#Initially kingdom hearts before the major drought
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Sorry for the repost @chaitea09​ but for some reason Tumblr is refusing to put the cut in the right spot??? So I’ve just redone it here to save everyone from the wall of text! Anyway, on to round 2:
So, just for context, Kyriin is not technically a name, it is a title used in place of a name. There are technically two Kyriin that feature in the story, but both receive handy nicknames from the people closest to them (Kyri for one, Riin for the other). How convenient, no?
So basically, the Kyriin are a rank of warriors who hail from an isolated city called Kal-Kriya, deep in the desert to the west. Because there’s a bit of Lore for both the Kyriin and Kal-Kriya, I’ll just break this into two parts and put it below the cut. This got long af imsosorry:
The city of Kal-Kriya is largely underground, built into the sides of an enormous caldera. Being situated deep in an unforgiving desert, it is essentially a mystery to the rest of the known world, with majority of what is known about it spread through myth and legend (and often wildly untrue). No one really knows where it is or how to find it. Basically, all who have set out into the Reddesan Desert in search of it have not returned. Whether they found what they were looking for or succumbed to the harsh landscape and deadly beasts that roam the sands, no one can truly say.
Essentially, what is now known about Kal-Kriya is that it is the first line of defense for basically all of the kingdoms to the east. The desert is home to many deadly creatures, kept largely at bay by the Kal-Kriyan hunters and warriors. How they do it is an utter mystery to the eastern kingdoms, but the Kyriin (more on them later) definitely leave them with a lot of spicy theories.
Historically, Kal-Kriya was formed not long after the Divide. It is said that a large group of defectors from the great city of Khathis (which later became the heart of the Khathi Empire) were herded into the Reddesan and left to die. However, after a day or so of wandering, a figure appeared on the dunes ahead of them, loosely formed from swirling sand. It began to lead the exhausted and thirsty group deeper into the desert. With nowhere else to go, they followed, the figure always remaining a few dunes ahead, swirling and shifting like a mirage. Eventually, after almost a month of being led from oasis to oasis, surprisingly unaccosted by any of the desert creatures, they came across a large caldera, at the heart of which a lake had formed. The soil around it was surprisingly fertile, with plants they had never seen before already growing in thick tangles, and the walls of the caldera were interspersed with large, circular caverns, as though they had been dug out many hundreds of years ago by something enormous (and, luckily, long gone).
Basically, they began to set up their city in these large caverns, expanding them as needed, farming the land within the caldera to support themselves. Rain is rare, but there is an underground reservoir that keeps the lake from drying out completely, even after extensive droughts. The figure who guided them there became known as ‘Shei-tah’ (‘stone-mother’), and is believed to dwell in the sand and stone of the Reddesan. She became the patron deity of Kal-Kriya and plays an integral role in the formation and function of their society to this day.
One of the main duties performed by Kal-Kriyans is the scouring of the desert, particularly near the caldera, and the hunting of the beasts that attempt to either enter their lands or move further east, towards the outskirts of the desert. Basically, it is in their best interests to keep these creatures as far to the west as possible, as well as to prevent them from growing too large in number. The ones they target are large predators, which are often heavily armoured and possess lethal poisons. It was definitely a rough few decades, as they established their city and struggled with the threats around them. But they eventually developed techniques suited to keeping the creatures at bay, either by killing them or forcing them to retreat deeper into the desert. Now, specially trained groups of Kal-Kriyan’s roam to the north and south, hunting beasts of various species and returning with food from the carcasses and collecting certain parts that can be refashioned into armour, clothing and weapons. If they need to make a kill, very little goes to waste. It is one of the ways they are able to self-sustain so well, with the lack of traditional livestock and limited agricultural space.
In terms of their relationships with the cities beyond the desert, Kal-Kriya historically kept to itself until the Khathi Empire attempted to find and seize it somewhere in the 2nd century. While their army never successfully reached the city, they came close enough to cause alarm, which led to a delegation being sent from Kal-Kriya to negotiate an accord. Initially, this negotiation failed, with the Khathi soldiers seizing the delegation as prisoners and trying to get them to give up the location of their home.
So, the Kal-Kriyans retreated into their city, sealed themselves inside, and let the creatures of the desert swarm west.
