#In a modern AU he'd be one of those ppl who spend their entire holiday sunbathing at the beach
concept of home and family. 
ways your muse says i love you.
something that makes your muse smile.
From the ask game, for any ocs of you want :)
5:15 a.m.
Can't sleep. Time to assuage my need to talk about my fatebinder Alendron from the game Tyranny. Thank you for asking :D
Concept of home and family
Alendron is, in many ways, a family man. He's from a minor noble family but got conscripted into the court of Tunon at only 13 years of age, before his little sister was born. This has left Alendron longing for his home and family, the latter being used as hostages by the court. His idea of home is a very specific image, one that persists clear as day even now that his sight is gone and most memories have become more abstract:
Endless fields of grain swaying under cerulean skies.
That was the view from Alendron’s room at his childhood home. The colours blue and gold are part of Alendron’s family crest and although he has no means to check, he demands the parts of his uniform he's allowed to customise be coloured that way. His noble heritage is a matter of great pride for Alendron but although family, to him, means ancestry and blood relations, part of him acknowledges that friends can fill a similar niche. His opinion shifts more and more towards the latter during the events of Tyranny and afterwards, his friends are potentially the only family he has left.
Ways your muse says 'I love you'
There are two things.
The first is a result of Alendron's materialistic tendencies:
If possible, he showers the person in question with gifts. Too bad fatebinders usually don't end up all that rich...
The second thing is a tendency to open up around that person. Alendron is very guarded, paranoid even, due to the assassination attempt on his family (poisoned pudding) that caused his blindness. Add that to his pride/superiority complex and vulnerability becomes something to be afraid of. He opens up some throughout the game but the only one he opens up to regarding his fears and insecurities is Tunon.
Something that makes your muse smile
There are many things: dirty humour, music, compliments, serving justice, getting nice things, being read a good story, ...
Perhaps the simplest thing that makes Alendron smile is sunlight. He loves those days when he can lean back in a quiet place and feel the sunlight warm his cheeks.
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