#It's My Draenei Mage and him
Sci-Fi September: Time Travel
A World of Warcraft fanfiction for @thepromptfoundry event Sci-Fi September day 16 Time Travel. There is a in game area known as the Cavern of Time that allow you to travel back to moments in Warcraft history, and this one have my ocs during the infamous Culling of Stratholme.
The Bronze Dragon said to Lucan and his party of Onluun the Draenei warrior, Simonette the human mage, Alanriana the night elf huntress, and Xalli the draenei priestess, "Heroes of the Allaince, while this will troubled your hearts, you must travel back to the Culling of Stratholme and allowed events to happened." The Bronze Dragon then open a portal to the past to the
Lucan and his party find themselves in a cellar in a inn when a man named Michael Belfast see them and shout at the five, "Hey! You five clear out of my cellar! I don't know what a high elf, a dwarf, and a gnome was also doing there, but I know you two love birds were about to do dirty things in there." Lucan and Simonette were confused before they realized that Alanriana look like a high elf ranger, Onluun look like a dwarf, and Xali look like a gnome. Still, the five left the inn.
The party find the crates of plague grain and head out to find Arthas.
The party catch up with Princess Arthas and Jaina Proudmoore, whose meet Uther the Lightbringer, to the paladin joy, with their armies as Arthas said to his teacher at the gates of Stratholme, "Glad you could make it, Uther." which Uther said, "Watch your tone with me, boy. You may be the prince, but I'm still your superior as a paladin!" Alanriana give Lucan a nod which the human paladin make his way to Arthas as the prince said, "As if I could forget. Listen, Uther, there's something about the plague you should know..." before Lucan cut him off as he said, "Prince Arthas, my scout party find crates of the plague grain inside Stratholme. Arthas got shocked with horror as he said, "Oh, no. We're too late." and he look at Stratholme as the prince look at his people, "These people have all been infected! They may look fine now, but it's just a matter of time before they turn into the undead!" Uther said in shock, "What?" and Arthas think for a moment as he look troubled about the news that Lucan reveal before he turn to Uther and said, "This entire city must be purged." Everyone was shocked at hearing this as Uther said in anger, "How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way." Arthas shout at his teacher, "Damn it, Uther! As your future king, I order you to purge this city!" which Uther said, "You are not my king yet, boy! Nor would I obey that command even if you were!" Arthas said in a grim tone, "Then I must consider this an act of treason." Uther said in shocked, "Treason? Have you lost your mind, Arthas?" which Arthas reply, "Have I? Lord Uther, by my right of succession and the sovereignty of my crown, I hereby relieve you of your command and suspend your paladins from service." Jaina speak up, "Arthas! You can't just-" but Arthas cut her off, "It's done! Those of you who have the will to save this land, follow me! The rest of you... get out of my sight!" and the Knights of the Silver Hand along with all but some of Arthas forces left as Uther warn the prince, "You've just crossed a terrible theshold, Arthas." and he take his leave, with Jaina following him to the shock of the prince as he said, "Jaina?" and she stop for a moment without turning around and said to Arthas, "I'm sorry, Arthas. I can't watch you do this." and followed Uther. After a moment, Arthas see Lucan and his party and said to him, "You, paladin! I see you didn't follow Uther disobey his future king!" and he then said to his men, "Take position here, and I along with this paladin will lead a small force inside Stratholme to begin the culling. We must contain and purge the infected for the sake of all Lordaeron!" As Arthas forces cheer, the five time travelvers know that this marks the beginning of the fall of Arthas as they and the prince walk to Strathole and a citizen whose see them said, "Prince Arthas, please help us! I feel sick!" which the prince reply, "I can only help you with a clean death." to the shock of the citizen before Arthas killed him. Suddenly, a number of Infinite Dragonflight forces appear and Arthas said, "The dreadlord hiding appears to have more Scourge in his arsenal. Let us meet them in battle."
Once the party killed most of the Infinite Dragonflight and Arthas and his force killed a number of the citizen and catch up with them, the prince said to them, "There you are! You will rest a moment to clean your lungs, but we must move again soon. Mal'Ganis is supposed to be in Crusaders' Square, which is just ahead."
As the party and Arthas enter Crusaders' Square, the dreadlord appear and he said to the group, "I've been waiting for you, young prince. I am Mal'Ganis." Soon, fallen bodies raise as members of the undead as Mal'Ganis said to them, "As you can see, your people are now mine. I will now turn this city household by household, until the flame of life has been snuffed out forever." and Arthas shout at the demon, "I won't allow it, Mal'Ganis! Better that these people die by my hand than serve as your slaves in death!" and he and the party change into party.
After a battle, Mal'Ganis said to Arthas and the party, "Your journey has just begun, young prince. Gather your forces, and meet me in the arctic land of Northrend. It is there we shall settle the score between us. It is there that your true destiny will unfold." and he flee which the angry prince call out, "I'll hunt you to the ends of Azeroth if I have to. Do you hear me? TO THE ENDS OF AZEROTH!" As he get a moment to breath, Lucan ask, "Prince Arthas?" which Arthas turn to them and said to the five time travelers, "You five has performed well this day. Anything that Mal'Ganis has left behind is yours. Take it as your reward. I must now begin plans for an expedition to Northrend." and Arthas left the scene as the five return to their time.
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aquanthis · 9 months
can I hear about Adelia. I think that’s the name your night elf mage. please
YES ABSOLUTELY!!! ADELIA MY BELOVED!!! oh there's a lot wrong with her. a lot. there are many layers to this little mage good lird. look at her
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^ seb's art ofc
i hope you like weird girls because that's all she's got!
Archmage Adelia Starweaver, Eternal Magus
ok the general info like usual: she's an arcane mage, an archmage, and she wields aluneth. she's a bisexual nonbinary woman and a complete disaster. she's a whirlwind of a woman and i'm absolutely obsessed w/ her.
personality-wise, adelia is a pile of masks so high that she doesn't really know who she is underneath them all anymore. she tries desperately to fit in and to pretend like nothing hurts or phases her, when in actuality every mean word clings to her like cobwebs. she puts on an act of being bubbly and loud and brash, trying to get people to like her, but the other people around her actually just can't stand her and think she's annoying. she's very much the "you could pour hot soup in my lap on purpose and i would apologize to you" type except it would be her laughing it off with a big smile and going to clean it up herself and never speaking of it again. this is how she copes. she's so normal lol <3
her childhood was fucked because her mother died shortly after adelia's younger sibling was born, and her dad basically put everything into trying to control adelia and "make her mom proud" or whatever. he tried to force her into druidism, and adelia was, uh. Not Happy! her autistic ass did not do well in druid school. the other students hated her guts and also made fun of her for the situation with her dad and that's when she picked up her Annoying Mask.
anyway, she was obsessed with stories about illidan. like, OBSESSED. special interest level obsessed. she felt validated and vindicated by illidan's rejection of druidism to become a mage, and she began studying magic in secret, all while disappointing her father and her teacher. despite the fact that illidan's life should've, by all means, been a cautionary tale, she did NOT take it as such, and look up to/aspired to be like him. she took the brunt of her father's anger/pressure/abuse, inadvertently protecting her younger sibling for the most part.
