#Implying that system members are less real with big number counts
saisatwik · 1 month
What are the Key Benefits of Using Low-Code Platforms for Mobile App Development?
Apps are now developed with less need for hand-coding by the developers due to the low code platforms which are transforming the mobile app development market. As companies are experiencing a challenge to keep up with the rapidly evolving technologies, the need of faster and most efficient development processes has increased.
This article will spotlight the primary use of low-code platforms and how they can help organizations to save money, build applications faster, and achieve higher levels of productivity. 
Accelerated Development Speed 
Considering one of the most apparent benefits, let us discuss how low-code platforms help reduce the time required to develop applications. One major aspect where low-code platforms excel is that they include features for rapid prototyping, and therefore allow for the effective creation of applications.
In traditional development, the new applications are built from the ground up with the need to write huge amounts of the codes, while low-code platforms contain reusable elements, which can be simply dropped on the screen. This not only means that time is saved but also that the process of development is made less complex and teams can easily turn their concepts into real life products than was ever possible before. 
Reduced Development Costs 
With speed comes efficiency and the essence of the word efficiency is to use as little resources as possible thereby meaning that there will be cuts made on costs. Working on the low-code platforms, the client can avoid relying on a big development team, which can be very expensive.
It implies that instead of employing numerous developers to write custom code, businesses can count on a fewer number of people to manage the low code. In addition, testing pre-tested components with fewer errors and bugs reduce the time and money used to debug and revise the product. To sum up, application of low-code platforms means that fewer people are needed to make the fixes, and the time taken on them is also less, making it economical to develop mobile apps. 
Increased Flexibility and Agility 
Other than cost, flexibility and agility form the core competencies in this fast-paced technology world. In what way do low-code platforms improve these aspects? These platforms allow for easy modification and iteration, meaning that businesses can easily adjust to changing needs. The low-code platforms ensure that even when there is a need for modification in terms of a specific feature in the software or even changing an entire part of the application, it becomes easier to do so without having to start the process all over again.
Also, many of the low code platforms support cross platform which implies that a developer can build an application and deploy it on multiple operating systems without the need to do a lot of redesigning. It is a feature that allows businesses to be able to adapt to market fluctuations without being boxed. 
Enhanced Collaboration 
Flexibility is crucial, but so is integration with other teams since various teams may work on an app. This is how low-code platforms promote more effective collaboration at work. All stakeholders can collaborate within the low-code platform’s single environment, and developers, designers, and other team members can work side by side.
What it means is that everyone can give their contribution in the process. It doesn’t matter what level of technological knowledge they have. Such collaborations minimize misunderstandings and guarantee that the master piece fits the business’s needs. As the silos are eliminated and people are encouraged to work in teams, low-code platforms enable a better integration of the development process. 
Improved Time-to-Market 
When it comes to collaboration, there is much more to speed than just product development – it is also about taking IT and other products to market quicker. Let’s see how low-code platforms play their role here. The development process of low code platforms has been made faster, thereby reducing the time it takes to get a project from an idea and to the market.
This not only fulfills the client’s desired timeline but also can give businesses the advantage especially in the fast growing mobile app industry. This first mover advantage is quite large, and with low-code platforms, achieving this is much easier. 
Scalability and Maintenance 
Last but not least, even if an app has been developed with extraordinary speed and flexibility for updates, it cannot be forgotten that scalability and maintainability of an app are the factors decisive for its sustainable success in a long term. Where does low-code stand in these areas? Low-code platforms are deliberately created to be scalable, to be developed safely with the growth and requirements of the business in mind. This means that as your business increases, the app can easily follow along the progression without requiring you to develop a new complicated app.
Moreover, the usage of low code platforms in creating applications results in applications that are relatively easy to maintain, due to modularity of the applications’ constructions. New versions, bug fixes, and new features can be easily included into the app, which means that the app will always be up to date and running without frequent updates and lengthy downtimes. 
As a result of these benefits, one can conclude that low-code platforms are revolutionizing the mobile application industry. Including greater development speed, lower cost, greater flexibility, better integration, shorter time to market, and providing user enhanced solutions, these platforms give organisations an effective weapon to compete and develop new solutions quickly.
They also found that incorporating low-code platforms in the app development process can create more efficient, inexpensive, and flexible former. When you're looking for mobile application development, it could be beneficial if you take a look at the low-code platforms as they might be the solution for the success in the field. 
0 notes
boop-le-snoot · 4 years
Doll Parts | tony stark x reader
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i love him so much it just turns to hate // he only loves those things because he loves to see them break // and someday you will ache like i ache // Hole - Doll Parts
all hurt comfort. angst. no happy ending. big sad. tony could have been like this, you know. he was like this to pepper at some point. i don't know why i am like this today. rated M for themes of (implied) addiction & cheating and non-explicit mentions of intimacy. word count: 3,3k
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It wasn't as if she was blind or dumb. She saw the way he treated everyone around him; whenever a single person got too close he'd push them away, consciously or not. The man loved pushing everybody's buttons as if he was playing Galaga for a living; rapidly, mercilessly, with intent. Tony Stark was not a man to whom a person would give their heart willingly.
It was her own fault she went and gave hers away, to him, of all people. And sometimes, it did feel like he loved her, in his own way. Tony would shower her with gifts and affection, cling to her whenever he wasn't away on SI business, and God, the sex was out of this world. Sometimes, she felt as if she would suddenly burst into a blinding flash of light, scalding and deafening, that would sprout from the invisible wounds his fingers left on her skin. Like fine china, she cracked little by little under his steady, tender hands.
The first time he'd ended their short, by average standards, but long - by his, relationship, it didn't come as a surprise. She had never held illusions on ensnaring the world's most notorious playboy. Younger and less jaded, she amicably agreed to get her things that very same day, blocked his number and left for an overdue vacation in the tropics. Being able to browse the gossip sites speculating on their lack of public appearances whilst sipping a Strawberry Daiquiri was a much better alternative to spending her nights holed up in rainy Manhattan, having to answer numerous "I told you so" calls from friends and relatives.
Maybe, three daiquiris should've been enough. But she'd quit smoking because he said the smell bothered him and she- well, she could do anything she wanted now. Being alone and not dating a very public figure definitely had way more perks than she previously had taken for granted in her much less exposed life. That's how the heartache began to recede: it was hard to mope when fun was calling for you by your name.
Some of Tony's character traits had migrated onto her. Which wasn't bad per se, she had been told she could use to loosen up. Her friends rejoiced in the newfound adventurousness, never missing an opportunity to go out, throw a party, go on a clubbing spree. She was game and she was enjoying it. Dolled up and eyes sparkling, the newfound confidence radiated off her like a beacon, attracting just about every single like-minded person in a five mile radius.
Tony's champagne he had sent to their table meant nothing. Her friends laughed and giggled and asked her all about the juicy details about the billionaire; as much as she searched the rowdy crowd for a familiar pair of baby doe browns, they weren't anywhere within sight. So she went back to talking and smiled as bright as the strobe lights, throwing down a whiskey shot to water the burning ache in her chest.
She found him on the dancefloor. Seconds after she stepped her foot into the mass of grinding bodies Tony was there, an equally happy and intoxicated smile on his face and arms wide open, as if they hadn't parted ways at all. She wanted to be angry with him, she really did, she wanted to snide his frivolity and the possessive way that he had the audacity to treat her.
His eyes, they were her untold weakness. She hadn't seen him so happy in months. Just once, she agreed, she'd let it slide. And so they danced, bodies accustomed to each other in the way that seemed to be impossible for her to achieve with anyone since the day that she left Tony Stark.
A splitting headache and a cold, empty bed greeted her the next morning. Thankfully, her clothes were laying haphazardly on the floor of the bedroom - the bed that was not his own but, rather, as she assumed, one of the many guest rooms in his tower.
Not the one to usually harbour shame of her very human needs, she felt like a cheap whore when she got dressed and grabbed her purse, making a beeline for the door to the elevator. As soon as the doors opened, she was greeted with a woman in a professional suit - tall, strawberry blonde and as cold as the Arctic, beautiful in the Vogue-magazine, unattainable way.
"Good morning," The woman spoke in a pleasant tone.
She wanted to retch from the false cheerfulness. "Good morning, ma'am. I was just leaving," Refusing to bow to her own shame, she flashed an equally cheerful grin towards the blonde.
"I'm Mr. Stark's personal assistant, my name is Pepper Potts," They briefly shook hands, neither of them wanting to touch the other longer than it was necessary. "There is a car waiting for you downstairs. Be sure to take the left exit."
Internally fuming, she smiled slightly wider, seeing no need to introduce herself or prolong the awkward interaction longer than necessary. "Thank you, Ms. Potts, that will not be necessary. I have arranged my own ride. Have a nice day, ma'am," With that, she pressed the button once again, entering the elevator with the expression of polite contentment glued to her face like a persistent piece of dog shit she couldn't shake off the bottom of her shoe.
Ms. Potts' façade slipped slightly - she must've been new - as the blonde ran a sharply observant look over the woman in the elevator, pulling out her phone as soon as the elevator door was halfway closed. That was quickly forgotten, her head growing clearer with each second it was pressed against the cold window of the cab she'd called on the way downstairs.
It was a mistake, a perfectly human accident that happened to the best of them. Only it left a bitter residue somewhere south of her ribcage, something acrid and viscous that even alcohol couldn't melt. The more she drank, the thicker that ball of rolled up frustration became, bleeding into her work, her relationships with her friends. It was tiresome to keep craving something so far out of her reach.
