#It was 1am when I typed this and was running on fumes but saw yet another video about this kinda behaviour that just really got to me
What do you mean there are no fics about these two characters that didn't, or just barely, interacted with each other? I don't care if they didn't even meet its obvious they are made for each other!!!!!1! (I'm also throwing stones at my own windows, that Makoto/Akane fic didn't wrote itself :V)
XP that's mean you know,,,
I hope you're happy, because you just reawakened a part of myself I thought I had buried deep, deep, deep away, never to see the light of day again-
The year is 2014.
It's late at night- I'm currently 'sleeping' in my mother's room. Not because slumber evaded me on this particular eve, no, but you see because I misplaced my Samsung tablet, the first real electronic device of my own, I received on my 11th birthday and desperately required internet access. The only way to acquire said thing was to use the computer- which brings us to here, in which I fabricate some lie about a stomache ache, or a bad dream, something or the other, and try not to let the smile on my face show as my mother reluctantly agrees to let me stay in her room.
'Only for tonight', she chides.
(Little would she know- it would not be only for that night-)
As the door shuts behind her, and I hear the sound of her steps descending down the staircase, I wait patiently for a minute, maybe two, before slowly tip-toeing my way across the room, careful to dodge that one pesky floorboard.
I sit down in the chair.
I tap on a button, and wince slightly as the light hits my eyes. They quickly adjust, and I scoot the chair slightly closer, using the balls of my feet to muffle the noise.
Click- clack- clack
I type eagerly away at the keys, and move the mouse, entering a certain website.
(Archive of Our Own is nothing but a far away dream, a distant sanctuary that will not be discovered for another two years, at least).
I hear a door open downstairs, and freeze in place- my blood runs cold, and my heart beats frantically in my chest.
Thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump-
I eye the door warily, as though any second it could burst off its hinges, revealing my mother, fuming, and ready to send me back to my own room, at any moment.
Through the tiny gaps in the frame, a halo of golden light seeps through.
I hear the sound of a car approaching, momentarily illuminating the whole room.
It passes.
Darkness falls again.
... the door shuts.
I sigh in relief.
She was only retrieving something from the front room. I'm still safe for now.
I turn back to the screen, eyes glistening with a newfound eagerness.
My fingers rest atop the keys, typing in those sacred five letters-
Ok look man, I get it, rare pairs are called "rare" for a reason. 'These characters never even interacted! Who would ship them?'
Oh my god- i don't know if it's just my memory but that shit was fucking everywhere bro- like- maybe you were around the general fandom area(?) so you're familiar with all the- i don't even know the fucking rise of the legend of the tangled dragon guardians? That fucking shit? EVERYWHERE
I'm talking like fucking- highschool AUs? There was one where hiccup was like- the son of a CEO and I think he tried to commit suicide? Or something- all that angsty shit-? Oh and you BET there was a self insert lovechild OC fic too. As was the watching-the-movies one where the authors made jack and else sit next to each other. And one where jack and elsa were messaging at like 12 and jack took her to a cafe with chocolate cake so good she swore when she took a bite and temporarily broke her 'good girl' exterior and I don't know when, where, or how, but there was definitely a motorcycle involved at some point.
So anyway what my melodramatic ass is trying to say is WHY CAN WE GET ALL THAT BUT YET I STILL CAN'T FIND ONE NON-SMUT, COMPLETE NAEOUMA FIC HUH-?
Jack and Elsa weren't even from the same fucking franchise-!!!!!
Also I tried going on ao3 to find a makoto x akane fic, and the first thing I saw was an explicit vorefic... so... uh...
(I just remembered I have an ask about akane and makoto in my inbox-! I should really answer that ack-)
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bucky-iss-bae · 6 years
Listen (Billy Russo x Reader)
Fandom: Marvel’s The Punisher 
Billy Russo x Reader 
Summary: AU Reader plans a cute evening with Billy but he’s a little late. (Prompts: ‘Why can’t you listen to a single thing I say?’ – ‘All you do is whine’) 
Warnings: Cursing, Angst, arguments, mentions of cheating - Sorry if I’ve missed anything 
Word Count: 2523 
A/N: First Billy Fic, hope you all enjoy and I just, he’s so beautiful. Like, the beard the suit, the everything. 