so! that was her life up until the draenei landed on azeroth. when the draenei came to darnassus, adelia met paleri (who avid grims oc fans will recognize as aemara's wife!) and they became fast friends. aemara had just disappeared to join the alliance military, and paleri was left aimless and lost, feeling like she couldn't protect her people as a simple engineer and wanted to become a paladin. adelia became determined to help her (had a bit of a crush on her too) and very quickly convinced paleri to go exploring with her. they left darnassus together, paleri determined to become a paladin and adelia determined to become a mage.
the funny thing about adelia, see, is that she's incredibly powerful. as in, her magic is like raw magic energy itself, unwieldy and volatile and unpredictable and dangerous. she has largely unparalleled skill at actually conjuring up the magic, to the point of eventually allowing her to become an archmage, but she's so fucking bad at controlling it. she's like a bomb about to go off at any given moment. so, when she and paleri go wandering together, there are a lot of. Incidents. lol
their journey takes them from burning crusade up to legion, all the while they made names for themselves as wandering mercenaries or minor heroes. and then, in legion, they join up with their respective class halls, pretty much go their separate ways, and begin climbing the ranks (surprisingly quickly).
adelia gets some bad flashbacks to childhood in the mage class hall. everyone fucking hates her. she doesn't know how to not be annoying because that's the mask she's used for so long so she just keeps up with it. khadgar is the only one who really tolerates her but even then he brushes her off (at first. they're kind of friends now). HOWEVER. when they're seeking champions to hunt down the artifacts, she gets chosen to hunt down aluneth. is this a little bit of a plot to get her killed? yes! but also she is the mage champion with the strongest ability with arcane magic, to a point that they can't just ignore her. so off she goes to hunt down the most volatile staff ever to exist lol
the aluneth questline goes as planned and everything and she picks up the staff. but it immediately starts berating her, as aluneth does. constantly. and at first she laughs it off like she always does, but after a while of the constant snide comments and contempt, she starts crying while trying to laugh it off, and aluneth suddenly gets slapped in the face. because, huh? what? this cringy loser girl who picked up the damn staff actually has feelings?
so it goes a little easier on her. just a little. and over time, aluneth starts to grow a bit of possessive attachment to her. a sort of "you're the only one who is strong enough to wield me so that means you're mine and i have to protect you" relationship. and at one point, adelia gets in a fight with her sort of nemesis (raquesis, one of august's ocs, a frost mage!) and is just kind of letting raquesis beat the shit out of her because adelia doesn't really have much fight in her when someone's being mean to her, and as she's about to pass out, aluneth fucking possesses her. and defeats raquesis on the spot. to save adelia.
it's like. all of the sudden, aluneth—this being made of pure, volatile arcane energy, that up until now was seemingly incapable of feelings other than contempt and pride—protects her. not for itself, but for her. no one has ever protected her before. she wakes up on the beach beaten half to death but alive and aluneth makes some smug comment like "you know, you can't rely on me to save you from everything" and adelia just starts wailing and hugging the staff as if it'll do anything.
she loves her fucked up magic staff :')
anyway uh she's still obsessive about illidan in legion so it's really funny that she's there when he's revived in the nighthold. she has some moments in the stuff i wrote about aquanthis in nighthold and it's all really fun. she's so silly. but yeah she's all starstruck by him
OH ALSO she ends up dating illidan's adopted daughter without knowing that and finds out later and it's REALLY FUNNY. adelia fidgeting like "can i meet him can i meet him can i meet him" trying to be so normal about meeting her hero. she meets him and he's like 😬 LMAO he does not like her. unfortunately
after legion she's just kinda, Around. when she's needed. she meets her little sibling again at some point and it's wild but that's something seb and i haven't developed too much so i don't wanna talk about it :P
to give you an idea of how silly she is, here's an excerpt from the gul'dan fight lol
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my silly <3
anyway ermmmm it's 5 am and that's as much as my brain can spit out rn but just know she's a disaster bisexual and i want to pick her up by the waist and spin her around. my bestie
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shadowphoenixrider · 6 months
(This was the last proper fic I wrote for Draggka and Khadgar, and never got around to releasing it. This’ll be the last one; after this I’m closing the door on these two for the foreseeable future. I hope you enjoy.)
The Vindicaar was a remarkable piece of engineering. Draggka had heard of the draenei’s great city-ship the Exodar, and the stories of it fleeing across the Great Dark to escape the grasp of the Burning Legion. Those stories paled in comparison to when she saw the immense ship with her own eyes, both inside and out. She’d heard a couple of the Alliance snickers at some of the Horde’s gawping, but the troll had been too busy taking in the ship to care.
The hunter had been to other worlds before. Outland, the Alternate Draenor, Niskara, Helheim, wherever the Halls of Valour were, but they had been through portals. To travel physically to another place, another world... Despite her trepidation in going to the Legion’s homeworld, Draggka felt excitement sing through her veins. Wanderlust was not so easily tamed.
“If you don’t pick up your jaw, someone might trip over your tusks.” A playful murmur sounded out from her side, and Draggka turned to see Khadgar lingering in the shadows, blue eyes sparkling with mirth.
“Ya know de risk of dat happenin’ be comin’ from my brudder,” she said, narrowing her eyes at him as she approached the mage, his hand petting Spike as the raptor rubbed by his leg. She could still see the dark rings around the human’s eyes, even here.
“Perhaps.” Khadgar’s smile faded, his expression shifting. “Listen, Draggka, I wanted to discuss something with you, before we go to Argus.”
“Sure.” She nodded, stepping to the side with him, away from the main thoroughfare. Spike padded away from them to keep watch for eavesdroppers.
“We know that this...could be a one way trip.” He began softly. “I don’t intend it to be, and I’m sure you don’t either, but we need to accept it’s going to be dangerous. We are going right into the heart of the Legion’s power.” He took a breath. “Tell me, Draggka, did you keep the ring we forged on Draenor?”
“‘Course I did.” She nodded, pulling at a silver chain hidden under her cuirass, and undoing its fastening at her neck. “It may not be as powerful as some of da rings I be finding on da Broken Shore, but....It be ours.” She smiled as the golden-orange band came free from under her protective layers, holding it out for him to inspect. “It be full of memories. Memories of da two of us.”
“Yes.” Khadgar took it gently, cradling it in his hand. “A symbol of our struggles, and our courtship.” A smile that made the troll’s heart ache. “Of course you would keep it.”
Draggka giggled.
“Good to see ya finally payin’ attention.” She commented, before blinking away her humour.  “What were ya tinking?”
“As the homeworld of the Burning Legion, Argus is likely to be crawling with demons, and if we’re both to return to Azeroth alive, I was thinking of forging a magical connection between us.” Khadgar explained. “Nothing too complex, mind. Just a way for us to sense if the other is alive and in danger, as well as vague general location if enough magic is applied.” He looked at her questioningly.
“I only be knowing just enough magic to be castin’ an arcane shot.” Draggka said, frowning. “But I dunno if it be enough to use it to sense you like dat.”
