#Incentive travel in Santa Barbara
releveunlimited · 6 months
Unforgettable Incentive Travel Experiences in Santa Barbara
When it comes to planning customized and unforgettable incentive travel experiences, it’s crucial to rely on someone with extensive local knowledge and relationships. In Santa Barbara you need to look no further – Relevé Unlimited is your go-to resource for all experiences in the America Riviera.
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hudsonespie · 3 years
Clean Marine Program Awards Shipping Companies for Slowing Speeds
The Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies program recognized 16 global shipping companies for reducing speeds to 10 knots or less in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Southern California Region in 2020. 
The voluntary program is an initiative to cut air pollution, protect endangered whales, and reduce underwater noise. The 2020 program ran from May 15, 2020 through November 15, 2020. 
Three award tiers and financial incentives recognize participating companies, based on the percent of distance their fleet traveled through the Vessel Speed Reduction (VSR) zones at speeds of 10 knots or less. Credit was only given if the average speed of a transit through an entire VSR Zone did not exceed 12 knots.
“We are delighted to be able to set an industry example by voluntarily reducing vessel speeds in areas where endangered whale species regularly feed, helping us improve the way we do business, while continuing to deeply care for our environment,” said Stanley Kwiaton, MSC General Manager of Port Operations - West Coast.
MSC, Hapag-Lloyd, Yang Ming, and MOL ACE notably achieved the Sapphire tier in the large company category (greater than 30 transits) by slowing down more than 800 transits, combined. Swire Shipping achieved the Sapphire tier in the small company category (less than 30 transits). For their outstanding commitment, all five of these companies earned the Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies Whale Tail award. 
“Biodiversity is an integral part of our sustainability strategy,” said Wolfram Guntermann, Director Regulatory Affairs & Sustainability at Hapag-Lloyd, calling the program a “remarkable initiative.” 
Seven companies – COSCO Shipping Lines, Evergreen, GALI, “K” Line, Maersk, Wallenius Wilhelmsen, and Swire Shipping – generously declined their financial incentive payment. Those funds will be reinvested in the 2021 program.
The 10-knot target follows the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) and the United States Coast Guard’s request for all vessels (300 gross tons or larger) to slow down during the months of peak blue, humpback, and fin whale abundance to protect these endangered whales from deadly ship strikes.
Ship strikes continue to be a global threat to all large whale populations. Reducing fatal ship strikes is a major priority of NOAA’s, especially in NOAA’s West Coast national marine sanctuaries.
“One of Yang Ming’s priorities has been promoting the sustainability of the ocean and coastal environments,” said Leo Chiang, Vice President of Marine Operations. “That is why we take immense pride in being a volunteer in the Blue Whales and Blue Skies Program.”
Ocean-going vessels transiting the California coast generate nitrogen oxides (NOx, a precursor to smog), sulfur oxides (SOx), particle pollution, and greenhouse gases. These vessels account for more than 200 tons of NOx per day emitted off the coast of California, which affects ozone levels onshore in many regions of the state. 
The VSR incentive program has expanded in scope and environmental benefits each year, including 2020, which marked the sixth year. The 2021 program began on May 15, 2021, and runs through November 15, 2021. Eighteen companies are currently enrolled in the 2021 program.
The Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies program is a collaborative effort by Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District; Ventura County Air Pollution Control District; Bay Area Air Quality Management District; Channel Islands, Greater Farallones, and Cordell Bank national marine sanctuaries; The Volgenau Foundation; California Marine Sanctuary Foundation; Greater Farallones Association; National Marine Sanctuary Foundation; and Environmental Defense Center.
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/clean-marine-program-awards-shipping-companies-for-slowing-speeds via http://www.rssmix.com/
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alligotdesign · 3 years
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Research & Citations
How to stop the problem:
Shop with reusable bags.  Switching to reusable will reduce your overall waste and keep sealife from harm. 
Ask for no straw when ordering drinks and carry a collapsible one. 
Sea Save Foundation actively seeks to change legislation by rallying constituents to contact their local representatives to sponsor or reject bills that have an impact on marine plastic pollution.
Photography and video documenting ocean pollution problems is in demand.  Images can help tell stories and stand witness to the detrimental effects plastic pollution has on our ocean environments.
Donate to “Ocean Cleanup Project”- aims to clean half the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in a decade.
Dr. Chris Sherrington, principal consultant at Eunomia Research and Consulting, said that beach cleanups are one of the best ways to fight ocean plastic. 
Support policies on cutting plastic use, like taxes on everyday plastic items and recycling incentives. 
While some may have been dropped directly, and other plastics may have been washed up, there is a "flux" of litter between beaches and the sea. By removing beach litter, we are therefore cleaning the oceans.
Global Citizen campaigns on the Global Goals, which call for universal access to clean water and healthy environments.  You can take action on these issues here: https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/take-action/ 
Lonely Whale launched a campaign with the ultimate goals of preventing 500 million straws from getting into the ocean sin 2017.  They are getting restaurants, bars, sports stadiums, brands, etc to limit their use of straws and switch to sustainable alternatives. Called “#StopSucking” 
#StopSucking is also getting individuals to pledge a plastic straw-free life.
You can use bamboo, paper, steel, rubber, or even glass straws.
What the problem is: 
100,000 marine animals are killed by plastic bags each year. 
By 2050, oceans will carry more plastic mass than fish 
an estimated 99% of seabirds will have ingested plastic by 2050
Plastic waste kills up to 1 million sea birds, 100,000 sea mammals, marine turtles and countless fish each year
80% of all pollution in oceans comes from land-based activities 
Half of all plastics ever manufactured have been in THE LAST 15 YEARS
Nearly every species of seabird eats plastic 
700 species have been affected by plastics
There are 5 massive patches of plastic in the world’s oceans.  
The largest garbage patch is the size of Texas
A garbage truck of plastic is dumped into the ocean every minute.  
If this continues, 12 billion metric tons of plastic waste will exist in the world by 2050
Corals that come into contact with plastic have an 89% chance of contracting disease, compared to corals that don’t: 4%
Global plastic production has quadrupled in the past 40 years
Of the 300 million tons of plastic that is produced annually, 50% is single-use plastics 
A microplastic particle is smaller than 5 millimeters and is only visible under microscope
The average person consumes 70,000 microplastics each year, according to Environmental Pollution 
Of the tested tap water worldwide, 83% is polluted with microplastic fibers
These microparticulates then end up in freshwater lakes, rivers, municipal treatment plants, and ultimately tap water. These sources affect not only our oceans, lakes, and springs, but the life of organisms that inhabit them.
Research at the State University of New York at Fredonia showed that 93% of tested bottled water had microplastics contamination
Unfortunately, microplastics are not being detected in water purification systems, so they can come from the tap water sources as well as being created from the machinery during the bottling process.
This presents a potential liability risk for beverage companies who are just now exploring how best to measure microplastics in their products.
The microplastics then enter the food chain as organisms consume them, transferring these toxins into their bodies. These toxins translocate up the food chain until they are served on our plates.
The consequences of toxin-sorbed microplastics ingested by fish can be two fold; exposure can be physical, causing tissue damage, or they can be chemical, resulting in bioaccumulation that causes liver toxicity.
A 2018 study in the journal Environmental Pollution concluded that people were more likely to ingest plastic through dust in their environment than by eating shellfish 
Microplastics have been found in 90% of table salt, according to a study published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology. An average adult consumes approximately 2,000 microplastics per year through salt
American use 200 billion plastic bags  a year, which require 12 million barrels of oil to manufacture 
Plastic bags are used for an average of 12 minutes but take 1000 years to degrade in a landfill 
According to Waste Management, only 1% of plastic bags are returned for recycling.  That means an average family only recycles 15 bags a year, while the rest end up in landfills. 
80% of all liter in our oceans is made of plastic.