Mastlerlist  Fandom List 
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Being with Billy Russo had both advantages and disadvantages. Being together for nearly 2 years we loved each other endlessly, but at some point, Billy and I had to get out of the honeymoon phase. But we were both always there for one another. We were still the cheesy couple that laughed at inside jokes, that knew each other more than anyone would think, and sure on the outside everyone saw Billy as a murderous psychopath, heck my family had issues sometimes with the fact that we were together and happy. Others think he manipulates me, but in reality, we love each other more than he thought he would ever be able to love.
I basically lived at his place, although I still had my own place that was vacant of me most of the time, I just hadn’t ever made the official move into his apartment and I was ok with that. My two other best friends who are a couple themselves live there and my room hasn’t ever really changed. But every night I fell asleep at his place, every morning woke up there, most of my clothes were there, my makeup, shoes. Somehow the change had been gradual and neither of us complained, instead he complimented it. He even suggested that I should officially move in, but neither of you had the time to get everything from one place to another. But in both of our eyes, we were living together, we had a great life together and supported one another.
We were friends when he was starting up his business, I supported him as a girlfriend when he was getting established and watched as he grew and his business grew. Just as he supported me in my career.
But not everything was sunshine and butterflies, in recent months Billy has been distant. Spending more time at work than at home. More often than not I fell asleep before he even got home, some of those nights I did try to stay awake but I was always out of it before I even realised. He was gone before I even woke up some mornings and if I was lucky I saw him only a few times a week. We often spoke on the phone when he took a break, other times we spoke whenever I took lunch in for him on my days off. But his weeks consisted of 7 days which made things difficult because despite living together, we rarely saw one another.
But tonight was different, the perfect date night, he promised he would be home early, and I made sure both of our favourite meals were cooked. Despite staying in I dressed up in my favourite outfit, done my hair and makeup nicely. Other than going out with friends or work I rarely dressed up, especially since I loved it.  
Dinner was ready to be served and now it was a waiting game, it had gone past 7 but that’s understandable, traffic in Manhattan at this time is crazy so I opted to watch a bit of TV while waiting. I had a funny feeling in my stomach at 8 and checked my phone, no messages or nothing. So instead I decided to give him a call but it went straight to answerphone, ok so he’s probably driving, understandable if he got a little caught up.
Before I knew it, it was 11pm, I ended up getting changed into something comfier, threw my hair up, but I was angry. Fuming. He promised, Billy promised me, he promised me yet he hadn’t even called me. None of my messages had been read, and the calls unanswered.
I had a bad feeling, I mean he can’t be cheating on me can he? I mean work takes up a lot of time. And when we first got together, Maria had promised me that he’s a good guy, not the cheating type. Frank even said so, that Bill wouldn’t ever do anything like that. Despite his checkered past, that didn’t involve endless amounts of women, instead it was dangerous, and he had redeemed himself, I mean he wouldn’t cheat would he?  
I was still angry though. He still wasn’t home, it was nearly midnight and he broke his promise. We hadn’t seen one another in months, we went from having dinner together every day, to a few times a week, then to once a week, to me only ever eating lunch in his office.
“Y/N, Hey, Y/N. What are you still doing out here?” Billy was shaking me awake, he was crouched down beside the couch.
I woke with a jolt and came face to face with Billy, it took a few moments to realise where I was. I could see guilt written all over his face but that didn’t stop the anger coursing through me.
“Oh, so you're finally home then?” I bit out, a grimace sat on my face, I rubbed my eyes and stood up glaring at him waiting on an answer,
“I’m so, sorr-“
“No you're not Billy. I asked one thing from you alright. One thing. You haven’t properly been home in months and I ask you to be home for 7, a decent time, so we could eat together and spend time together. But why would I be so stupid to ask for something so impossible huh? I mean what are you even doing billy? What keeps you out until, what 1am?”
“Nothing Y/N. I’ve just been working hard ok. Business has been busy lately, I’ve been in the office, I’ve got a lot going on”
“What? Until 1am? How do you think that makes me feel? For all I know you could have some side chick that I don’t even know about instead I’m made to look like a joke”
“No.” he said shaking his head, “I would never, Y/N. Never cheat on you!”