“Don’t worry, it does not take much application of magic to work. You will be just fine.” Khadgar said. “And don’t worry about me reading your mind or other such things; the connection will not be strong enough for that. I will only use enough to link our life-forces, nothing more. It will barely make the ring magical, and enhancements as weak as that are often overlooked.” He smiled at her. “Of course, it’s your decision.”
“I be perfectly okay wit dis.” The hunter nodded. “It be reassuring dat we be having someting dat can be helping us out of a bad situation.”
“Yes. It will certainly give me a few less white hairs worrying about you.” Khadgar flashed a grin at her before bright pink-purple arcane magic filled his eyes and crackled around his hands. He began to chant the spell, the words foreign and utterly alien to Draggka, yet she couldn’t deny the shiver that ran down her spine as she listened. Stop it! This is hardly the time or place! Her mind scolded her.
Magic swirled around the ring, the ruby itself beginning to glow and flicker as if a flame had ignited within. And, to her surprise, the arcane energy also twined around Khadgar’s collar. Runes suddenly began to appear along its length, as if they’d always been there, and were only just being revealed. There was a bright flash and ripple of energy, and the spell was complete. The ring became inert once more, and the bright pink runes now inscribed on Khadgar’s collar slowly faded away.
“There we go.” Khadgar smiled. “Job done. Try using the magic you have to sense me. Just channel it into the ring, and it will do the rest.”
Draggka closed her eyes and followed Khadgar’s instructions, using the same motions she would if she was casting her Arcane Shot. The ring reacted, and seemed to ‘open’, letting her reach further through it. She did, and a strange sensation came over her. Warm, familiar, safe, whole...and then she felt a heartbeat. Strong and slow and reassuring; everything about the feeling was Khadgar.
The hunter opened her eyes, the sensations falling away except for the warmth and the feeling of Khadgar’s presence, which lingered faintly around her like a blanket. The mage himself smiled.
“It worked.” He murmured, eyes gleaming. The troll’s own eyes widened.
“You sensed dat?” She asked, glancing down at the ring.
“Yes, I did.” He flashed her a cheeky grin. “I’m quite sensitive to magic, you see. So I sent a little something back. You should be able to sense me if I inquire after you. Only slightly, not enough to bother you in dangerous situations, or draw attention to your ring.” The archmage frowned thoughtfully. “I don’t know if you could ‘reply’ the same way I just did for you, however. Not to worry, though. The ring will give me all the information I require. The reply is...” He glanced away, smiling shyly. “A small thing...”
Draggka titled her head to the side, taking this all in.
“Ya bound ya connection to your collar,” she said softly. He touched it self-consciously.
“Yes, I did.” A small smile played at his lips. “I always wear it, and wear it close, so I presumed it would be the best place to hide the enchantment.” His eyes lit up with magic, and the runes glowed for a moment, before disappearing once more. “This will make it look a little more...fancy now too.”
The hunter stared hard, but even with knowing that the runes were there, she couldn’t pick out their marks out within the leather. Perhaps they were nothing more than tricks of the light.
“Ya sure no-one will notice it?” She asked. “It be a bit suspicious if ya collar be lighting up if it didn’t before.”
“Don’t worry. The runes will only show up if I’m using a great deal of magical power to locate you. A cursory check of your health would barely be a blip to an archmage like myself. This is just for show.” Khadgar smiled. “Thank you for indulging me, my love. I...” He took a breath. “I can’t lose you now. Not after everything we’ve been through.”
“No.” Draggka nodded, taking his hands in her own. “We be seeing dis through. Together.” Her orange eyes burned fiercely. “Dey will not take you or my world from me. Not now. Not ever.” She lifted her chin high. “Lok’tar ogar.”
“Lok’tar.” Khadgar replied in kind, before his eyes flicked to glance behind her. “Anyway, I better let you go before someone comes looking for you.”
“Ya not coming wit?” Draggka asked, tilting her head to the side.
“Oh, I will. I just need to see what the sleeping arrangements are.” He rubbed his chin. “I doubt we will get much privacy here.”
“Hmm.” Draggka hummed. “It be hard to sneak time for each other here.”
“Yes.” Khadgar hesitated. “Though, I confess...I’m finding it more difficult to care. The Legion’s homeworld hangs within our skies, we may all be heading toward out ultimate doom, and we are worrying about what people will think our partnership?” He snorted. “I’m so tired of all this politicking at what feels like the end of the world.”
The hunter considered. She did feel the same; who had time to quibble over their relationship when total annihilation by demons was a very real possibility? And it would be so much easier for them not have to sneak around to find time together.
Yet...Khadgar had the most to lose if their relationship was more widely known. Whilst Draggka would certainly get in some trouble, and Sylvanas would take an extremely dim view of the relationship, the troll highly doubted she’d stop being the Huntmaster, and it wasn’t like she wielded much political power anyway. 
Khadgar, however, was the Leader of the Kirin Tor, and regardless of their current neutrality, she could bet they would not take kindly to discovering their leader was courting a member of the Horde.
“I be more den happy not to be hidin’ from de others. But...are ya sure? It could be causing a lotta issues for ya. I mean, Vereesa ain’t gonna be happy findin’ out dat ya been dating me for a while. I know she be barely tolerating me an’ my friends, but dat?” Draggka sighed softly. “I know ya be reckless as a goblin, but dis...I want ya to be sure. Dat’s all.”
“I am sure.” Khadgar said. He closed his eyes, and suddenly blew out a sharp sigh, taking her hands. “To hell with it all. I’m not going to lose any more time with you than I have to any more. Never again.” The steel in his voice was brief, returning to his usual soft tone. “That’s not to say I’m immediately going to kiss you amorously in front of a crowd. I just don’t want to have to hide things like this,” he nodded to their joined hands, “or this,” a quick peck on her cheek, “any more.”
Draggka couldn’t help it; she smiled. It was if a weight had suddenly been lifted from her heart. She’d always loved him, but found it difficult to stopper the emotion she felt for the mage even when she knew she had to.
“We gonna get into a hell’va lotta trouble when we be gettin’ back,” she said.
“Perhaps.” Khadgar shrugged, squeezing her hands. “But after all this? I find it difficult to be afraid of them. And even more difficult to care.” He lifted a hand to stroke her cheek. “I love you. And Azeroth is just going to deal with it.”
“Yeah.” Draggka said softly. “Yeah. It be strange, not hidin’. But good. More den good.”
The archmage smiled.
“That’s what I thought. No second thoughts about our actions, no watching what we say or do. Just...whatever our heart’s desire. Within reason, of course.” His blue eyes glimmered with mischief, and Draggka’s amber ones rolled.
“I be reminding ya of dat da next time you be getting ideas.” The troll folded her arms, raising an eyebrow at him. He was about to reply when Spike uttered a grunt-chuff, a soft warning that something was approaching. Khadgar murmured something, stepping backwards and vanishing into the dark as the raptor returned to his hunter, watching the approaching figure come into view.
“There you are.” Elizabone said, golden eyes brightening to see her friend. Behind the Forsaken floated the glowing demon skull Thaz’kiel, looking as creepy as usual. “We’ve been looking all over for you.”