The exhaustion grew day by day, until her chest felt constricted for most part of the day and all the oxygen in the whole wide world wasn't enough. Her heartache was saved, strangely enough, by aliens - they rained down on New York city like frogs during the Plague in the book of Exodus; as if God himself was angry at the state of affairs of his favourite pet earthlings. For a time, she couldn't afford to worry about her broken heart and focused on the dilapidated city, landing her resources and skills whenever, whenever she could.
Late at night, exhausted and drained, she allowed herself to flick through the news, eagerly soaking up the new details that seemed to pop up every other day. Aliens were real, Thor was one, Captain America was alive and her ex-boyfriend was now a member of the merry band of misfit superheroes.
She had never taken his hero sidegig too seriously. Tony had some good in him, he wasn't the attention-demanding supervillain-waiting-to-happen, but neither he was hero material. The Tony she knew was akin to a hyperintelligent kid left without supervision. Consequences were a slight setback, not a surefire deterrent for this man.
Her building remained mostly intact - some cosmetic damages that were repaired quickly and did not concern her apartment at all - so she stayed in the same place, much to everyone's dismay. A good chunk of her friends had moved away from NYC as soon as they could - not that she blamed them - but the calls of her family, consisting of begging and nagging her to move states, were beginning to climb over the annoying line very quickly. More often than not, she ignored all calls that weren't from her friends or work.
It shouldn't have surprised her that Tony showed up on her balcony one night - but the shriek that left her was utterly involuntary. His armored suit was noisy and clunky, just like was expected from a huge chunk of metal. Tony's face was a ghost of the man she used to know: he was pale, the bags under his eyes were fit to carry groceries in and he'd lost more than a few pounds around his middle.
Not that she had a glow-up. Work hours were long, volunteer work was by far more exhausting and emotionally draining. With her support system scattered across the country and free hours few and in-between, she'd acquired a shrink. Nightmares went away and the sluggishness, too, thanks to a couple of convenient prescriptions. It seemed like the professionals were as clueless as any in dealing with the aftermath of an alien invasion.
"You weren't returning my calls," Tony stated in the way of hello. It was so like him, to be skipping the pleasantries and glossing over the details.
"I have your number blocked," She replied unkindly, raising an eyebrow as the suit retracted and the man, wearing worn jeans and an oil-stained tee, stepped into the twilight of her home without an invitation.
"I wanted to make sure you are alive and your home is being rebuilt in case it was demolished. Stark foundation is shouldering most of the expenses," He offered in the way of explanation, beelining for the nice whiskey she kept in a tumbler in the living room.
The snort escaped her lips before she could help it; brain chronically overtired but medicated; Adderall and weariness. He was never a good liar, only a good faker. "Why are you here, Tony?" All of it: the damages, the casualties, all of it was public record, accessible 24/7. All he had to do was open Google.
He turned around, scanning her head-to-toe, in that not-quite-convinced way. "Just wanted to see if you're okay," He tried for nonchalant but his eyes were haunted. The whiskey glass he was holding empty in seconds.
She walked up to him, staying at an arm's distance from the man, before doing a slow, sarcastic twirl. "I'm fine. Not a scratch. Was in Staten Island that day."
He nodded, not at all convinced. "Good," Before slamming the glass down with such force, she was afraid the countertop now sported a rounded indent. Fingers twitching, he pulled the woman into himself before she could utter a peep, smashing their lips together without any grace, paying no attention to the way she froze as still as a statue. "God, I missed you. Couldn't bear the thought of you dying..." He mumbled in between harshly biting the plump of her bottom lip and steering the kiss towards his wishes, hand tangled in the hair on the back of her head.
He tasted like whiskey and desperation.
She couldn't not give in. She'd felt the same way when she watched his red and gold armor fly into that wormhole, missile in tow. She'd felt the same despair clawing at her ribcage when his lifeless body flew back from it before being caught by the rabid green monstrosity.
It wasn't graceful and it wasn't pretty; feeling like a monster herself, she responded the same way he did. She shredded his clothes, she clawed his back, leaving wet crimson streaks in the wake of her nails and whispered the ugliest, nastiest truths she had denied herself for so long. He left with the promise to stay in contact and for once, he did.
Nothing was the same. Tony was far from the careless, extravagant billionaire he used to be. These days he was a cynical, analytical asshole that one-upped people even before he had a real need to do so. Both of them had changed, really. She was not the tender uptown girl either.
The nights with him were rare and long; the nights alone with her work were recurrent and longer. The tower stood out on the NYC skyline like a sore thumb, beckoning with the unattainable snipe hunt of having something stable with the world's #1 superhero, Tony Stark. Each time they met, she felt almost as dirty as the time she stood in the elevator under the scrutiny of Pepper Potts.
Even if he didn't outright hide her. She'd ran into Black Widow and Clint Barton once or twice, each of them casting a glance at her Special Visitor badge before muttering niceties and moving on with their day. It was only slightly better with the Captain: he got in the elevator two floors below Tony's penthouse at 8 AM in the morning, just as she was leaving for work - dressed in a sharp pantsuit that was not-quite on Pepper's level. The soldier must've assumed she was a high-rank employee or a friend, the tips of his cheeks blushing as he spoke a quiet: "Good morning, ma'am," In that semi-formal tone of his.
Seeing a grown man get so flustered was quite adorable. "Good morning, Captain Rogers, sir," She replied in a matching tone, humoring him.
The elevator stopped suddenly and a few employees got in, staring openly at the national icon, who had his eyebrows slanted in confusion. The woman shared his sentiment: it was Tony's private elevator. She guessed all the other ones were too full in the mornings so the tower's AI put the underused one to work.
Or, at least, that's what she tried to convince herself of anyway. It wouldn't be past Tony to get jealous over something as trivial as sharing an elevator car with Captain America.
The plateau of normalcy didn't last long. Just as she was opening her third bottle of wine for the night, laptop open on the kitchen counter and proudly displaying "Tony Stark and Pepper Potts - America's newest power couple?" article, she realised he was a coward, too. Slowly but surely, he had ghosted her, not even bothering with an explanation of his sudden unavailability, the several dates missed and even more postponed indefinitely.
They were never going to be a normal couple. She had made her peace with that, ugly and depressing - but it was real. She thought what they had was real. She finally had admitted to herself that she loved him, loved an impossible man, loved to the bottom of Hell and pitfire. The fireworks under her skin had never fully gone away, she realised as more and more ugly sobs broke from her chapped lips.
She blocked his number again and bought herself a new one, deleting the "Tony Stark" contact for good. There was more than enough work to do and the time to feel sorry for herself was sparse. And if she picked up a habit to make sure the time working was spent with proper efficiency, without soaking documents in saltwater that her eyes seemed to overproduce those days? It wasn't a big deal. She needed to get back on her feet somehow, without being dragged by a man who wasn't even present to actively be ruining her life anymore.
If anything, she thought she should feel grateful. The blinding light, the stars that exploded and shone inside her only for Tony, became something poisonous and vile. It wasn't the bitter taste of regret; rather, she felt a flash of ravenous, burning anger every time his name or his face popped up in a press article within her eyesight. Love and hate weren't that different when it came to the intensity: she basked in those newfound feelings, taking care to pick apart and neatly sort each of his perceived flaws on a cute little shelf in her overtaxed brain and fatigued heart.
It wasn't healthy. A convenient escape for the summer; a cabin far, far away from the busy New York city - she took up the offer and relocated there, being content with working remotely, drinking strawberry mimosas by the lakeside. Day by day, the clarity of her mind returned, lulled into a false sense of security by the tranquil trees slowly swaying in the breeze and wide ripples in the water.
Tony seemed to be enjoying bringing chaos into her life and making her miserable. The quinjet landed right on the neatly manicured lawn in front of the cabin, several obviously exhausted and wounded superheroes dismounting the vehicle, Tony looking sheepish but determined in the lead.
She wasn't completely unaware of the rest of the world and knew of the fiasco the Avengers recently had. Was it the half-dead, limping Widow or the baby blues of the Captain, she couldn't tell, but the woman ushered them into her house, gathering the tools needed for first aid with haste. Fate wasn't looking to give her a break.
As soon as she stepped foot in the kitchen, alone, Tony was there, looking much like that time on the balcony, baby doe browns turned up to eleven and a groveling speech prepared on demand. He'd noticed her weight loss and the ashen tone of her skin, the prominent veins and the bags under her eyes. She was as obvious as a brick to the face with her vices.
She slapped him. He winced, but stayed quiet, preparing himself for the storm - and storm him she did, keeping quiet enough for most of the team to be able to tactfully ignore the scolding Tony was getting. "I despise, you, Stark. You're a coward. Do not dare to set foot in my house ever again."
Needless to say, the superheroes departed shortly after Natasha's injuries were stabilised and frowning, disappointed Thor and Steve (they'd asked her to address them by their first names) bashfully apologized for their sudden intrusion and any discomfort they might have caused. She smiled at Steve, wide and big; refusing to admit it was done just to spite Tony, she joked and blushed in response to the Captain.
Tony did not attempt to contact her again. For some time, she lived in fear - irrational one at that - he'd appear and wreck her life one more, final time, before admiring the destruction and leaving her a steaming pile of ashes on the floor. But seasons passed and all of it faded, like a vivid, terrible nightmare.
Piece by piece, her life was getting put back together. His name stopped invoking a swarm of feelings she needed to drown just to stay afloat; there were news regarding him, another violent altercation, and she simply flicked the TV back to adult swim. New friends and new hobbies were being made; the fine cracks made by his agile fingers were being filled with the gold of newer, better discoveries.
