badrrr · 9 months
“ I used to wish I was born when the light of the Ummah, our beloved prophet ‎ﷺ, was alive. I used to wish I was of the companions who accompanied him through the day, journeyed with through the night and struggled and sacrificed with through the trials. How deprived, I thought, I was to be born in this time. A time where fitnan is high and there is no Islamic authority for the believers. A time when some from this Ummah have chosen to oppose the sunnah of our beloved. The most knowledgeable of this Ummah have become only donkeys with books and the rulers have exited Islam. How easy it would have been to be where RasulAllah breathed and lived. I don’t deny and will never deny how that time was the best time in our history. The sahaba will always be better than us for their achievements. I’m not worth the dust left from their steps. However, seeing my state as one of the weakest slaves of Allah, would I have been one of his followers ? Would I have been of those who believed in him or would I have turned my back? How great of a خسارة I would have been in if I was a hypocrite in the time of the prophet ‎ﷺ. However, I have been blessed by my lord to live in a time similar to the Sahaba. I don’t have RasulAllah ‎ﷺ but then maybe my reward will be very great because of it. If my Lord showers me with his Endless Mercy and enters me into Jannah, I can tell him ‎ﷺ : “I was amongst believers that believed in you when we didn’t see you. We studied your life so we may walk the same path as you. We lived in a time where there was no authority and the hypocrites rejoiced. Yet, our Lord had mercy upon us and made us from those who went forth in establishing it once again. The captives were many and when we couldn’t physically free them, we used our voices and the technology Allah blessed us with to be their advocates. We helped the deen you and the Sahaba shed blood for by imitating you exactly. We did our best to not be hasty and endure the harm inflicted upon us on this blessed path to gain the ultimate rewrad. We truly wanted to deserve being missed by you, ya RasulAllah”. صلى الله عليه وسلم
~Notes of a traveler
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