#It took me like 5 minutes to remember barrons name
womp-womp-waa · 5 months
Logan was terrified to go into school. Every single second he was there his body couldn't help but shake. It only got worse when Barron was around. He was always threatening Logan. Always hurting him. Never getting a break, he tried his best to avoid Barron as much as physically possible.
Now he was sat underneath the stairs as he relaxed his head against the stairs. He had to pull another all nighter to finish both his and Barron's projects. How he wished that he could say no to Barron, how he could be brave enough to fight back, how he could stand up for himself.
"Hey, dickhead. Where's my project?" Barron's voice came through
As much as he wished, they were just dreams. Getting up to give Barron the work. Nothing but dreams.
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entertainment · 5 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Adrian Holmes, V Wars
With over 100 film and television credits to his name, Adrian Holmes can next be seen starring in Netflix’s highly anticipated, vampire-drama series, V Wars. He is  well-known for his portrayal of Captain Pike on Arrow, and for starring as Nick Barron on Bravo's original series, 19-2, for which he won the 2017 Canadian Screen Award for Best Lead Male in a Dramatic Series. In addition to working in front of the camera, Adrian has also tried his hand in producing and co-produced (alongside Step by Step Productions) the docudrama Barrow: Freedom Fighter. Adrian took a few minutes out of his busy schedule to chat with us. Check it out: 
How would you describe V Wars to a five year old?
I probably wouldn’t because it’s pretty dark and not suitable for a 5-year-old. Hahaha! He wouldn’t look at me the same after that’s for damn sure. Ok, well let’s see, “It's about a man trying to find a vaccine for a virus that has infected his best friend forcing him to harm people against his will.” There, how’s that?
What was the first thing you remember being a fan of?
Music, Michael Jackson, for sure. Movies would probably have been Star Wars.
How do you prepare for a scene?
Get familiar with the lines, find the truth in the scene, then once I have that, I find the energy or the mood of the character, and then I throw it all away. You’re then free to listen, play, and have fun, and that’s where you wanna be so you can fly.
Do you have any fun facts about the filming of V Wars that fans would be surprised to know?
Well, the blood was surprisingly quite tasty. Hahaha! It was like a cinnamon flavour which helped since I had to consume quite a bit of it.
What drew you to your role in V Wars?
Besides the genre, I just loved the character of Michael l. He’s a regular guy that’s faced with an inner struggle that he has to somehow deal with. He’s a very conflicted, multi-layered character. I love a challenge, and all those qualities make for a great experience as an actor.
If you could take a masterclass on any subject, what would you learn and who would you want to teach you?
Alive or dead? Haha! Dead would be a toss-up between learning Martial arts with Bruce Lee and Dance with Michael Jackson. Alive would be golf lessons with Tiger Woods or F1 racing with Lewis Hamilton. I definitely have the need for speed. :)
What do you do in your free time?
I enjoy going to the movies, working out, boxing, walks, playing pool, catching up on my library of books that I’ve been promising myself I’d eventually read, but playing golf is definitely my happy place, my sanctuary. It’s very therapeutic to me indeed. I love it!
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Would be from one of my Uncles.  To not worry or stress yourself too much in life. Especially about things you have no control over. Stress is the silent killer. The serenity prayer has thus been my mantra: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
If you woke up tomorrow morning in the world of V Wars, what would you do?
Hahaha! Well, I’d probably RUN!! Hope to find Luther Swann and stay pretty close.
Do you have any secret skills or talents?
Hmmm well... I can juggle three balls, and I’ve got a pretty competitive table tennis game as well, so... Always ready for a good match. ;)
Thanks so much, Adrian! V Wars premieres on Netflix on December 5th.