There was always something going on in the superhero world and finally one of the topics reached her line of work: mutant rights. She'd never stopped being a volunteer after that NYC invasion, making new connections in a domain previously unexplored, it paid off in spades regarding her career growth. The connections were vital to be able to climb the corporate ladder successfully.
Stark showed up at her door three days after half of his merry band of misfits were pronounced fugitives. This time, she expected it. She knew better than to expect him to assume responsibility by himself - a quick Google search and his relationship status was listed as once again single - the Virginia Potts she knew would not have let anything like that happen. Stark was on his own.
"They betrayed me," He'd said, from behind the door she had cracked open a few inches, to make him know he wasn't welcome in her home.
"I think you know now, how I felt then," She didn't falter, ignoring the way his still freshly-bruised face darkened. "As far as I am concerned, you deserve it. Goodbye, Tony." She shut the door without waiting for his response, hearing his footsteps slowly back away as she made herself another coffee.
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Tony Stark taglist: @another-stark-sub @letsby @mostly-marvel-musings @rdjesus4ever @ladyeliot
Well um 💀 yeah. I'll go and attempt to scavenge some serotonin somewhere now. Thanks for reading! 💖✨
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Schneeplebro Week Day 1
Prompt: Meet Cute
Word Count: 1627
Warnings: alcohol
Summary: presidential alert: the girls are FLIRTINGGGG
Chase wandered the room awkwardly, eyes desperately searching for someone he knew or at least someone who didn’t look busy. This was no small task, considering it was a huge room full of people and he’d only ever spoken to about two or three of them.
To be honest, the only person he’d really interacted with at all had been Layla, a member of the hospital’s accounting department who was in charge of fundraising efforts. They’d gotten in contact when he decided he wanted to do a big charity livestream on his channel benefitting a local children’s hospital, and she’d helped him set up the donation site. She’d also been the one who’d invited him to this event, a party thrown in honor of the top benefactors, after the stream had ended up being a huge success. He didn’t even really want to come, it wasn’t his type of thing and it wasn’t like he raised the money to  get applause, but Layla insisted that she had to thank him in person, and she’d been so nice the whole time they’d worked together, he hadn’t had the heart to say no. 
But as nice as it had been to shake her hand and chat with her a little, she’d eventually had to run off to thank other guests, too, and Chase found himself alone amongst groups of people. It seemed that a lot of the benefactors knew each other. Their clothes implied wealth, and wealth in Los Angeles was big wealth. They presumably attended these sorts of events all the time, a social circle that Chase and his tattoo-and-trickshot vibe simply didn’t fit into.
Some of the hospital staff was in attendance too, or so Chase had been told. They were hard to pick out; they were mostly doctors and dressed just as nicely as the guests of honor.
He couldn’t find Layla, but he did see Richard Spyer, the director of the whole hospital, who had video called in towards the end of the livestream to thank Chase and the viewers for the work they were doing. He’d struck Chase as a bit of a blowhard, or maybe just a little pompous, but nice enough, and more importantly, he was a familiar face, and he was only standing with one other person, a tall man with broad shoulders and a handsome face.
As he got closer, he heard the stranger speaking with a German accent. From what he overheard, they were talking about a project that involved changing the hospital computer system; it sounded like they knew each other. Chase hoped he wasn’t interrupting by walking up, but before he could apologize for the intrusion, Dr. Spyer spotted him and stopped in the middle of the sentence to yell, “Chase! It’s good to see you, so glad you could make it!” and shake his hand so enthusiastically that Chase’s shoulder went up and down along with their hands.
“It’s great to see you, too. I just wanted to thank you for having me tonight. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“Not at all, not at all, let me introduce you two! This is Dr. Schneeplestein. He’s one of our best surgeons.”
“Henrik,” the stranger corrected, waving off the compliment.
“And this is Chase Brody. He works in social media; the fundraiser he ran brought in a huge percentage of our donations this quarter.”
Usually it made Chase a little uncomfortable when someone used vague euphemisms for his job like that; it just reinforced that he was unwelcome and out of place. But he was almost glad that he wasn’t being introduced as a Youtuber to someone as professional (and as gorgeous) as Dr. Schneeplestein. But it seemed like he might have known anyways. He raised his eyebrows as he gave Chase’s hand a firm shake. “I knew I recognized your voice,” he said. “I have an eleven-year-old at home; trust me, I hear your videos all day.”
Chase didn’t know if he should be embarrassed, but Dr. Schneeplestein’s tone was very friendly. More than anything, Chase was surprised that he had an eleven year old. He was definitely older than Chase, probably by somewhere between five and ten years, judging by the gray in his hair, but he still looked relatively young. He also, Chase couldn’t help but notice, wasn’t wearing a wedding ring.
Dr. Spyer excused himself to go greet other guests, and Chase was momentarily panicked about being left alone to make conversation, but thankfully, the doctor didn’t seem to mind. “Thank you, sincerely, for bringing in all those donations. I know Richard can be… well, he’s Richard, but I promise, the money is all well spent.”
“You don’t have to thank me. I’ve always really loved kids and I just want to help in any way I can. I’m glad that my channel’s popular enough to make a real difference, even if my videos are a little dumb.”
“I wouldn’t call them dumb; you have no idea how cool my son thinks you are. I hope it isn’t rude to ask if you’d sign something for him?”
“Not at all; I’d be happy to!”
“You are too kind. Let me buy you a drink,” he said, nodding to the bar.
“Oh, no, you really don’t have to -”
“I insist. We can steal a napkin while we’re over there.” He led the way across the room. “What do you drink?”
Chase didn’t want to ask for anything too expensive so he played it safe. “Just a beer.” He realized he should be more specific, but before he could correct himself, Henrik turned to the bartender and ordered for both of them. 
“So you’re from Germany, right? Does that mean you know good beer?” 
He laughed but kept his voice low when he answered so as not to be overheard. “Yes, but you won’t get it here. They never have real beer at places like these.”
“It’s probably hard to find at all around here. Nothing’s real in L.A.”
“Sometimes it is. If you know where to look.” And right now, he was looking right into Chase’s eyes. Chase didn’t know what to say to that, so the moment lingered until the bartender brought their drinks over. Henrik asked to borrow a pen before she walked away, and handed it to Chase along with a napkin.
“What’s your son’s name?”
“That’s cute,” he said as he started writing. He didn’t have a ton of space to work with, so he just wrote ‘Ben - thanks for being a part of the channel! Love, Chase’ and doodled the channel symbol next to his name. “Is this enough?” he asked, showing Henrik.
“That’s perfect. He’ll love it.” He slipped it into an inner pocket of his jacket. “Thank you again.”
They sat at the bar a while longer, talking and sipping their beers. Chase asked if it was hard to work in pediatric surgery as a father, and Henrik said it was but that was why he did it. He found out Henrik had a younger son too, and that he’d gone through a divorce about a year and a half ago. Chase told Henrik that he’d actually gone to school to work with kids too, as a teacher, but that the channel he’d started as a hobby had started taking off around the time that he’d graduated and needed a job, and it was nice to be self-employed and set your own hours. Henrik offered to get him another drink, but Chase had driven himself there and didn’t want to deal with Ubering home and then back in the morning for his car.
Eventually, the night was drawing to a close, and Richard, Layla, and a few more of the bigwigs got up on the little platform on one side of the room, where the DJ often set up when this room was rented under less formal circumstances. They gave pretty much the same speech they’d given at the beginning of the party, thanking everyone, talking about how important this all was, and so on. Henrik alternated between watching them and making fun of Richard’s schmoozing, mimicking his big fake grin and always-moving hands to make Chase laugh. Chase, meanwhile, waited for Henrik to turn back towards the stage, and then grabbed the other napkin that had come with their drinks and scrawled something on it.
When they finally wished everyone a goodnight and got offstage, people rushed around getting ready to leave. More than a few people came over to the bar to tip the bartender or get one last drink if they weren’t driving, so Chase and Henrik moved to avoid the crowd.
As they walked towards the door, Chase summoned his courage.
“If you’re ever interested, I’d love to meet your son sometime.” He handed Henrik the other napkin, with his phone number written on it. “You can call me whenever. Text. Doesn’t matter. I’m always on my phone.”
“That would be amazing. And hey, maybe I can show you where to find real beer in this city.”
Chase felt his cheeks flush a little. “I’d like that.”
“Me too. It was great to meet you, Chase. Have a good night - safe drive home, yeah?”
“Yeah. You too.” Henrik smiled, and touched Chase’s shoulder for the briefest moment before he walked away. 
Chase watched him cross the parking lot, feeling a little dazed, like he couldn’t remember why he’d actually come here tonight. He jumped a mile when Layla came up to thank him one last time; he’d almost forgotten that the people around him were real. 
He got into his own car and the second he turned it on and the radio came to life, the most beautiful love song started playing.
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ancaporado · 4 years
When Should You Shoot A Cop - Larken Rose June 28, 2011, Copblock.org
That question, even without an answer, makes most “law-abiding taxpayers” go into knee-jerk conniptions. The indoctrinated masses all race to see who can be first, and loudest, to proclaim that it is NEVER okay to forcibly resist “law enforcement.” In doing so, they also inadvertently demonstrate why so much of human history has been plagued by tyranny and oppression.