According to the 2017 report from the United Nations Marine Conference, as many as 51 trillion microplastic particles litter our oceans and seas, which is 500 times more than the stars in our galaxy 
Plastic does not break down organically like other waste- it turns into plastic microfibers
Eunomia Research & Consulting firm calculated that emissions of microplastics range from 0.5 to 1.4 million tonnes per year, with a mid-point estimate of 0.95 million tonnes. Vehicle tires are the biggest culprits, releasing 270 thousand tonnes of debris into our waterways annually.
Microplastics are also very absorbent, meaning they pick up the chemicals it floats in,,, which then travels up the foodchain.
“Despite the high profile of projects intended to clean up plastics floating in mid-ocean, relatively little actually ends up there. Barely 1% of marine plastics are found floating at or near the ocean surface, with an average global concentration of less than 1kg/km2. This concentration increases at certain mid-ocean locations, with the highest concentration recorded in the North Pacific Gyre at 18kg/km2.”
An estimated 4.8 million to 12.7 million metric tons of plastic waste enters the ocean every year
In a study where they looked at the layers of sand in Santa Barbara Basin, plastic sediments were found in layers before the year 1945, before plastic polymers were produced in high quantities or even widely used.
Humans have created 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic since 1950, a weight equivalent to 1 billion elephants.
More than 75% of this plastic has been thrown away, left to disintegrate throughout the global environment.
The country with the highest level of plastic contamination was the US, with 94% of taps containing traces of plastic.
The average US sample contained 4.8 fibers of plastic, compared to an average of 1.9 fibers in Europe.
That means that with nearly every cup of water, Americans are ingesting plastic fibers.
Microplastics are also getting swept up by the wind and falling from the sky, filling the air humans breathe, covering crops, and entering sources of waters.
In Paris, a team of researchers in 2015 estimated that 10 tons of plastic fibers fell from the sky each year and even entered people’s homes.
Straws might seem like a trivial place to start — but the US alone consumes 500 million straws each day
Straws are often mistaken for food by marine life, which, when swallowed, can cause injury or even death.
“83% Of All Tap Water Around the World Has Plastic Fibers In It.” Global Citizen, www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/tap-water-contains-plastic-fibers/. 
Brandon, Jennifer A., et al. “Multidecadal Increase in Plastic Particles in Coastal Ocean Sediments.” Science Advances, vol. 5, no. 9, 2019, doi:10.1126/sciadv.aax0587. 
Catarino, Ana I., et al. “Low Levels of Microplastics (MP) in Wild Mussels Indicate That MP Ingestion by Humans Is Minimal Compared to Exposure via Household Fibres Fallout during a Meal.” Environmental Pollution, vol. 237, 2018, pp. 675–684., doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2018.02.069. 
Chow, Lorraine. “80% Of Ocean Plastic Comes From Land-Based Sources, New Report Finds.” EcoWatch, EcoWatch, 29 June 2016, www.ecowatch.com/80-of-ocean-plastic-comes-from-land-based-sources-new-report-finds-1891173457.html. 
“Help Save the Oceans With These 7 Alternatives to Plastic Straws.” Global Citizen, www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/alternatives-to-plastic-straws-eco-friendly/. 
Lamb, Joleah B., et al. “Plastic Waste Associated with Disease on Coral Reefs.” Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 26 Jan. 2018, science.sciencemag.org/content/359/6374/460. 
“Method Development for Microplastic Analysis in Wastewater.” Microplastics in Water and Wastewater, 2019, pp. 63–83., doi:10.2166/9781789060034_0063. 
“Plastic Is Having a Profound Effect on Our Ocean.” Footprint Foundation, footprintusfoundation.org/plastic-pollution/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpdqDBhCSARIsAEUJ0hN_WxN1D_ICinlRonBa58xxCDogxKW2Scc9jtZy07Qb_U9lOMSy6LAaAkVFEALw_wcB. 
“Plastics 101: How to Stop Plastic Pollution in the Ocean.” Plastic Tides, 9 Nov. 2020, www.plastictides.org/plastics101/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpdqDBhCSARIsAEUJ0hMVKdh_Er1viak6lOGF_DddbpMlEIDMIrAqVaMyjztZCG_PiocZ01kaAmp_EALw_wcB. 
“Why We Care.” Sea Save, 16 Nov. 2020, seasave.org/plastic-pollution/. 
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visawords · 4 years
Why Is Hilton American Express So Famous? | hilton american express
MSN has partnered with The Credibility Guy for our advantage of acclaim agenda products. MSN and The Credibility Guy may accept a agency from agenda issuers.
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Hilton American Express Cards – Which One is Right for You .. | hilton american express
Editor’s note: As the biking industry reopens afterward COVID-19 shutdowns, TPG suggests that you allocution to your doctor, chase bloom officials’ advice and analysis bounded biking restrictions afore booking that abutting trip. We will be actuality to advice you prepare, whether it is abutting ages or abutting year.
Any offers or allowances mentioned beneath are accountable to change at any time, and may no best be available.
As calm orders about the apple activate to lift, now is the absolute time to booty banal of your point balances and alpha planning for approaching trips already this crisis has passed. In accession to biking brands announcement added accuracy to their charwoman and sanitation standards — such as Hilton’s CleanStay affairs — abounding hotels and airlines accept continued status, delayed point cessation and are alms added acceptable incentives for travelers to booty advantage of this summer.
For example, Hilton Honors aloof appear an addendum to its rollover nights benefit, acceptance all nights from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2020 to cycle over to abutting year to advice all associates advance or advancement their aristocratic status.
Since experts and analysts in the aerodynamics industry are admonishing that it could booty years for air biking to admission aback up to its pre-pandemic levels, for abounding people, the abutting cruise they booty may be a beneath alley cruise to a destination nearby.
Today, we’re activity to booty a attending at some of the best Hilton hotels in the U.S. that you can appointment aural a brace of hours’ drive of large, U.S. cities. While the credibility listed beneath are the maximums bare at a corresponding auberge per night, Hilton Honors accolade stays can alpha as low as 5,000 credibility per night.
For added TPG annual delivered anniversary morning to your inbox, sign up for our circadian newsletter.
Even admitting biking is still absolutely restricted, you can still assignment on earning credibility against your abutting trip. If you’re attractive to accession your Hilton Honors annual antithesis while not able to appointment Hilton-branded properties, a abundant way to do so is by applying for and spending on a new acclaim card.
In accession to richer acceptable benefit offers back you administer for one of the cards agenda anon on Hilton.com, Hilton Honors American Express agenda associates can arbor up credibility akin faster back they use their agenda on acceptable purchases like Hilton auberge stays, gas and groceries. With affable and baking admired calm activities, this can be an attainable way to acquire akin added benefit points, abnormally back there’s no cap on how abundant you can earn.
And don’t forget, Hilton Honors benefit credibility are now advised Base Credibility through the end of the year to advice you advancement your aristocratic status.
READ MORE: Choosing the best Hilton acclaim agenda for you
Remember too that you can basin Hilton Honors credibility for chargeless with up to 9 added members, a action that can put you akin afterpiece to any of the beneath accolade stays. It’s additionally account acquainted that Hilton Honors doesn’t allegation those annoying resort fees back you use your credibility for a auberge stay. We’ve apparent abounding affluence resorts and akin big-city locations tacking on fees of $50 (or more) per night, so this is a abundant befalling to save akin added on your Hilton accolade stays — one that isn’t offered by all programs.
Looking for a abandoned break or change of “work-from-home” backdrop instead? Hilton Honors associates additionally accept the advantage to accept about any aggregate of Hilton Honors credibility and money — from all credibility to all banknote and aggregate in amid — back booking a room.
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So already you’ve racked up those Hilton points, what are some of the top spots to escape the big city? Actuality are some attainable options.
NOTE: While the credibility listed beneath are the best amounts bare at a corresponding auberge per night, Hilton Honors accolade stays can alpha as low as 5,000 credibility per night.
