#Is it actually coded that way? No. Caroline's just a hopeless romantic.
awesometothe3rd · 7 months
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Submission notes under the cut!
still only have one submission note for Carroom!
I Love These Two a lot so Much. Non-binary butch lesbian & a Agender bisexual I love these two ❤️❤️ :3c ok you know what I’m just gonna. Carroom is Amaizng I love them just I akrkcksrkr kraktckekskeckekakrke
These boys are both so gay and so stupid. To start, Lan Zhan (blue boy) lives by a strict code of 3,000 rules, almost never speaks, and is very self controlled. Red boy Wei Ying comes from a much more relaxed place, is a chatterbox who likes being the star of the show, and thinks rules might as well be suggestions. Lan Zhan spends the first chunk of them knowing each other truly living that one post that’s like ‘in elementary school I got a crush on a girl and I didn’t know what to do about it so I sent her a note saying Get Out Of My School’. Wei Ying decided that meant he should be best friends with the weirdly, stunningly beautiful Lan Zhan (he is also literally the only person to call Lan Zhan by his informal name. Not even his family does). Once Lan Zhan got over the initial gay panic, he decided to be hopeless devoted to Wei Ying, which our red boy thought was great and thought was Just Great Friendship somehow. He even missed that Lan Zhan literally wrote a song about their relationship, but it’s fine.
Wei Ying got dragged into self sacrificial stuff, went through a whole lot of tragedy (to be fair, Lan Zhan also did, there was a war on) but because of the sacrifices he made, he had to use dark magics. And since he didn’t tell anyone about the sacrifices, everyone thought he was doing the dark magics just because he could. Lan Zhan, our hopelessly devoted boy in blue, never gives up and him and offers to help him with any effect the dark magic has on him, and he is the only one that Wei Ying actually allows to help him. Then plot stuff, more tragedy, Wei Ying dies. Spoilers will happen from here, fair warning, but post death, Lan Zhan breaks a ton of the family rules, is punished for trying to save Wei Ying (and defending him before he died), goes into seclusion for years, and only comes out to raise the young boy Wei Ying had adopted. Then when Wei Ying is forcibly resurrected (plot stuff) he ends up working with Lan Zhan, who spoils him rotten, giving him anything he needs, and the two work flawlessly together. Wei Ying realizes ‘oh these feelings are ROMANTIC’ eventually. More plot. They have a son. Lan Zhan says stupidly sweet things to Wei Ying all the time in incredibly deadpan ways and Wei Ying gets all flustered and says things like ‘have mercy on your poor husband!’ because they love each other so much it’s gross. (yes. this is the full submission note. amazing)
gonna have to go with a repeat for jedtavius:
“I’m not quittin’ you.” -the gay cowboy from night at the museum
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sloanepearson · 4 years
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A more in depth look at Sloane Pearson
The Basics
Name? Sloane Pearson
Age? Twenty six
Approximate height? 5′2″, but usually in boots that make faer 5′6″
Hair colour? Brown
Eye colour? Dark Brown
Do they speak with an accent? There are hints of a Boston accent
Where are they from? downtown Boston, MA
Where are they now? Pelican Town
Who are their parents?  Patricia Kendrick & Anthony Pearson
What is their earliest memory?  Faer earliest memory was the sight of faer mother running up to faer crying because fae had fallen off of the jungle gym and hit faer head. Fae was four at the time and had to get stitches.
What did they want to be when they grew up? Sloane loved the stars and wanted to be an astronaut.
What did/do their parents want them to be? Faer parents never pushed faer into one field, more so discouraged pursuing the arts/non-lucrative fields. They thought fae were good at math and did encourage more mathematical fields of study.
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? Brothers or sisters?  Yes, fae has an older brother (Marcus) and a younger half-sister (Caroline)
Do they have or have they ever had children? How many? No children, not sure if fae wants them.
Do they or have ever had a significant other? Are they still with them? Why? Why not?  Yes, fae has had a few partners. Most noteworthy was the man fae was dating shortly after dropping out of college and becoming homeless. It was a friends with benefits situation at first (largely the benefit of having a home), but the relationship turned sour due to how much Sloane relied on him and him exploiting that position.
Up until now, what’s the most noteworthy thing they’ve done? To them? To the people around them?  Right now, fae thinks that being able to get faerself off the streets and make a business is the most noteworthy thing fae has done. Yet, Sloane has avoided telling family/people fae grew up with what fae has been up to for years. Fae is waiting until fae feel content with how the business is prospering.
What’s your character’s favourite colour?  Shades of purple, especially those leaning towards the pink spectrum, like mauve.
Do they/would they choose to wear a scent? What would it be?  Yes, quite frequently. The scent changes, from lavender to cinnamon.