“Sorry.” Draggka grinned toothily. “We were just explorin’ and got a bit carried away.”
“I don’t think this place is big enough to get lost in.” The warlock retorted. “But you’ve always liked new stuff, so I guess that’s why you’d be down here.” She glanced around, her eyebrows furrowing, but the hunter wasn’t concerned. Only a felhound could detect the archmage’s invisibility spell, especially if he was cloaked in shadows too.
“Yeah. I know dat da draenei be pretty ahead wit dere tech, but dey be...way ahead!”
“Good thing they don’t hate our guts.” Elizabone nodded. “Hope Velen doesn’t do anything stupid like he did in the Tomb. I’m starting to like the old coot.”
“You are?” Draggka arched an eyebrow. “It be gettin’ chilly in de Firelands!”
“Ah, shut up!” The Forsaken swatted at her with a bony hand. “I know it’s weird for me, but I like the lights they’ve got going on here. Enough to see where you’re going, but not eye-blinding. Nice shades of pink too. I could stay here.”
“Dat’s good. Gotta have da Netherlord by our side when we be kicking da Legion where it hurts.” Draggka grinned.
“I’m not going anywhere. Even if this place was sickeningly Light-coloured, I’d still be here. As long as my soul is still stuck in these bones, I’d keep going. I’d be like this guy, floating and angry and just a head.” Elizabone gestured to Thaz’kiel, whose eye sockets appeared to glare back at them. “He’s not talking to me right now. I think he’s shy.”
“Uh huh.” Draggka frowned. She’d never liked the demon skull, and hoped her friend would destroy it after the Legion was defeated. “Hey, ya don’t be having Luufum wit ya.”
“Yeah, I figured it was a little rude to have a demon knocking about here, even if they’re bound to me. I’m also pretty sure they would appreciate not getting routinely murdered for just strolling around with me.” A shrug of her bony shoulders. “I’d kinda like the draenei to trust me. If you’re fighting beside them and living on their ship, the last thing you want is a crystal hammer crushing your head into a crunchy pancake. I mean, I’m already undead. Demons would only be an excuse to attack me.”
“Dat’s...a fair way of lookin’ at it.” The troll nodded. “I don’t tink dey would do dat, but if it makes dem happy, den it makes sense to be keepin’ ya demons out of here.”
“Exactly.” Elizabone nodded, before narrowing her eyes at the troll. “Anyway, I was here to fetch you, not chew the cud! We’re almost ready to go. Velen wanted everyone up top in case something bad happens.”
“Makes sense.” Draggka nodded. “Ya feeling up to it?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” the warlock replied, her face-veil rippling with her sigh. “You?”
“It’s not gonna be easy.” The troll said grimly, running her fingers down Spike’s neck. “But...I gotta a good feeling ‘bout dis. I tink we gonna do someting good.”
The undead’s golden eyes seemed to widen slightly, the only indication of her surprise with her lower face hidden.
“You really think that?” She asked, an unsurprising tone of cynicism to her voice.
Draggka touched her chest, where she swore she felt the ring warm against her skin. She glanced over her shoulder, just in time to see a flash of sapphire blue and a bright grin vanishing back into the ether.
“Yeah.” The hunter looked back to her friend, smiling. “I do.”
(In memory of my friend Briyanna. Rest in power.)
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valdiis · 1 year
Tagged: Altitis Edition
So as it turns out, @catscratching, I had not yet been tagged in this one, but was sort of hoping I would be!
Favorite | This is like asking me to choose which child is best. Rude. I have two answers for this. The first is Hadeon, the character that brought me to tumblr when my WoW guild at the time gave up forums for this format. Hadeon is a tragic, sad, beautiful character and I love him dearly, even if I don’t write for him anymore. The second answer is Daephrin - be it Starsworn - WoW - or Astramente - FFXIV. He’s just such a clever dumbass, and I love him, officer.
Oldest | Oh gods... Did you know I’ve been RPing since 1995? And I still remember my first character: Tiena Nightrose. She’s a cat shapeshifter and elemental mage. These days, she’s got a wonderful grandmotherly air in my head. Imagine a plump-faced cat mom with crow’s feet and greying hair with a black streak near the front. That said, if we’re talking about age, the oldest is Hadeon by several thousand years. He’s an Argus-old Draenei.
Newest | Kazuya Ryouichi, a big Au Ra Raen courtesan from Thavnair. He was raised by Hingashi parents in Radz-at-Han and is consistently torn between two worlds - that of serenity and that of adventure. He doesn’t get nearly enough of my time, sadly.
Meanest | Oof. I don’t play mean characters as a generality, because I don’t enjoy them. Probably Calleis An’aidei, then. He’s kind of a bastard. Grumpy, doesn’t like people, has a hidden drug habit...
Softest | I’d say Vy’thanis (Felbane - WoW - or Lusignon - FFXIV) is the softest character of mine and he’d probably be offended to hear that. But he is gentle and kind and happy, and deserves all good things in the world.
Most Aloof/Standoffish | That would probably be Calleis again. See the aforementioned “doesn’t like people.” He gets by as an alchemist selling potions - including healing ones - but he doesn’t do it because he wants to do good in the world. Alternately, I might say Mathaes Silverton, because he’s very much a loner who avoids everyone but his boyfriend when he can.
Dumbest (Affectionate) | Daephrin by a mile. He’s supposed to be so silver-tongued and smooth, but he’s got the emotional perceptiveness of gouda cheese and is always screwing up what should be a good thing for himself.
Dumbest (Derogatory) | Oh no. Though I wanted to say another character first, further thought on this answer gave me the truth: Ilva Swift. Ilva is a worgen thief and oh, she is so gullible. Her partner in crime is a snake oil salesman (among other things) and the two of them get up to the dumbest adventures. They stole a priest’s underwear drawer one time.
Smartest | I’d say Hadeon is the smartest. Aside from having twenty-five-thousand years to perfect his 3D Chess game (I actually made up a sort of 3D checkers that I imagined Draenei played), he’s just really savvy. He’s constantly coming up with new developments in metallurgy and he’s got memorized a staggering amount of ancient hymns. He is a master strategist (far beyond what I can write) and he is regularly a step ahead of everyone around him.
Horniest | Again, by a mile, Daephrin. But probably also Zayneth Shadowspite, my failed demon hunter blood elf. The two of them both would bang anything that moves. Of the two, Daephrin’s gotten up to the kinkier shit.
Character You’d Bang | Part of me wants to say Daephrin, but I know what happens when you put two bottoms in a room together. Probably either Vy’thanis or Zayneth. Which is a bit ironic, as their WoW incarnations were in a friends-with-benefits situation and Vy’thanis learned much of what he knows about sex from Zayneth. His FFXIV incarnation, however, learned mostly from trial and error with various flings. Either way, they’re both sweet, sexy, a little dominant, and lots of fun to be around. Big after-sex cuddlers too.
Character You’d Be RL Besties With | Either Vy’thanis or Lysonde Riverblade. Vyth, of course, is soft and kind and happy, and he loves rocks and shiny things, just like me. He’d be the kind of friend who perks up your whole day when you see them. Lysonde would be the glamorous bestie, the one always showing up with a story about where she last traveled to and who she met there, but she’s never a mean girl about it; she genuinely loves to share the world with her friends and she would be incredibly supportive as a bestie.