“Then what am I supposed to think? You’re out of the door before I’m awake and back home after I fall asleep.”
“That’s because I’m busy at work Y/N. Trying to build a life for us, trying to build a future for us!”
“For us?” I yelled, “For us? What us? At the moment there is no us Billy. We have a long distance relationship despite us living in the same apartment. I don’t see you anymore Billy. So how can you say that you’re doing this for us when the last time I saw you were in your office. I mean you’ve bailed on me so much lately, whenever we have a reservation booked you always reschedule, I cooked tonight. I was so excited because I would finally get to spend time with you, but that’s not even possible is it?” I Yelled at him, “You might as well just fucking camp out at work because I don’t even know why you come home at this point”
“Well what do you expect when you're like this?” he threw back at me out of anger, “I’ve been home two minutes and all you do is whine”
“All I do is whine? I wouldn’t be whining if you spent more than an hour a week at home at a reasonable hour. I mean why can’t you listen to a single thing I say? All I’m saying is I want to spend more time with you. But now, I might as well just leave, I don’t even know why I’m still here” I said shoving myself past him and towards the door,
“Fucking hell Y/N” He said yelling for me but I ignored it, I felt the tears running down my face and walked to get my shoes on and I just walked out with Billy still calling for me.
Billy P.O.V
As soon as I walked in I knew I had fucked up. I completely forgot the promise that I made to Y/N, that she planned a date night for us. I felt bad that I was never around, but business had been crazy, I was working 7 days a week, near enough 16 hour days, and didn’t have any time. I saw the food, I saw her empty plate on the table, and she was curled up on the couch, she had every right to be angry, but that angered me, the moment she accused me of being with someone else when the only person I want is her, yet now I don’t even know what's going on with us. I was tired, it had been a long day, a long week and the last thing I wanted to do was argue, so instead I went to get in bed, I’m sure she’ll be back later on.
I don’t know how long I was tossing and turning in the bed for, yet she hadn't come back. It was the middle of the night and she was just out there somewhere, by herself, upset and angry.
I grabbed my phone to call her but it went right to voicemail, I was a bit lost on who to call but took the plunge and called Frank,
It took a few minutes but he eventually answered the phone, “This better be good Russo” He grumbled,
“I just wanted to know if Y/N was there at all?” I asked,
“No. She’s not. Why what the fuck have you done Bill?” He sounded awake within seconds but I just pinched the bridge of my nose,
“Nothing Frankie. Nothing. Sorry I woke you”
After hanging up I went to grab my keys to go looking for her.
I had no clue where to go. I only had my bag on me, and just had to get out of there. I was wiping my face, my makeup probably all ruined but I just left the apartment building and started to walk anywhere. It was 1am, on a Saturday night in New York City, it was bust but I felt so alone.
I walked aimlessly for ages, I missed him. I missed being around Billy. I missed us waking up together, having lazy mornings every now and then, I missed being able to talk to him. He was my best friend, but now, now he felt like a stranger.
I eventually flagged down a taxi and realised the safest place for me tonight would be my old apartment.
I caught a taxi there and realised they were both asleep, I used my key to let myself in and went straight for my room. In there I had everything I ever needed, a teddy I had from when I was little which was always there for me at times like this. I just hugged it and got under the covers unable to go sleep.
Not long later there was a knock on the apartment door, I sighed and knew they didn’t even know I was home so got out of my bed to go answer the door,
“Y/N” Billy started relieved to see me, “Come on let's go home,” he said,
“I am home Billy” I grumbled, “So you go home. Nothing of yours is here, whereas I have everything of mine here. So just leave”
He just looked at me before shaking his head, next thing I knew he had picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, “Billy” I gasped, “What are you doing?” He instead shut the door behind me and started walking.