Do they care about what things look like? All things, or only some? Sloane does have a huge dedication to making things appear like a certain aesthetic. But only faer own possessions. 
What’s their favourite ice cream flavour? Fae likes most sweets, but fae often goes for either mango/raspberry flavors or chocolate
Are they a tea, or coffee drinker? Or soft drinks, or do they drink a lot of alcohol? What kind? Tea and coffee. Tea more often than coffee, especially faer own blends, but fae won’t turn down coffee on mornings where tea won’t do it. No soft drinks. Alcohol is an infrequent thing these days. But fae will occasionally drink some red wine,
What kind of books do they read? What TV shows and movies do they watch?  Fae reads a wide assortment of books in faer downtime and listens to different educational podcasts. A lot of poems, but several about spirituality or fantasy. Fae does not watch TV or movies on faer own, but will watch any with friends.
What kind of music do they like? Do they like music at all?  Fae loves music that is very lowkey. Indie folk music is faer favorite.
If they were about to die, what would they have as their last meal?  Ooof that’s a hard one. Fae would probably want a sample of all different foods, but fae does love different curries and tacos...and baked goods.
Are they hedonistic? In all cases? Or does practicality sometimes/always/often win out?  Sloane used to be much more of a hedonist. Fae still does things that bring faer joy, but tries to be more practical about choices fae make.
Do they have any philias or phobias?  No philias, perse, but fae does have a phobia of heights and clowns.
Morals, Beliefs, and Faith
Do they have an internal or an external moral code? Now as an ‘adult’, faer moral code is mostly internal, but it was shaped by an external moral code.
To what extent are their actions dictated by this code? Almost entirely. There have been circumstances in faer life where choices were made that fae knew were against faer own code.
Do they believe in a God or Gods/Goddesses/Higher being of some description? Yes, fae believes in Yoba and that there are spiritual forces guiding humanity
Are they superstitious? To an extent. Fae does believe in spirits and ghosts, but not in old wives tales...not most of them
Do they believe in an afterlife? If so, what’s it like? Yes, but fae are not sure what to believe it will be like. There are so many theories, that fae tries not to get ‘lost in the sauce’ and focus on the present.
Do they have any specific beliefs that manifest obviously? There are not religious principles that manifest obviously, but fae does wear religious symbols
Are the respectful of the beliefs of others? To what extent? Sloane keeps an open mind and respects others beliefs, until that belief leads to scapegoating others or disrespecting faer own.
Have they ever had to stand up to criticism for being religious? Or not being religious? Sloane has had people criticize faer beliefs and say faer involvement was only superficial or to ‘seem unique’.
Would they be more likely to act for the good of the one, or the good of the many? It would depend on the circumstance. If the one was someone fae knew and cared about, fae would likely act for the good of one. But under other circumstances, it would be for the good of many.
Do they make friends easily? Yes, at least, fae thinks so
Do they have a best friend?  Several close friends, but not a best friend. Fae has never liked the term ‘best’ friend because it infers a hierarchy 
Can they get people to do what they want them to? If so, how?  Sometimes. Fae is very good at compromising. And has pretty decent puppy dog eyes that some are weak to.
Do they have a lot of romantic relationships? Serious, or short term?  Fae has had experience dating. Most short term with people of all genders, one long term.
Do they fall in and out of love easily? Fae falls in and out of lust easily. Love was quick the first time and has since been a drawn out process.
Do strangers and acquaintances actually like them when they meet? Sloane thinks so, fae has an alluring, mysterious vibe.
Do they have a network? Fae does - a network throughout the Ferngill Republic for selling and buying unique objects. But also in the valley, fae’ve grown close to Henry, Ben, Alex, Gabby, and Finley
What is their relationship like with their family?  Strained. Largely due to faer own self-inflicted distance. Fae doesn’t want to disappoint them, so fae has not seen them since faer grandmother’s funeral and only gives vague updates. Fae is more open with faer siblings but hasn’t seen them in person in a few years either.
Are they still in touch with non-family people they were in touch with a year ago? Five years? Ten? More? A handful of people from faer days in college days, and faer days travelling a few years ago but none from Boston.
Do they like children? Do they want children of their own? Sloane enjoys children in small doses. They are so receptive to believing in magic which fae enjoy, but fae is unsure if fae wants one of faer own.
Physical Appearance
How does this character dress? How would they choose to dress, if all options were open to them? Vintage bo-ho style. Faer closet is full of cheap finds from thrift shops. Fae would get some clothes that were a bit nicer if fae had those options, but similar style.
Do they have any tattoos? What do they mean? Yes, fae has a rose tattooed on their left shoulder blade, but doesn’t talk about the meaning.