Max credibility needed: 60,000 per night
People biking from all over the country to appointment the Florida Keys, but if you alive in Miami or Fort Lauderdale, Key Largo is aural two hours — depending on traffic. There you’ll acquisition Baker’s Cay, a beachfront resort and a affiliate of Hilton’s Curio Collection, a fast-growing cast of one-of-a-kind, bazaar hotels that are encouraged to angular into their bounded environments instead of afterward added constant cast standards.
Each of the property’s 200 apartment and suites action a clandestine balcony, so you can absorb up that ocean breeze any time of day. You can additionally air-conditioned off in the avalanche pool, booty a dip in the ocean, disentangle in the Greenhouse Salon and Spa, or banquet up in the copse at Calusa, breadth you can adore Caribbean-Creole cuisine with across-the-board views. Don’t appetite to leave the dog at home? No worries: The resort is pet-friendly and akin has a “Cay-9” Director of Pet Relations — a Husky called Maya.
Further Reading: Your ultimate adviser to Hilton auberge brands
Max credibility needed: 80,000 per night
Almost centermost amid Boston and New York, the Madison Coffer Auberge offers a adequate break forth the Continued Island Sound. The hotel’s adequate bedfellow apartment advertise absurd baptize views, and every one is able with a private, furnished balcony. Guests can adore the property’s four aliment and cooler options, including archetypal New England dining with a abreast aberration at The Wharf or al-fresco dining and a raw bar at The Porch. There’s affluence to do in the adjacent breadth as well, including touring a bounded winery or visiting celebrated New England villages. Like Baker’s Cay, the acreage is additionally pet-friendly.
Max credibility needed: 60,000 per night
Nestled on the coffer about 90 account south of San Francisco is Monterey Bay, home to the breathtaking “17-mile drive” and one of the world’s best arresting car shows. The Embassy Suites by Hilton Monterrey Bay Seaside offers a adequate and affordable way to appointment Monterrey, putting you aloof a short, two-block airing from the beach. As is the barometer at Embassy Suites properties, guests blockage in any of the hotel’s 225 ample suites adore complimentary, made-to-order breakfast anniversary day, amid added amenities. To top it all off, the auberge is akin pet-friendly, so you can accompany your bristling accompaniment forth on the ancestors vacation — for a $125 fee.
Max credibility needed: 80,000 per night
Nestled in the southwest bend of Utah, aloof over two-and-a-half hours abroad from Las Vegas, the Cliffrose Springdale is an ideal abode to blow and recharge afterwards a continued day exploring any of the assorted civic parks in this admirable area. Cliffrose is aloof a 5-minute airing to the admission of Zion Civic Park, with modern, adequate bedfellow rooms, alfresco blaze pits and a acrimonious basin cat-and-mouse for you afterwards a day of exploring.
If you’d adopt to appointment Canyonlands Civic Park on the eastern bend of the accompaniment (where genitalia of Westworld were filmed!), you can attending into the Hoodoo Moab, additionally a affiliate of the Curio Collection.
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Earn Up To $8 In Statement Credits On Dining With Hilton American .. | hilton american express
Max credibility needed: 80,000 per night
The Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort has one of the bigger locations in this blueblood California coffer town, including (as the name would suggest) absolute coffer access. City Santa Barbara and all of its wine trails and art galleries are aloof 10 account away, and the auberge babysitter can advice you align activities like golfing, kayaking and a cruise forth the coast. The auberge appearance a self-service wine tasting ability (which bluntly sounds like a dream appear true), and all bedfellow apartment affection balconies or patios to let you absorb up the ocean breeze.
Related: Wine lovers rejoice — your acclaim agenda could alleviate allowances and savings
Max credibility needed: 30,000 per night
If you’re attractive for history on a budget, attending no further than The President Abraham Lincoln Springfield, a DoubleTree by Hilton hotel. The acreage is amid in city Springfield, Illinois, aloof a few blocks from the Abraham Lincoln presidential building and the Illinois accompaniment capitol. This 310 allowance acreage is abundant for business and leisure travelers alike, with all guests adequate admission to an calm pool, airport shuttle, and (of course) the signature DoubleTree cookie on arrival.
It’s aloof over three hours from both Chicago and Indianapolis, while St. Louis association can get there in aloof 90 minutes.
Max credibility needed: 40,000 per night
Whether you appear to bout colonial Williamsburg, appointment Busch Gardens or see accompany and ancestors at any of the adjacent Navy and Air Force bases, there’s a lot to do and see in Williamsburg. The Embassy Suites by Hilton Williamsburg is aloof one of the abounding Hilton backdrop you can accept from, with accolade ante of 40,000 credibility per night or less, it offers the appropriate mix of abundance and affordability — and is beneath than three hours from both the Washington, D.C. and Raleigh, N.C. areas. The acreage boasts 161 ample bedfellow apartment and suites, and all guests adore adulatory breakfast anniversary day, amid added amenities.
Max credibility needed: 50,000 per night
Myrtle Coffer is about bedeviled by timeshares and beach-front rentals, but if you’re attractive to accomplish a one-off cruise after a multi-year commitment, you may adopt to break in the Hilton. Anniversary of the bedfellow apartment at this acreage action clandestine balconies, and while the auberge has a prime breadth on the beach, it additionally provides attainable admission to the abounding activities in Myrtle Beach, including assorted waterparks and over 100 golf courses. It’s additionally calmly attainable from Charlotte (~3 hours and 20 minutes) or the Raleigh-Durham breadth (~2 hours and 50 minutes).
While it’s attainable to focus on extensive close beaches and awful accustomed resorts back planning a vacation, abounding of the top spots in this country are aloof a abbreviate drive abroad from above cities. As bodies boring acknowledgment to traveling over the advancing months, you ability appetite to accede authoritative your abutting Hilton break a little bit afterpiece to home.
Featured photo address of Hilton Honors
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And back you do absorb on dining, you should use a acclaim agenda that will aerate your rewards and potentially akin account appropriate discounts. Thanks to acting agenda bonuses and changes due to coronavirus, you may akin be able to account a meal at your admired restaurant for free. 
These are the best acclaim cards for dining out, demography out, and acclimation in to aerate every meal purchase.
Editorial Disclaimer: Opinions bidding actuality are the author’s alone, not those of any bank, acclaim agenda issuer, airlines or auberge chain, and accept not been reviewed, accustomed or contrarily accustomed by any of these entities.
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releveunlimited · 6 months
Why Relevé Unlimited Stands Out as the Ultimate Choice for DMC Services in Santa Barbara
When it comes to planning events in Santa Barbara, nobody has deeper roots than Relevé Unlimited. Our reputation has been built on our unwavering commitment to crafting extraordinary experiences that consistently surpass expectations. When you choose us, you’re choosing a seamless, remarkable event that will leave a lasting impression on everyone involved
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cmfelatestarticle · 5 years
MICE Industry  is expanding at a 7.8%  CAGR between 2020 and 2030
The Global MICE Industry size is estimated to be USD 935.40 billion in 2019 and is predicted to reach USD 2137.00 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 7.8% from 2020-2030. MICE industry represents the tourism or travel done with regards of meetings, incentives, conference and exhibitions in which arrangement is done differently and by different people for business, profession, cultural objectives and others. For meetings, the company will take care of everything, Incentive travel was given by the company to the employee as a reward or appreciation. On the other hand, conference travel, include the itenary, meeting of people from the same field or profession, Exhibition travel involves, the display of products or services which was done by the organizing committee or agents.
Read Report Overview @
The globalization has connected the world altogether which has further allowed the exchange of business, goods, culture, food and others. There is an increase in tourism on a global level which is expected to drive the growth of MICE industry.
The factors including increase in disposable income, increase in the frequency of such events on a global scale coupled with increase in business activities by the companies or individuals. Further, increase in government initiatives to promote the small business ideas and all the above mentioned factors are expected to fuel the growth of MICE industry. However, high cost of MICE events and geopolitical conditions are expected to hamper the growth of MICE industry. The increase in investments in the development of infrastructure and technological advancements are expected to provide lucrative opportunities for the MICE industry in the near future.
