#Im so excited for Vils ov
I have nothing in my head save for the thought of Vil in those red shoes dancing til he drops
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daily-klingon · 6 years
wotmey vagh
Sab decline, deteriorate v Sach expand v Sagh be serious v SaH be present (not absent) v SaH care (about), be concerned (about) v Sal ascend v Sam locate, seek and find v Sang obliterate v Sap volunteer v SaQ cry v Saq land v Sar be varied, various v SaS be horizontal v Saw marry (husband does this) v Saw' have a depth of v Say' be clean v Say'moH clean, cleanse v Say'qu'moH sterilize v SeH control v Seng cause trouble v Sep breed v SeQ be formal, be ritualistic, be ceremonial v Sev contain (an enemy) v Sey be excited v SeymoH excite v SIch reach v SIgh influence v SIH bend v SIj slit v SIm calculate v SIQ endure, bear v SIS rain v SIv wonder v SoD flood v SoH you pro So' encrypt v So' hide, cloak v So'Ha' decrypt v So'Ha' decloak, emerge from concealment v Sol quarrel v Son relieve v Sop eat v SoQ be closed, shut v SoQmoH close, shut v Sor speak literally v SorHa' speak metaphorically v Sorgh sabotage v Sot be distressed, be in distress v Sov know v Soy' be clumsy v Sub be solid v Such visit v SuD be green, blue, yellow v SuD gamble, take a chance, take a risk v Sugh install (in office) v Suj disturb v Sum be near, be nearby v Sup jump v Suq acquire, obtain, get v SuQ be toxic v Suq gain v Surgh skin v SuS blow (into musical instrument) to produce sound v Sutlh negotiate v Suv fight v taD be frozen v taDmoH freeze v tagh begin a process, initiate v taH be at a negative angle v taH continue, go on, endure, survive v tam be quiet v tammoH silence v tam exchange, substitute v tap mash, squash v taq be scarred v taQ be weird, bizarre, unnatural (maybe creepy) v taqmoH scar v tatlh return (something) v tav shake v tay be civilized v taymoH civilize v tay' be together v ta' accomplish v teb fill v teH be true v tem deny, contradict, disavow, claim as false v ten embark v tenHa' disembark v teq remove, take off v tet melt v tey scrape v tey be uncomfortable, be close v teybe' be comfortable, be easy v tey' confide v tIch insult v tIj board, go aboard v tIl salivate v tIn be big v tIq be long, lengthy (of an object) v tIQ be ancient v tIS be light (weight) v tIv enjoy v tIw react emotionally, behave emotionally v tI' fix, repair v tob test conclusively, prove v toD save, rescue v togh count v toj bluff, deceive, trick v toq be inhabited v tor kneel v toS climb v toy' serve (a master) v tuch forbid v tuD thunder v tuH be ashamed v tuHmoH shame v tuj be hot v tul hope v tun be soft v tung discourage v tungHa' encourage v tuQ wear (clothes) v tuQHa'moH undress v tuQmoH put on (clothes) v tur carry out, conduct (a mission), perform (duties) v tuS cough v tutlh be tattooed, have a tattoo v tutlhmoH tattoo v tuv be patient v tuy' spit v tu' discover, find, observe, notice v tu'lu' there is ... v tlhab be free, independent v tlhap take v tlhaQ be funny v tlhaS fight, battle (relatively minor fight) v tlhaw' hit (percussion instrument) with fist v tlhay' be tame, domesticated v tlha' chase, follow v tlheD depart v tlhej accompany v tlher be lumpy v tlhetlh progress v tlhe' turn v tlhIb be incompetent v tlhIH you (plural) pro tlhIj apologize v tlhIl mine v tlhIn be particular, individual v tlhIS spit out v tlhIv be insubordinate v tlhob ask v tlhob request, ask, plead v tlhoch contradict v tlhoD be somewhat obscured, filtered, smudged, fuzzy v tlhogh get married to, marry v tlhoj realize v tlhol be raw, unprocessed v tlhong barter, bargain v tlhorgh be pungent (referring to food) v tlhorghHa' be bland (referring to food) v tlhot land on water (like a bird) v tlhov wheeze v tlho' thank v tlhuch exhaust v tlhuD emit (energy, radiation etc) v tlhuH breathe v tlhup whisper v tlhutlh drink v tlhu' be tempted v tlhu'moH tempt v vaD be flexible v val be clever, smart, intelligent v van salute v vang act, take action v vaQ be aggressive, be effective, be vigorous v vaq mock v vay fight, battle (mid level ferocity) v veb be next (in a series, sequence) v vegh go through (an open door, a tunnel, etc.) v vel cover, coat, mask v vem wake