other, ya feel me.
while were on the topic of death lets bring back the parallelism between jamie and buddy thats been around since historical friction. in the play buddy is presumed dead up until william reaches beach city. ok. so hear me out. perhaps that was foreshadowing for jamie’s traumatic near death encounter with topaz and aqua. remember how I said the water element represents healing as well as trauma??? It all kinda ties in yall...
ANYWAYS It’s safe to say that Jamie is a person that’s been through his rock bottom AND trauma already (his death if you will), struggling to live a happy, or even regular (lets face it as far as we know the only thing he came back to beach city with was sunglasses, bitch was broke) life in kansas, the abduction, its not something you can heal from overnight. While he does show symptoms of severe anxiety (to say the very least) even after the abduction he’s also grown closer to working on healing, moving on from his overwhelming fear of rejection by prospering in theater (him coming back to life if u will), and as for anything directly related to the abduction is unknown, but its very likely he’s working on moving on from that on his own as far as we know!!
which brings up the next trait of a scorpion venusian! They prefer to be a mystery in order to protect themselves as a result of fear of getting hurt for trusting/opening up too much. The first time we see jamie since the abduction is during the re-election in dewey wins, where he doesn’t seem affected at all. Yes, Jamie is a pretty open book for the most part (see dewmie-in’s analogy to in/out of the closet in historical friction) however theres also moments where he limits himself, or perhaps another side to himself, a far more passionate side…
Holding back tears during his drama zone and waiting until hes alone to be excited abt delivering his letter in love letters, playing it cool when earning theater director position in historical friction, not to mention his room SHOULD play a very huge role in his secretive side. (see brodingle’s post on jamie’s room, his casual side vs his passionate side)
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the venus in scorpio (or any scorpio placement rlly) also remains a secret not truly by choice, but theyre also studying others of interest. being an actor, Jamie should know a thing or two on body language and raw emotion as he sees it.
And finally, The venus is scorpio is a devoted, passionate, and emotionally attached lover. in love letters he falls for someone easily, and even if he learned in the end love at first sight isnt real he is most definitely the type to fall easily based on emotional connection alone! Also, his fear of rejection can easily play into his love life as well. Being in kansas getting constantly rejected and returning back home out of not just defeat but most likely homesickness as well. He missed his stable job. he wants stability, loyalty, commitment! yeah ok thts all i got for now ladies!
♂️♍︎ Virgo Mars ♍︎♂️
Mars being the planet of impulsiveness, energy, initiation and “doing it” being born under the sign of doing it efficiently and orderly gives a handful of traits that completely match up to Jamie and the way he puts out his energy into the world
Jamie has been the type to not just instantly put his energy into something new, but he’s also put his energy into mastering said thing! While Mars is the planet of impusiveness, Virgo is the sign of patience, the Virgo mars is a firm believer of practice makes perfect, and striving for overall perfect, which does in fact get overwhelming for Jamie the perfectionist.
In historical friction, though hesitant, he was not afraid to critique and analyze dewey’s writing skills. And although he was anxious again to go against deweys script and use pearls version instead, he went with pearls because he desperately needed to execute his first play flawlessly. this also occurs again in letters to lars, when his improv performance doesnt go as planned he doesnt just end it from there, in fact, he still has that sense of patience to critique his cast members on stage before getting completely irritated when they dont comply. imo its important to note this duality of patience and impulsiveness because this is an anxiety inducing combination that heavily matches up to Jamies energy.
it’s also important to bring Jamie’s room back in this, because while it was creepy as shit its also FILLED with books, and has really fancy stationery meaning he is in fact a writer. The Mars in Virgo is an attentive to detail oriented person, and being a writer, Jamie not only reads others’ works, he records his own with plenty of detail as seen in his love letter to garnet. Its in his nature by now to have an eye for detail as seen in his room, his costumes, his writing, etc.
Its very likely that his venus and his mars sign do sort of relate in a sense of the way he will present himself. The virgo mars wants a deep connection as the next person but refuses to express that “passionate side” as much as others, preferring to remain casual or present a “cool exterior” which plays into the venus in scorpio’s preference for a secretive side or to remain a mystery.
lets also not forget Jamie’s mime performance in Sadie’s Song. His body language easily read as excited and desperate for perfectionism. Theres no denying he spent time and energy into his act, probably studying mimes and all lol
plus the virgo mars being an attentive to detail type of person, scorpio venus’ silent study on their person of interest and libra moon’s dependance on the study of others to learn how to express emotion when and where and how all tie into each other. Jamie depends on detail before well, doing! he is the type to not just think before acting but hes also gotten quite anxious overthinking as well!
The Taurus Ascendant is a sucker for stability, loyalty, especially to their passions with change being their biggest weakness, very fitting to Jamie. Stability is what made Jamie return to beach city from Kansas because he was not used to such a drastic change in an unstable life, doing the absolute opposite of prospering in his acting career, another big desire for a taurus rising btw, they thrive for success!
They also need a sense of security and any chance at risking that security is a big no-no for the Taurus Ascendant. Jamie’s constant fear of rejection, his anxiety before a production that could make or break his career, he desires a sense of reassurance and security that will assure him that things will not turn out as horribly as his anxiety’s (cough drama zone cough) made it out to be.
⬆️♉︎ Taurus Rising ♉︎⬆️
now, in Reunited, hes completely moved on from garnet at this point. This takes places after the abduction, the only thing that would really be on his mind rn is healing and finding peace again with himself and in his surroundings. while hes handled this healing process alone (as far as we know) hes also learned about what he wants for himself including his love life. seeing garnet extremely happy and married and all makes him defeated for a moment not because “uUuuUUhH shes the one that got away!” its because he truly desires a passionate and devoted relationship as ruby and sapphires! which brings up the next topic!