While the Khathi Empire had outposts all along the border of the Reddesan, where they intercepted and killed the few creatures that managed to make it that far, they were in no way prepared for how many suddenly appeared. After a few weeks of desperate defense, Khathis agreed to re-enter negotiations with Kal-Kriya, who sent one (1) warrior, blessed by Shei-tah’s highest priests, capable of surviving the now incredibly hostile distance between the city and the Khathi army. One of the most distinguishing features were the dark tattoos that seemed to snake along his arms, legs, torso, hands, feet, even up his neck and vanishing into his hairline. He arrived, and basically declared that the Khathi had to ‘leave and never send their army here again’. Given the situation, Khathis wasn’t in a very strong bargaining position, with their own army falling apart at the seams from the heat and the near constant attacks by the denizens of the desert. So they agreed on one condition: Kal-Kriya had to have some presence outside the desert. Basically, they didn’t trust them hiding away the way they did, so there needed to be some means of communication available.
This is when the Kyriin (meaning ‘Chosen’) were officially formed, with the negotiating warrior becoming the first of the order.
The Kyriin
The Kyriin are highly trained warriors, all tattooed in the likeness of the first of their order. Basically, every ten years, ten Kyriin are sent from Kal-Kriya to the eastern kingdoms, where they will roam until they accept an offer (this usually happens within the first month, if not the first day, as noble houses send family members to camp at the edge of the Reddesan so they can make their offers as soon as the Kyriin set foot outside the desert). It is largely a symbolic act, as holding a Kyriin’s contract is considered a rare honour that indicates power and prestige. However, the Kyriin are essentially sworn to the one they enter an agreement with, and often serve as bodyguards to powerful people due to their combat skill. There are rules and such that they have to follow (such as not participating in wars, giving away information on Kal-Kriya, or harming another Kyriin) but I won’t go into them here.
After ten years spent in the eastern lands, their contracts end and they return to Kal-Kriya with whatever they gained from their contract (goods, knowledge, technology, etc.), and the new group of Kyriin arrive.
But there is another reason why so many fight for a contract.
There is one among the ten Kyriin known colloquially as a the “black-eyes” (or the krea morei). This warrior is said to be able to perform unbelievable feats of strength that greatly surpass anything that could be considered human. However, they are utterly indistinguishable from the other Kyriin, tattooed and dressed identically, and forbidden to reveal themselves prior to receiving a contract. Even after taking a contract, the only time they are discovered is if they need to use their strength for some reason, and sometimes a decade passes without the krea morei ever being revealed. They receive the name ‘black-eyes’ because, when they are truly exerting themselves, the whites of their eyes appear to flood black. If anyone got close enough, they would see it’s actually a dark red (a result of blood vessels bursting from the strain being placed on their bodies), but basically anyone who had gotten close enough to tell the difference hasn’t lived to spread the Good News™.
Lots of superstition surrounds the krea morei, with some noble houses only offering contracts to the first Kyriin to emerge from the desert (as they must be the strongest and fastest), and some only offering contracts to the last (because they were clearly not threatened by the dangers of the desert and therefore made the crossing at a leisurely pace). In the end, it’s all crap, because they’re not some strange hive-mind that all operate the same way. While they all call themselves Kyriin and leave their true names behind in Kal-Kriya (chiselled into stone, to be reclaimed upon their return), they are still distinctly individuals who will arrive whenever they happen to arrive. There is also a desperate desire to work out what makes the krea morei ‘tick’ (so to speak) but so far no one has been able to work it out.
So, Kyri is a member of this order (and, spoiler, the resident krea morei). Basically she arrives at this gathering of the nobility at the edge of the desert… and just walks straight past them. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200. This is unheard of, but the reason for it is because, since leaving Kal-Kriya and venturing into the desert, she has been receiving visions from Shei-tah, showing her powerful flashes of places and landmarks, accompanied by emotions of fear, pain and desperation, as well as an urgent compulsion to head east no matter what (this is the extent to which Shei-tah can really communicate). All Kyri knows is that she needs to keep heading east, and if she takes some noble’s contract, she might not be able to do that. She cannot risk splitting her attention and time.
So, she starts to head east, unsettled, uncertain, and unbound by contract, hunting for the scenes from her visions which get weaker the further she ventures from the Reddesan. Eventually, she starts to realise that she can’t do this on her own, and needs to find people who can help her. This is what leads to her liberating Taelan (one of the Morithi, who are people from the eastern isles that possess an uncanny sense of direction and never forget a path they have walked) from his master. Eventually, they also join up with Delver and Syldana.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/comet-neowise-july-2020-message-under-the-stars/
Comet NEOWISE, July 2020 ~ Message Under The Stars
Comet NEOWISE, July 2020 ~ Message Under The Stars
By astrologyking
Comet NEOWISE is one of the brightest comets for over 20 years, and one of the few comets visible to the naked eye this century. It was discovered using the NEOWISE space telescope on March 27, 2020.
