#It feels very nice to be working on concept designs for the hermits :3 makes me excited to do my watercolors
leapdayowo · 5 months
Cyberpunk! Bdubs and Impulse
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So I had to look up lots of references to come up with these designs since I’m not at all use to drawing cyberpunk outfits. It’s actually a pretty cool type of fashion (with variations such as streetwear, video games, and runway)! There’s usually lots of loose layers (sometimes contrasted with tight layers), ponchos/rain gear, hoodies/coats, and geometric cuts of clothes +straps, pockets, gloves, and other accessories to cover the identity of the person. Of course there’s bits of technology/gadgets and neon pieces that are included and holographic things too. I definitely want to explore this aesthetic more in my art :3
As for Bdubs, he’s helping Impulse with the cyberpunk city but doesn’t have a skin for reference, so I tried to incorporate the white shirt, black pants, and mossy cape into his look + the digital clock on the sleeve and red elements as a nod to the red headband from other past skins
Impulse has a skin to work with, but I originally made a design without looking at references and wanted to redo it (also I realized I forgot his horns in the new design, so those are added below)
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look at the difference! The first attempt felt less cohesive and clunky, but I did like the hologram tail tip and wings idea, so I’m using those for the future. I really like how his design turned out on the right, so that’s what I’ll be going with from now on (with minor adjustments maybe)
the horns are kind of like these ones
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except I swear I’ve seen versions where they look for pointed like horns but for the life of me I couldn’t find a reference :/ (finding this is reminding me I need to watch neon genesis evangelion)
Also it seems like I will finally have to learn how to draw shoes :P they either are the star of the show or need to blend in with the outfit, and I’m not happy with my generic attempts at drawing them..
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tarotmum13 · 6 years
The Anima Mundi Tarot
Hey everyone, I have been very busy getting back to work, but I want to give you a quick look at the Anima Mundi deck by Megan Wyreweden.
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The "Anima Mundi" is a concept often referred to in philosophic circles and literally translates as "World-soul" or "Soul of the Universe" - that very force that connects all living beings, the world seen as One Entity, alive and conscious, in wich all other entities are contained and connected. A beautiful thought, and beautifully represented here in this deck filled with plants, animals and natural phenomenons.
Everything about this deck screams quality. I am in love with the cardstock - not too thick so easy to shuffle and such a lovely mat linnen finish! The gilded edging just completes the look beautifully. The reversible backs have a nice moon-and-stars design within a dark brown frame set with a faint flower pattern. The box and little guide booklet are also very nicely made.
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The thing that was holding me back from purchasing this deck was the not-quite-but-almost pip-style Minor Arcana. Some cards like the 3 or the 10 of Swords are still easily readable. But others, like the 7 of Wands or 4 of Pentacles, might be harder to interpret for beginners - even though they are still beautifully illustrated. I can't help but feel a little disappointed because I imagine how perfect this deck could be with a fully worked out set of Minors. Having said that, this IS a gorgeous Tarot deck and I am glad I went ahead and bought it.
But lets look at the Major Arcana first: A well chosen selection of plantlife, animals and forces of nature - Homo Sapiens Sapiens being chosen to represent the Devil card makes perfect sense to me, considering the fact that the concept of Good and Evil was a human invention. I also do not believe any other species struggles with the same issues of addiction or unhealthy relationships as we do...
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I like the choice of the Hercules Beetle for Strength and the Octopus for the Hermit - not the obvious choices of Lion and Turtle! And the snake shedding it’s skin puts a nice accent on the transformative aspect of Death...
And now for the Minor Arcana, which by the order of the Guidebook, puts the Earthly suit of Pentacles first (well chosen for this particular deck I feel!), followed by Swords, Wands and Cups.
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My deck arrived pre-shuffled, with some cards reversed. I am not sure if this is the case with all these decks? If someone else has purchased one, please let me know! I quite liked this, the deck felt ready to get to work! And when I asked her to describe herself to me, she replied with The High Priestess and the 8 of Pentacles - so a good mixture of intuition and hard work, knowledgeable but always seeking to hone and improve her skills. I can work with that...
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As it says in the lid of the box: May the Spirit of the Earth guide your way! Xxx
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