“You said nothing of mine was there. Truth is, everything of mine was. You were. If you think I’m letting you go Y/N, you can think again. I love you, and I’m not going to let a stupid argument loose you, instead, I’ll be better alright”
“Billy, let me at least get my shoes, I can’t just walk out with my teddy”
He let out a laugh, “We’ll get your shoes tomorrow. We’ll get everything tomorrow, and you'll officially be moved in with me” He said, a few minutes later he set me down in his car and I couldn’t help but glare at him, but I wanted to smile. He had such an innocent look on his face, “I’ll give you the rest of the car journey home to be as pissed as you want, but when we get home, we’ll talk alright” He said to me.
I didn’t say anything and instead tucked my feet up on the seat, I know he hates this, but I don’t care. I snuggled up with my teddy in my arms and couldn’t help the frown on my face as I looked out the window.
When we got to the apartment building I got out and was willing to walk with my socks still on my feet but he came around and picked me up bridal style.
I didn’t say anything but rested my head on his chest, “I hate you, you know that” I grumbled,
“Yeah and I love you too,” He said back a smile on his face,
“I don’t want to say too much though, might make it seem like I’m whining”
“Wow” He muttered, “Fucking whine all you like, wouldn’t be you if you weren’t whining.”
“Well not like you’re around to hear me whine anyway” 
“Guess I’ll have to change that huh? I won’t go to work tomorrow, and I’ll start coming back at a reasonable time. Heck, tell you what, you remember when I promised you a few months ago that we could go away? Book time off of work, and then we can go wherever you like”
After we were in the apartment he set me down on my feet again, “You’re not going work tomorrow?” I asked like a little pouting child but so much hope in my eyes, 
“No” He whispered looking at me, “Not if me basically living at work will cost me the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I can get my work done at any time. I’ll even start to bring some paperwork home if it comes to it, that way I can do what I usually do when everyone's gone home. That way I can spend time with you, and get what I need to done as well. How does that sound”
Instead of anything I just hugged him, “I fucking hate you Billy because I missed you so much, so much Bill. And I love you, I couldn’t hate you, and I’m sorry, I just, I got angry. I miss you because I never see you but now I’ll feel bad because you have so much to do and I know you work hard and sorry for accusing you of cheating I just...”  
“You know I would never intentionally hurt you. You’re it for me Y/N and I wouldn’t ever cheat on you. But I love you too Y/N. And I’m sorry”
I stepped back from him and looked at him, “Although, now you have to share the bed with my best friend” I told him while hugging my teddy,
He just stood there and laughed but shook his head, “Come on, let’s get some sleep. I’ll make us breakfast in the morning” He said and we both went to get some sleep and for once we went to sleep together.
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pendragonfics · 7 years
Hi Gay, I’m Pan
Paring: Wade Wilson/Reader
Tags: male reader, coming out, canon gay character, fandom allusions & cliches & references, fluff, Wade Wilson breaks the fourth wall, Wade Wilson needs a damn hug
Summary: Reader lives with Wade Wilson. Reader comes out. Wade comes out too. It's all very gay.
Word Count: 1,969
Current Date: 2017-11-22
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You were fourteen years, two months, and three days old when you discovered that you were very, very gay. Meaning: you loved men. Not that you had a collection of cliché homosexual memorabilia in your apartment, stashed away under and in the mattress of your bed like a sort of heathen (wait, yes, you did have some stuff, but that shit was on display on the shelf, because who didn’t like RuPaul's Drag Race?). But when you were twenty-seven years, eight months, and thirteen days old, you found yourself in a precarious position. Perhaps it was because you hadn’t found yourself able to come out to your very southern-traditional family. Perhaps it was because you’d just moved to the city, and when you put out a flyer for a roommate, found that you had reeled in a roomie who’d be a little more than what the regular person could handle.
But that was three months, six days and nineteen hours ago. You were nearly to your twenty-eighth year of life, and something so integral to your identity had not been brought up. Discussed. Even though Americans could marry whoever they wanted (and in some states, they could marry animals too), and yet, when Pride was on, you sat at home and worked on your investigations for your boss, the formidable Ms. Jones.
But it was the third month, sixth day, and twentieth hour since Wade Wilson became your roommate, and while he made no effort to keep his lifestyle quiet (of course, that was after you found him peeling the molten suit off his puckering skin at 3AM one morning), you decided that he was as good a confidant and friend as any. And thus, it was this day that you decided to come out to your roommate.