Comets have always inspired awe as well as dread. Seen as carrying messages from heaven, they have also inspired predictions of war and famine. In 1997, 39 members of the UFO religious group Heaven’s Gate died in a mass ritual in order to reach what they believed was an extraterrestrial spacecraft following Comet Hale–Bopp.
Recent newly discovered comets have looked promising but ended up fading away when they neared the Sun, like the ‘Doomsday’ comet Elenin in 2011. In 2013, the “Comet of the Century”, ISON, was supposed to be brighter than the Moon but also broke apart and no cataclysms ensued.
But according to Space.com, “The early reviews are in: Comet NEOWISE is a hit!” [1] And NASA said this inner-Solar System intruder “might become known as the Great Comet of 2020.” [2]
Comet NEOWISE should be visible in the Northern hemisphere for all of July 2020. The best time for viewing is between July 14 to 19, before sunrise and after sunset.
Comet Astrology
Vivian Robson says the effects of comets “appear to be exerted through the constellation in which they appear, and also through the zodiacal sign and degree to which their position corresponds. They are said to cause inordinate heat, pestilence, sterility of the earth, wars and changes in kingdoms, winds, earthquakes and floods, and are assigned to the planets according to their colors. [3]
According to Jonathan Flanery, the “effects of comets were supposed to last for 1/8 of their period; to the ancients this would most likely have been their period of visibility… Their appearance was heralded by disturbances in humans, animals, and the weather. The comets then dispensed, by perihelion position and their dispositor, their good or ill effects – usually ill. They also often heralded the rise of an agent. This agent could be a war leader but might, depending on the position of the comet, show a religious leader, reformer, or great trader.
The message is not delivered until the comet makes its closest approach to the Sun where the message is assimilated into the system… These new decrees are issued at perihelion. Perihelion is the sensitive point to watch during the duration of influence of the comet as this is the message. The message alters trade and political arrangements and form alliances into new patterns – it creates new connections… When the place of perihelion is transited by Mars or the Sun, effects begin in earnest, the decree is implemented and arrangements change radically.
Comets signify realignment of trade, financial and political arrangements with an initial disruption in the system. Later on, after ignition, that is transit by Sun or Mars, the winners and losers become apparent. Even so, the effects may linger for some time with the perihelion as a sensitive point for many years, sometimes centuries.” [4]
Comet NEOWISE Astrology
Comet NEOWISE was discovered on March 27, 2020, at 5:07:28 UT, at 01°16′27″ Leo. (from astronomical data at the Minor Planet Center) [5]
The chart below shows the comet (X) at 01°16′ Leo, opposite Mars and Saturn, and square Uranus. The most significant aspect is the comet opposite Saturn (0°52′).
Comet Neowise Discovery
Comet NEOWISE opposite Saturn signifies restriction, contraction, delays, boundaries, isolation, worry, depression, trade losses, unemployment, infirmity, and poverty. It puts pressure on governments, leaders and corporations. It forces you to be responsible, patient, practical, economical, loyal, respectful of tradition, and also to look after older people.
The arrival of this comet has coincided with a great upheaval for humanity and the biggest restrictions for generations with the coronavirus pandemic (declared on March 11). The result has been just as you would expect from an opposition to Saturn: fear, death, suffering, unemployment, poverty, geopolitical change, and possibly famine. On March 27, the number of confirmed cases in the United States overtook China and Italy, and the US death toll surpassed 1,500.
The opposition to Mars adds irritation, meanness, cruelty, violence, operations, fevers, rioting, and danger of war. It places pressure on police, security guards, and the military. It urges you to be strong, brave, and to use your initiative and take the lead.
The square to Uranus brings great disruption from radical change and unexpected events, anxiety, nervousness, accidents and revolution.
Remember Robson said the effects of comets “appear to be exerted through the constellation in which they appear, and also through the zodiacal sign and degree to which their position corresponds.” [3]
The Constellation
This image from The Sky Live shows the comet first appeared in Constellation Puppis, the Poop Deck of the Ship, Argo Navis.