up, cease sleeping v vemmoH wake (someone) up v ven be nerdy v ver be dizzy v ver be spiral v vergh dock v vev insert, put in v vev pin, attach or fasten with a pin v vey' be comfortable, be plentiful v vey'Ha' be uncomfortable, be meager v ve' travel with a purpose, for a specific reason, travel on a mission v vIb move through time toward the future, propagate v vIbHa' move through time toward the past v vID be belligerent v vIH move, be in motion v vIl be ridgy v vIng whine v vIt tell the truth v vItlh be high, great (in quantity, size, intensity) v vI' accumulate v von trap, entrap v vong hypnotize v voq trust, have faith in v voqHa' distrust v voQ choke v vor cure v vorgh be previous v vo' propel v vuj expel, eject v vul be unconscious v vum work, toil v vun order (in a restaurant, from a catalog, etc.) v vung cyclone, hurricane v vup pity v vuQ fascinate v vur be modern, up-to-date, state-of-the-art v vuS limit v vut cook v vuv respect v vuy be helpful, supportive v vu' manage v wagh be expensive v waH taste, try out (food) v waH try out, test, use experimentally v wal vibrate, be in a state of vibration v wam hunt v wan be straight v wanHa' be crooked, bent v waQ obstruct v waS be wrong, awry v watlh be pure v wav divide v way be striped v way' parry, deflect a lunge v web be disgraced v wech serve fermented food at its peak v wegh confine v weH raid v wel owe (someone) v wem violate v weq hit (percussion instrument) with palm v wer be creased, be wrinkled v wermoH crease, wrinkle v weS lose, no longer have, suffer a reduction of v wew glow v wIb be sour, be bitter, be tart v wID massacre (connotes indiscriminate killing) v wIH be ruthless v wIj farm v wItlh break something off v wIv choose, select v wob hurl a spear by means of a chetvI' v woch be tall v woD throw away v wogh transgress, do more than is acceptable v woH pick up v woj sterilise v wol be creased, be folded v wolmoH crease, fold v wom peck v woq confirm, substantiate, corroborate v wov be light, bright v wuD snore v wun be unprotected, vulnerable v wup burst into song v wuq decide, decide upon v wuQ have a headache v wuv depend on, rely on v yach pet, stroke v yach strum (a stringed instrument) v yaH be taken away v yaj understand v yajHa' misinterpret v yan use or manipulate a sword v yap be enough, sufficient v yatlh be pregnant v yay' be shocked, dumbfounded v yegh be spotted v yem sin v yep be careful v yepHa' be careless v yeq cooperate v yev pause v yIn live v yIQ be wet v yIr gather (items) v yIt walk v yIv annoy, bother, irk, irritate v yIv chew v yI' speak in an honorable or respectful fashion v yob harvest v yoD shield v yoH be brave v yon be satisfied v yong get in v yonmoH satisfy v yot invade v yov charge (military term) v yoy be upside down v yuD be dishonest v yuDHa' be honest v yugh include, consist of, be composed of (in chemistry) v yughmoH filter v yuq outwit, outsmart v yut distract, create a diversion v yuv push v yu' question, interrogate v 'ab have a length/height of (object is length) v 'aD have a length of, measure v 'agh show, demonstrate, display v 'al float (in/on air) v 'ang show, reveal v 'ap be dented v 'apmoH dent v 'argh worsen v 'av guard v 'aw' sting v 'el enter, go in v 'ep consume soup v 'eq be early v 'eS be low v 'ey be good, be delicious, be tasty, be harmonious v 'IH be beautiful, handsome v 'Ij listen v 'Il be sincere v 'Im render, boil fat v 'Ip vow, swear v 'IQ be sad v 'Iq be too much, be too many v 'Irgh bully, intimidate, pick on, harass v 'It be depressed v 'Itlh be advanced, highly developed v 'oD arbitrate, mediate v 'ogh invent, devise v 'oj be thirsty v 'ol verify v 'ol verify, check if (something) is true, make sure that (something) is true v 'om resist, fend off v 'ong be cunning, sly v 'or pilot, operate (an aircraft) v 'oS represent v 'ot withhold (information) v 'otHa' disclose, divulge v 'ov compete v 'oy' ache, hurt, be sore v 'uch grasp v 'uch hold, grasp v 'ugh be heavy v 'uH have a hangover, be hung over v 'um be qualified v 'umHa' be unqualified v 'up be unsavoury, be disgusting, be repugnant v 'ut be essential, necessary v 'uy press down v
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