#Im still a diehard Clexa fan
broadwaybound2016 · 7 years
The 100 Ask Game
thanks for tagging me @dylanobrienisbatman! <3
1. What would you get arrested for on the Ark?
shit who the hell knows
2. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground?
Ahhh yes probably so, I think I would probably be saying to hell with the ark.
3. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..)
probably a phoenix, I like the symbolism
4. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be?
Anya definitely Anya, I wanted to see her relationship with Lexa so badly. Or even though we technically never got to see her she was mentioned so could maybe be included, definitely Costia 100%
5. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they?
Raven, Luna, Lexa, Clarke, Anya (yes I know they are all female, why you ask, females fucking rock)
6. Minty or Briller?
I honestly support both and don't have an opinion on either
7. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? (example: Octavia=Okteivia…just make it up!)
Kelly is my name, so probably Kelhi or Kelli
8. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious
I honestly never liked Finn. I always thought the women in his life were way to good for him.
9. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does?
I don't think I would have taken the chip, the thought of never feeling pain again make it seem like life would just be dull. How do we experience true happiness and joy when that is supposedly all we ever feel. We need the dark and sad moments to truly feel when something good happens.
10. What character do you relate to most & What character do you like the least not including the obvious ones like Pike, etc…
I think I relate to Raven and Octavia the most and probably a little bit of Bellamy thrown in even though it pains me to say that. Also I relate to Octavia from Season 1, I hate what her character has become as time has gone on. I would like to say that I am kind like Raven but I have a sort of biting humor and don't let things effect me or at least show anyone that I am hurt by anything. I can be a bit brash but honestly I have good intentions. I am usually pretty good in tough situations because I can think on my feet. As far as the part of me that relates to Bellamy would be that I am outspoke and opinionated and I can come off as being arrogant at times but again I mean well. I also tend to do what I want no matter what the repercussions may be. Finally in regards to Octavia, I am pretty adventurous and like to feel free and have a good time. I especially love testing others when they say I can't do something it makes me want to defy them all the more. I absolutely hate feeling controlled or confined. I also am a person who will easily accept you as a friend but once you have crossed me its super hard for me to overlook that.
My least favorite characters shift pretty often, like I loved Abby season 1 when she was rebellious but season 2 Abby pissed me off, where as the opposite is true of Kane. Its funny that even though I relate to Bellamy he actually is one of my least favorite characters along with Octavia. I loved her season 1 but they ruined her after that. Also Finn was an extremely annoying character to me.
11. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? Be creative, yet practical)
I think as a delinquent I maybe would have a shaved head or some type of fade with a Bieber flip on one side. I would definitely have a bad ass bomber preferably my favorite color which is a sky blue. I would probably have a thermal underneath and some ripped up jeans. Also I would definitely have some classic black motorcycle boots and a permanent bandana wrapped around my wrist.
12. Favorite type of mutant animal?
Probably the butterflies
13. What would your job be on the Ark?
I have no friken idea but I am a delinquent anyway so what does it matter
14. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked?
Yeah probably, I mean would not have cared at all about Ontari and would have wanted to save Clarke.
15. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, but she’s still alive right? then who would make the best commander?
Damn that is a super tough one, like I honestly believe no one but Lexa was fit to be the commander, maybe this may seem like an odd choice but Lincoln. He seemed like he had such great morals but was also willing to do what was necessary for the people he loved.
16. If you were a grounder, then where would you live and who would be your mentor?
I mean I would want to live in the Capitol and have Lexa be my mentor but I am pretty sure I would not survive under her tutelage. I would probably be trikru and would want Lincoln as my mentor.
17. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty?
Man I do not know I tend to react badly to anything hallucinogenic so I probably would think people were out to kill me and freak out hiding somewhere till it passed.
18. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or Bellamy Blake?
Honestly given the fact that she was so young and it seemed that she was dealing with PTSD from the way she lost her parents I would have probably realized that she had suffered a psychotic break. I would have definitely required her to be locked up for awhile but in a safe space where she could have someone to talk to. I don't think I would handle it like either of them, I would have protected her from Murphy but I would not have tried to beat him to death or blamed him for her death.
19. Who should be the Chancellor, if anyone?
I think I would say Kane, he started off terribly in season 1 but he has really grown as a leader and proven himself worthy of the role.
20. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod) What is the one thing you would snatch while there?
Definitely an iPod I need my tunes
21. Do you think you’d have caught the virus spread through camp or would you have been immune like Octavia?
I would definitely have caught the virus and most likely would have gotten ridiculously ill
22. What would your grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint?
If I was a grounder I think I would go full shaved head or awesome faux hawk. As for tattoos I would want a full sleeve on my right arm filled with pictures of my home. Then I would want a quote that took up most of my back. As far as warpaint goes I think I would want it to be like fingerprints of my loved ones just displayed on my cheeks.
23. Favorite quote?
“I belong nowhere”
“You were right Clarke. Life is about more than just surviving”
“In peace may you leave the shore. In love may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels until our final journey on the ground... May we meet again.”
24. Can you forgive Murphy for his actions? How about Bellamy?
Honestly no and yes, I can forgive both of them because everyone in the 100 does terrible things. However, at the same time its really hard for me to ever forget their mistakes and it makes me second guess their characters a lot.
25. If one of the characters was in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning? NOOOOO ALREADY SO MUCH DEATH NOOOO
When Lexa was alive I would have said Lexa, she could fight and she had brains. However, when Lexa died I would say Luna, frankly we all know that Octavia winning that fight was absolutely bullshit.
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite ship? NOT INCLUDING CL OR BC
least favourite ship would probably be…Javen, no just no.
Favourite ship: Sea Mechanic, it never happened and it should have god damn happened they were perfect for each other. I also would be up for Braven now, I  am not a massive Bellamy fan but I LOVE them in scenes together.
27. A song that should be included in the next season, like when Radioactive was? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo?
I would love to hear Hiide and Seek by Claire Guerreso or Run Boy Run by Woodkid.
28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time?
I think Murphy and I would have some fun times together.
29. Opinion on Emori? Roan?
I could leave or take either honestly.
30. Would you want to be an extra that is killed off in a brutal way?
Sign me up, any death in any way. I would totally love it. Can Lexa come back to push me off the balcony.
31. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of?
I always liked the idea of flashbacks to Lexa and Anya when they were young/training/etc., I also would have loved to see Lexa/Costia and how their love story worked.
32. A character you’d bang?
Raven Reyes, Clarke Griffin, Lexa, Luna, Octavia (she would have to keep her mouth shut thought)
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