Market Segmentations and Scope of the Study:
The global MICE Industry share is analyzed on the basis of event type, application and geography. On the basis of event type, the market is segmented into meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions.  On the basis of applications, the market is divided into Academic Field, Business Field, Political Field, Exhibitions, and Others. Geographic breakdown and analysis of each of the aforesaid segments includes regions comprising North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and RoW.
Geographical Analysis
Europe accounts for the major market share in MICE industry over the forecast period owing to the increase in meeting activities with the increased adoption of smart devices on a wide scale coupled with increased penetration of internet in the region.
It is expected that the emerging economies, specifically from the Asia-Pacific region would witness increasing market size owing to increase in tourism and business activities with supporting government regulation and increase in internet usage in the are expected to contribute the growth of MICE industry.
Competitive Landscape
The MICE industry, which is highly competitive, consists of a key players, such as BI Worldwide, Ltd., BCD Group, One10, LLC, ITA Group, Inc, Conference Care Ltd, Meetings and Incentives Worldwide (M&IW), Maritz, Cievents, ACCESS Destination Service, 360 Destination Group, CSI DMC, The Freeman Company, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, IBTM, Creative Group, Inc., ATPI Ltd, and The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc. and others.
There are various renowned events taking place on a global platform in the market. For instance, in June 2019, Latin America Meeting & Incentive Travel Exchange (LAMITE), was organized for working to connect business opportunities in Latin America, the next annual LAMITE event took place at the Planet Hollywood Beach Resort in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.
Request to view Sample Report:
In August 2019, Caribbean Meeting & Incentive Travel Exchange (CMITE): The island version of the ITE event takes place at the Santa Barbara Beach & Golf Resort in Willemstad, Curaçao.
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toomanysinks · 6 years
Fifty years of the internet
Leonard Kleinrock Contributor
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Leonard Kleinrock is the Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering.
When my team of graduate students and I sent the first message over the internet on a warm Los Angeles evening in October, 1969, little did we suspect that we were at the start of a worldwide revolution. After we typed the first two letters from our computer room at UCLA, namely, “Lo” for “Login,” the network crashed.
Hence, the first Internet message was “Lo” as in “Lo and behold” – inadvertently, we had delivered a message that was succinct, powerful, and prophetic.
The ARPANET, as it was called back then, was designed by government, industry and academia so scientists and academics could access each other’s computing resources and trade large research files, saving time, money and travel costs. ARPA, the Advanced Research Projects Agency, (now called “DARPA”) awarded a contract to scientists at the private firm Bolt Beranek and Newman to implement a router, or Interface Message Processor; UCLA was chosen to be the first node in this fledgling network.
By December, 1969, there were only four nodes – UCLA, Stanford Research Institute, the University of California-Santa Barbara and the University of Utah. The network grew exponentially from its earliest days, with the number of connected host computers reaching 100 by 1977, 100,000 by 1989, a million by the early 1990’s, and a billion by 2012; it now serves more than half the planet’s population.
Along the way, we found ourselves constantly surprised by unanticipated applications that suddenly appeared and gained huge adoption across the Internet; this was the case with email, the World Wide Web, peer-to-peer file sharing, user generated content, Napster, YouTube, Instagram, social networking, etc.
It sounds utopian, but in those early days, we enjoyed a wonderful culture of openness, collaboration, sharing, trust and ethics. That’s how the Internet was conceived and nurtured.  I knew everyone on the ARPANET in those early days, and we were all well-behaved. In fact, that adherence to “netiquette” persisted for the first two decades of the Internet.
Today, almost no one would say that the internet was unequivocally wonderful, open, collaborative, trustworthy or ethical. How did a medium created for sharing data and information turn into such a mixed blessing of questionable information? How did we go from collaboration to competition, from consensus to dissention, from a reliable digital resource to an amplifier of questionable information?
The decline began in the early 1990s when spam first appeared at the same time there was an intensifying drive to monetize the Internet as it reached deeply into the world of the consumer. This enabled many aspects of the dark side to emerge (fraud, invasion of privacy, fake news, denial of service, etc.).
It also changed the nature of internet technical progress and innovations as risk aversion began to stifle the earlier culture of “moon shots”. We are currently still suffering from those shifts. The internet was designed to promote decentralized information, democracy and consensus based upon shared values and factual information. In this it has disappointed to fully achieve the aspirations of its founding fathers.
As the private sector gained more influence, their policies and goals began to dominate the nature of the Internet.  Commercial policies gained influence, companies could charge for domain registration, and credit card encryption opened the door for e-commerce. Private firms like AOL, CompuServe and Earthlink would soon charge monthly fees for access, turning the service from a public good into a private enterprise.
This monetization of the internet has changed it flavor. On the one hand, it has led to valuable services of great value. Here one can list pervasive search engines, access to extensive information repositories, consumer aids, entertainment, education, connectivity among humans, etc.  On the other hand, it has led to excess and control in a number of domains.
Among these one can identify restricted access by corporations and governments, limited progress in technology deployment when the economic incentives are not aligned with (possibly short term) corporate interests, excessive use of social media for many forms of influence, etc.
If we ask what we could have done to mitigate some of these problems, one can easily name two.  First, we should have provided strong file authentication – the ability to guarantee that the file that I receive is an unaltered copy of the file I requested. Second, we should have provided strong user authentication – the ability for a user to prove that he/she is whom they claim to be.
Had we done so, we should have turned off these capabilities in the early days (when false files were not being dispatched and when users were not falsifying their identities). However, as the dark side began to emerge, we could have then gradually turned on these protections to counteract the abuses at a level to match the extent of the abuse. Since we did not provide an easy way to provide these capabilities from the start, we suffer from the fact that it is problematic to do so for today’s vast legacy system we call the Internet.
Having come these 50 years since its birth, how is the Internet likely to evolve over the next 50? What will it look like?
That’s a foggy crystal ball. But we can foresee that it is fast on its way to becoming “invisible” (as I predicted 50 years ago) in the sense that it will and should disappear into the infrastructure.
It should be as simple and convenient to use as is electricity; electricity is straightforwardly available via a trivially simple interface by plugging it into the wall; you don’t know or care how it gets there or where it comes from, but it delivers its services on demand.
Sadly, the internet is far more complicated to access than that. When I walk into a room, the room should know I’m there and it should provide to me the services and applications that match my profile, privileges and preferences.  I should be able to interact with the system using the usual human communication methods of speech, gestures, haptics, etc.
We are rapidly moving into such a future as the Internet of Things pervades our environmental infrastructure with logic, memory, processors, cameras, microphones, speakers, displays, holograms, sensors. Such an invisible infrastructure coupled with intelligent software agents imbedded in the internet will seamlessly deliver such services. In a word, the internet will essentially be a pervasive global nervous system.
That is what I judge will be the likely essence of the future infrastructure. However, as I said above, the applications and services are extremely hard to predict as they come out of the blue as sudden, unanticipated, explosive surprises!  Indeed, we have created a global system for frequently shocking us with surprises – what an interesting world that could be!
source https://techcrunch.com/2019/03/18/fifty-years-of-the-internet/
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fmservers · 6 years
Fifty years of the internet
Leonard Kleinrock Contributor
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Leonard Kleinrock is the Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering.
When my team of graduate students and I sent the first message over the internet on a warm Los Angeles evening in October, 1969, little did we suspect that we were at the start of a worldwide revolution. After we typed the first two letters from our computer room at UCLA, namely, “Lo” for “Login,” the network crashed.
Hence, the first Internet message was “Lo” as in “Lo and behold” – inadvertently, we had delivered a message that was succinct, powerful, and prophetic.
