#Ironically I can literally point out ways the horse game as Contributed to female gaming stigma in more ways than one
shiroselia · 2 years
I’m gonna wait an hour to send SSE an email about the survey because you will Not catch me slipping and being rude to their customer service
But take this from someone who is Literally the exact target audience for this game/survey in every way but age (nowadays atleast, but I sure as hell was the actual target audience for a good 5 or so years for a long time) (As in: Manda rants about the one big gripe I have about the horse game company)
I was bullied for my interests, I was bullied for liking horses, I was made fun of for playing SSO, I was a pretty by the book definition of a horse girl, and I am absolutely fucking furious about this survey and it in Every Way Shape and Form SUCKS (read: it’s genuinely unscientific and I don’t know a single teacher of mine that I have had in my 13 years of school that would consider this a proper survey ready for people taking it), but this is not a one-time-thing for SSE to handle these topics terribly, and is actually something I’m starting to be genuinely pissed about, because holy shit it’s just Frequent As Fuck
SSE Needs to be better about their handling of real life topics, especially feminism, they are incredibly bad about handling it and have a very outdated view on both the gaming industry itself, and women in gaming
SSE acting like their game is the reason why girls even know what gaming is, and acting as if women have never touched games before SSO provided a “safe space” for them it absolutely ridiculous and just Not How It Is
Real life girls and women did Not spend years (still are even) trying to make themselves heard and seen in gaming spaces for SSE to go “Yeah that’s thanks to us”, when they are a niece barely multiplayer MMORPG that barely fits its genre in more than one way that no one with name recognition used to play without a sponsorship, and for them to act like we are still stuck in the early 2010s, it’s 2022, and while there’s still a long way to go, from someone who’s genuinely straight up been told by my male friends “Hey Amanda remember to not mention that you’re a girl in text-chats” while playing certain multiplayers, it has gotten better, but it’s Not thanks to SSE, that’s for fucking sure
I don’t mind that SSE wants to talk about these topics, there’s still a long way to go, and gaming as an industry especially is still not an equal opportunity field (the hobby however I’d argue is, and gaming has Never been as gender-neutral as it is today, frankly), but SSE is just one Swedish game company creating a niece horse game that people enjoy absolutely, but SSO has not revolutionized the gaming industry, and is, at best, a nice game with a primarily-female playerbase, but it’s not a beacon of gaming feminism, and it’s about time that  SSE starts being a little bit more realistic about their game, because it was created as a passion project made on a potato and a dream, not a grand scale feminist operation (as that anniversary video sure seemed to want to claim)
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