Now, who to tag... I don’t expect they’ll see this, but I think I’ll tag @canalstreetbaker and @chocoblep. I’m very curious to see their answers to this and I might be curious enough to actually poke them outside of tumblr just so they see the tag.
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rain-harmonia · 2 years
World of Warcraft has such a wide variety of opportunity for OCs, it’s so much fun. So here’s my top 3 that I’ve made.
All art is by @freejamtime
Luane Riley
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She’s a worgen warlock (demonology) who’s a little bit feral and a lot bit traumatized but is always trying to stay good natured and cope by being goofy. The primary story things she’s done has been the warlock class hall quest chain and participating in the Suramar/Broken Shore/Argus parts of Legion. At the end of Legion, she took the Dreadscar Rift forces and left Azeroth, traveling from Legion world to Legion world to systematically wipe them out and ensure that nobody attempted to fill the power vacuum left by Sargeras getting got. Another character often mentioned alongside her is her bestie Compote, a blood elf demon hunter made by @freejamtime
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Caedmus is a draenei death knight (blood) who is pretty good at catering to people who go “I want to fuck that sad old man” (it’s me, I’m people). He remembers very little of his life, and is haunted by the atrocities he committed under the Lich King’s control, dedicating himself now to an endless attempt to atone for it all. Stoic, and a man of few words, he’s had a presence all over Azeroth helping out where he can, but in terms of player character content he has participated in the Broken Shore and Argus parts of Legion, as well as the entirety of Shadowlands (he chose the Necrolords covenant, though silently yearns to earn a place in Bastion). Other characters often mentioned alongside him include his daughters, Remhi (my OC) and Halesia (belonging to @freejamtime ) as well as a good friend of his, an undead void elf mage named Nalinth (created by @freejamtime )
Feydrine Sunsong
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Fiercely proud of her people and intensely duty-bound, Feydrine is a blood elf paladin (retribution) and stands high among the ranks of the Blood Knights. She tends to showcase a somewhat stern disposition, though isn’t without her warmth or humor, and values her morals, honor, and always doing what she considers to be the right thing (even if at the cost of herself). She’s been through a lot, ranging from the player role during Burning Crusade (including standing against Kael’thas at both Tempest Keep and Magister’s Terrace), the Paladin class hall questline, the Broken Shore, and the Argus campaign in Legion, and all of Shadowlands (she elected to find a place among the Venthyr covenant, glad for the opportunity to help her prince find redemption for his crimes), as well as being used as a propaganda piece by the sin’dorei government due to her achievements. Other characters often mentioned alongside her may include her (currently death knight, formerly Farstrider) sibling, Keleran (my OC), and her wife, a draenei hunter by name of Ceraani (once again created by @freejamtime )
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sevgrestuanghr · 1 year
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my draenei mage wip
i dont like model of male draenei so i made him...built different hahah
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nouru-vi · 1 year
Incomplete roster of my WoW characters
I have a lot more, these are just the ones that are more or less fleshed-out by this point.
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Jilven Gearbreaker, Goblin Warlock - WoW incarnation of the one and only Jilven. Ex-cartel goblin, acclaimed Horde hero, industry grade snark machine.
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Zoolah, Troll Shaman - No-nonsense, ride-or-die companion to Jilven and renowned Horde hero. One of the top proponents of ending the Horde-Alliance conflict once and for all.
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Glavette Witherblade, Goblin Death Knight - Long-suffering angst machine turned unsettlingly tranquil problem solver, revered (and slightly feared) Horde hero. Adopted sister to Jilven and Zoolah, who will vivisect you if you're mean to her.
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Ixa, Goblin Priest - Travelling priestess, unaffiliated with the Horde. Textbook goodie-two-shoes, renowned exterminator of demons and undead.
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Narru, Dwarf Mage - WoW incarnation of Nouru, with the same personality - strong sense of justice, quick wit and hot temper. Up-and-comer Alliance hero.
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Luitte, Goblin Rogue - Unaffiliated mercenary on the surface, loyal Horde agent underneath. Easy-going, but also very ruthless. Highly likely to try and get in your pants, will leave with your wallet.
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Ishara, Draenei Paladin - Acclaimed Alliance hero, and another textbook goodie-two-shoes. She has lost a lot of her naivety over the years, and is strongly opposed to the Horde-Alliance conflict. Also a widely-known, international object of thirst.
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Lauryssa, Nightborne Mage - An exterior of amicability, optimism and wide-eyed curiosity conceals a highly intelligent, cunning and dangerously powerful mage, who has quickly earned her place among the best heroes of the Horde.
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Rakwos, Zandalari Priest - An influential loa priest who also happens to be a self-appointed fixer for the Zuldazar throne. Unfailing loyalty to King Rastakhan and the Empire drives him to chilling ruthlessness when dealing with enemies, external or internal.
(Zoolah, Luitte and Ishara are trans girls, Rakwos is - gasp - a cis guy, and the rest are variations on the theme of AFAB fem-aligned genders)
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mischief-incarnate · 2 years
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Ely was on the warpath, well at least for her.   Ghalyn was nowhere to be found and she had questions.  She needed some answers and that left Taalys.  She knew he would be someplace in Valdrakkan.  Most likely taking a much-needed break in the inn.
            Sure enough, there he was with a Draenei sitting in his lap?  That made her pause a moment as Ely was not interested in a stranger hearing her woes.   Then they both glanced over, and she made note the Draenei had only one eye and a matching facial scar Nikko did.   So the Zandalari was in disguise it seemed.  A quick magical scan told Ely this was a transformation and not illusion.  Interesting and certainly Taalys’ work.
            Ely self consciously pushed her curls from her face and joined them at the table.  “How have things been here for you?”
            Taalys gave a little shrug.  “There is a lot to piece together.   So many places and beings that need help.   Thankfully there are enough of our types to go around.   And yourself Ely?  Though looking at you,” he paused to give her a once over look, “you look frustrated.”
            “Do I look like or give off plushie vibes?”
            Taalys gave her a confounded look.  “Pardon me?”   Even Nikko was now paying attention, regarding Ely intently with her one good eye.
            “You heard me,” she huffed, puffing out her cheeks.
            “You absolutely do not give me those thoughts, nor do you have that aura,” Taalys said, brow furrowed.  “Care to share with me why you needed to ask this question?”
            She paused, ordering herself a tea then looked back at the two.  Nikko was actually paying attention now, shifting in his lap to peer at Ely.   The mage squirmed under the scrutiny of the huntress, all thoughts of being sassy to Taalys vanishing.
            “I spent the night in a tent with a man, who was obviously not you and also not my brother.”  Ely looked anyplace besides at the couple, making note of Nikko’s surprised snort and Taalys’ mouth falling open ever so slightly.   “Nothing happened!  Well, except that he sleep snuggled me.  He was on the other side of the tent but migrated over.”
            Nikko made a dismissive snort at that.