The ARPANET, as it was called back then, was designed by government, industry and academia so scientists and academics could access each other’s computing resources and trade large research files, saving time, money and travel costs. ARPA, the Advanced Research Projects Agency, (now called “DARPA”) awarded a contract to scientists at the private firm Bolt Beranek and Newman to implement a router, or Interface Message Processor; UCLA was chosen to be the first node in this fledgling network.
By December, 1969, there were only four nodes – UCLA, Stanford Research Institute, the University of California-Santa Barbara and the University of Utah. The network grew exponentially from its earliest days, with the number of connected host computers reaching 100 by 1977, 100,000 by 1989, a million by the early 1990’s, and a billion by 2012; it now serves more than half the planet’s population.
Along the way, we found ourselves constantly surprised by unanticipated applications that suddenly appeared and gained huge adoption across the Internet; this was the case with email, the World Wide Web, peer-to-peer file sharing, user generated content, Napster, YouTube, Instagram, social networking, etc.
It sounds utopian, but in those early days, we enjoyed a wonderful culture of openness, collaboration, sharing, trust and ethics. That’s how the Internet was conceived and nurtured.  I knew everyone on the ARPANET in those early days, and we were all well-behaved. In fact, that adherence to “netiquette” persisted for the first two decades of the Internet.
Today, almost no one would say that the internet was unequivocally wonderful, open, collaborative, trustworthy or ethical. How did a medium created for sharing data and information turn into such a mixed blessing of questionable information? How did we go from collaboration to competition, from consensus to dissention, from a reliable digital resource to an amplifier of questionable information?
The decline began in the early 1990s when spam first appeared at the same time there was an intensifying drive to monetize the Internet as it reached deeply into the world of the consumer. This enabled many aspects of the dark side to emerge (fraud, invasion of privacy, fake news, denial of service, etc.).
It also changed the nature of internet technical progress and innovations as risk aversion began to stifle the earlier culture of “moon shots”. We are currently still suffering from those shifts. The internet was designed to promote decentralized information, democracy and consensus based upon shared values and factual information. In this it has disappointed to fully achieve the aspirations of its founding fathers.
As the private sector gained more influence, their policies and goals began to dominate the nature of the Internet.  Commercial policies gained influence, companies could charge for domain registration, and credit card encryption opened the door for e-commerce. Private firms like AOL, CompuServe and Earthlink would soon charge monthly fees for access, turning the service from a public good into a private enterprise.
This monetization of the internet has changed it flavor. On the one hand, it has led to valuable services of great value. Here one can list pervasive search engines, access to extensive information repositories, consumer aids, entertainment, education, connectivity among humans, etc.  On the other hand, it has led to excess and control in a number of domains.
Among these one can identify restricted access by corporations and governments, limited progress in technology deployment when the economic incentives are not aligned with (possibly short term) corporate interests, excessive use of social media for many forms of influence, etc.
If we ask what we could have done to mitigate some of these problems, one can easily name two.  First, we should have provided strong file authentication – the ability to guarantee that the file that I receive is an unaltered copy of the file I requested. Second, we should have provided strong user authentication – the ability for a user to prove that he/she is whom they claim to be.
Had we done so, we should have turned off these capabilities in the early days (when false files were not being dispatched and when users were not falsifying their identities). However, as the dark side began to emerge, we could have then gradually turned on these protections to counteract the abuses at a level to match the extent of the abuse. Since we did not provide an easy way to provide these capabilities from the start, we suffer from the fact that it is problematic to do so for today’s vast legacy system we call the Internet.
Having come these 50 years since its birth, how is the Internet likely to evolve over the next 50? What will it look like?
That’s a foggy crystal ball. But we can foresee that it is fast on its way to becoming “invisible” (as I predicted 50 years ago) in the sense that it will and should disappear into the infrastructure.
It should be as simple and convenient to use as is electricity; electricity is straightforwardly available via a trivially simple interface by plugging it into the wall; you don’t know or care how it gets there or where it comes from, but it delivers its services on demand.
Sadly, the internet is far more complicated to access than that. When I walk into a room, the room should know I’m there and it should provide to me the services and applications that match my profile, privileges and preferences.  I should be able to interact with the system using the usual human communication methods of speech, gestures, haptics, etc.
We are rapidly moving into such a future as the Internet of Things pervades our environmental infrastructure with logic, memory, processors, cameras, microphones, speakers, displays, holograms, sensors. Such an invisible infrastructure coupled with intelligent software agents imbedded in the internet will seamlessly deliver such services. In a word, the internet will essentially be a pervasive global nervous system.
That is what I judge will be the likely essence of the future infrastructure. However, as I said above, the applications and services are extremely hard to predict as they come out of the blue as sudden, unanticipated, explosive surprises!  Indeed, we have created a global system for frequently shocking us with surprises – what an interesting world that could be!
Via Jonathan Shieber https://techcrunch.com
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wineanddinosaur · 6 years
It’s Time to Start Treating Southern California as a Serious Wine Destination
If someone you knew were planning a trip to California wine country in previous years, it meant they were going to Napa or Sonoma (or, perhaps, both). Now, a new generation of winemakers in a small patch of Southern California real estate is looking to change that.
Temecula Valley lies in the southeast corner of Riverside County, less than an hour north of San Diego. It is home to 40 wineries and a Mediterranean climate. Thanks to the gap between the coastal California mountains and the high rises separating Temecula from eastern deserts, the area gets long sunny days, breezy afternoons, and cool nights.
“We have a perfect climate for growing high-quality grapes and making high-quality wine,” Devin Parr, brand marketing partner for the Temecula Valley Winemakers Association, says. “Most people don’t realize it… They think Temecula Valley is going to be too hot.”
That misperception is one of many that surround Temecula’s wine community. Many winemakers here feel that long-haul travelers and national media are biased against Southern California as a viable wine destination.
“It’s recognition that we’re looking for,” Jon McPherson, master winemaker, South Coast, says. Right now, most wine media “won’t go south of Santa Barbara,” he says.
And so we are exploring Temecula Valley, the California wine region no one should overlook.
Climate And Community
Outsiders may think of Southern California as the land of surf and sunshine, but the weather in Temecula mirrors the Rhône Valley, certain parts of Tuscany, and southern Italy.
“We have sandy loam soil, a lot of decomposing granite,” Parr says, “which your vines kind of want. [They want] to struggle a little bit. They don’t want to be bombarded with water so they want to be in well-draining soil so that they can dig deep and find all these nutrients deeper and deeper in the soil.”
Parr believes the success of Temecula Valley wines is due to equal parts climate, competence, and community.
“One of the things is the level of collaboration as far as rising tide lifts all boats,” Jim Hart of Hart Family Wines, says. “Everyone helps one another here, and that’s unique. You don’t see the level of collaboration and camaraderie in other wine regions.”
There’s incentive for every winery to make good wine, and not for one winery to stand out among the mediocre. And so it’s incumbent on the old guard and newcomers to learn from one another.
“There are the pioneers that are still here dropping wisdom,” Damien Doffo, CEO of Doffo Winery, says. “They’re very approachable. The sentiment within the community is great. There’s a big focus to continue to develop better wines. There’s a core group of people really trying to elevate the game.”
That sense of community is also attracting winemaking talent who, in previous years, might have carved out careers elsewhere.
“We get together, taste each others wines. It’s all because we want everyone to improve year after year,” Olivia Bue, winemaker, Robert Renzoni, says. Bue is one of the region’s brighter stars. After studying viticulture and enology at UC Davis, she worked in Australia and Napa. Eventually, the Encinitas native found herself back in Southern California.
“We all share the same goal, which is to be recognized for the quality of the wines here,” Bue says. “Most other wine regions have reached their peaks as a region. They’re all so credited. They’re more individually trying to become successful. In Temecula, we’re as a whole working together to achieve more.”
To many in the wine industry, Temecula still feels like an underdog. The region began producing wines relatively recently, in 1968. Some locals believe previous generations of winemakers lacked the expertise needed to navigate its climate and terroir.