In an ideal world, cops would do nothing except protect people from thieves and attackers, in which case shooting a cop would never be justified. In the real world, however, far more injustice, violence, torture, theft, and outright murder has been committed IN THE NAME of “law enforcement,” than has been committed in spite of it. To get a little perspective, try watching a documentary or two about some of the atrocities committed by the regimes of Stalin, or Lenin, or Chairman Mao, or Hitler, or Pol Pot, or any number of other tyrants in history. Pause the film when the jackboots are about to herd innocent people into cattle cars, or gun them down as they stand on the edge of a ditch, and THEN ask yourself the question, “When should you shoot a cop?” Keep in mind, the evils of those regimes were committed in the name of “law enforcement.” And as much as the statement may make people cringe, the history of the human race would have been a lot LESS gruesome if there had been a lot MORE “cop-killers” around to deal with the state mercenaries of those regimes.
People don’t mind when you point out the tyranny that has happened in other countries, but most have a hard time viewing their OWN “country,” their OWN “government,” and their OWN “law enforcers,” in any sort of objective way. Having been trained to feel a blind loyalty to the ruling class of the particular piece of dirt they live on (a.k.a. “patriotism”), and having been trained to believe that obedience is a virtue, the idea of forcibly resisting “law enforcement” is simply unthinkable to many. Literally, they can’t even THINK about it. And humanity has suffered horribly because of it. It is a testament to the effectiveness of authoritarian indoctrination that literally billions of people throughout history have begged and screamed and cried in the face of authoritarian injustice and oppression, but only a tiny fraction have ever lifted a finger to actually try to STOP it.
Even when people can recognize tyranny and oppression, they still usually talk about “working within the system”–the same system that is responsible for the tyranny and oppression. People want to believe that “the system” will, sooner or later, provide justice. The last thing they want to consider is that they should “illegally” resist–that if they want to achieve justice, they must become “criminals” and “terrorists,” which is what anyone who resists “legal” injustice is automatically labelled. But history shows all too well that those who fight for freedom and justice almost always do so “illegally”–i.e., without the permission of the ruling class.
If politicians think that they have the right to impose any “law” they want, and cops have the attitude that, as long as it’s called “law,” they will enforce it, what is there to prevent complete tyranny? Not the consciences of the “law-makers” or their hired thugs, obviously. And not any election or petition to the politicians. When tyrants define what counts as “law,” then by definition it is up to the “law-breakers” to combat tyranny.
Pick any example of abuse of power, whether it is the fascist “war on drugs,” the police thuggery that has become so common, the random stops and searches now routinely carried out in the name of “security” (e.g., at airports, “border checkpoints” that aren’t even at the border, “sobriety checkpoints,” and so on), or anything else. Now ask yourself the uncomfortable question: If it’s wrong for cops to do these things, doesn’t that imply that the people have a right to RESIST such actions? Of course, state mercenaries don’t take kindly to being resisted, even non-violently. If you question their right to detain you, interrogate you, search you, invade your home, and so on, you are very likely to be tasered, physically assaulted, kidnapped, put in a cage, or shot. If a cop decides to treat you like livestock, whether he does it “legally” or not, you will usually have only two options: submit, or kill the cop. You can’t resist a cop “just a little” and get away with it. He will always call in more of his fellow gang members, until you are subdued or dead.
Basic logic dictates that you either have an obligation to LET “law enforcers” have their way with you, or you have the right to STOP them from doing so, which will almost always require killing them. (Politely asking fascists to not be fascists has a very poor track record.) Consider the recent Indiana Supreme Court ruling, which declared that if a cop tries to ILLEGALLY enter your home, it’s against the law for you to do anything to stop him. Aside from the patent absurdity of it, since it amounts to giving thugs with badges PERMISSION to “break the law,” and makes it a CRIME for you to defend yourself against a CRIMINAL (if he has a badge), consider the logical ramifications of that attitude.
There were once some words written on a piece of parchment (with those words now known as the Fourth Amendment), that said that you have the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures at the hands of “government” agents. In Indiana today, what could that possibly mean? The message from the ruling class is quite clear, and utterly insane. It amounts to this: “We don’t have the right to invade your home without probable cause … but if we DO, you have no right to stop us, and we have the right to arrest you if you try.”
Why not apply that to the rest of the Bill of Rights, while we’re at it? “You have the right to say what you want, but if we use violence to shut you up, you have to let us.” (I can personally attest to the fact that that is the attitude of the U.S. “Department of Justice.”) “You have the right to have guns, but if we try to forcibly and illegally disarm you, and you resist, we have the right to kill you.” (Ask Randy Weaver and the Branch Davidians about that one.) “You have the right to not testify against yourself, but when we coerce you into confessing (and call it a ‘plea agreement’), you can’t do a thing about it.” What good is a “right”–what does the term “right” even mean–if you have an obligation to allow jackboots to violate your so-called “rights”? It makes the term absolutely meaningless.
To be blunt, if you have the right to do “A,” it means that if someone tries to STOP you from doing “A”–even if he has a badge and a politician’s scribble (“law”) on his side–you have the right to use whatever amount of force is necessary to resist that person. That’s what it means to have an unalienable right. If you have the unalienable right to speak your mind (a la the First Amendment), then you have the right to KILL “government” agents who try to shut you up. If you have the unalienable right to be armed, then you have the right to KILL “government” agents who try to disarm you. If you have the right to not be subjected to unreasonable searches and seizures, then you have the right to KILL “government” agents who try to inflict those on you.
Those who are proud to be “law-abiding” don’t like to hear this, and don’t like to think about this, but what’s the alternative? If you do NOT have the right to forcibly resist injustice–even if the injustice is called “law”–that logically implies that you have an obligation to allow “government” agents to do absolutely anything they want to you, your home, your family, and so on. Really, there are only two choices: you are a slave, the property of the politicians, without any rights at all, or you have the right to violently resist “government” attempts to oppress you. There can be no other option.
Of course, on a practical level, openly resisting the gang called “government” is usually very hazardous to one’s health. But there is a big difference between obeying for the sake of self-preservation, which is often necessary and rational, and feeling a moral obligation to go along with whatever the ruling class wants to do to you, which is pathetic and insane. Most of the incomprehensible atrocities that have occurred throughout history were due in large part to the fact that most people answer “never” to the question of “When should you shoot a cop?” The correct answer is: When evil is “legal,” become a criminal. When oppression is enacted as “law,” become a “law-breaker.” When those violently victimizing the innocent have badges, become a cop-killer.
The next time you hear of a police officer being killed “in the line of duty,” take a moment to consider the very real possibility that maybe in that case, the “law enforcer” was the bad guy and the “cop killer” was the good guy. As it happens, that has been the case more often than not throughout human history.
0 notes
suppersanchez · 4 years
Some Anti-Theist Religious Bits & Pieces: Round Thirteen
Of all of those Big Questions central to philosophical principles that surround existence, the universe and the whole lot, the geographical regions of theology and religions and the character of deities hold to fascinate. Opinions proliferate in books, articles, videos, conversations in bars and pubs, and in fact anywhere and everywhere  or extra humans are in proximity. There's the seasoned side; there's the anti-side. There are not too many fence-sitters. I'm nevertheless inside the anti-camp as the subsequent bits and portions illustrate.
Regarding Religion  Engagement Rings Perth *You do not need a god to have that means and cause on your life.
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*There is one trait that the multi-lots of differing non secular notion structures / theologies have exhibited and that is the electricity of the human creativeness to boldly go and believe imaginary standards never imagined earlier than. The world might be a less colourful and exciting region without our numerous mythologies.
*I assume there ought to be obligatory religious and Biblical education in colleges when you consider that that ought to make certain a constant circulation of atheists growing up and getting into the network!
*Religions often do appropriate so as to masks the evil they do, but can now do with impunity.
*The Catholic Church: AIDS is terrible but the use of condoms is worse due to the fact God does no longer approve of 'delivery manage' for any motive. It is seemingly taught in Africa by means of Catholics that the usage of condoms makes "Baby Jesus cry". Weird.
*Then too we had the Catholic Church's Index of Prohibited Books. It wasn't just the Nazis that burned books. Now you've got to be surely insecure and uncertain of your theology and the way to defend it if you have to cover in the back of a reduced curtain that outcomes with the aid of the censoring of divergent reviews. It's just some other nail in Christianity's coffin.
*There's no greater evidence for casual and disorganised non secular perception (like being religious without being a member of any formal spiritual cult / company / church) than formally organised religion. It's all only a form of "woo".
*When it involves religion, "live and let live" True Believers are very plenty in the minority. (Via Greta Christina).
*Any faith is only a running speculation approximately how life, the Universe and the whole thing, however specifically the arena, works. As such, that faith is problem to scrutiny and rebuttal and being challenged and corrected as would some other operating speculation from every other topical area or of concern count number of difficulty to humans, from the sciences via to political systems.
*We don't tend to head looking for the brand of faith we need among all of the distinctive and broadly differing brands of religion on provide after which choosing the most appropriate the way we do for the multi brands of packets of biscuits on provide at the grocery store or for a specific logo or style label of dress at the girls fashion store and garb branch. Instead we keep ingesting / sporting the same logo over and over and again because that was just the way we have been raised. Likewise, we have a tendency to keep the faith that changed into shoved down our throats whilst we have been kids. This is in component because of culture (if it changed into appropriate sufficient for Mum & Dad its appropriate sufficient for me) as well as own family / social strain. Of path in a few societies the stress borders on actual physical threats and punishments in case you stray from the generic fold.
*Thanks to Christianity and its all-loving, all-simply, all-merciful God, over 50,000 innocent human beings had been tortured and finished - they had been called "witches" however have been no more real witches than those who turned the thumb-screws, tightened the rack, and lite the bonfires surrounding the stake. By the way, this exercise is still taking place in lots of far off areas in underdeveloped nations. God (and His servants right here on earth) need to hold their heads in disgrace for Exodus 22: 18 "Thou shall now not go through a witch to live".