Constellation Argo is said to give prosperity in trade and voyages, and strength of heart and spirit, but it has been observed to accompany cases of drowning. According to Ptolemy, the bright stars are like Saturn and Jupiter (dignified, pious, conservative, acquisitive, retentive.) [3]
The Zodiacal Sign
The influence of comets in the zodiacal sign of Leo: Destruction by wild beasts and vermin, trouble to the nobility, war towards the end of the year, especially in the east, and ailments affecting the eyes. If in the east, storms and drought; if in the west, sickness and danger of madness to dogs. [3] (Comet Neowise is seen in the east.)
The Stars
“The long-period comets with periods of much more than 200 years come in from the Oort Cloud… Those from the Oort Cloud bring messages and decrees from the fixed stars.” [4]
Comet NEOWISE has an orbital period of 6,766 years. The list below shows the fixed stars conjunct comet NEOWISE at its discovery:
29 ♋ 48 – η Canis Majoris 00 ♌ 34 – π Puppis 00 ♌ 35 – η Ursae Minoris 01 ♌ 06 – 23 Ursae Majoris 01 ♌ 16 – Comet NEOWISE 03 ♌ 04 – ι Canis Majoris
23 Ursae Majoris (0°10′) is named Alhaud IV, from the Arabic word Al-Haud, meaning ‘the Pond’. [6] Constellation Ursa Major the Greater Bear is said to give a quiet, prudent, suspicious, mistrustful, self-controlled, patient nature, but an uneasy spirit and great anger and revengefulness when roused. According to Ptolemy, Ursa Major is like Mars (violent death, ultimate ruin by folly or pride.) [3] Astrologically both Bears were said to presage an evil influence. They are particularly injurious as regards to the affairs of nations and kings. [7]
Eta Ursae Minoris (0°41′): Constellation Ursa Minor the Lesser Bear is said to give indifference and improvidence of spirit, and to lead to many troubles. [3]
Pi Puppis (0°42′) has the traditional name Ahadi, which is derived from Arabic for “having much promise”. [8]
There are also significant fixed star conjunct the planets in the discovery chart:
Sun conjunct fixed star Algenib (09 ♈ 25): Mental disturbances, fevers and ill health, some danger of accidents, but also fighting spirit and a love of learning. Algenib gives a quick temper, bad morals, drink or bad habits, and denotes the naked and poor professional beggar.
Moon conjunct fixed star Menkar (14 ♉ 35): Mental anxiety, hatred of the vulgar, ill-will of women, danger from thieves, sickness to native and family, loss of marriage partner or near relative, quarrels, legal losses, legacies and inheritances attended by much evil. Lean and infirm, many miseries.
Mercury conjunct fixed star Skat (09 ♓ 08): Peculiar events, occult interests, psychic, many friends.
Venus conjunct fixed star Zaurak (24 ♉ 08): A struggle to overcome melancholy and feelings of great loneliness. So try not to take life too seriously and put too much weight on everything people say. Otherwise, this star could trigger off fear of death and suicidal tendencies.
Mars, Jupiter and Pluto conjunct fixed star Terebellum (26 ♑ 07): Fortune but with regret and disgrace.
Saturn conjunct fixed star Altair (02 ♒ 03): Sorrow and disappointment, mental disturbance necessitating asylum or hospital treatment and probably death there, separation from family or parents, danger of accident involving an inability to work or lifelong affliction.
Uranus conjunct fixed star Sheratan (04 ♉ 14): Bodily injuries, unscrupulous defeat, destruction by fire, war or earthquake. Danger is indicated when acting impulsively and in a foolhardy fashion.
The Color
Robson said comets are assigned to the planets according to their colors. Recent images of comet NEOWISE show it is mainly a golden orange color. It actually has a number of different colors coming from the nucleus and its two tails.
Comet Neowise over Stonehenge, July 14, 2020 [apod.nasa.gov]
“The first tail’s color is magenta and made of gas and ions; the second twin tail is a golden color and made of dust.” [9]
The false nucleus glowed brilliant yellow, the tail a delicate shade of orange. The comet is also developing a fainter, blue-hued ion tail from fluorescing carbon monoxide. [10]
Gold, orange and yellow colors could be applied to the Sun, Venus and Jupiter: “Those of the nature of Jupiter, abundance of corn and fruit; Sun, plague, sickness, and death of kings; of Venus, drought and trouble to kings and women” [3]
Comet NEOWISE Perihelion
The comet made its closest approach to the Sun (perihelion) on July 3, 2020, at 16:21 UT. [3] This places the comet at 29°54′ Gemini. More comet NEOWISE predictions can be interpreted from its perihelion position (X) in the chart below.