But that was easier said, than done. First you had to find the guy.
Well, you were going to, until your boss called. She was a firecracker, Jessica Jones – sometimes on fire, sometimes soaked in alcohol, but always, always, burning the candle from both ends. But she was a fantastic private investigator, and that was why you stuck around with her and her shitty pay.
“__________? Need that evidence right about now.” You opened your phone to hear. “Think it might be the tipping point to finding the guy, drop it by the office ASAP.”
You grab your messenger bag and the envelope with all you’ve got on the case, and start to head out the apartment. “On my way, Jones.”
She hangs up before you do.
The quick subway ride across Midtown to her edge of Hell’s Kitchen is fast, and when you hand her the evidence, you’re given another manila folder. This one’s titled Phimister, E. You slide it into your messenger bag, just as Jessica’s neighbour pokes his head out from his apartment. She prepares for his oncoming speech by downing the coffee in her hand.
“Did you guys hear the news? There’s another hero around the city,” he grins like an idiot. “He calls himself Spider-Man.”
Jessica rolls her eyes, “Kid Crime Stopper needs to cool it,” she groans, and goes to take another sip of her drink, to find it’s empty, “We don’t need more idiots in costume running around the city.”
Malcom doesn’t say a word. He just shakes his head, and returns to his apartment.
She turns to you. “Why’re you still here, __________?” You shrug. She scrunches her nose. “You smell, like,” she winces, “Soap? You even shaved. Don’t tell me you’ve got a job interview.”
You laugh, but inside, you’re screeching, how does she know I wore the nice soap? as if she can deduce also that you’re as into boys as the Hulk was into smashing. “Not leaving Alias if I can help it, Jones,” you tell her, “Can’t a guy just use soap occasionally, and have it not become a thing?”
She scrutinises you once again. “It’s something big.” She scoffs, and sighs, when once again she realises her cup is empty of coffee. “I don’t care.” She says, turning to close the door to her office, and over her shoulder, she says, “Good luck for it, though.”
You shoot a text to Wade upon leaving her office, wondering where he is. He sends a picture back, a selfie where he’s waving with another person’s arm, holding the cadaver’s limb like it was a regular thing to hold, like a martini, or an uncomfortable silence. You glance back to the closed door of Alias Investigations and take the elevator down. You know where Wade is, just from that picture. It’s nearby, too.
You make it there in good time, and when you get to the rooftop of your favourite noodle bar restaurant. As you climb up the fire escape, you notice there’s a not very discreet puddle of blood on the concrete, and near it, you see Wade sitting in his suit, legs dangling off the side with a fat sushi roll in his hand, the tempura prawn about to slide out the bottom end.
“Hey,” he greets, around his mouthful.
You nod. “Hey.”
You go to take a seat beside him, and looking down, you see the sidewalk below, and all the little people rushing around in their little lives, hailing taxies, making out by the phone boxes, smoking their lungs into submission. You look to Wade, and see he’s still munching away on his roll of sushi.
“I’m gay,” you tell Wade, the two words falling out from your lips like too much rice after a rice-eating contest at 1AM (something that has happened every three weeks or so between you and Wade). “I mean, I –,”
“Hi Gay,” Wade says, his smile crinkling the parts of the mask that aren’t pulled over his mouth, and adds, “I’m Pan.”
You pause. “Wait, that’s it?” You ask him. “I – wait, what’s pan? Are you screwing with me?”
Wade shakes his head. “No, I swear. No screwing,” he swallows his mouthful. “It just means I’m like, super gay, and super straight and super into every sort of human out there within reason. Also, wouldn’t say no to a panda in a sexy maid costume,” he laughs, “Didn’t you hear? It’s 2017. Everyone is some sort of gay,” he then adds in a whisper, “Even if they’re straight, they’re lying.”
You take that in. “So, it’s cool?”
Wade nods, and ripping into his sushi roll again, he says, “Yeah, it’s cool. You’re telling me this, so you can bring your hot boyfriend around to the apartment to make out, or…?” Wade asks.
