#It might not even end up being Yuu that gets Magic Coma'd but my brain immediately went to Yuu
ditzydumbazz · 2 years
[After Malleus's OB]
Yuu: ...let me get this straight. Malleus wanted to put me to sleep for a thousand years or so? Ace: Yep! Yuu: And you guys stopped him? Jack: Of course! Yuu: WHY? THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE BEST SLEEP OF MY LIFE! Azul: Is this because the headmaster asked you to help with his work again? Yuu: ... Yuu: Is ThIs BeCaUsE tHe HeAdMaStEr AsKeD yOu To HeLp WiTh HiS wOrK aGaIn? Malleus: I can still put you to sleep for a bit, Child of Man? Yuu: ...I would like that very much, Tsunotaro.
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