The comet is exactly quincunx Saturn. So, like the June 21 solar eclipse it is conjunct, it causes an imbalance between personal freedom and responsibility, between self-expression and restriction.
A patient, cautious, and responsible attitude is required. But flexibility and openness are also needed as you adapt to changes in the level of restrictions in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The eclipse should amplify the effects of the comet.
Comet NEOWISE Perihelion
The list below shows two important fixed stars influencing the comet.
29 ♊ 02 – α Orionis, Betelguese 29 ♊ 08 – North Node 29 ♊ 54 – Comet NEOWISE Perihelion 00 ♋ 11 – β Aurigae, Mekalinan 00 ♋ 21 – June 21 Solar Eclipse 00 ♋ 52 – μ Orionis
Fixed Star Mekalinan gives great initiative, high enterprise, and enthusiasm. But caution and objective second thoughts are needed because of impulsive, reckless, combative, and destructive nature. It may cause ruin, disgrace, and a violent death because of excess pleasure-seeking. Only when really in good aspect is this fixed star rated as a positive acting one. Badly positioned, this star will be most unhelpful.
Fixed star Betelgeuse gives martial honor, preferment and wealth. [3] War and carnage are presaged by Betelgeuse. [7]
When the Sun or Mars transits the perihelion position, the effects of the comet will “begin in earnest”. Mars next transits 29°54′ Gemini on April 9, 2021, followed by the Sun on June 12, 2021.
The closest approach of comet NEOWISE to Earth will occur on July 23, 2020, 01:14 UT. It will be located in the constellation of Ursa Major, at 20°34′ Leo [see chart].
How to see Comet NEOWISE in the night sky this month, space.com.
Comet NEOWISE Rising over the Adriatic Sea, apod.nasa.gov.
Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p. 226.
Unexpected Visitors: The Theory of the Influence of Comets, Jonathan Flanery, Skyscript.co.uk, November 2005.
COMET C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE). Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, April 1, 2020.
Star-Names and Their Meanings, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1899, p. 442.
Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p. 7.
Night Sky: A Field Guide to the Constellations, Jonathan Poppele, 2010,  p. 264.
C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE), Wikipedia.
Comet NEOWISE Delights at Dawn, Sky & telescope, Bob King, July 9, 2020.
C/2020 F3 ( NEOWISE), Seiichi Yoshida.
All of Creation Is watching Earth and witnessing its Ascension Process. They are ready, ready for this Planet to be Declared a Light Only Zone. All of Humanity are called upon now to Step Up in fulfillment of their Divine Soul Contract.
The dark has been cleared, fully defeated and New Earth, Nova Terra, is ready to begin. This requires each Being to fully clear the remaining density within their bodies, to awaken to full remembrance of their Galactic Truth, their Soul Essence, their Divine Blueprint.
This is not a Drill, in Real Time, Present Moment of Now Mother of All Creation is on the Planet and she is Our Divine Director, Our Eternal Mother. She hired you for this role and She is here to guide you.
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thekingsmanscycle · 7 years
Karlemon’s Lands: Religion
The Lydian Pantheon. The main polytheistic religion of human lands is inherited from the time of the Lydaead, a shared cultural tradition derived from the ancestral practices of the peoples of Kanja’s Rise and the Ynen Valley which spread across what is now Karlemon’s Lands in the Elvahen Era.
Narrated by the heroine Kalanthe, the Lydaead recounts the story of how the world was shaped from miasma by the joining of the four elemental forces in a great central nexus from which stepped the first primeval beings, gods who became the stars as they passed from the world. After these left or were driven out, the current gods stepped forward to shape the mortal world and administer their domains. 
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There are ten gods, each with their own domain, sacred ceremonies, centres of worship and devoted acolytes. Worship amongst devotees is very much a personal venture, with it being accepted as a given and ordinary part of daily life and routine to give offerings and dedicate prayers to different deities dependant on your needs, wants and general outlook. 
To become a priest of the Lydian gods it is usual to choose a patron at a fairly young age, but it is forbidden to join the priesthood when not of adult age or majority human blood. Training varies from sect to sect but is generally held to take three years or more. Most will then need to pass an initiation ceremony based around faith, endurance and sincerity.
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Hyperia. Goddess of governance, agriculture, the harvest and marriage. Known as Queen of the Gods, Hyperia is the patron of the nobility, the farmer and the family, earning her the reverence of people of all walks of life. She is worshipped in temples in every palace in Karlemon’s Lands. Domain: Life, Nature.