Photo: Charles Zuckermann
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concertcrack · 4 years
Guest Post: Munk Duane’s Experience Opening for Corey Glover
One of the most exciting aspects of rising through the ranks as a regional performer is getting the opportunity to appear on live bills with artists of national status. I’ve been fortunate enough to open for folks that have directly influenced my musical identity. As I was coming up, I got to share the stage with a variety of acts from across the spectrum of the industry. Legends like the late, great “Wizard of Woo” himself Bernie Worrell, who was one of the founding members of Parliament-Funkadelic and also worked with Talking Heads, to pioneers of the fusion of jazz, hip hop and house music the Jungle Brothers, to Chris Barron of Spin Doctors, all of which I can guarantee do not remember me from Adam. Regardless, I remember them. Those experiences are indelible parts of my evolution as a performer. There was one artist in particular that I opened for that meant something extra special. When I was younger and my musical being was still forming, I was a rabid and devoted fan of Living Colour. Fearless social awareness with the audacity to speak transparently about serious societal issues, that band showed me a world where my adolescent concerns seemed appropriately small by comparison. They shone a light on issues bigger than themselves, bigger than me, and led me to a broader awareness. The voice passionately preaching that gospel was singer Corey Glover. He captured the breadth of the human condition in his singing style and made me want very badly to do the same with my own. I was offered an opportunity to open two of the first shows on Corey’s first ever solo tour. I never imagined I’d have an opportunity to share a stage with a musical hero of mine. That said, the first night did not go as I fantasized it would. At show number one in Portland, Maine, after Corey had finished soundcheck and we were about to begin ours, I walked up to introduce myself and thank him. As I approached and said “hi”, he literally held his hand up to stop me. A literal “talk to the hand”. I froze for a moment. In hindsight, if I had some mileage under my belt, I would have thought there was every reason to believe something else might have been going on that I was unaware of, but being young and relatively inexperienced on this level, that gesture took the wind completely out of my sails. I retreated to the stage with my tail between my legs and proceeded through the “check 1, 2” motions of soundcheck. I had an “OK” performance. For his show, Corey was a force of nature, as he always is. Cut to night two in Boston. The venue is much bigger and nearly empty for our soundcheck. As I start to sing, Corey comes into the room and sits on the floor, dead center of the room, and watches intently. Now, I’m nervous… during a flipping soundcheck, I’m nervous! Anyone that knows me well can attest to the fact that when it comes to performance, I’m fairly unflappable. Getting “nervous” simply isn’t part of my DNA, but here is one of the singers in my vocal pantheon of influences, now sitting alone in the venue… watching me. Time displaced, slowing down in dramatic Hollywood fashion as I felt every nuance of musical imperfection escaping from my body at once. Soundcheck felt like it took a year. When it was over, I stepped off stage to head to our extremely modest “opening act” Green Room and Corey came toward me. I thought I might be in trouble, possibly having done something that was inappropriate. This man stepped up to me, put his hand out to shake mine and said, “Man, you have some great pipes”. Here stood the human whose “pipes” were the ones I had been emulating and interpreting, telling ME this about my voice. He then proceeded to say “sorry about last night” and explain there were some things going on that had nothing to do with us. Of course, I acted all cool because I didn’t want him to feel like he made ME uncomfortable. He sat with me for about 5 minutes and we just yapped about his new album, what was next on the tour and the art of singing, in general. It was one of the most memorable and career affirming 5 minutes of my life. Later that night, we hit the stage to a full house and I had one of the best performances of my career, up to that point. The crowd was “with us” and it was one of those "perfect storms" of connection with an audience that you fantasize about when you first get the notion in your head to perform for a living. Corey Glover and his band hit immediately after, and it was like a wave of raw power and magic energized the crowd. I and my band watched, this time from the side of the stage, in awe and complete joy. Several months ago, a good friend of mine, John Taglieri, who hosts a show called The Sunday Storytellers Series on Roku, had Corey as his guest. I was John’s first guest on Episode 1 of the series. Toward the end of his interview, John dropped my name to Corey, knowing what a big fan I am, and to my great surprise, Corey actually remembered. The same feeling of “affirmation” I had as a kid came rushing back. They say “Be careful meeting your heroes because you might be dissapointed”. I say “Move the Earth to meet them. It could possibly change your life”. In 2018, I won the New England Music Award for Male Performer of the Year. I can draw a straight line back to the experience above as one of the reasons it happened. Thank you Corey.
Listen to Munk Duane’s single “Sweet Tooth” here:
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thisdaynews · 4 years
Trump Pens Farewell Address : "The Movement We Started Is Only Just Beginning"(video)
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/trump-pens-farewell-address-the-movement-we-started-is-only-just-beginningvideo/
Trump Pens Farewell Address : "The Movement We Started Is Only Just Beginning"(video)
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US President Donald Trump on Tuesday delivered an almost twenty-minute goodbye message in front of the initiation of his replacement, previous VP Joe Biden.
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The President had reported he wouldn’t go to the introduction, making him the main US President in more than 150 years to censure the swearing-in of his replacement.
On Monday, the First woman, Melanie Trump had conveyed her goodbye address encouraging Americans to pick “love over contempt” and “harmony over viciousness.”