“Our wines in the beginning were hit and miss as far as quality,” Hart says. “These days, you can find well-made, varietally-appropriate wines. The primary thing that’s changed is the knowledge base and talent of winemakers.”
“Every wine region faces their own challenges, and we’re no different, but over the years we’ve found ways to better deal with these challenges – varieties and clones more suited to our terroir, as an example,” Tim Kramer of Leoness Cellars, a Temecula pioneer, says. “These adaptations have helped to increase the quality of Temecula wines in general.”
Overcoming Biases
Many Temecula winemakers cite consumer and media biases about Southern California wine among their top challenges today. Doffo believes that most national publications treat Temecula as an interesting place to travel, not a serious winemaking destination.
“In reality, we make as good wine as any other region in the state,” Joe Wiens of Wiens Family Cellars, says. “If we took one of our high-quality Cabs and slapped a Napa [price] tag and not a Temecula tag, it’d get a ton more respect.”
“Our main focus is wine quality,” Bue says. “We just need people to try and visit and give the wine an unbiased opinion. We want to be recognized all over the world and for people to identify us as a quality wine region.”
Of course, for the 23 million people living in cities within two hours of Temecula (San Diego, Los Angeles, and Palm Springs), the word is out about Temecula. According to the area’s tourism bureau, travel to Temecula wine country has been steadily increasing year over year, with nearly 3.3 million overnight visitors in 2017.
“We make great wine,” Wiens says. “Why are we bending over backwards to say we’re as good as Napa when people who come here know that?”
“I love it down here,” he adds. “I wouldn’t want to do it anywhere else but Temecula.”
Six Temecula Wines to Try
With over 40 vineyards to choose from in Temecula Valley, there are ample options. Here are our picks:
Hart Family Winery
In 1980, Joe Hart left teaching to open Hart Family Winery. His son Jim is now at the helm. “We always have a stellar Sauvignon Blanc,” says Hart. “We’re really proud of our Arneis.” Hart Family’s Estate Syrah, a varietal that typically does well in Temecula, has won numerous awards in the style. True to their nature, the Harts remain teachers. Jim teaches Intro to Wine at MiraCosta College.
Recommended bottle: 2015 Arneis ($28)
Doffo Winery
Founded in 1997, Doffo Winery is 100 percent family-owned and operated. Come for the award-winning Zinfandels and world-class Malbecs, an homage to the family’s Argentinean roots, but stay for the motorcycle museum. (Marcello Doffo, the patriarch, started a collection of motorcycles that today hang on winery walls like art pieces.) “People started associating us with motorcycles,” his son says. “For us it was funny. We put them in the tasting room because we had nowhere else to put them.”
Recommended bottle: Any of the MottoDoffo Reds (from $46)
Robert Renzoni Vineyards
Robert Renzoni Vineyards specializes in Sangiovese and Pinot Noirs. The Renzoni family has been making wines for over a century, starting on the northern coast of Italy and continuing today in Southern California. Its tasting room resembles a Tuscan villa and is one of the region’s most picturesque spaces.
Recommended bottle: 2015 Brunello di Sangiovese ($45)
South Coast Winery, Resort, & Spa
This vineyard also has a resort and a spa, just in case you’d like a massage after your Merlot (and before another). Everything produced by South Coast comes from the estate. (“Cradle to the grave,” says McPherson.) Don’t miss South Coast’s Carter Estate Wines, which McPherson calls the “cream of the crop.”
Recommendation: 2015 Carter Estate Penrose ($30)
Wiens Family Cellars
Wiens Family Cellars came to Temecula 10 years ago and has one of the more prolific wine profiles in the area. Focusing mainly on reds, the five-person operation has produced over 60 wines in the last year, hoping to create “a different tasting room experience every time,” Wiens says. “People are adventurous in a tasting room. They’re open to trying wine styles they’ve never heard of.” Wiens also has an eponymous brewery across town.
Recommendation: 2015 Reserve Zinfandel ($65)
Leoness has the best of three worlds: Its facility is beautiful, the wine is delicious (and at a fair price point), and its on-site restaurant is one of the valley’s top spots. These wines have consistent quality, but Leoness strives to always “be better, and make wines that really wow your guests who take the time to visit,” Kramer says.
Recommendation: 2015 Cellar Selection Meritage ($40)
The post It’s Time to Start Treating Southern California as a Serious Wine Destination appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/temecula-southern-california-wine-country-travel/
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csrgood · 6 years
Jack Johnson's Reusable Pint Cup Program Cuts Single-Use Plastic Waste on Tour, Newly Released Video Reveals
In his latest ambitious sustainability initiative, Hawaii-based multi-platinum recording artist, Jack Johnson, executed a reusable pint cup program that reduced a substantial amount of single-use plastic waste during his recent All The Light Above It Too tour. 
The Jack Johnson 2017-2018 Tour reusable pint cup program, implemented at more than 45 venues across the U.S., South America, and Europe, addressed the problem of single-use plastic cup waste at live events. The initiative exceeded expectations and has inspired ongoing waste reduction efforts by fans, venues, concert promoters, and other artists, a newly released video reveals.
A video documenting the program can be viewed at:
A typical fan attending a concert, sporting event, or other live event uses one or more single-serving disposable cup or bottle, generating billions of pieces of plastic waste at venues annually. More broadly, Americans use more than 100 million single-use plastic cups on a daily basis. According to the U.S. EPA, much less than 20% of our plastic waste is ever recycled — resulting in wasted resources, glutted landfills, and plastic and chemical pollution in our oceans and terrestrial environments.
Jack Johnson and his team chose Steelys® Drinkware, a San Francisco-based wholesale supplier of zero waste drinkware and accessories, to manufacture more than 70,000 custom reusable pint cups for the tour. Made of durable food-grade stainless steel, the Jack Johnson pint cups are decorated with playful and colorful ocean-themed graphics that integrate with the tour’s broader merchandise program.
The reusable steel cups were available for purchase at all U.S. shows, as an alternative to conventional single-use plastic cups, which would otherwise be used for beverage service. The tour also gifted thousands of reusable pints to fans as an incentive to take environmental action and make plastic free commitments at the Village Green at each show, as part of Johnson’s All At Once campaign.
The Jack Johnson 2017-2018 All The Light Above It Too World Tour sold or gave away 71,376 steel pints during U.S. dates, eliminating the need for more than 200,000 single-use plastic cups at shows. The waste reduction extends beyond the tour, however, as many venues and promoters have embraced the reusable cup concept, and thousands of fans have committed to refill and reuse their Jack Johnson pint cups in their daily lives.
“It feels really good to look out at the audience this time around and see so many people with the reusable cups,” said Johnson. “We’re part of an industry that produces a lot of plastic, so I’m grateful to all the venues and fans that have embraced this idea. I think the demand we’ve seen for the pints shows that it’s not really so hard to offer alternatives that are better for the planet. And if given the option, a lot of people will choose to refill and reuse.”
The Jack Johnson World Tour began June 14, 2017 in New York and concluded Sept. 2, 2018 in New Mexico, traveling to 47 North American cities and 28 locations abroad. The reusable pint cup program focused on U.S. venues on the tour. Among the highlights of the tour were three 100% Plastic Free Jack Johnson shows at Santa Barbara Bowl, where virtually no single-use plastic waste was produced.
Jack Johnson and his wife, Kim, have been leading and influential proponents of sustainable touring for the past 15 years. The reusable pint cup program was the signature element of the Jack Johnson 2017-2018 Tour’s greening initiatives, which also included: recycling, composting, carbon offsets, eco-friendly tour merchandise, sourcing of sustainable local food, free water refill stations, elimination of plastic straws and other single-use items, support for All At Once Non-Profit Partners in each city, and fan engagement to encourage personal environmental commitments.