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Nerys. Goddess of fate, justice, vengeance and balance. Depicted as blind, she is the impartial standard for all judicial proceedings but also the arbiter against those who go unpunished. At the end of a mortal's life it is said she will weigh the soul against that of her familiar and judge their place in the afterlife. Her greatest temple is at Tornesken Lake in Fallsund. Domain: Knowledge, Trickery.
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Argeia. Goddess of battle, strategy, wisdom and learning. The patron of all scholars and soldiers, she is worshipped in temples both permanent and transitory, owing to the nature of academies and war camps. She is worshipped at Altolost in Fallsund. Domain: Knowledge and War.
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Meseret. Goddess of the hunt, love, wild beasts and childbirth. Originally revered only by the desert nomads of the easternmost Ynen Valley, her worship has spread with the growth of trade. She is patron of hunters, lovers, shepherds and mothers and is worshipped on the Isle of Ramsar in Valarre. Domain: Life and Nature.
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Elene. Goddess of the moon, storms, the tides and the night. The sister to Solus, the Sun, Elene is a temperamental deity prone to short outbursts of anger over unknown offences, which causes storms and high tides. She is worshipped at the Black Tower of Altamira in Tylia. Domain: Nature, Tempest.
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Solus. God of the sun, war, deserts and the day. The brother to Elene, the Moon, Solus is a temperamental deity prone to short outbursts of anger over unknown offences, which causes droughts and wildfires. He is worshipped at the Gold Tower of Altamira in Tylia. Domain: Light, War.
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Saamar. God of commerce, messengers, subterfuge and magic. His face never revealed to mankind, Saamar is a god of dualities, taking no side save his own and that of his favoured few. He favours the cunning, whether they are right or not. He is worshipped at the Pinnacles of Saamar in Tylia. Domain: Trickery.
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Nethos. God of the sea, sailors, fishers and shipbuilders. A somewhat chthonic god, Nethos' domain is all below the waves and all beyond the veil of death. He hosts and cares for the dead in his coral palace beneath the sea. He is worshipped at shrines all along the River Vipa in Cosima. Domain: Tempest, Grave.
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Phaeston. God of the forge, artisans, fire and mankind. Worshipped as the creator of mankind in defiance of the edicts of the first tyrant, Tartanus, he is thought to have molded the first humans from clay before firing them in the heart of the mythical volcano Mount Korab. He is worshipped at Altolost in Fallsund. Domain: Knowledge, Forge.
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Bromos. God of mirth, revelry, wild beasts and fertility. An ancient god, Bromos is the tutor of many of those who come later. His place is the wilderness, where his satyrs gather willing acolytes to revel with him and drink the famed Bromead, a powerful alcoholic elixir. He is worshipped in shrines all over the Pylaen Hills but particularly at Mount Lykoreia in Isagor. Domain: Life, Nature.
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The Vanathes. The fifty-seven daughters of Nethos, they carry the valiant dead from their place on land to the hall of their father. Led by Jocasta, the Dawn Captain, they are revered by all soldiers of all kingdoms and worshipped at the Marnberg Temple in Valarre. Domain: Grave.
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The Church of the Four Virtues. One of the secular traditions common to human lands is that of the Four Virtues; which teaches adherents to live in accordance with the chivalrous values of Courage, Wisdom, Temperance and Justice, using parables and exemplars as demonstration. 
At the core of the faith is the ideal of pious self-improvement leading to reward in both this life and the next, without the interference of any higher power. Founded over three centuries ago by the warrior-philosopher Ser Boleslav Nedza, an itinerant Dalecarii knight, the Church is widespread in Karlemon’s Lands, especially in Cosima, Valarre and Dalecar with chapels found in many human settlements elsewhere. 
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The Elders are the priests of the Church, spiritual instructors and guides who teach the way to greater happiness in this life and the next. Hymns and prayers are the medium of worship, as is weekly attendance at the chapel to receive teachings and counsel from the resident Elder. The trials of initiation are long and arduous, lasting up to four years.
Key to the teachings of the Church are the use of ‘exemplars’, mortal humans who accomplished great and memorable deeds during their lifetime which continue to help and aid their fellow man today. There are over three hundred of these exemplars, all of whom are honoured with the title of ‘ser’ and who are memorialised through shrines in chapels.
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The holiest sites for the Church of the Four Virtues are Ser Boleslav’s Elder, the burial site of their founder located in Sarnika, Dalecar and the Grand Cathedral of the World’s Lights located in Novena, Cosima. Both are regular pilgrimage destinations for adherents of the faith.
