#Insane ramblings on HitsuMatsu
rangikuxmatsumoto · 4 years
Send Me a Ship and I’ll Rate it from a Scale of 1-10 and tell you my thoughts on it.
You done fucked up asking for this one.
HitsuMatsu: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10 – WILL ALSO SHIP TILL THE END OF TIME.
Why are we not shown GinRan for a god damn century BECAUSE WE ARE BEING BLESSED WITH HITSUMATSU – THAT’S WHY.
I will start off by saying that when I first got into Bleach, I was strictly a GinRan shipper but as time went on, after Gin’s death I will say HitsuMatsu interested me a LOT more.
We are blessed with honestly one of the most well developed partnerships within the storyline of Bleach with HitsuMatsu – it isn’t just a professional partnership but also a friendship (*cough*relationship*cough*).  Where do I even start with these two precious babies?
Get ready for some more insane ramblings.
Prior to us discovering in the last arc Rangiku and Toshiro’s longer and more complex professional dynamics, we’re given a partnership that on paper would be terrible together. Toshiro, the by the books, no nonsense, mature, hard worker and Rangiku, childish, lazy, slacker, thorn in his side – but they complement one another PERFECTLY.
They bring balance to one another – in their own way, each of them offer support, understanding, and friendship to the other. For Toshiro, Rangiku has been a guiding presence, she was the one who helped him find his path, urging him to become a shinigami, (helping him save/protect his grandmother), she did what no one else (besides Momo in a sense) did and see him not as a monster but as someone lost, confused and alone. She’s been an influential figure in his development. For Rangiku, Toshiro for the last 20+ years has been a constant presence which is something Rangiku needs more than anything. He has been at her side, through everything that they have faced together and has always been supportive, protective and concerned for her.  He has never ABANDONED HER.
Also you can’t tell me that Rangiku wasn’t the main reason Toshiro ended up in the Tenth. He could have gone to any division and sure – he probably would have ended up as the Tenth Division captain because all other captaincies were filled by this point in the storyline but IN MY PERSONAL OPINION, he purposefully went to the Tenth from the very beginning because of RANGIKU.
Let’s start back in the beginning of the Soul Society arc before we know more of Toshiro and Rangiku’s history and just go off of what we see during the betrayal and all that. So of course, what’s any good conflicting ship without the presence of a third party? Rangiku is placed in a very precarious spot – her connection and relationship with Gin and her loyalty and devotion to Toshiro. Toshiro and Gin are also set up as rivals from the very beginning, Toshiro not trusting Gin, suspecting him – but even more so on the level of that Toshiro is Gin’s REPLACEMENT. Gin was the prodigy but Toshiro comes in, kicks down the door and blows Gin’s accomplishments out of the water without so much as breaking a fucking sweat. AND THROW IN THAT TOSHIRO IS CLOSER TO RANGIKU NOW MORE SO THAN GIN. Can you say DRAMA?!
Toshiro is AWARE of this as well, on how many occasions does Toshiro CHECK ON RANGIKU’S wellbeing? He shows concern for her – he’s worried about the situation she is being placed in, having to choose between her best friend and her loyalty to him. AND NOT FOR ONE SECOND DO I THINK HE IS WORRIED ABOUT HER ABILITY TO DO WHAT IS NECESSARY TO DEFEND SOUL SOCIETY. He knows where her loyalty lies and that’s WITH HIM and the Gotei.
My girl might be a slacker but she is a strong, badass bitch who doesn’t take shit from no one – REMEMBER THAT.
The amount of trust that they also have in one another is also shown throughout this part of the series. Rangiku might be lazy but when the time calls for her be serious, she’ll handle whatever task is put before her – and Toshiro knows that. When Rangiku faces Kira, Toshiro knows she’s more than capable of handling the situation. Rangiku also knows and respects the strength of her young captain, which is why she’s dismayed when he’s defeated by Aizen when his betrayal is revealed.  AND CHRIST – When Toshiro and Gin go at it and Ran comes in with the MOTHER FUCKING CLUTCH MOVE – Listen, people can go on and on about how GinRan and HitsuHina are similar and stuff but here’s the fucking thing about that. Rangiku had no god damn problem calling out Gin for his bullshit. They are pitted against each other not once – BUT THREE IMPORTANT FUCKING TIMES. Rangiku doesn’t back the fuck down. Toshiro and Momo however are tripping and stabbing one another like it’s nobody’s business (it’s filler but in the Reigai arc, Toshiro couldn’t even draw his blade against two fake Momos because of the whole ‘I must protect her’ and he got his ASS KICKED). Maybe it’s just an age/maturity thing; maybe it is more of the relationship stand point (which works against GinRan) but still, GET IT TOGETHER.
If you haven’t guessed it yet – I ain’t a HitsuHina fan so if you are, might be a good time to leave.
Toshiro and Rangiku have a shared history that honestly is amazingly precious and well developed. So first interaction is their meeting in the market – CLASSIC. I will also point out that THIS MOMENT IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS WHAT TOSHIRO THINKS ABOUT DURING THE THE ZANPAKUTO REBELLION ARC AND HE THINKS OF “HOME”. HOME – NOT MOMO. BUT RANGIKU, titty smacking him, screaming and then following his frosty ass to tell him to become a Shinigami, that in doing so he’ll figure out the name of the voice calling him. UGH. I know it’s a filler arc, BUT THAT IS CANON. They just made it juicier with that little part.
AND THEN TOSHIRO AS A THIRD SEAT – CAN THEY BE ANY CUTER THEN. They’re behaving like siblings, the older/younger sibling troupe, but you think of that and then SEE HOW THEY BEHAVE AFTER ISSHIN’S DEPARTURE. I MELT.
That is where their bond was formed, that was where the base of their partnership started and it MATURED and DEVELOPED over time. Rangiku might still tease and torment Toshiro in a way that an older sibling might do it but there is something more there. She respects him, she’s loyal to him, and she treats him as an equal and more than that. He honors her, he respects her, and he cares about her as not only his fukutaichou but as HIS FRIEND.
THEY RELY ON ONE ANOTHER. Their strength comes from their bond, their shared history and their mutual respect. During TYBW, it is tragic but it also highlights how they much they value and respect one another. They also complement one another in their fighting style. There is no doubt that Toshiro is strong as fuck, he’s powerful as hell and for him to lose his bankai is like losing a part of him (obviously, duh), but who does he fucking turn to? RANGIKU.
The Tenth Division is what all divisions should ASPIRE TO BE.
FUCK. Sure it’s like a hot damn minute but if that bitch ages like that, the panties/boxers in Soul Society gonna be dropping.
So call it what you will, BOTP, OTP – Whatever it is to you HitsuMatsu is life. I will go down in FLAMES for those two previous babes.
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