“What makes you think I of all people could get a hot boyfriend?” you ask him honestly, “You’re the first person to know I’m gay…”
You can’t tell because he’s wearing the mask, but you’re sure his eyes are super wide when he utters a long, “Whaaaaaaaaaat?” But before you can say anything else to make it seem less of a big deal than he thinks it is, he says, “I can’t f*ucking believe it, this is amazing! I know a guy who gets free churros, let’s celebrate!” Then, to himself, he says, under his breath, “Author, that is not how you censor a swear word – also, congrats on writing your first major swear for fanfic!”
You look to him, unsure of what just happened. But you’re okay with it. Free churros and celebrating with Wade tonight makes the idea of staying at home and re-watching the Harry Potter movies sound a little better.
“Hey, if you were a superhero, __________, I’d make your suit red, so we could both hang out with the others. There’s this guy dressed like demon, but he’s just a sweetheart, and the churro guy, Spider-Parker. Man. Shit.” He tosses the dregs of his sushi roll over the side of the building, and watches as they fall on the roof of a taxi driving by.
“I don’t think I’m the superhero type,” you say to yourself. “I just want to make rent. And ask Mr. Cee if we could have a pet in the apartment.”
Wade considers. “Dog?”
You shake your head. “Cat. I saw an add on Craigslist for free. I feel bad for it.”
“What’s its name?” he asks.
You whip your phone out, and show him a picture of the calico kitten, a young female with yellow and white splotches over her black body, with a fluffy coat. “Uh, Eleven.”
“Get her. Now.”
It’s another eight months, three weeks, two days, and thirteen hours when life stops being so chaotic. You’ve turned twenty-nine. You solved case after case with Alias Investigations until Jessica Jones adds you to the plaque on the door, and adds a raise to your pay check. Eleven the cat is the one thing at home that makes life bearable. Perhaps that fact was not because you lived a terrible, horrible life; in fact, it was very much the opposite.
That rooftop chat eight months ago with your roommate had led to something much different than what you had said – you were in fact, very much the hero type. But that was after the attack from a radical sect of people called Inhumans, and when you were caught on the subway exposed to fumes, and the only one left alive, it also left your body changed, as to never be able to become broken. Which was great, because a week after that, you were hit by a cab, and left a __________-sized dent in its bumper bar, and didn’t die. Bonus!
It was no big deal. Some people called you nerdy Luke Cage. More people, like the press, called you Tungsten. You had no idea why until a quick Google search lead you to realise it was a type of metal that was brittle and hard to manipulate, and the toughness is enhanced by melding it with steel. Sort of how you often worked alongside Deadpool.
But it was now, eight months later when you find yourself sitting at home, Eleven on your lap, watching the new season of Doctor Who on Netflix. You weren’t a fan of the companion Clara Oswald, but watching Hell Bent, it nearly rendered you to tears.
“I love Peter Capaldi,” Wade said beside you, on the lounge. He wore only his boxer shorts, and a loose tee that said I like sunsets, long walks on the beach and murder on it in comic sans, showing off his scarred skin. “But you know who I love most?”
You take a moment to consider the answer. “David Tennant.”
But at the same moment, he says, “You.”
You don’t quite get it, because maybe you’ve just been talking about the actors who play the nine-hundred-year-old plus time lord. Maybe because you’ve had a long day fighting against the forces of evil and the crowds around the subway on peak hour, and the one-word answer he has given you almost stuns you.
“Wait, what?” you ask. Eleven meows on your lap, as if to confirm, that yes, this is a love confession. “Wade –,”
He wraps his arms around you, smooshing his face into your cheek, and aggravated by the sudden assault of affection, Eleven flees from your lap to the rug beneath the television, purring indignantly. “Yeah, I’m head over heels for you, man.” He grins, and noticing your silence, adds, “Don’t tell me this time that you have a hot boyfriend.”
You pause, and taking the remote, still the commotion going on with the Timelords, so you can focus on the commotion going on in your lounge room. “Yeah, I’ve got a hot boyfriend.” His face falls, withdrawing his arms from around you. You begin to laugh, and draw the Merc with a mouth toward you, smooshing your face against his, “He’s you.”
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