VP Pence, his better half Susan, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are among other people who took to twitter to pen their goodbye messages.
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My kindred Americans: Four years prior, we dispatched an incredible public exertion to revamp our nation, to reestablish its soul, and to reestablish the devotion of this administration to its residents. So, we set out set for make America extraordinary again — for all Americans.
As I finish up my term as the 45th President of the United States, I remain before you genuinely pleased with what we have accomplished together. We did what we came here to do — thus significantly more.
This week, we introduce another organization and appeal to God for its achievement in keeping America protected and prosperous. We expand our all the best, and we likewise need them to have karma — a vital word.
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I’d prefer to start by expressing gratitude toward only a couple of the astonishing individuals who made our wonderful excursion conceivable.
To start with, let me offer my mind-boggling thanks for the love and backing of our terrific First Lady, Melania. Allow me additionally to share my most profound appreciation to my little girl Ivanka, my child in-law Jared, and to Barron, Don, Eric, Tiffany, and Lara. You fill my reality with light and with bliss.
I additionally need to express gratitude toward Vice President Mike Pence, his great spouse Karen, and the whole Pence family.
Much obliged to you too to my Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows; the committed individuals from the White House Staff and the Cabinet; and all the mind boggling individuals across our organization who spilled their guts and soul to battle for America.
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I likewise need to pause for a minute to thank a genuinely remarkable gathering of individuals: the United States Secret Service. My family and I will perpetually be in your obligation. My significant appreciation also to everybody in the White House Military Office, the groups of Marine One and Air Force One, each individual from the Armed Forces, and state and neighborhood law requirement the whole way across our country.
The vast majority of all, I need to thank the American public. To fill in as your President has been an honor incredible. Much obliged to you for this unprecedented advantage. Furthermore, that is the thing that it is — an incredible advantage and a significant privilege.
We should always remember that while Americans will consistently have our differences, we are a country of fantastic, respectable, reliable, and harmony cherishing residents who all need our nation to flourish a lot and be extremely, effective and great. We are a genuinely heavenly country.
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All Americans were astonished by the attack on our Capitol.
Political savagery is an assault on all that we value as Americans. It can never be endured.
Presently like never before, we should bind together around our shared qualities and transcend the sectarian malevolence, and manufacture our normal fate.
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Four years prior, I came to Washington as the lone genuine untouchable actually to win the administration. I had not spent my profession as a legislator, yet as a manufacturer taking a gander at open horizons and envisioning endless prospects. I ran for President since I knew there were transcending new highest points for America simply holding on to be scaled. I knew the potential for our country was limitless as long as we put America first.
So I gave up my previous life and ventured into an exceptionally troublesome field, yet a field by and by, with a wide range of potential if appropriately done. America had given me so much, and I needed to give something back.
Along with a large number of dedicated loyalists across this land, we constructed the best political development throughout the entire existence of our country. We additionally assembled the best economy throughout the entire existence of the world. It was about “America First” since we as a whole needed to make America incredible once more. We reestablished the rule that a country exists to serve its residents. Our plan was not about right or left, it wasn’t about Republican or Democrat, yet about the benefit of a country, and that implies the entire country.
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With the help and petitions of the American public, we accomplished more than anybody expected. No one idea we could even approach.
We passed the biggest bundle of tax breaks and changes in American history. We sliced more occupation slaughtering guidelines than any organization had ever done previously. We fixed our wrecked economic agreements, pulled out from the unpleasant Trans-Pacific Partnership and the inconceivable Paris Climate Accord, reevaluated the uneven South Korea arrangement, and we supplanted NAFTA with the historic USMCA — that is Mexico and Canada — an arrangement that is worked out extremely, well.
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Additionally, and significantly, we forced memorable and amazing taxes on China; made an incredible new arrangement with China. However, before the ink was even dry, we and the entire world got hit with the China infection. Our exchange relationship was quickly changing, a great many dollars were filling the U.S., yet the infection constrained us to change course.
The entire world endured, however America beat different nations monetarily due to our mind boggling economy and the economy that we constructed. Without the establishments and footings, it wouldn’t have worked out thusly. We wouldn’t have probably the best numbers we’ve ever had.
We likewise opened our energy assets and turned into the world’s main maker of oil and petroleum gas by a long shot. Fueled by these arrangements, we constructed the best economy throughout the entire existence of the world. We reignited America’s work creation and accomplished record-low joblessness for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, ladies — nearly everybody.