            “I see… so how does the entire plushie thing come into play here,” Taalys asked, taking a casual sip of his ale.  His eyes remained glued to the mage though.
            “Well the snuggling thing.   It is, was all he seemed interested in.   I gave him hints I found him interesting.  I didn’t even stab him when he pulled my hair either,” she was back to huffing in annoyance.
            “Yes, not stabbing is an excellent way to convey interest,” Taalys drawled.
            “Have you punched him in the face,” Nikko asked.  “It served me well with Taalys.”
            “Wait… you two got together because she punched you in the face,” Ely’s eyes snapped up to stare at the couple, her eyes huge now.
            “She did, and I understood the technicalities of Zandalari courtship… so we ended in a proper fist fight.”
            “A fist fight!”  Ely leaned back in her chair and stared in shock.
            “Yes, it is a proper prelude to angry sex,” Nikko said with the most casual of shrugs.
            “I am not getting into a fist fight with a former paladin,” Ely blurted, shaking her head.
            “Mores the pity, cuts out the confusion,” Nikko grumbled.  “Elves do things the hard way.”
            “Well we prefer not to bleed,” Ely muttered. 
            Taalys chuckled, “Some of us.  So just snuggling happened?  What did he say the next morning?”
            “I uhhhh, well I ran away.  Left my armor too.”
            “Why,” Taalys and Nikko asked as one.
            “You see, errrr.  I woke up before he did, well most of him.  He was spooning me from behind and,” Ely flushed to her roots of her hair and up her ears.  “I was so startled by the poking that I ran away.”
            “So you don’t like him then,” Nikko snorted.
            “I don’t know.  I just know we talked the next day and he was entirely flustered and embarrassed by the poking.   The man seemed like the bad boy type… bad boys do not get flustered by their protrusions.  They are proud of them!”
            Taalys shrugged, “True enough.  I would never apologize or be flustered by my body’s reaction to a soft behind against me.  Obviously, you did not stab or turn him into a sheep.  If he has known you for more then five minutes, that should have been a clue you were appreciative, even if you bolted.”
            “EXACTLY,” Ely blurted loudly, then shrunk down when people stared.  She sighed in relief as her tea was delivered and focused on sipping that.
            “Look Ely, you are not a plushie.  You need to be more comfortable with your beauty.  This may sound funny, but you are completely oblivious to looks that come your way.   At some point you need to be more comfortable with yourself and your looks.   Think of an example of a woman that is at home in her own skin and owning her looks and abilities.”
            “Oh, that is easy Sin and the Coconut Lady,” Ely quipped.
            “Coconut lady,” Taalys asked with an arched brow.
            Ely shrugged, “You would have had to have been there to understand.”
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faerune · 2 years
emily do you have any thoughts or ideas you could share about your wow ocs 🥺🙏 all of their pinterest boards are gorgeous!!
SOPHIIIIE my beloved
so like the Main Crew who is responsible for like most of what is attributed to the player characters. they all start as a group of adventurers in TBC, with fiona and vaelin sent by the kirin tor most notably to find what happened to khadgar and for vaelin also kael'thas cause what's he doin out there....
Ahma: draenei protection paladin. the unofficial leader of the gang. she was born on draenor and her parents died during the siege of karabor. ahma and her sister were unofficially adopted/taken under the wing of the prophet velen. she eventually trained as a paladin after finding she did not have the gentle touch or patience for priesthood.
Fiona: human frost mage. was born to poor farmers in hillsbrad foothills. once her magic manifested, her mother basically sold her to the kirin tor of dalaran. she has mommy issues and regularly sends her wages back to her family it's all very sad but she's a bitch on the outside so no one knows wow revolutionary character. (but i love her sm) constantly serving cunt
Vaelin: blood elf fire mage. born to an elven prostitute who died when he was young, he lived a few years as an urchin and an orphan until the kirin tor found he had a talent for magic essentially saving him. he's a dickhead, he and fiona butt heads, they fall in love, have a baby, we love to see it. also he might be a sunstrider bastard? possibly? we don't know.
Durin: dwarf beastmastery hunter. veteran of the first, second, and third wars. he was part of a guild of adventurers who were responsible for everything in Classic. during the re-opening of AQ, the group was slaughtered by C'Thun including his wife: sereda. durin was one of the few who survived and the only one who was not driven insane by such close proximity to an old god. this was simply because of dumb luck as he was knocked out early in the fight. he's grumpy and does Not have the patience to deal with all these young adventurers but really he's just scared to bond with them and lose them. also he has a griffon who he loves SO MUCH (who i haven't named yet).
Trixie: gnome subtlety rogue. born to two extraordinary famous gnomish inventors, she set out on her own because her parents were very....overbearing considering she's their only child and the whole lost of gnomeragan thing. kleptomaniac. likes to blow things up. besties with durin.
during cataclysm, the last two members of the party join round everything out.
Lanayla: night elf resto druid. the sweetest pea. born to two druids and grew up in darkshore as her parents had left after the druid order back then did not accept women. her mother sadly died when she was super young and her father trained her as a druid and it was pretty much just them out in their little cottage <3 they were super close, one of my few OCs with a good dad lmaooo. she seeks out help for darkshore during the cataclysm and is met with wellllllll everywhere needs help by the other night elves. BUT the worgen who had been saved and given refuge by the night elves volunteered to help.
Warwick (first name James but he never goes by that): worgen rogue/warrior (haven't decided yet oops). one of the worgens who first volunteers to help lanayla! he's more soft spoken and thoughtful which bless him gets drowned out with all the strong voices i talked about above. he was the bastard son of greymane's sister and was raised alongside HIS children when his mother died. greymane is like a father to him and when liam dies and tess abdicates it falls to him to become heir. he and lanayla fall in love and eventually head back to gilneas after shadowlands to rebuild <3
there's a bunch of other characters who are allies/associated with this group along with a group similar of horde characters but i cannae get into that this is already long and obnoxious
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arangaskinkstuff · 1 year
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One of my WoW toons, Draenei mage. I see him as very much a stress eater and when you can conjure food (usually taking the form of sweets) then it can get out of hand.
Still working out how big to make him as his final size.
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sekhisadventures · 1 year
What Every Adventurer Needs: Others
SO! This is something that came about because of a Thing that happened on a server I'm on. Someone asked us to talk about any magical/named items our characters have, so I went down the list, and they wanted details on the following: Weapon, Armor, Talisman, Enchanted Item, and Arcane Item (where applicable for those.)
Sadly I have to break this up into sections as it turns out for SOME asanine reason Tumblr only allows 30 images per post… so imma do it by Avalon, then Savage United, then Others.
Also, sharp eyed readers will notice my draenei, Aziguni, is absent from this list. Thats because when I started writing her stuff I realized she doesn't actually use anything magical or special. All her gear is just simple and easy to replace if needed. Really she's the most practical person I have.
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Leza, Apprentice Fire Mage
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Weapon: Alexstraszite Wand. Leza is an apprentice mage and, like many apprentices, her tool is a wand. Used by beginner mages by and large, they help those still learning to control their powers how to direct and channel their magic. Her own was crafted by Jaie and Nitika. Jaie found a large Alexstraszite and cut it into a long stick-like shape and Nitika fashioned a length of writhebark into a handle, enchanting the wand to help the would-be magician control her magics.