Regarding Religion vs. Science
*According to Leviticus eleven: 6 and Deuteronomy 14: 7, hares (i.E. - rabbits) cheweth the cud. This of direction is zoological nonsense. Chalk up but every other Biblical oops.
*The universal fashion over all of recorded records is that natural explanations have supplanted, generally exceeded in explanatory power, supernatural (i.E. - non secular) motives. I'd wager this is a fashion a good way to keep on maintaining on.
Regarding Faith & Belief
*Saying which you simply realize some thing (without evidence to lower back up your knowledge) is just now not a pathway to truth.
*If you are saying your religion trumps evidence then you definately are totally proof against both self-correction and proof against dissent.
*Religious perception is belief within the unverifiable. There's no proof to be found in the spiritual pudding. Any evidence to be located comes after you've kicked-the-bucket and by means of then it's too little, too overdue to inform every person.
*The idea of deciding what is authentic based on what you want to be true is absurd in the intense. Reality is what fact is and your beliefs to the contrary are irrelevant. So any notion machine that encourages humans to ignore truth is a horrific notion machine and that covers Christianity right down via and which include New Age "Woo".
*The high teaching of monotheistic religious notion in an invisible magic man inside the sky is an obvious instance regarded to computer programmers of GIGO - Garbage In; Garbage Out.
*Christian: You should appreciate my ideals.
Atheist: No! I might also admire you as being an sincere and likable person however that does not imply I should admire what you accept as true with in.
*You have a proper for your personal spiritual beliefs till such time as you move the line and your non secular beliefs enter the public area and begin to harm others.
*It's hypocritical in the acute for you to bucket the non secular ideals of others whilst the ones ideals don't conform on your beliefs and then assume your non secular ideals to get a loose skip.
Regarding Prayer & Miracles
*For the Catholic Church to declare a few event as a bona-fide miracle (i.E. Fatima, October 1917), nicely it is corresponding to a real believer in Bigfoot or the Yeti asserting that a photograph of an eroded 'primate' footprint inside the snow is absolute proof of same. True believers will obviously recommend activities that mirror evidence for his or her authentic belief.
Regarding Morality
*The idea that religious religion robotically makes you an amazing and ethical individual is absurd in the extreme. Prisons in America, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, and many others. Are complete of Christians. Prisons in Muslin international locations are full of prisoners of the Islamic religion. And then too, what about all of those humans of the fabric and the collar - like Catholic (and different) monks and different clergy who use their positions of authority to one) mentally abuse little kids with terrifying threats of everlasting punishment in Hell and a pair of) who physically abuse children in their care, particularly accomplishing sexual abuse. And that is just scratching the floor of the evils dedicated via those professing spiritual faith.
Regarding the End Times
*Faith is a crock! Evidence? There have been heaps of precise prophetic forecasts made by way of the faithful for the End Times; End of Days; the Second Coming; the Rapture; Armageddon; the Apocalypse, and so on. There were multi-tens of millions of faithful believers who have believed those prophets. All such prophecies have failed. None have ever come to bypass. Score: the truth of truly real fact 1; faith zero.
*We're still ready!
*Sorry Michele Bachmann and all associated "End Times" fanatics, however another day has come and gone and another time, God's a no-show. And Jesus, of Second Coming reputation, seems to be a bit tardy as properly. Did they forget to set the alarm clocks? Did they omit the bus? Maybe their Holy Chariot had a flat! Michele Bachmann and corporation might consider that the stop is nigh (and has been for pretty some massive time) and the Rapture is coming near near (and has been for pretty a few extensive time as nicely), but I suppose it is pretty secure for you to plot and pay for your subsequent vacation and increase that nest egg in your long years in retirement.
Regarding the Soul / Afterlife
*This may also come as a surprise to many but there was no belief in an afterlife in ancient Israeli Jewish groups. The most effective real reference to an afterlife inside the Old Testament is at Daniel 12: 2. That's it. There are not any other hits for "existence eternal" or "eternal existence"; "lifestyles everlasting" or "everlasting life"; or "afterlife" or "life after demise" or even "resurrection". So there's no location given for an afterlife in the Old Testament due to the fact with the only exception there may be no concept of an afterlife in the Old Testament and Daniel 12: 2 noted no afterlife area. Now it's pretty sudden given the prominence the afterlife receives within the New Testament. Perhaps the afterlife became just an after-concept on God's element as in "gee, it'd be fantastic to have a few constant deliver of recent faces and enterprise to speak to me right here upstairs on my heavenly throne".
*As lengthy as religions can cling the afterlife carrot in front of the superb unwashed (and additionally in view of the no longer so extraordinary washed), you may in no way take away the institution (in particular when it employs loads of hundreds of people and generates billions in profits).
Regarding Heaven & Hell
*Regarding reviews of those who've had a glimpse of heaven, the ones who have said Near Death Experiences (NDEs), why no sightings of extraterrestrials in heaven? Is it because there aren't any extraterrestrial beings? Is it because extraterrestrial beings don't visit heaven? Is it due to the fact aliens have their very own heaven?
*Faithful Christians go to Heaven. Faithful Muslims additionally go to Heaven. But the Heaven that devoted Muslims visit might be no longer similar to the Heaven trustworthy Christians go to. That would be awkward and fairly complex. (thru Jason Boyett)
*Actually no one (as in mortal human True Believers) have ever ascended as much as or otherwise long past up to Heaven according to John three: thirteen. I'm now not certain how that jives with the story of Elijah (2 Kings 2: 1 & 2 Kings 2: 11).
*By the manner, nowhere within the Bible will you find Satan's / the Devil's / Lucifer's anatomy defined as traditionally pictured. No cloven hooves, no forked / pointy tail, no horns, and no goatee. As for attire, no pitchfork / trident and no pink skin-in shape.
Regarding the Bible
*Why is it that the Bible condemns homosexuality (guys lying with guys) but says bugger-all approximately lesbianism (women mendacity with girls)? In reality the Bible says absolutely zilch about lesbianism.
*If, as many theists and Christian apologists claim, that Biblical passages need to be expertly and efficiently interpreted within their appropriate context, then how best can that holy e book clearly be?
*And exactly what number of had been killed in the plague as associated in Numbers sixteen: forty nine (14,seven-hundred) versus Numbers 25: nine (24,000)?
*Now right here's an exciting paradox. In Exodus 2: 1 we've a wedding. In Exodus 2: 2, that marriage produces a son who will become known in due path as Moses. The narrative then proceeds with the famous story of the setting of the infant into a boat fabricated from bulrushes floated down the Nile to be discovered by means of Pharaoh's daughter, and so on. So, therefore, it's miles reasonable to suppose that Moses turned into the firstborn of the earlier than-mentioned marriage. But almost without delay in Exodus 2: 4, there's a passage that the child Moses had a sister who was looking all of this narrative. Like in which did she come from all of a surprising and all of a sudden? So changed into Moses the eldest baby or not? The sister of Moses became best diagnosed through name for the primary time as Miriam in Exodus 15: 20, after which simplest diagnosed because the sister of Aaron, however Aaron of route was the brother of Moses (identified as such in Exodus four: 14). All up, there's some thing screwy someplace with the foundation of Moses. By the manner, that starting place tale of a infant being installed a basket and floated downstream is yet any other example of an instantaneous thieve; pure plagiarism within the Bible. Take for instance the starting place story in the back of King Sargon of Assyria. An precise origins copy but Sargon came first chronologically.
*One little bit of Biblical mythology is the "smart men" who visited Mom and Pop and Baby Jesus. We all of route KNOW that it changed into THREE sensible men. Except that the Bible would not surely say everywhere that there were THREE smart men, just "smart guys". At least it's plural. So THREE wise men is only an assumption based totally at the three gifts that had been added for Baby Jesus (which,, reality be recognized, have been wildly inappropriate for a child). Even the "smart guys" tale most effective seems in Matthew 2: 1-12. That's it!
*Also, the Bible by no means surely mentions the sort of fruit that Adam and Eve snacked on. It's just assumed - based totally on zero proof - to be an apple. I'm now not sure why God would not make clear all of this confusion since it become His Garden, and His Tree, and His Fruit.
*Then once more, did Judas Iscariot hang himself (reference Matthew 27: five) or did he die with the aid of falling down in his area, bursting apart on the seams along with his bowels gushing out - consider the chest burster inside the film "Alien" in case you need an photograph - (reference Acts 1: 18).
*Here's a Biblical paradox to ponder. You frequently get Hell-related references to "consuming fireplace" or "devouring fireplace" but also to "eternal burning" or "eternal fire". You even get both in a single verse - Isaiah 33: 14. Now how can something be each eternal and ingesting? If you eat a pitcher of beer, it would not ultimate for all time now, does it?
*The Bible receives it incorrect - once more. Isaiah 7: 14 is regularly cited as being the spot-on prophecy that a virgin will conceive and endure a son as a signal from God - reward the Lord! The "oops" component is they were given the call incorrect - the son will be named Immanuel, no longer Jesus. The name "Jesus" never, ever appears inside the Old Testament.
*If sinners get "everlasting punishment" (Matthew 25: forty six) in Hell, and if Satan too is forged down into his very own fiery furnace for eternity (Revelation 20: 10), then who's walking the show down below (and I don't mean Australia both) for the relaxation of eternity? It might appear that Hell is leaderless, now missing an administrator.