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Wages took off, compensation blast, the American Dream was reestablished, and millions were lifted from neediness in only a couple brief years. It was a wonder. The financial exchange set one precedent after another, with 148 financial exchange highs during this brief timeframe, and helped the retirements and benefits of persevering residents the whole way across our country. 401(k)s are at a level they’ve never been at.
We’ve never seen numbers like we’ve seen, and that is before the pandemic and after the pandemic.
We revamped the American assembling base, opened up great many new production lines, and brought back the delightful expression: “Made in the USA.”
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To improve life for working families, we multiplied the kid tax reduction and marked the biggest ever extension of financing for childcare and advancement. We got together with the private area to tie down responsibilities to prepare in excess of 16 million American specialists for the positions of tomorrow.
At the point when our country was hit with the horrible pandemic, we created not one, but rather two antibodies with record-breaking pace, and more will rapidly follow. They said it wasn’t possible yet we did it. They consider it a “clinical marvel,” and that is the thing that they’re calling it at the present time: a “clinical supernatural occurrence.”
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Another organization would have taken 3, 4, 5, possibly as long as 10 years to build up an immunization. We did in nine months.
We lament for each life lost, and we promise in their memory to clear out this appalling pandemic unequivocally.
At the point when the infection negatively affected the world’s economy, we dispatched the quickest financial recuperation our nation has ever seen. We passed almost $4 trillion in financial help, saved or upheld more than 50 million positions, and cut the joblessness rate into equal parts. These are numbers that our nation has never seen.
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We made decision and straightforwardness in medical services, confronted enormous pharma from numerous points of view, however particularly in our push to get supported countries conditions added, which will give us the most reduced physician recommended drug costs anyplace on the planet.
We passed VA Choice, VA Accountability, Right to Try, and milestone criminal equity change.
We affirmed three new judges of the United States Supreme Court. We named almost 300 government judges to decipher our Constitution as composed.
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For quite a long time, the American public begged Washington to at last make sure about the country’s lines. I’m satisfied to state we addressed that supplication and accomplished the most secure line in U.S. history. We have given our fearless boundary specialists and chivalrous ICE officials the devices they need to take care of their responsibilities better than they have ever done previously, and to authorize our laws and guard America.
We gladly leave the following organization with the most grounded and most vigorous line safety efforts ever instituted. This incorporates noteworthy concurrences with Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, alongside in excess of 450 miles of ground-breaking new divider.
We reestablished American strength at home and American authority abroad. The world regards us once more. Kindly don’t lose that regard.
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We recovered our sway by defending America at the United Nations and pulling out from the uneven worldwide arrangements that never served our inclinations. What’s more, NATO nations are presently paying many billions of dollars more than when I showed up only a couple years back.
It was exceptionally uncalled for. We were paying the expense for the world. Presently the world is encouraging us.
Furthermore, maybe in particular of all, with almost $3 trillion, we completely modified the American military — all made in the USA. We dispatched the main new part of the United States Armed Forces in 75 years: the Space Force. Also, the previous spring, I remained at Kennedy Space Center in Florida and looked as American space explorers got back to space on American rockets without precedent for some, numerous years.
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We rejuvenated our partnerships and energized the countries of the word
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seahawkerspodcast · 7 years
3 IN, 3 OUT – Body Blow – Seahawks vs. Cardinals
by fellow 12 Clinton Bonner
OK Flock… this one might be on me. At about the 19min mark of last week's special video edition of #3i3o I implored our beloved ‘Hawks to get out of the desert with a W any way we possibly could. I failed to request to the Hawkra gods that we leave the greater Phoenix area intact… So, I'm administering a self-enforced #DoBetter and asking for a cleansing of our collective Hawkra. I needed to get that off my chest Flockers!!!
With that, this game certainly had it's INs and OUTs… and hey, we got the W, and hey… we are 6 – 3… and hey, we still have one Russell Carrington Wilson! So, all is not lost Flock, let's demand some bacon as we make lemonade outta some of these lemon, shall we?
Deion says, “If you ball, you get the call.” … I think he stole that from us TBH. Because, when we WIN we start with an IN, so let's have it!
IN – Legion of Whom?
First, let's thank Richard Sherman for all he has given to our franchise over the last 7 years. We may even take Big Perm, Big Sherm for granted as crazy as that sounds. He, along with Earl Thomas (yeah #29!!!), are 1st ballot HoF-ers. Big Sherm, you know the Flock loves you… Heal as quickly as you can and we'll see you back on the field in 2018. From every single #12, thank you #25 !!! Hey Seahawks, why don't we dedicate the rest of this year to Sherman… what do we say???