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Armor: Basic clothing. Leza’s clothes are simply what she feels most comfortable in. She does wear glasses that Jaie crafted as well after Nelen noticed that she suffers from the same eyestrain that he does (reading only by candle or torchlight does a number on one’s vision over the years,) but there’s nothing inherently magical about it save for one piece of her outfit (see below.)
Talisman: Idol of the Spell-Weaver. Recently the Azure Archives fell prey to Samantha’s estranged sister, Alalestria. In a failed bid to claim the void elf’s head, she froze the blue dragons there solid using her own empowered tools and the power of the Archives itself and attempted to channel the raw arcane energy into a spell that would result in the rogue’s demise. While Nelen fought her on the archive’s rings, Leza used an enchanted gemstone that all members of Avalon and Savage United carry to contact their allies for aid. Those allies immediately sought out Kalecgos, who had been in Valdrakken at the time, and alerted him to Alalestria’s actions. The Aspect of Magic opened a portal to the Archives and asked them to keep her busy as he flew there with all haste. Rather than face a furious aspect, Alalestria fled the Archives in defeat. As thanks for her warning, Kalec gifted her a large chunk of Malygite that Jaie fashioned into a dragon statue to use as a talisman.
Enchanted Item: Bracers of Silence. Leza’s awakening to magic went off with a bang, literally. She lost control of her magic and blasted her family’s cart apart from the inside out. While the cart was able to be repaired, she was terrified of losing control like that again as her mother had narrowly missed serious injury in the blast. Nelen, Jaie, and Nitika worked together to fashion her a set of bracers with inscribed malygite stones in them. When Leza fears her magic running wild she speaks a specific word and the bracers enforce a magical null upon her, silencing her magic entirely. She will often invoke this before bed each night, incase a bad dream causes her to panic in her sleep. Leza has complete control of this effect, and cancelling it is as simple as saying the counterspell (it won't literally silence her) or just removing the bracers.
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Arcane Item: Apprentice’s Spellbook. After her awakening and being set upon by Fyrakk’s Primalist followers, having fled Valdrakken in a panic when she saw the destruction her magic had caused, Nelen took her under his wing as his apprentice. His first gift to her was a spellbook, copied from his old one he used as a student in Old Dalaran before the city’s destruction in the Third War, but with several additions of techniques he’d learned to maintain emotional balance and serenity from Pandaria. The inside front cover has the following written there: “To my apprentice. We all make mistakes, what is important is that we learn from them. – N. Fullmoon”
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Dissonantia, Witch of Blackwald Forest
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Weapon: Blade of Sacrificed Souls. Once an ordinary kitchen knife, years of using it for her fel magic rituals have twisted this simple tool into a reality warping weapon. This dagger is the same one she used to sacrifice four people, including a helpless infant, to summon Az’arad to Azeroth during the Cataclysm and to cut out the still-beating heart of a Stormwind guardsman to summon Cenoon some years later. Seeing such bloodshed and fel magic has given the dagger the ability to tear holes between Azeroth and the Twisting Nether, allowing Dissonantia to summon her minions wherever she wishes. She slashes the air, reality sunders, and in come the demons.
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Armor: Robes of the Venthyr Sorceress. Dissonantia gained these robes during her time in Revendreth. While they are comfortable, well made, and enchanted… the worgen would be lying if she said she didn’t just really love the style.
Talisman: Sinstone of the Mad Duke. Dissonantia is a very old worgen, having lived well beyond her natural lifespan. However, in her human form she was an elderly woman in her 80s. She did not become a warlock or learn how to extend her lifespan until she was well into old age and while the techniques taught to her by the imp, Quzgup, did extend her life… that was all it did. However, when the skies above Northrend were shattered by the Banshee Queen’s betrayal the imp revealed that Anima was the secret to restoring her youth that she had long sought. She needed a way to create anima she could consume however… and the Mad Duke Theotar had the techniques she needed. She played along with his desire for a teatime companion, acting as if she was his friend in the hopes that he would reveal the secret of anima. He refused to tell her at first, merely saying it was a ‘special secret’ between himself and his two dredger companions Gubbins and Tubbins, but once Dissonantia confirmed that his anima-infused tea had restored her lost youth she sought out his Sinstone and used it to force Theotar to give her the techniques she needed. Theotar quickly gave in, the recitation of his sins in life causing him tremendous physical and psychological pain, and surrendered his recipe book and plans for an unfinished tea engine to the worgen sorceress.
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Enchanted Item: Heart of Aartox. During the Legion’s invasion, Dissonantia happened upon a portal leading to the sanctum of an eredar warlock who had defected from the Legion and fled to pursue his own goals. After a prolonged battle she succeeded in killing the alien sorcerer and claiming the sanctum and it’s treasures as her own. She keeps his severed, reanimated head next to her throne as a trophy, the eredar’s lips sewn securely shut… but his heart she kept as well. She hasn’t had a chance to make use of it yet, but the fel energies it contains are tremendous.
Arcane Item: Dissonantia’s dagger doubles as her arcane item, allowing her to summon swarms of demons to combat her foes.
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Gremori Autumnleaves, Kal'dorei Felsworn
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Weapon: Felfire Knuckledusters. Rather than warglaves, Gremori prefers a pair of fel-infused fist weapons for up close and very dirty combat. Ever the adrenaline junkie, she loves wading into combat and raising fel with whatever happens to be nearby. Her fist weapons can erupt in felfire during a fight, which can cause tremendous damage to an unprepared foe.
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Armor: Scales of the Felsworn. Gremori eschews chest armor as the fel energies from her tattoos will ignite most any materials that aren’t either fireproof or protected by magic… but a closer examination would show that she really hardly needs it. Her transformation into a demon hunter caused her to grow a sturdy layer of scales over parts of her body, acting as natural armor. She does wear a pair of sturdy spiked gauntlets and boots however.
Talisman: Gremori’s Diary. Not really a talisman, but where Gremori writes down any tidbits of demonic lore she can lay hands on. She is, to be totally honest, a big geek when it comes to anything fel which is what prompted her to become a demon hunter to begin with. She actually was never one of the Illidari herself, infact she hates them as when they found out her motives for wanting to become a demon hunter they chased her away from the Black Citadel and its really just blind luck they didn’t kill her outright.
Enchanted Item: Annihilan Idol. Before she teamed up with Dissonantia, Gremori was in the service of a pit lord named Granthox. She kept a memento from this time in the form of a potent statuette imbued with powerful fel energies that acts as a sort of reusable hand grenade. She invokes it’s power, tosses it at whatever has her ire, and it explodes in a cataclysmic blast of felfire! Somehow the statue always survives and finds it’s way back into her pouch.
Arcane Item: Gremori is a fel-infused elf and has no need of an arcane item other than her weapons.
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Jeemjazo Redmane & Murgly Jim
Weapon: Cutlass and Shipman’s Axe. Really these aren’t anything special. Sturdy and well-used, but otherwise just an ordinary pair of weapons any seafarer might carry.
