#In any dragon scenario I imagine once they get along Dipper tries to ride Bill. Not in that way. In the 'on his back' way
tswwwit · 4 months
I read Beowulf for a class and for some reason I cant stop thinking about Dragon!Bill, clever and ancient, guarding a hoard... bored to tears. Is Dipper a serf trying to steal gold to buy his own freedom? Or does his accidentally stumble in, trying to hide after being accused of witchcraft? Has he been sent as a sacrifice? Maybe he's also just really bored and wants to head Bill's fabled riddles.
Idk, the plot bunnies are all over the place, I just live here.
Dragon Bill is always a fun time! You know he's not only hoarding gold but secrets, as well as being A Total Beast of Mass Destruction and Devastating Nuisance in the surrounding area.
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