“Jack’s zero waste cups raise environmental awareness in a subtle way that’s fun for fans, and viable for venues — which normally have to deal with truckloads of plastic waste after every show,” said John Borg, founder of Steelys Drinkware. “We’ve been helping green music festivals and tours for almost a decade, but we’ve never worked with an artist or crew so committed to supporting alternatives to single-use plastics. With Jack and Kim behind it, the reusable pint cup program is driving positive change in the music industry and beyond.”
# # #
About Jack Johnson: 
Jack Johnson grew up surfing and playing guitar in Hawaii.  Since 2001, he has released 6 studio albums and 2 live albums that have sold over 25 million copies worldwide. His Brushfire Records label and touring crew have been leaders in the greening of the music industry and his All At Once social action network connects fans with local non-profits at each tour stop, provides free water refill stations at shows to cut plastic waste, and engages fans to make environmental commitments. Jack, with his wife Kim, founded the Kokua Hawaii Foundation to support environmental education in Hawaii's schools and communities, as well as the Johnson Ohana Foundation to support environmental, art and music education worldwide. The total of these album and tour profit donations, along with Johnson’s personal charitable activities, have resulted in over $30 million donated to charity since 2001. All The Light Above It Too is Johnson’s first release since 2013’s chart topping From Here To Now To You. 
About Steelys Drinkware: 
Based in San Francisco, Steelys Drinkware is a wholesale supplier of reusable, food-grade stainless steel cups, bottles, drinking straws, and food containers that minimize society’s reliance on single-use plastic goods. Working on the front lines of the zero waste movement, Steelys has pioneered the design of custom reusable food and beverage service items that provide alternatives to conventional single-use plastics and help divert trash from landfills, save resources, and cut pollution. Steelys’ mission is to design and produce durable reusable products that meet the highest standards for health, safety, sustainability & corporate social responsibility. Steelys are manufactured at select factories vetted for social and environmental compliance, and the brand has print production and distribution facilities in California, Minnesota, and North Carolina. Founded in 2010 by sustainable merchandise designer, John Borg, Steelys are distributed exclusively through Eco Imprints, Inc.
In addition to the video link embedded in the announcement, 2 photos accompanying this story are available for editorial use at https://steelysdrinkware.com/blog/
source: http://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/41620-Jack-Johnson-s-Reusable-Pint-Cup-Program-Cuts-Single-Use-Plastic-Waste-on-Tour-Newly-Released-Video-Reveals?tracking_source=rss
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You Love Exciting Adventure Holidays? Try American Adventure Holidays With Top Travel Companies
On the off chance that you are searching for energizing abroad enterprise go there are some extremely uncommon American experience occasions on the web. On the off chance that you have sufficient energy to visit the USA, at that point you would do well to consider going on a sorted out excursion with a main enterprise travel organization.
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Another excursion that got my creative ability was an outdoors occasion in America's West. This is a 22-day trip with 15 evenings outdoors in phenomenal areas. Travel Guide Once more, this excursion begins in San Francisco where you can go kayaking and investigate the Big Sur beach front locale. At that point you proceed onward to Cachuma Lake, Santa Barbara, and after that to Los Angeles where you can select to visit Universal Studios. You will then travel San Diego, where you will take a city visit, and Phoenix for a visit to a genuine cowhand bar.
Despite everything you'll have the Grand Canyon, Lake Powell, and Monument Valley, in front of you, and you will find out about Navajo culture. At that point you'll visit Moab, Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park, Death Valley, and Yosemite. You can select a kayak stumble on the Russian River when you're at the Napa Valley. You will camp most evenings, so you will truly get a handle on you have been in the wilds and having an enterprise. It's another epic visit.
The excellence of composed visits is that they are outlined by specialists who recognize what they are doing. You are ensured to have an incredible affair with no of the bothers. Everything is dealt with. The vehicle, outdoors rigging, schedule, and you are allowed to select all through exercises as you come. Nothing is obligatory.
I have investigated numerous more extraordinary outings round the USA and there are absolutely parts more to pick, from self drive occasions to astonishing travels to Alaska, mountain excursion rentals and bundle occasions to New York!
The rundown is long yet what they all have in like manner is that they offer extraordinary esteems for cash, genuine feelings of serenity and in particular undertakings that will live with you for a long time to come.
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lesliehofftravels · 7 years
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Habla Español…
August 31, 2017
This evening I went on the tour of the famous Castillo Santa Barbara, or at least that was my intent.  I met the group at the school, prepared with my leg brace on for the uphill walk.  It was hot.  We made it to the top of the hill at the entrance of the castle, and there was a sign that said it was closed for a theater event for about 2 weeks.  (This is the kind of lack of services provided by the school, they didn’t bother to check).  We walked around at the top of the hill and saw the beautiful views of the city.  I asked the tour guide how the people of Alicante feel about tourists.  He said that it was mixed, plus/minus.  He said that they need the tourists because the economy is so bad, but they still don’t move ahead having the tourists, so they don’t like them there.  
After the the downhill walk to the city center, we went to have drinks at a small bar, sitting outside as is the custom, in a small passageway. I got to know some of the students, including 2 Italian girls who came in from Switzerland, an Italian guy named Andrea.  There were also some other girls, Valentina from Germany, who is in my class, who is traveling with her older sister, and some other students.  Carina and George were also on the tour.  We went to have something to eat, and I ordered grilled vegetables.  They were good, but loaded with olive oil.  The Spanish REALLY like their olive oil!  
I had a chance to talk with the Italian girls, Valentina (there are 2 Valentinas) and Isabelle (there are 2 Isabelle's).  These two girls are cousins, and Isabelle doesn’t speak any English, only Italian, so that was a good incentive for us all to use our Spanish, since Isabelle is also learning Spanish.  Valentina works for a language program that places students in places like the school we are in.  I offered to help Isabelle learn English online after we go home, and she is interested.
We are all planning to go for tapas tomorrow through the school, and have been pushing the school to publicize it.  We had enough people signed up for the Tapas Tour (because we insisted they make a sign-up sheet).  The castle tour guide suggested we check with the school in the morning to make sure they made reservations and the tour is still a “go”.  He sounds like the Spanish voice of experience, so we will take his advice!
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porchenclose10019 · 7 years
5 Reasons You’ll Fall in Love with Santa Barbara, the American Riviera
Image via Visit Santa Barbara/Jay Sinclair
Here’s why Santa Barbara is about to become your go-to California weekend getaway. 
Affectionately known as the American Riviera, Santa Barbara is a traveler’s delight. It’s easy to navigate and perfectly situated between the beach and mountains with views galore. And don’t forget about its wine country, horse country, sailing, surfing, Spanish colonial architecture, historic hotels, and those charming red tile roofs perfectly contrasted against white stucco walls. An oceanfront city, Santa Barbara is quite a beauty. Toss in an au courent farm-to-table dining scene… there is much to love about this historic small-ish town that is anything but sleepy.
Voted “30 Best Small Cities in America” in Condé Nast Traveler’s Reader’s Choice Awards, here are five reasons why Santa Barbara might just grab hold of your heart and not let go. (Sorry, San Francisco!)
1. Dog & Horse-Friendly Beautiful Beaches Image via Visit Santa Barbara/Jay Sinclair
With miles of golden sand and endless ocean views, no wonder Santa Barbara was voted “Best Beach Town” by Sunset magazine in 2015. It definitely doesn’t disappoint. There are plenty of outfitters who will help you up on a horse to ride off into the sandy beach for sunset. A local’s favorite is dog-friendly Butterfly Beach in Montecito. Or head over to Arroyo Burro Beach and keep your eyes on the water for breaching whales and jumping dolphins.
And if horses aren’t your thing, stay beachfront at Bacara Resort & Spa. Nestled between the Gaviota Coast and Santa Ynez Mountains, stroll along its Cliff Walk to the waterline and along the nature loop to its picnic area. Join in Bacara’s oceanfront yoga and a fit tour for a land or ocean adventure with onsite lessons and rentals.