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michaelandy101-blog · 3 years
7 Tricks to Get the Most Out of On-line Conferences
New Post has been published on http://tiptopreview.com/7-tips-to-get-the-most-out-of-online-conferences/
7 Tricks to Get the Most Out of On-line Conferences
As we anxiously await the return to in-person conferences, with slightly ingenuity and digital elbow grease, we will nonetheless forge new skilled relationships over an web connection slightly than a cocktail. Learn on for tips about the best way to deliver your finest self to digital occasions, and for networking whereas distant!
Talking of online conferences, don’t overlook to snag your ticket to MozCon Digital 2021!
Safe Your Seat
1. Set your intention
To get probably the most out of your online occasion, it’s essential to go in with an intention. That means you’ll be extra prone to achieve one thing from the expertise.
Ask your self, what are you hoping to attain? Some examples may very well be:
Achieve a enterprise alternative
Study extra about the best way to get better from the newest algorithm replace
Discover methods to extend effectivity inside your search engine optimisation processes
Really feel extra assured promoting your companies
2. Schedule accordingly
Many occasions will offer you schedules forward of time — take a look at them! (Pssst…when you haven’t but, now’s the proper time to take a look at the agenda for MozCon Digital.)
These schedules can assist you go into the convention with a transparent thought of the way you’re going to spend your time. Getting into with a plan will help you deal with the content material of the occasion and your intentions every day, versus losing time frantically making an attempt to resolve what classes you’re going to attend.
Selecting your classes
As soon as you already know what your intentions are and you’ve got the occasion schedule, decide what would be the most helpful content material for you. This may be particularly useful when the occasion has a number of tracks, only a few break instances, and so on.
Selecting your classes might come all the way down to a technique of elimination, and it’s a lot simpler to remove classes when you might have some kind of purpose in thoughts.
Issues to contemplate when selecting your classes are:
Your intention could also be to broaden your horizons this 12 months, so as a substitute of opting to see displays with the identical matters or audio system that you simply noticed final 12 months, you may even see somebody new discussing one thing you discover attention-grabbing however haven’t had time to discover. You will have a good schedule and never be capable to make something previous 3pm. If a few of the classes will likely be obtainable after the convention, it might be value trying out matters you wouldn’t have in any other case.
Know when to take a break
If you’re planning out your schedule, it’s essential to ensure you construct in time for breaks. This implies time to eat, time to decompress, time to refill your espresso cup, and time to do work or house stuff.
Conferences normally have plenty of breaks and that’s for good motive. Ideally, you’re going to be studying loads. However when you attempt to be taught it all of sudden with out giving your mind a break, little or no of it’s going to stick.
So, you’ll want to hearken to your physique. For those who begin to really feel foggy or overwhelmed, take a break, seize some water, and transfer round a bit.
Construct in networking time
One thing else you wish to account for when planning your digital occasion agenda is whenever you’re going to community. Some conferences can have time to community in-built, however others received’t.
You’ll wish to dedicate time to get to know the opposite attendees by becoming a member of conversations and including individuals on social media. It will look a bit completely different within the digital area, as you received’t be assembly for espresso or chatting within the foyer, however attempt to keep inventive! Zoom chats and video calls are a good way to attach with new or outdated buddies.
Recap on the finish of the day
On the finish of every day, take a while to mirror. Assume again to what your intention was, what you probably did all through the day to satisfy that intention, and what you may put into motion transferring ahead.
This can be a nice train to make sure you’re making probably the most out of the occasion. Far too typically, we absorb the entire info and do nothing with it! That’s why we prefer to recommend creating at the least three motion gadgets on the finish of every day.
three. Collect the necessities
Okay, it’s the primary day of the convention and also you’re about to leap in entrance of the pc. BUT! Earlier than you try this, it’s essential to ensure you have every thing it’s essential to achieve success.
Get a clear pocket book or begin a recent doc
Having a clear slate for notes will make it easier to keep centered whereas attending any convention (digital or in any other case). So seize a brand new, crisp pocket book or create a brand new doc file in your laptop earlier than you get began.
For those who resolve to go the pc route, make sure you shut all different tabs and switch off notifications! You wish to make sure that your consideration stays on the convention.
Taking notes throughout a digital convention
With that new pocket book or doc of yours, you’ll wish to take the simplest notes attainable. With that in thoughts, right here are some things to pay attention to:
To make sure that you’re on observe to seize every of this stuff, whenever you go into every session, write your intention for the session on the high of your notes web page. Then, divide your pages by “what I learned,” “how to apply,” and “what to share.” It will hold your notes good and arranged and provide you with a visible cue on whether or not or not you’re getting what you anticipated out of the session. It can additionally make your end-of-day recap a lot simpler.
On the subject of digital occasions, one of many largest advantages is that you simply typically get the slide decks and video bundles afterward. We propose discovering out whether or not the occasion you’re attending gives these issues earlier than you begin taking notes, as it might lighten your note-taking burden a bit.
Have some snacks, water, and low (or tea)
Maybe crucial issues to have throughout a digital convention are the snacks and drinks! As you already know, at MozCon, we take this half very critically, so we count on nothing much less when you attend our digital occasion.
Mind meals can assist you keep centered. A few of our favourite snacks are granola bars, nuts, veggies, and naturally, donuts. Nevertheless, you might have full management over the unfold this 12 months.
Make sure to even have loads of water and your favourite caffeinated beverage as effectively!
four. Search for networking alternatives
Relying on which digital occasion you attend, the networking alternatives will look completely different. Protecting a inventive eye out for alternative is vital to your success!
Reside chats
Very similar to throughout common conferences, there are certain to be stay chats taking place. They could occur on the precise occasion platform, or they might happen on social media. Some occasions will use a platform like Zoom that enables viewers to talk with one another throughout the platform, whereas others might have extra of a broadcast format the place chats occur on Twitter with a hashtag.
Becoming a member of Q&As
A brilliant worthwhile facet of conferences is with the ability to converse to presenters after they offer their speak. Generally this occurs throughout a predetermined time slot, similar to proper after the presentation, or it might occur whenever you catch them within the foyer or at an occasion in a while. Both means, this time to ask questions on their experience is a big value-add to the expertise.
With conferences going digital and stay chats taking place publicly through the displays, this Q&A time has shifted a bit. As an alternative of getting to attend for the presentation to be over, in some circumstances, presenters will reply to questions from the stay chat as they’re talking. Some panels are pre-recorded, giving audio system an opportunity to work together on varied platforms through the occasion itself. Some occasions will even have particular “presentations” which might be extra like facilitated Ask Me Something-style interviews or panels the place questions are taken from the viewers and posed to the speaker(s).
Networking at MozCon Digital
Yearly, we hear from attendees about how networking is one in all their favourite elements of the convention. We made positive to maintain it an integral a part of this 12 months’s digital occasion, too — take a look at all of the methods you may join with audio system, trade consultants, attendees, and thought leaders at MozCon Digital 2021! Past the alternatives for social connection throughout the convention itself, we may also have a digital picture sales space the place attendees can snap a selfie, add some fancy circus-themed backgrounds, frames and stickers, and share them out on social media!
In-session Q&A chat
Mid-presentation, pop into the Q&A chat together with your real-time questions and get them answered by audio system. You may additionally be capable to chat with different attendees concerning the content material and supply your personal insights concerning the session and subject. Audio system will likely be obtainable to reply questions throughout their scheduled session instances, so it is an ideal alternative to get clarification, additional perception, or forge these all-important connections!
Birds of a Feather “table” discussions
Birds of a Feather tables are one of many largest MozCon hits 12 months after 12 months, and we did not need anybody to overlook out! We’ll facilitate 30-minute-long group discussions every day of the convention so that you can join with these all for particular matters by way of video and audio chat. Every dialogue will likely be led by an trade chief, providing you with all the chance to say “hey” to the oldsters whose work you admire and collaborate with them on concepts, theories, obstacles you’ve got confronted, and extra.
MozCon Digital companions
This 12 months, we’ve got a curated lineup of trusted companions who cannot wait to fulfill and community with attendees of MozCon, together with 97th Ground, Crowd Content material, PageOnePower/PAGES search engine optimisation Journal, and Wix!
Attendees will be capable to go to and chat with sponsors throughout the MozCon Digital platform, and sponsors may also be internet hosting Birds of a Feather classes, plus participating in presentation chats!
5. Get energetic
Regardless of the place online networking is going on, make sure you are part of it! The extra you work together, the extra doubtless individuals are to acknowledge your identify whenever you attain out after the occasion. The one warning right here is that it’s important to make sure your interactions are significant — don’t simply remark with clapping fingers. Add one thing to the dialog.
Add perception
The perfect factor about individuals is that we’re all completely different and have recent views to deliver to the desk. Don’t be afraid so as to add on to somebody’s ideas.
Let’s use a enjoyable instance. If somebody says that the most effective mascot hug ever was from Mickey Mouse at Disneyland, you could leap in and ask in the event that they’ve ever met Roger MozBot, famed hugger and robotic dancer extraordinaire. Or you might construct on the thought by saying one thing like, “Mickey is a great hugger, I think it’s because he goes over instead of under!”
In each of those situations, you’ve joined the dialog and added worth.
Add clarification
Audio system typically attempt to match plenty of info into a comparatively brief timeframe. That mentioned, questions will doubtless come up within the stay chats. This might very simply be your time to shine! For those who’ve acquired data to share, be at liberty to reply the query to the most effective of your means and attempt to add clarification.
That is completely probably the greatest methods to place your self as an skilled and kind a relationship with somebody you’ve by no means met. It permits you to show you’re educated and provides the individual one thing they worth without cost.