In relationships, the Taurus Ascendant won't easily break up with someone they gave their heart to. Jamie wants a partner thats going to be as devoted and passionate as himself. He needs that sense of commitment and loyalty from someone and probably wouldn’t handle something as emotionless as one night stands for example! Any taurus placement has the same desires for romance as scorpio placements to be quite honest here, im just sayin as a venus in taurus and scorpio rising lmao.
🌊 Water Dominant 🌊
Ok so the thing is heres the thing. Out of all four astrological elements, Jamie exudes water energy the most, then earth, then fire, and lastly air. He’s not just an emotional person, he’s also an optimistic person, even when he overthinks things, he continuously looks into the future rather than his past so I think its important to note he also has that “psychic” aspect to him as well as having a strong sense of someone else’s emotions as much as his own.
let me also add in dewmie-in’s post where they point out tht jamie does in fact have a literal reocurring theme with water so even if he turns out to like not be a water sun sign in canon (highly doubt there will ever be a canon bday for him lmao the entire point of this post tho) theres no way hes gonna not be associated with water coincidentally. so if u didnt read their post tldr: being a fucking buffoon in the literal rain, throwing letters into the ocean, staring at the ocean on his free time, (aka during working ours, worlds okayest mailman) cries easily, buddy dying in water, jamie nearly being killed as instructed by a gem named aqua, jamie surviving in water after being THROWN off the ship. (i added a few more btw hshfhhdjd)
so yeah thats that on that, theres plenty more planet placements than that in a birth chart but i just felt like doing the usual ones i guess :P
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geminitarotmagick · 3 years
Hey im the guy of the fear related to jobs..
Thank you so much for the reading it really resonated. I'm gonna try and do shadow work because to be honest, it really started when I was 18 I think. Till then I was not really afraid. I remember when I was younger I was very confident and I didn't really care, but after working with a family member who told me that I am excellent at my job and after 1 year fired me without telling me that I'm fired, simply telling me that my job was "nothing but an experience" really put me on depression after I already had depression and anxiety. Because I was excellent according to him, and he was the boss, so I trusted his opinion, however, it turns out that he just used my imagination and productivity because I tend to put a lot of effort and creativity when I do something, and since he is my uncle I wanted him to be impressed and happy with my job. But failed.
And this time I started facing my insecurities and I felt bad. I have a crooked tooth and people say that it looks cute to me, however I can see the stares when I talk or smile, and it makes me uncomfortable, and this is one of the reasons I don't like working, because I like talking, I like communicating, I like connecting, but I can't do it when I can't open my mouth out of insecurity and awkwardness. I am an extroverted person, but my insecurities make me appear as problematic or too introverted that doesn't like hanging out, however, I'm far from that, I like connections. But My face turns red our of anxiety when people stare at my tooth, it's just a tooth, one tooth, however I can't help it but feel ugly, insecure and not able to express myself and here it's not affordable for me to fix it yet. I try to convince myself that I can manifest powerfully in order to manifest a solution for my smile. It's a chaotic situation behind this and I'm very disappointed at myself for shaking to go to work. Rn I have to find a job for the summer, and the thought of doing a mistake, panic attack or anything related to uncomfortable makes me feel panicked af. I can see my mom looking at me feeling bad for the sacrifices she have done for the family since she is a single mother, but I can't tell her that I'm afraid, even though she lowkey senses that. I have to take care of her now, and I can't because of trauma I guess, I hate this situation. I am not that person. Why am I that person? Meh
Maybe it's because I grew up feeling unrecognized and tough, because they all expected me to be the hero rich kid who will save the family, but now I am exactly the opposite, a failure. However, I believe that something good will happen, because even when I complain, in the end I believe that nothing goes wrong, but I can't do it anymore. I want to be self employed but to be self employed I need one job to save money, and this step causes me the most stress. I am responsible and trustworthy at work, so I hope I will get through this till the job will start..
Thank you so much again 👑
One thing I'd like to note here as well is that Archangel Raphael's message to you was all about showing yourself unconditional love as you heal. This stems and should be directed to EVERY part of yourself, because it's all connected. Even if you can find the utmost confidence in your work abilities and the ability to work as a team, your insecurities about communicating and people staring at you and your tooth will still linger. All that anxiety will be looking for a place to go, and it'll grab hold onto your physical insecurities and intensify those. It's a process, and definitely one that might feel slow and frustrating, but make sure to extend that love to your physical appearance too. I know that can be a very hard thing to do, but like you said, you're a very creative soul with a lot of wonderful ideas to share with the world. If the people around you can't value your ideas because they don't like the vessel that it's coming out of, then that's completely on them, and has nothing to do with you. Don't allow yourself to be convinced otherwise.
I'm also getting a LOT of pressure that you've put on yourself, and this is where his message of grounding is so important. You can't grow through these things if you're allowing so much weight to be placed on your back. You need to sit in stillness and quiet your mind, and figure out what it is that you really want? This isn't to say that providing for your mom and your family isn't important, but what is it that you want to accomplish? What are YOUR goals? What are YOUR aspirations? What are YOUR desires? it sounds like you're living for them and their goals and dreams, and if that's the case, then you'll never truly feel fulfilled. Allow yourself to discover what it is that you want and what will make you happy, and allow these things to take root in you. Once you can do that, then you won't be pulled in so many different directions. The Knight of Swords reversed is a card of scattered energy, and with so much pressure on you, you have no choice but to be in that scattered place. You need to allow yourself to gain the courage to live for yourself, not others, and only then will it be easier to let go of that anxiety, cuz right now, you're carrying other people's energy, and that is not fair to you.
Forgive yourself for any past mistakes that you might feel that you have made when it comes to work, forgive your uncle for the situation that happened with him, and forgive everyone else for putting these burdens on you.
0 notes