Do they have piercings? How many? Yes, both ears, faer right cartilage, and faer septum
Do they have scars? Where did they come from? Fae has a scar on faer ankle from falling out of a tree as a child.
Do they alter their appearance in some way on a regular basis? Not really
Is there something they’d choose to change about their appearance if they had the opportunity to? Not anymore, fae has grown content with faer appearance
Is there something about their appearance they’re particularly proud of/happy with? Sloane likes faer jawline
Objectively, are they physically attractive? Fairly plain? Unattractive? OP would say so, Sloane would probably give a shrug.
Do they have an accurate mental picture and opinion of their physical appearance? Yes
How much time do they spend thinking about their physical appearance? Less since moving into faer van, but still a little bit of time.
General Knowledge
Can they navigate their own local area without getting lost? To what degree?  Yes, Sloane is pretty curious and loves to explore where fae lives. Could probably navigate the town with faer eyes closed.
Do they know who the top politician or monarch is where they live? What about elsewhere?  Where fae live, definitely. Outside of the US? Just a handful.
Do they know if/where there are any major conflicts going on right now?  Yes, fae keeps up to date on major news events, but does not keep tabs on every issue/bills, laws currently being voted on, unless they are something major.
Do they know the composition of water?  Yes! Any chemistry beyond that, likely not.
Do they know how to eat a pomegranate? Yes, but questionable if fae are willing to undergo the effort. Fae loves pomegranate flavored things, however.
Are they good with the technology available to them? Average? Completely hopeless?  Below average for faer age. Fae used to be fairly good at digital software, but the only technology fae owns is a smartphone (that is several generations old).
Could they paint a house? Without making a mess of it?  Paint a house, for sure. Make a mess? Depends on if that is requested. Fae may make a mess out of spite, or to get a smile out of someone.
Could they bake a cake? Would you eat it if they did?  Ish, fae can bake cookies and muffins, but faer cakes don’t turn out quite the texture of a cake. But they do taste good.
Do they know how to perform basic maintenance on the common mode of transportation? Fae knows how to change a tire, jump-start a car, change the oil, but that’s about it.
Do they know the price of a loaf of bread? All too well.
Specific Knowledge
Do they have a specific qualification in a narrow area? Sloane has good instincts for making faer way without many resources, and, as such, is skilled in bartering and haggling, as well as making cheap fixes. But faer other ‘skills’ are less practical.
Is there something they do or know exceptionally well that most other people don’t? Fae gives great advice on self care. Often is good at practicing what fae preach in that regard as well.
Do people often comment on a particular skill or area of knowledge to this character? Behind their back? People in town often recognize faer connection (realized or imagined, depending on who you ask) to faer spiritual side
Is there an area this character could be considered top of their field or a genius in? Not at all, but fae does have more knowledge on divination than anyone in the area
Have they deliberately sought to gain knowledge in a specific area? If so, why? Yes, fae frequently seek out knowledge about the spirits. Fae feels as though connecting to them will bring more peace to faer live and a sense of ease knowing what else is out there.
Do they speak more than one language? More than two? Why? Yes, Sloane speaks English and Spanish. A lot of faer friends spoke Spanish as their first language, so fae learned as a kid growing up. It would take a little re-immersion to pick it back up though.
Does their cultural background effect what they would be expected to know? Not really.
Have they ever been publicly acknowledged for being well-versed in something? Yes, fae was sent to the principal’s office for their knowledge of the ‘occult’
Have they ever been bullied for knowing a lot about something? Sloane has been picked on for faer strong faith and former beliefs in fairytales.
Do they actively seek new knowledge, or let it come to them naturally? Fae gets a lot of knowledge through faer travels, but fae does listen to podcasts and such to learn things fae may have missed out on in the past.
What did they have for breakfast this morning?  Fae had some baked goods courtesy of Henry, and a cup of tea
What ridiculous belief/s did they have as a child? That fae could speak with the animals if fae imitated the noises they made and just inflected like a person would.
Do they like marshmallows?  Only in s’mores or hot chocolate. On their own, they are bland.
Do they sleep on their side, front, or back?  Fae is a side sleeper.
Do they work better with sound or silence? Sound. Lo-Fi hip hop is where it is at.
Do they have a strange obsession with something minor?  Sloane spends hours obsessing with how the shop appears. Now, fae has it down to an art, but fae put a ridiculous effort into the aesthetics of it all.
Do they like art?  Fae adore art and collect anything eye-catching. If fae could affored it, fae would own a gallery.
How fast can they run?  A decent pace, but fae hate running. Yoga is preferred. 
Do they prefer to sit on the floor or on a chair?  Fae loves a comfortable armchair to drape faerself on but will otherwise sit on the floor because fae tends to fidget a lot.
What do they want, right now?  Sloane desires financial stability of faer own means.
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