Here's the bottom line. You don't replace Richard Sherman, you learn to play your best football without him. In a Thursday Night tilt that didn't have a lot to offer in terms of enjoyment (we'll get into that in a bit), and with no Earl Thomas on the field for the 2nd straight week, others needed to step up.
This IN is a comic book meal-deal where the IN love gets spread around to a few unlikely heroes.
We all know the X-Men… but remember those a'ight off-shoots like X-Factor, X-Force, and the New Mutants? The Legion of Whom?… is bringing us some new heroes we need to recognize are ready for the primetime love.
1st, McDougald played a very, very solid game. This ‘sneaky good' signing in the offseason was one the boys from the pod talked about in the dog days of August. IMO, McDougald starts at Safety on 2/3rds of other NFL rosters. With Earl literally learning how to walk again in the off-season, McDougald has been a great signing, contributing on ST and playing solid Seahawks football as part of a banged-up LOB. Hat tip to you Bradley… Dilly, Dilly !!!
2nd – Shaq continues his ascent to stardom. If Sherman has to go all Professor X for a few months, then it's time for #26 to step into the Action Green limelight and emerge as our next LOB super hero.
3rd – Kam… OK, he's not new, but he deserves the love here because in a game where Earl was on the sidelines, Kam stood out and had his most impactful game of the year. No Cardinals reception went without a punishing hit from Kam and his presence as a 4th LB during run downs was seen over and over and over again, including his safety-inducing tackle to put our ‘Hawks up 9 – 7 in quarter 2! In a match where the LOB was more than just dinged… the Dark Knight stepped up and made sure we got out of that building with the W.
While we all can surely name multiple members of the X-Men, let's not forget that off-shoots like the New Mutants brought us brand new heroes …
… Right now some of these members might be known as the Legion of Whom? But history tells us, they are ready to step up and step into the natural evolution of the one, the only… Legion of Boom!!! Shaq, your time to shine kid!
OUT – Terrible REFerences
Sorry Flockers… I know nobody wants to read about some poor old sot bi$%h*%^ about the refs, but this goes deeper than our ‘Hawks losing a game… obviously we won.
The point here is that this game should NEVER have been close. Of course some of that is on our offense that can't run block at all, but the ONLY way the Cardinals were allowed to stay in this game was via terrible, terrible defensive penalties called against our ‘Hawks in the first half.
PIs, Hands to the Face, and other calls that simply were complete and utter #FakeNews ‘sustained' 2 Cardinals drives, kept our defense on the field for approximately 10 extra minutes in the 1st half, and ultimately lead to this game being close deep into the 3rd quarter.
Calls like this are an abomination to the sport …
Here's the pass interference penalty that extended ARI's drive on 3rd down and led to only ARI points. If this is pass interference, how are players supposed to play defense? http://pic.twitter.com/Dxmj2hNz7i
— Ben Baldwin (@guga31bb) November 10, 2017
Now you might be saying Flock… so what? We still won… Yes, we won in spite of a disgusting display by the NFL, but my anger flows downstream a bit more than just the game.
This was the type of game that should have been an absolute blowout by the mid-3rd quarter where the Cardinals, maybe, would have scratched together 3 points at that time.
The refs (combined with some offensive ineptitude) kept the Cardinals in this game. This kept our defense on the field deep, deep into the match and IMO directly lead to the batch of injuries we witnessed our defense suffer.
The mob has turned on TNF in general… I don't love these color-enhanced games by any means, but to me, it's a much greater/deeper problem for the NFL that due to terrible officiating, many games, including this one, are simply a bad product, and very, very difficult to stomach. NFL … #DoBetter !!!
OK, swing to the positive… we need it!
  IN – K to the J
If we are the X-Men, then KJ Wright is Iceman … and no, not Val Kilmer's “You can be my wingman” Iceman… let's keep our pop-culture references tight Flock!!! Mind you this is no knock to KJ, but on a team with Wagz, Kam, Bennett, Avril, Sherm, Earl and others… hey, we all can't be Wolverine.
KJ Wright was a monster on this day. I didn't embed this tweet above to celebrate Kam's 2-point tackle because I wanted to save it for K to the J!!! KJ blew up this play, clearing a huge lane for Bam Bam Kam to fill… and then watch KJ stick with the play until we were all assured that AP was going nowhere but backwards on this futile attempt to escape his own End Zone.