Examples of Exemplars:
Ser Gunther of Touville. Exemplar of Courage of the Church of Four Virtues. A favourite of the Countess Morganne Sartre, he is reputed to have slain the black dragon Anomolocalyx, otherwise known as the ‘Grey Wyrm of Verley’. 
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Ser Donata of Gualba. Exemplar of Wisdom of the Church of Four Virtues. A lawyer of the Court of Maegi, she presided over the case which resulted in the fall of the infamous Chalice of Blood necromancer cult in 1244 CE.
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Ser Marta of Rzycek. Exemplar of Temperance of the Church of Four Virtues. A woods witch of Dalecarii stock, she is remembered for her loving ways and advocacy of reconciliation between the three warring covens of Griegesstadt.
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Ser Maelor of Chilon. Exemplar of Justice of the Church of Four Virtues. A masked magister of the Isagori chapter of the Arcanum Nobilite, he is noted for the liquidation of the serial killer Harbert Kindly in 1288 CE.
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Other deities:
Estria. Patron goddess of the city of Cagliasi, Cosima, she is a goddess of love and fertility worshipped yearly at the Giachetti family temple on Midsummer. Her devotees include young couples, expectant parents, farmers and prostitutes. Domains: Life, Nature.
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Mictlantecuhtli. The Godmother of Altamira is a death goddess concerned with the shepherding of deceased souls safely into the afterlife and worshipped by. tavern owners, town guards, prostitutes and criminals, who ask for her protection. Domains: Grave, Life.
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Chthon. This vile and evil presence is feared and reviled by the rural peoples of northern Dalecar, who warn others against the threat he poses to all living things and do all they can to drive off his minions, who are reported to be many and varied. Domains: Grave, Trickery.
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Return of a Prodigal Son | Eastern Lightning
Return of a Prodigal Son | Eastern Lightning
Wang Xin    Harbin City
In 1999, I became a leader due to the requirements of the work of the church. Although I felt deeply that I was not worthy of the job when I first started, after a while, due to my arrogant and self-righteous nature, my initial cautiousness gradually turned into exalting myself and testifying about myself. I cared about food, clothes, and enjoyment, greedily indulging in the blessings of my status. I even wanted to be on an equal footing with God. In the end, I was finally dismissed and sent home. It was only after this that I had an awakening and realized that “status” had made me give up on God and the truth; “status” had made me set up my individual kingdom; “status” had turned me into an antichrist; “status” made me embark on the road to death. It was only then that I discovered that I had strayed so very far from the right path and already fallen too deep.
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Looking back, my downward spiral began when my gospel work started to show some results. At the time, I really thought I was something and started talking big and getting pleased with myself, and I often spoke with a tone to people within the scope of my work. Later, a sister I was paired with raised my deficiencies with me, saying I carried a kind of wildly arrogant disposition when I spoke. I only accepted it on the surface, but not in my heart. In the end, I still thought of all sorts of ways to indirectly refute the deficiencies she raised. In the days after this, I began to speak for the sake of my status, never feeling uncomfortable in my heart for failing to satisfy God. Instead, I was often frustrated because other people were not convinced by me. Gradually, my heart grew numb and devoid of feeling. Just when I was still completely unaware that I was pursuing the wrong path, a leader gave me a note. It said: “XX, now that you’ve become a big shot, even your tone of voice has changed. You’re pretty much like the government officials out in the world. You will be eliminated soon.” What? Does this not imply that I am going to lose my future and destiny? After reading these words I fell into painful torment, but I did not examine my nature or appreciate from it God’s care and thought, and moreover I did not sense the consequences of continuing on like this. Then, a major illness suddenly befell me. In this situation and environment, I felt I had thoroughly fallen into despair. My mind was in a tangle and I was terrified of losing my duty. I was also afraid of being eliminated and not having a future, as well as being dismissed and sent home. I was full of outrageous requests toward God. Although I realized that I cared too much about status, I was entirely under Satan’s control and could not free myself. I actually used my position as a leader to control brothers and sisters into doing personal things for me, getting them to help me find a doctor so I could find a way to quickly get rid of my illness. My heart was dominated by one thought: I must not lose my status and I can’t lose my duty. I started to enjoy special treatment, ate good health supplements, and also accepted good food from brothers and sisters without question. Yet, I absurdly thought: I’m not doing it for enjoyment; I’m doing it to heal my illness so it won’t delay my work, and therefore it does not count as excessive. In the end, I not only did not recover but my illness got even worse.