Add sources
Whether or not you might be asking a query, answering a query, or simply chiming in with added perception, including sources in dialog is extraordinarily helpful. This might imply that you simply advocate a software, an individual, or an article hyperlink. These sources for the opposite viewers might be extraordinarily helpful and make it easier to set up your credibility.
Now, we don’t recommend making an attempt to give you a supply for every thing, however if in case you have one proper off of the highest of your head, dropping a hyperlink within the chat might actually assist somebody.
BONUS: Add individuals on social
Whereas this one’s not essentially about including worth per se, it is about including. Including influencers, presenters, or different attendees after interacting with them (even when briefly) might enhance your probabilities of getting a follow-back or accepted request as you will nonetheless be high of thoughts. Attempt to add individuals no later than 24 hours after your final interplay, and contemplate sending a pleasant “hey!” with a observe about what you spoke about to maintain the connection recent.
6. Good your follow-up
After connecting with individuals through the online convention, you will wish to observe up with them and keep in contact.
Crucial a part of following up is the primary impression. You don’t wish to come proper out of the gate with a request of any kind. As an alternative, look to construct a relationship first. This might imply capturing a fast follow-up message recapping your dialog with the individual, telling them that you simply appreciated their time and that you simply sit up for extra conversations.
After sending your preliminary follow-up, you’ll want to work together with the individual at the least as soon as every week to remain top-of-mind. That is best on social media as you may like, remark, share their content material, and be certain that your identify is exhibiting up of their notifications. Nevertheless, direct messages, emails, and even telephone calls are positive to be extra impactful.
The perfect factor you are able to do when following up is to stay to what you are most snug with and be constant whereas persevering with so as to add worth.
7. Have enjoyable and be your self!
The number-one factor it’s important to provide is your self. Your experiences make you distinctive and others can be taught from that! So when you’re attending online occasions and connecting with others, simply bear in mind to be your self. And naturally, have enjoyable! 
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investmart007 · 6 years
WASHINGTON | AP FACT CHECK: Trump's week of unreal claims on Russia, NATO
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WASHINGTON | AP FACT CHECK: Trump's week of unreal claims on Russia, NATO
WASHINGTON — It was a week of bewilderment over what President Donald Trump really thinks about Russian interference in the U.S. election and what he and Russia’s Vladimir Putin told each other in their private meeting. The confusion was fed by Trump’s vacillating statements about the summit.
On other fronts, Trump inaccurately claimed Queen Elizabeth II bestowed upon him an honor that she had never before granted during her reign and, when the president was back in the U.S., he gave a faulty account of improvements in health care for veterans.
A week in review:
TRUMP: “The Summit with Russia was a great success, except with the real enemy of the people, the Fake News Media. I look forward to our second meeting so that we can start implementing some of the many things discussed, including stopping terrorism, security for Israel, nuclear … proliferation, cyber attacks, trade, Ukraine, Middle East peace, North Korea and more. There are many answers, some easy and some hard, to these problems … but they can ALL be solved!” — tweets Thursday.
THE FACTS: Trump implies that he reached broad agreements with Putin during the Helsinki meeting that the two countries “can start implementing” with a second meeting. If he did, his own White House and State Department seem not to know about it.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders mentioned humanitarian aid for Syria, Iran, Israel, arms control, Russia’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine and its meddling in 2016 U.S. election as having been discussed. When pressed for details on any planned action, she could not provide any.
“This is the beginning of the dialogue with Russia and our administration and theirs and we’re going to continue working through those things,” Sanders told reporters Wednesday.
The State Department offered its own take on the Helsinki meeting, saying no agreements were reached and that there just general proposals on matters mainly related to economic and strategic cooperation.
TRUMP, addressing whether Russia was interfering in the 2016 election: “The whole concept of that came up perhaps a little bit before, but it came out as a reason why the Democrats lost an election — which, frankly, they should have been able to win, because the Electoral College is much more advantageous for Democrats, as you know, than it is to Republicans. We won the Electoral College by a lot — 306 to 223, I believe.” — remarks Monday.
THE FACTS: Trump makes the misguided assertion, again, that Democrats have an “advantage” in the Electoral College. Its unique system of electing presidents is actually a big reason why Trump won the presidency. Four candidates in history have won a majority of the popular vote only to be denied the presidency by the Electoral College. All were Democrats.
In the 2016 election, Democrat Hillary Clinton received nearly 2.9 million more votes than Trump after racking up more lopsided victories in big states such as New York and California, according to election data compiled by The Associated Press. But she lost the presidency due to Trump’s winning margin in the Electoral College, which came after he narrowly won less populous Midwestern states including Michigan and Wisconsin.
Unlike the popular vote, Electoral College votes are set equal to the number of U.S. representatives in each state plus its two senators. That means more weight is given to a single vote in a small state than the vote of someone in a large state.
Trump also misstates the Electoral College vote. The official count was 304 to 227, according to an AP tally of the electoral votes in every state.
TRUMP: “I want to have choice, just like we have now with the veterans, all approved, which nobody thought would be possible. The vets now, instead of standing on line for two weeks or one week or three months, they can go out and see a doctor, and we pay for it, and it turns out to be much less expensive. And they are loving it.” — remarks Wednesday at Cabinet meeting.
THE FACTS: The Department of Veterans Affairs’ Choice program for veterans that Trump refers to is not “all approved.” Nor are veterans necessarily loving the private-sector health care program, as measured by the average amount of time veterans must wait for a medical appointment with a private doctor. Trump’s suggestion that veterans are getting immediate care because of Choice does not reflect the reality.
Trump did sign into law last month a bill that would ease restrictions on private care. But its success in significantly reducing wait times depends in large part on an overhaul of VA’s electronic medical records to allow for a seamless sharing of records with private physicians. That overhaul will take at least 10 years to be complete.
Under the newly expanded Choice program that will take at least a year to implement, veterans will still have to meet certain criteria before they can see a private physician. Those criteria will be set in part by proposed federal regulations that will be subject to public review.
Currently, only veterans who endure waits of at least 30 days for an appointment at a VA facility are eligible to receive care from private doctors at government expense. A recent Government Accountability Report found that despite the Choice program’s guarantee of providing an appointment within 30 days, veterans waited an average of 51 days to 64 days.
TRUMP: “We met with the Queen, who is absolutely a terrific person, where she reviewed her Honor Guard for the first time in 70 years, they tell me. We walked in front of the Honor Guard, and that was very inspiring to see and be with her.” — remarks Tuesday during a meeting with members of Congress.
THE FACTS: No, Queen Elizabeth II did not review her Honor Guard for the first time in 70 years when Trump visited last week. She’s only been on the throne for 66 years.
The queen regularly inspects her Honor Guard as part of royal duties, often during visits from foreign officials. That included when President Barack Obama visited in 2011.
TRUMP, when asked Wednesday during a Cabinet meeting if Russia was still targeting U.S. elections: “No.”
THE FACTS: Trump’s apparent response that Russia does not pose a risk to future U.S. elections contradicted the warning from his director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, days earlier on the threat of Russian interference in the 2018 elections. Coats compared the cyberthreat today to the way U.S. officials described before 9/11 the risk of a terrorist attack as indicated from intelligence channels: “Blinking red,” with warning signs of an imminent attack.
Sanders said later Wednesday that Trump actually was saying “no” to answering additional questions — even though he subsequently went on to address Russia.
TRUMP, on his intelligence officials on Monday: “They said they think it’s Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it’s not Russia. I will say this — I don’t see any reason why it would be.”
TRUMP, reading from a statement, on his intelligence officials on Tuesday: “I accept our intelligence community conclusion that Russia meddling … took place” and the “sentence should have been I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be Russia.”
TRUMP, when asked by CBS on Wednesday if he agrees that Russia meddled in the 2016 election: “I have said that numerous times before, and I would say that is true, yeah.”
THE FACTS: Was Trump’s comment Monday a misunderstanding set off by his saying “would” instead of “wouldn’t”? Or was his rare admission of a mistake rooted in the ferocity of the stateside response by those — Republicans among them — who said he undermined U.S. intelligence services by seeming to side with Putin?
Whichever the case, Trump at various points in his Monday news conference made clear that he found Putin’s position on the matter compelling.
“I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today,” Trump said at the joint news conference. He made the untenable assertion Monday that “I have confidence in both parties” — his intelligence officials, who say Moscow interfered, and Putin, who says it didn’t.
Trump has been a nearly solitary figure in his administration in holding onto doubts about whether Russians tried to sway the election. Trump’s top national security officials, Democrats and most Republicans in Congress say U.S. intelligence agencies got it right in finding that Russians secretly tried to sway the election. The special counsel’s continuing Russia investigation has laid out a detailed trail of attempts and successes by Russians to steal Democratic Party and Clinton campaign communications and to leak embarrassing emails and documents.
Putin denied anew that the Russian government interfered, but he acknowledged Monday that he favored Trump in 2016.  “Yes, I wanted him to win because he spoke of normalization of Russian-U.S. ties.”
PUTIN, referring Monday to Bill Browder, a prominent Putin critic and investor charged with financial crimes in Russia: “Business associates of Mr. Browder have earned over $1.5 billion in Russia. They never paid any taxes, neither in Russia nor in the United States, and yet the money escaped the country. They were transferred to the United States. They sent huge amount of money, $400 million, as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton.”
THE FACTS: The notion of a $400 million donation to the Democrat’s campaign is a stratospheric exaggeration. On Tuesday, the Russian general prosecutor’s office said, to little fanfare, that Putin misspoke and meant $400,000.
