#Interpol fucking fanart because I hate my life
homesickdaydream · 7 months
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me freaking paul banks
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angel-starr · 2 years
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so fun story back in like the late 2000s i was actually super into this pairing and didn't know anyone else into it, but that was OK. it was my weird little femslash rarepair. My funny "crackship" that "made no sense" but "I like the idea of them." And it makes me so mad. I made the mistake of posting franmaya kissing (I called it mayaziska at the time. lol) on deviantart, at a time where the aa fandom was OVERWHELMINGLY heterosexual. Like imagine the most painfully cishet r/aceattorney poster and then slap a bible quoate signature under everything they say and a fucking life mission to protect their precious fucking animes and videogames from the 'gay agenda.' And they did Not like the idea of Maya being into chicks. Making Franziska a lesbian was already a point of contention, but not sweet pure virginal Maya, who needed to be protected from lgbt corruption. I mean they were already on my case for being a lesbian so i guess in a way i was kicking the hornets nest there. Anyways they gave me so much fucking shit I actually ended up kind of hating AA for a while and deleted my account.
So. Can you imagine what it's like to be chased out of a fandom over a pairing, only to come back a decade later and learn that everyone's suddenly obsessed with it? Do you know how frustrating it is to have something so specifically hilarious happen to me with absolutely no way whatsoever to prove it??? I SO fucking wish I just ditched the account instead of deleting everything because then I could link back to my horrible OpenCanvas 1.0 animu franmaya fanart with all the furious comments telling me to die and that i was going to hell. I don't think I was the first person to draw franmaya art (though what did exist was most likely like. fetish porn) but being able to go back that early would have been great. Oh well.
…as for the pairing itself it's good but I wish more people would explore it in depth instead of it being like, a nrmt accessory. But that's not a new complaint at all. Tbh I find the backlash a lot more annoying than the surface level fluff content but I might be slightly biased there.
i have a whole aa6 rewrite in my head where Franziska is on an interpol mission in Khurain while Maya is training there and they end up working together. I've considered commissioning a fic but I'd feel bad forcing someone to work with all my hyper specific headcanons and changes so I guess that's another project that I'll never get around to. oh well.
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