Later, based on my situation, the leaders let me go home to self-reflect, saying that my illness is a mental issue.
When I heard the news that they were letting me go home to self-reflect, it felt like I had been struck by a lightning bolt. My legs were so weak I couldn’t stand, and I almost didn’t even have enough strength to breathe. I thought: It’s over. Haven’t all these years of pursuit been in vain? What prospects do I still have? How am I going to survive in the future?
After returning home, I was out of my head all day. My former aspirations and vows were all gone. I looked at my own age and then at how my family had changed over the years: My siblings all got married, while I became a redundant weirdo people couldn’t understand. At that point, I felt I had become desolate and helpless to a degree, and so I lived every day in complaint, disappointment, and blame, without a shred of comfort. Though I sometimes would think back to the sweetness of the work of the Holy Spirit and the joyous moments of experiencing God’s work, the more I thought about it the more I suffered and regretted. I would then bawl my eyes out, asking myself: Will my road to believing in God just draw to an end like this? Am I going to just die aggrieved like this? I cannot! I was in so much pain that I virtually preferred death to living. I knelt down and wept, loudly calling out and praying to God: “Oh God! Every minute after leaving You has been so unbearable. I now understand deeply that what I need is You, and not things for the flesh such as food, clothing, status, and enjoyment…. These things will only bring me pain and chastisement, mental torment, accusations against my conscience, condemnation and anxiety. Oh God! I hate and despise myself for not cherishing the opportunity to be perfected that You bestowed upon me. I really don’t want to leave You! Oh God! How shall I walk my future path? What should I do? Please point out the right path to me. How can I satisfy Your intentions under these circumstances?” My heart was weeping, and my whole body was shaking. Tears of regret, indebtedness, and remorse all intertwined. At that moment, I got a taste of what someone conquered by God feels after being abandoned by God for offending His disposition! Amid my constant cries and regret, I felt God slowly turning toward me. God then enlightened me: “What would you do if you were to again experience trials similar to that of service-doers? No matter when, you must follow with one heart and mind … seeking dispositional change until the work of the entire universe is complete.” I then also remembered that God once said: “Regardless of whether you transgress involuntarily or out of a rebellious nature, just remember: Hurry and wake up to reality! Press onward; no matter what situation arises, you must press onward. God is working to save people …” (“God’s Will Is to Save People to the Greatest Extent Possible” in Records of Christ’s Talks). Before God’s tireless word, my heart gradually recovered. I saw hope, I understood God’s intentions, and I was no longer confused about which path in front of me to take. Right now, God wants me to be a loyal follower, be able to concretely seek dispositional change, and from this moment forth be able to finish the road I had not finished walking as a created creature, no longer asking anything from God. At this point, I thought about the words God said after the trial of service-doers, the meaning of which is: Man does not really suffer all that much if he is truly willing to be a created creature…. Yes, the source of my suffering is my corruption. God’s original intention was to not let man suffer so much. It’s just that I didn’t want to be a created creature. I was always trying to avoid the truth to walk my own path, always wanting to be God, and making people treat me like God. How can I then not suffer a lot? At this moment, I personally experienced the power of God’s word—it could make me rise from the dead, make me break through all forces of death. Now all the difficulties in my heart were resolved by God’s word. Like a good rain after a long drought, everything was so fresh, so liberated, so wonderful. Yeah! God, I was originally a created creature made by You. Since I was made by You I shall belong to You and worship You. This is my duty and responsibility. I should not ask anything more of You and should only be obedient before Your righteous disposition. You letting me go home to self-reflect is Your greatest gift of love and protection to me. I was tormented by illness because of my disobedience and because I offended Your disposition. Based on my actions I should have been cursed by You long ago, but due to Your grace You have allowed me to be alive today.
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This experience has left a deep imprint in the depths of my soul, making me unable to forget it for the rest of my life. Every time I recall one scene after another of me being struck down, I would become deeply cautious and motivated. I will never again offend God and make God sad. Without God’s tolerance and patience, I would not be breathing today! Oh God! Thank You! In Your work I have previously enjoyed its sweetness and happiness, but I have also tasted Your unoffendable disposition. Moreover, I have experienced what it’s like to be the prodigal son and the warmth of returning to Your embrace again. How can Your actions not make me express my most heartfelt praises?
Source: Return of a Prodigal Son
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