#Seahawks defense = brick wall
That's a SAFETY, and the second in two weeks for the @Seahawks!#TNF #SEAvsAZ http://pic.twitter.com/2j2l7dGpsn
— NFL (@NFL) November 10, 2017
This wasn't KJ'S only highlight by a long stretch.
AP averaged 1.4 yards per carry… 1.4 !!!
KJ ended up with 9 tackles on the day, with big tackles for a loss or right at the line on repeat! He may be our Iceman of the group, but dang KJ is a huge part of why we win… The IN to you KJ !!!
  OUT – Downright Offensive
This OUT will be short and sour. Germain Ifedi isn't cutting it. About a quarter of the way through the season our pass-blocking was starting to gel. Joeckel got dinged, we moved some pieces around and it's been a mixed-bag since. It's almost as if when Duane Brown took Ifedi's #76, he took Ifedi's abilities with him. Call it a reverse Spinal Tap if you will as 76 – 65 = 11… only this time, ‘going to 11' has resulted in Ifedi forgetting how to play football.
At one point both Ifedi and Rawls combined for 1/2 a terrible chip block, resulting in another Red Birds sack of RCW.
  Ifedi + Rawls = half a chip block???
— Clinton Bonner (@clintonbon) November 10, 2017
And let's not discuss our run blocking … because it just doesn't exist. Like I said: short and sour.
IN – The RedZone Barron
Somewhat despised, certainly kicked around by many a 12… not me.
Look now… Jimmy is tied for TDs by TEs in 2017. He's ahead of Gronk, he's ahead of Kelce.
In our last 5 rumbles Jimmy has:
24 receptions
6 TDs
And perhaps most importantly … Russell Carrington Wilson is learning to hit Jimmy from within 10 yards and routes that aren't low-probability fade routes!!!
  No tenía oportunidad de parar a Jimmy Graham (Lleva 5 TD's en sus últimos 5 juegos)http://pic.twitter.com/qud2GurWt0
— Cobertura NFL (@CoberturaNFL) November 10, 2017
  As our schedule turns up down the stretch, we'll need Jimmy to be this big if we're going to turn out!
We hear you Jimmy!!!
  OUT – Just Beat It
Ooooof toofie Flock … 2 separate members of our O-Line ending up on the wrong side of the ledger in the same week against a bad football team… Que lastima!
But, the truth shall set us free… right?
Pocic has gotten a bit of a pass this season and I think it's been fair. He's a rookie who has been asked to play and practice at every position on the O-Line and when he's been plugged in, he's done OK enough to not be signaled out.
Well… Thursday night wasn't a good showing for the young Padawan. When Brown went down, I expected Tobin to get pushed around (boy did he)… but I didn't expect Pocic to be routinely beat on running downs… yet here we are.
Pocic is in year 1 and has been asked to do a ton… we recognize that. But Thursday he was mostly bad… let's clean that up and get prepped to take on the Dirty Birds at the CLink next Monday night !!!
  From the Flock!
Our fave section because it's all about the Little Flockers getting their opinions heard, word! Let's see what members of the Flock waxed poetic this Thursday night!
Ross Bell brought the VERY late night, UK snark to us all on TNF – a-thank-you Ross!
  The one plus to #skycam is watching AP repeatedly running in to his own blockers and/or Bobby Wagner #3I3O #in (I think)
— Ross Bell (@RossBell1984) November 10, 2017
  Well done Young Choi…
  DCH = Always Wise !!!
  The Pod and Ash combined to remind us all that apparently a catch, 3 steps and a fumble… is… an incomplete pass??? Once again NFL #DoBetter !!!
#3i3o. Apparently 3 steps after catching the ball is out.
— Ash (@ashthecuz) November 10, 2017
  1,2,3… What's Next!???
Dirty, dirty birds come to our house on Monday night!
Mamma Cleo likes our chances.
Mamma Cleo likes Dwight Freeney to get to Matty Ice and surpass his sack total all of last year with ‘dem dirty birds.
Mamma Cleo likes a more aggressive LB core to cause more pressure with Big Perm, Big Sherm sidelined.
Mamma Cleo likes Russ to carry the night in primetime.
Get the W and stay healthy boys… Go ‘Hawks!!!
  All Seahawks fans if you are not listening to and subscribing to THE best Seahawks podcast out there, you need to #DoBetter – Enjoy the Sea Hawkers Podcast today!!! 
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via The Sea Hawkers Podcast http://ift.tt/2zDiyPU
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