#Imagine that all the [REDACTED] are censor beeps
deardarlingdevil · 5 months
Raphael girlies (gender neutral) talking about Raphael: I'm going to [REDACTED] that old man and watch him [REDACTED] while [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] 😈🥵💦
Raphael girlies taking about his actor: Mr. Wincott 🥺😇✨
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crypticcupid · 3 months
Serving Cringe Since Forever!!!
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F/O List
General Info Below VVV
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Howdy, I'm Aqua/Cryptid/Whatever nickname you know me by! I'm a TransMasc. Queer to make it simple and use He/They/She pronouns. 21+ years of experience in being a creature of love. This is a side blog where I go nuts about fictional characters and post about how I want to bring them cool bugs to look at. Or make them dinner. Or hold them tenderly like a torn stuffed animal. Or to pull them into a closet so I can (REDACTED) (REDACTED) (Long Censor beep here). Feel free to stop in and look around. Point and laugh. Gawk, even. Just have fun with it bro. Of note: All of this is fiction, I do not believe this to be reality or some sort of pseudo reality. This blog is also to help me cope with my somewhat crippling mental illness. Also, this blog is meant to be 18+. Please no minors following I beg of you go elsewhere, like age appropriate. Everything nsfw/suggestive or whatever will be tagged as “Buttswing.emote”. (The chronically online furries know)
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Tag Directory:
.txt- Any post where I talk on it. Gusher.txt- Text about my ships or f/os. :) Gusher.png- Any of my art that I've made. <3 Buttswing.emote- NSFW Tag basically, usually accompanied with a "MDNI" tag. Memes- Yeah those are memes. Imagines- Imagines, what it says on the tin. (Ask/Tag/Reblog) Games- Self Explanatory ❤️(NAME)- Romanatic F/O 💛(NAME)- Familial/Friend F/O
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||MDNI Banner by @/cafekitsune Waves Banner by @/plum98||
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