2. An Urban Wine Trail in a Historic Downtown Image via Visit Santa Barbara/Mark Weber
Santa Barbara’s relaxed beach vibe makes its way into its wine scene in its historic urban wine trail. There’s nothing stuffy going on here. You’ll sip, swirl, and taste some local favorite varietals while rubbing elbows with friendly locals who know the winemaker by her first name. Tasting rooms are charming with stucco walls, winding narrow pathways, red brick tiles, and bursts of color from magenta bougainvillea. Head to Margerum and try one of their organic wines from its La Encantada Vineyards. Margerum’s elegant French-style whites and reds are so drinkable all day long. But pace yourself. And leave a few tasting rooms to try when you come back. There are more than thirty after all.
3. Stunning Historic Hotels image via Four Seasons Resort The Biltmore Santa Barbara
If you love Spanish colonial-style architecture, you’ll never want to leave Four Seasons Resort The Biltmore Santa Barbara. Just opposite Montecito’s Butterfly Beach, it’s an iconic hotel that gives you the feeling you’re walking through a 22-acre botanical garden with colorful tile fountains and majestic palm trees. At night, Ty Lounge transforms into a magical throwback to the 1920s with Moroccan carpets and massive glass chandeliers where you can dine on Spanish tapas by candlelight or next to the fire on its ocean view patio.
4. Surfing, Sailing, and SUP Image via Visit Santa Barbara/Mark Weber
You are going to get wet in Santa Barbara. There’s no other way around it and soon you’ll have sun-kissed skin and hair. The Santa Barbara Adventure Company is your gateway to ocean adventures and The Channel Islands. SUP, kayak through ocean caves or take a surf lesson. And there’s no better way to see the coastline than from a mile out to sea on a sailboat. The Santa Barbara Sailing Center has boats for rent and experienced captains for hire.
5. Car-Free Collaborations istockphoto.com/4fr
Santa Barbara’s “Car Free-dom” initiative makes leaving your keys behind easier than ever. Just pick up the Car Free map that lays out bike paths, electric shuttle services bus lines, and the famous Red Tile Walking tour that winds you through the most beautiful points of interest downtown. Amtrack Pacific Surfliner provides service from San Diego and San Luis Obispo, where you’ll arrive in a beautifully restored historic train station. Bring your bike onboard and you’re good to go. Also, it pays to go car-less. Between train discounts and hotels offering car-free packages with complimentary pick-up from the train station, free use of electric bikes, and other incentives, Santa Barbara makes it worth your while.
And if you absolutely, can’t leave the car at home and you drive an electric vehicle, the eco-award-winning Santa Barbara Ramada has a (guilt-free) electric charging station.
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5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town 5 Sailing Vacations Perfect for Beginners Costa Rica’s Pura Vida Secret to Longer, Happier Lives
The post 5 Reasons You’ll Fall in Love with Santa Barbara, the American Riviera appeared first on EcoSalon.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2q144mj
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releveunlimited · 6 months
Unforgettable Incentive Travel Experiences in Santa Barbara
When it comes to planning customized and unforgettable incentive travel experiences, it’s crucial to rely on someone with extensive local knowledge and relationships. In Santa Barbara you need to look no further – Relevé Unlimited is your go-to resource for all experiences in the America Riviera.
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repwinpril9y0a1 · 7 years
5 Reasons You’ll Fall in Love with Santa Barbara, the American Riviera
Image via Visit Santa Barbara/Jay Sinclair
Here’s why Santa Barbara is about to become your go-to California weekend getaway. 
Affectionately known as the American Riviera, Santa Barbara is a traveler’s delight. It’s easy to navigate and perfectly situated between the beach and mountains with views galore. And don’t forget about its wine country, horse country, sailing, surfing, Spanish colonial architecture, historic hotels, and those charming red tile roofs perfectly contrasted against white stucco walls. An oceanfront city, Santa Barbara is quite a beauty. Toss in an au courent farm-to-table dining scene… there is much to love about this historic small-ish town that is anything but sleepy.
Voted “30 Best Small Cities in America” in Condé Nast Traveler’s Reader’s Choice Awards, here are five reasons why Santa Barbara might just grab hold of your heart and not let go. (Sorry, San Francisco!)
1. Dog & Horse-Friendly Beautiful Beaches Image via Visit Santa Barbara/Jay Sinclair
With miles of golden sand and endless ocean views, no wonder Santa Barbara was voted “Best Beach Town” by Sunset magazine in 2015. It definitely doesn’t disappoint. There are plenty of outfitters who will help you up on a horse to ride off into the sandy beach for sunset. A local’s favorite is dog-friendly Butterfly Beach in Montecito. Or head over to Arroyo Burro Beach and keep your eyes on the water for breaching whales and jumping dolphins.
And if horses aren’t your thing, stay beachfront at Bacara Resort & Spa. Nestled between the Gaviota Coast and Santa Ynez Mountains, stroll along its Cliff Walk to the waterline and along the nature loop to its picnic area. Join in Bacara’s oceanfront yoga and a fit tour for a land or ocean adventure with onsite lessons and rentals.
2. An Urban Wine Trail in a Historic Downtown Image via Visit Santa Barbara/Mark Weber
Santa Barbara’s relaxed beach vibe makes its way into its wine scene in its historic urban wine trail. There’s nothing stuffy going on here. You’ll sip, swirl, and taste some local favorite varietals while rubbing elbows with friendly locals who know the winemaker by her first name. Tasting rooms are charming with stucco walls, winding narrow pathways, red brick tiles, and bursts of color from magenta bougainvillea. Head to Margerum and try one of their organic wines from its La Encantada Vineyards. Margerum’s elegant French-style whites and reds are so drinkable all day long. But pace yourself. And leave a few tasting rooms to try when you come back. There are more than thirty after all.
3. Stunning Historic Hotels image via Four Seasons Resort The Biltmore Santa Barbara
If you love Spanish colonial-style architecture, you’ll never want to leave Four Seasons Resort The Biltmore Santa Barbara. Just opposite Montecito’s Butterfly Beach, it’s an iconic hotel that gives you the feeling you’re walking through a 22-acre botanical garden with colorful tile fountains and majestic palm trees. At night, Ty Lounge transforms into a magical throwback to the 1920s with Moroccan carpets and massive glass chandeliers where you can dine on Spanish tapas by candlelight or next to the fire on its ocean view patio.
4. Surfing, Sailing, and SUP Image via Visit Santa Barbara/Mark Weber
You are going to get wet in Santa Barbara. There’s no other way around it and soon you’ll have sun-kissed skin and hair. The Santa Barbara Adventure Company is your gateway to ocean adventures and The Channel Islands. SUP, kayak through ocean caves or take a surf lesson. And there’s no better way to see the coastline than from a mile out to sea on a sailboat. The Santa Barbara Sailing Center has boats for rent and experienced captains for hire.
5. Car-Free Collaborations istockphoto.com/4fr
Santa Barbara’s “Car Free-dom” initiative makes leaving your keys behind easier than ever. Just pick up the Car Free map that lays out bike paths, electric shuttle services bus lines, and the famous Red Tile Walking tour that winds you through the most beautiful points of interest downtown. Amtrack Pacific Surfliner provides service from San Diego and San Luis Obispo, where you’ll arrive in a beautifully restored historic train station. Bring your bike onboard and you’re good to go. Also, it pays to go car-less. Between train discounts and hotels offering car-free packages with complimentary pick-up from the train station, free use of electric bikes, and other incentives, Santa Barbara makes it worth your while.
And if you absolutely, can’t leave the car at home and you drive an electric vehicle, the eco-award-winning Santa Barbara Ramada has a (guilt-free) electric charging station.
Related on EcoSalon
5 Reasons San Diego is California’s Best Beach Town 5 Sailing Vacations Perfect for Beginners Costa Rica’s Pura Vida Secret to Longer, Happier Lives
The post 5 Reasons You’ll Fall in Love with Santa Barbara, the American Riviera appeared first on EcoSalon.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2q144mj
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