The Clinton campaign committee raised less than $564 million. With supportive political action committees added to the equation, Clinton’s effort drew $795 million in donations. Putin’s initial figure suggested a huge chunk of her money came from a small cabal of financiers.
The reality is much less dramatic.
Browder’s New York financial partners, Ziff Brothers Investments, donated only $1.75 million in the 2016 campaign, spreading it among candidates for many offices in both parties and favoring Republicans in congressional races. The watchdog site opensecrets.org shows it giving only $17,700 for Clinton’s election and less than $300,000 to the Democratic National Committee, as well as smaller amounts to other entities.
Donations to Clinton came from diverse sources: the financial industry, education interests, Hollywood, unions, the health and pharmaceutical sectors and many more.
TRUMP, on increased military spending by NATO countries: “I had a great meeting with NATO. They have paid $33 Billion more and will pay hundreds of Billions of Dollars more in the future, only because of me. NATO was weak, but now it is strong again (bad for Russia). — tweet Tuesday.
THE FACTS: No, increased military spending by NATO members is not “only because” of him. The broader move toward rising spending by NATO countries began under Obama.
NATO members agreed in 2014 to stop cutting their military budgets and set a goal of moving “toward” spending 2 percent of their gross domestic product on their own defense by 2024. Most NATO members are spending less than 2 percent, though more are moving in that direction. The issue is not one of payments to NATO, as Trump repeatedly puts it, but how much members spend on their own armed forces.
After being prodded by Trump to give him credit, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg indicated that Trump’s big demands had some effect on the military spending. He estimated European allies and Canada will add $266 billion to their military spending by 2024 and said of Trump, “This is really adding some extra momentum.” By one NATO estimate, alliance members apart from the U.S. collectively increased their military budgets by $33 billion last year.
Associated Press writers Stephen Ohlemacher and Matthew Lee contributed to this report.
By HOPE YEN and CALVIN WOODWARD,  Associated Press
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New Post has been published on Atticusblog
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The 5 Top-Producing Gold Mines in the World
For hundreds of years — because ancient Egypt — people have been digging gold out of the ground, and it probably will stay fairly valued for decades to come.
Around the sector, people have determined locations to sink their shovels and fulfill their appetites for the yellow stuff. However, what are the largest mines generating gold nowadays? The answers might also surprise you.
Positioned in Nevada, the Cortez mine produced 1.059 million oz. of gold in 2016 — about 6% extra than its gold manufacturing from 2015. One in all Barrick Gold’s (NYSE: ABX) center mines, Cortez has verified-and-possibly gold reserves of 10.2 million oz as of December 31, 2016. Probably, Cortez will live amongst the biggest generating gold mines for the foreseeable future — control estimates gold manufacturing among 1.25 million and 1.29 million oz in 2017.
Besides an upward thrust in production, Barrick stated several different successes on the mine in 2016. For one, the corporation reduced all-in sustaining costs (AISC) by using 14% year over year, to $518 in keeping with the unce. This, in element, contributed to an boom in profitability in comparison to 2015.
In step with Barrick, the mine generated 18% extra earnings and 33% greater in earnings before hobby, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA). Moreover, the organization has numerous initiatives in improvement centered on mine expansion, ensuring gold manufacturing will keep for many years to return.
One of the extra thrilling elements of Cortez is that it is the focal point of a collaboration among Barrick and Cisco Systems . Operating to digitize the operation, Barrick and Cisco will appoint predictive records and analytics, among different things, to similarly reduce charges, illustrating how the mining industry stands to benefit from the development in virtual technologies. Mutually owned by using Freeport-McMoRan (NYSE: F CX) and the authorities of Indonesia, the Grasberg minerals district is constructed from three running mines, which, together, produced 1.061 million ounces of gold in 2016. One in all the largest gold deposits inside the international, Grasberg has recoverable tested-and-in all likelihood gold reserves of 25.eight million ounces. Accounting for ninety eight% of Freeport-McMoRan gold production in 2016, Grasberg generated $1.03 billion in running profits for fiscal 2016 — about 32% of the overall running income that the company suggested from mining operations.
It’s questionable — at best — whether or not the mine will seem at the list of the largest gold-producing mines in 2017. The company halted operations on the mine in February, because of a war of words with the Indonesian authorities concerning concentrate exports and different issues. In step with the business enterprise’s press launch, “For every month of delay in acquiring approval to export, [the company’s] share of manufacturing is projected to be decreased by way of about 70 million kilos of copper and 70 thousand oz. of gold.”
Previous to the suspension of operations, the agency have been engaged in severa mine-growth sports, which the organisation had forecast to overall $1 billion in annual capital costs from 2017 thru 2021.
Fortune Favors the Gold
A year in the past, we wanted to add a era editor to our group of workers. A résumé crossed my writer’s table…
Labored on Wall Avenue? Test.
Managed a a hit hedge fund? Take a look at.
The writer asked my opinion. “Properly, it’s one element to make money in a bull market for tech shares,” I stated. “But an amazing inventory picker can discover opportunities in even the most hated market sectors.”
However Paul Mampilly, our “new guy,” took up the assignment with this doozy: “Stop Panic Promoting Gold Mining stocks.”
And the rest is history…
Paul made a ambitious name final February: “That is simply the first inning of a monster bull market for gold mining shares,” he wrote. “You can make a hundred% to two hundred% over the subsequent one year.”
However Paul became wrong.
Traders who sold something like the VanEck Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF (Nasdaq: GDXJ) the following day – doubled their cash in much less than six months.
Maybe he become just fortunate.
I mean, Paul himself will let you know that gold stocks aren’t simply his factor. He loves to spend his time looking for funding mega tendencies, not the geological versions (like Nevada’s Carlin Fashion) that mining businesses dig out of the ground.
But cautious readers will notice other unique calls Paul made that have Labored out pretty Well.
Looking Mega traits in stocks
A handful of months went by means of, and Paul wanted to cognizance on locating “mega Fashion” possibilities amongst a number of the most broadly observed era stocks on Wall Avenue.
Again, it turned into feasible to have doubts. I imply, what may want to he probable see that ninety nine% of Wall Street’s strategists and research analysts could not?
  Paul’s intention is simple:
Goal and capture small company stocks with the capacity for a couple of 1,000% gains. Meaning no penny stocks, no alternatives or Severe types of leverage.
Paul will maintain to do what He is constantly performed: examine lots and lots of books, sift them for their most profitable “big ideas” after which observe volumes of corporate files and actual-time market statistics to discover the satisfactory funding candidates.
  Precis Of Mine Boy Chapters 1-6
Overview OF THE Story.The Tale sets in South Africa. On this Story, Peter Abraham portrays apartheid through following the existence of Xuma, a villager on the lookout for a better life. Xuma first lived in Malay camp wherein he become supplied accommodation with the aid of Leah on his first night time inside the town. Once you have a activity, he movements to his personal house in Vrededorp.
Leah earned her living via promoting illicit brew. There has been also Dladla who was bitter about Leah controlling him and betrays her to the police. Leah determined out approximately it however earlier than she could cope with Dladla, he was located useless in the bush stabbed inside the returned. Johannes, a sturdy nicely constructed miner, changed into a timid man or woman who have become formidable and loud handiest while under the influence of alcohol.
Daddy was by no means sober and died after being hit by way of a car. Xuma falls in love with Eliza. He constantly rejects Maisy who loves him.
However, in the long run he accepts her and promises to marry her as quickly as he gets out of prison as Eliza left him.
Leah receives sent to prison after being caught pink surpassed with the illicit brew through the cunning policeman nicknamed the Fox who have been trying to trap her for a long time. She had controlled to break out the police dragnet through bribing some policemen who saved her knowledgeable.
Johannes and his white boss Chris died below the mine as they attempted to save you it from collapsing. Paddy, Xuma’s boss aspects with the blacks and is arrested whilst a insurrection breaks out in the mine. Xuma flees however later surrenders himself on the police station.Chapter through Chapter Precis OF THE E-book
Chapter ONE
It became three o’clock in the morning when a man arrives in a town on a slender avenue. The complete town become in darkness. He wondered where he become. Suddenly, he saw a girl at a door status in the darkness.
He moved closer and requested her if he ought to get a place to relaxation and feature a drink.
The girl requested him if he had however the man said he had none. She in addition enquired to know his name. The man recognized himself as Xuma, form the north. After talking for sometime the lady left to convey light. She returned without him noticing.
From the door, a beam of effective torch struck on Xuma with a voice calling him to return. He accompanied the beam of mild and the woman into a room where he met 3 men and an old lady. The woman introduced Xuma to the people and requested Ma Plank to provide him meals. Xuma were given to recognise Dladla, a person fond of gambling with knife. Xuma saw a knife in Dladla’s hand. Xuma However cautiously placed his bundle on the table and went spherical an extended bench.
Global International Community Overview – Ought to You Join?
So over the past couple of months, there’s been a organisation it’s been popping up anywhere on Social Media. The agency is known as Global Worldwide Network. Now in case you’re analyzing this, you are in all likelihood searching out facts earlier than becoming a distributor. If that’s the case, look no in addition due to the fact in this WGN Overview, I am going to cowl the important info you will want earlier than becoming a member of. I will pass into the company and product but maximum of all I’ll dive into the real business opportunity. Now before intending, I want to reveal that I am not a WGN distributor nor am I affiliated with them in anyway. In fact, it sincerely does not count to me whether or not you Join or not. That is critical to understand due to the fact you are not going to get a biased perspective from me. You’ll get a truely impartial Global Global Network Review.
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