#Imp's Wink (018)
greedisland-devs · 2 years
What's each devs favorite gi card?
G: Tome of a Thousand Tales (023)
R: Virtual Restaurant (063)
E: Beautiful Skin Spa (004)
E: Mystery Pond (008)
D: Luck Bankbook (013)
I: Secrets Video Rental (059)
S: Angel's Breath (017)
L: Hormone Cookies (033)
A: Imp's Wink (018)
N: Connection Severing Scissors (014)
D: 3-D Camera (097)
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arcaladiwoompa · 3 months
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I was having fun so I decided to keep going with this!
For 018 Imp's Wink
Pakumito Western AU
Image description: Pakunoda is standing very close behind Mito, teaching her how to aim a shotgun in front of a saloon. (Let's just assume the streets are otherwise deserted while this is going on.)
Pakunoda has her hands placed over Mito's hands. Mito is blushing and looking back at Pakunoda, which is definitely not the correct way to aim at a target! Both ladies are wearing western movie style dresses, button down shirts, and hats with broad brims.
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greedisland-devs · 2 years
Is it possible to take an NPC out of the game? I have fallen quite enamored with a lovely lady from Aiai
Unfortunately the only NPCs you can take out of the game (given that you beat it) are as follows:
Fickle Genie (015)
The fairy king from Fairy King's Advice (016)
The imp from Imp's Wink (018)
Gold Dust Girl (046)
Sleeping Girl (047)
Aromatherapy Girl (048)
Miniature Mermaid (049)
Miniature Dragon (050)
The agent from Hideout Realtor (057)
Panda Maid (099)
Your lady in AiAi is likely not an NPC spawned from one of these cards and therefore cannot be taken out of the game.
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arcaladiwoompa · 3 months
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For 018 Imp's Wink
Pakumito Western AU
Image description: Pakunoda is standing very close behind Mito, teaching her how to aim a shotgun. Pakunoda has her hands placed over Mito's hands. Mito is blushing and looking back at Pakunoda, which is definitely not the correct way to aim at a target! Both ladies are wearing western movie style dresses, button down shirts, and hats with broad brims.
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