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Armor: Pirate’s Garb. Jeemjazo spent most of his life as a cabin boy to a crew of ruthless Bloodsail Pirates and when he left he just kept the clothes that he wore on the ship in lieu of any others.
Talisman: Pirate Dice. Jeemjazo found these on Saltfang’s body after he killed him following the ship’s crash into the coast of Dustwallow Marsh. The dice seem like ordinary bone dice, but instead of numbers the sides depict things like treasure chests, shark fins, cannons, skulls, and the like. They’re often used for games of chance, and some pirates believe that if you roll them before a big fight you’ll have luck during the upcoming melee.
Enchanted Item: Darkmoon Deck. After seeing Laurelgosa’s deck, Jeemjazo begged her for one of his own. The amused Dracthyr consented and crafted him a similar deck, though with a box depicting swirling desert sands rather than flames like her own. She had been unaware of Jeemjazo’s distaste for Vol’dun when she did this, having only spoken to Sekhi about their homeland before, but the former pirate didn’t have the heart to tell her and accepted it without comment.
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Arcane Item: Red Coral Wand. This is actually not Jeem’s, but that of his companion Murgly Jim. In times of great need, Jim can use the wand to open a portal to a realm of the Shadowlands known as ‘The Great Ocean’ and summon forth the souls of his ancestors to swarm anyone threatening him and Jeemjazo. However… he can only speak murloc and has no way of telling Jeemjazo that this is his doing. Jeemjazo usually panics when it happens.
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Alalestria Winstersky, Sin'dorei Magister and Noblewoman
(NOTE: Alalestria's section is going to be redone as, given several items I was able to procure from the Trading Post, she looks rather different now. Feel free to skip her entry for now.)
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Weapon: Chillheart. One of the Three Treasures of House Wintersky, the dagger Chillheart has been used as a spell foci since the house’s inception and is a battle-tested and very potent tool for any frost mage… but in the hands of a member of House Wintersky it is especially deadly.
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Armor: Battle Robes of the Sin’dorei Magister. Worn by all those who hold the office of Magister in Silvermoon City, the robes are layered with arcane protections and made from durable yet flexible materials to protect their wearer from more mundane attacks.
Talisman: The Sapphire of House Wintersky. A blue gemstone set in gold, worn as a pendant about one’s neck. This gemstone is proof of her heritage and was the key to unlocking a vault in the House Wintersky Estate where the rest of her equipment (save her robes) was waiting for her.
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Enchanted Item: Soul of Ice. This silver crown is set with an enchanted gemstone designed to enhance the wearer’s ability to work Frost-Aspected Arcane Magic by several degrees. As Alalestria was already considered a prodigy among the elves, this makes her even more potent a foe. The metal always feels cold to the touch, as if it had been sitting in a snowbank, even after being worn for hours. (NOTE: After the release of the mage-specific shoulders and headpiece at the Trading Post in December 2023 this has since been retconned into the Tears of Ice (see A Brief Interlude.) Thats right, I can retcon my stuff too! Deal with it!)
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Arcane Item: The Tome of House Wintersky. A book of collected secrets of frost magic penned by the various heads of the house down through the generations. Within are spells that no other mage has ever seen, kept secret from all those who were not of the noble line. This has actually caused the head of House Wintersky to be the target of theft and assassination more than once in the past by jealous rivals hoping to lay claim to the secrets within.
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Nyloc Athel, Chronomancer of Suramar City
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Weapon: The Last Moment. “Every moment wounds, the last one kills.” Nyloc (ahem) borrowed this weapon from the Bronze Dragonflight to learn of their secrets, and one thing that he learned was that this is a very deadly weapon indeed. The blade’s touch conjures up visions of just that, the fated ‘last moment’ of a person’s life. In that instant they get a glimpse of how they will die and are sometimes so wracked with shock and horror that they cannot fight back… and a second cut reveals that the moment has changed to the present one when this happens.
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Armor: Robes of the Shal’dorei. Nyloc is a Noble of Suramar and wants to make sure everyone damn well knows it. His robes are kept immaculate by magic and protected by his own spells.
Talisman: Idol of Infinity. A statue not unlike those crafted to resemble the other dragons… except this one is a deep almost obsidian black with veins of white running through it. Infact, one might comment it resembles the members of the Infinite Dragonflight…
Enchanted Item: Time in a Bottle. A reinforced flask made of enchanted stone, kept in his pouch at his hip. Rather than a beverage it contains glowing particles of sand. By opening the bottle the sand swirls around Nyloc and reverses time several moments, sometimes just long enough to undo what would have otherwise been a fatal injury.
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Arcane Item: The Perfect Chance. A crystallized moment in time symbolizing the one opportunity, the flap of the butterfly’s wings, the very instant when victory can be snatched from the jaws of defeat. Nyloc uses it’s power sparingly as too much can draw the ire of the Bronze Dragons, but it can tweak circumstances just enough in his favor by altering the timeline to coincide with ones where fortune favors him over his foes. Their weapons break, their blows go wide, their injuries were worse than they first thought… and he has his perfect chance to defeat them.
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trixcuomo · 2 years
Phoenix Flight, Chapter 5
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Sunthraze pulled out a chair for Trixany who looked out of sorts, like she would faint. There was a small dining table set with four chairs nearby. 
He grumbled, “We still don’t know why you’ve brought us here. What are we supposed to take?”
“Well, that I succeeded. In some version of Azeroth, somewhere out there, Kael’thas Sunstrider simply left Outland, went home, fixed things and got married.”
Trixany hung her head in her hands.
“…and had about three children.”
Sunthraze almost fell into his chair.
Trixany irrationally shouted. “Saturna’s a ghost! She died! For you!! She died defending your stupid, selfish butt when you wouldn’t go back peacefully to Shatthrath City, you idiot!”
Then, she got it off her chest. Then it all calmed again.
“Well. In this version, we made it anyway. And obviously, Kael’thas found a way to restore me, almost completely, with a mix of his magic.”
Sunthraze balked, “And no doubt the Sunwell!”
Saturna admitted, “That too.” And she lifted a curl of pale blonde hair from over her eye. As she always did, swept it back near her ear.
Kael’thas nodded, happy to tell it all. “Anveena was a large part of that.”
Trixany blinked, “Anveena!”
“Oh, yes.”
“And I suppose you sat down and had a happy tea with her at the end of things. Politely said that it was all a big misunderstanding that you massacred Draenei and Blood Elves for that matter. And she just fixed it all up for you, no problem.”
Kael’thas stopped walking around the room. “Well. I did end up yelling.”
Saturna leaned it. “It was sort of cute. This handsome, yet giant bookworm who never set foot outside of the Dalaran mage towers at university, for a manifestation of the Sunwell to resurrect his dead ex girlfriend. Possibly his only girlfriend.”
“Saturna. That was the old me.”
She gave him a warm smile. “Well, you had to be there.”
Sunthraze lowered his eyes. “Pathetic and cute. No wonder you two got together.”
Kael’thas stopped again, realizing he’d fallen into the ‘pathetic’ category. “Two different timelines and you have the same mouth, Sunthraze.”
“I should spoil some things about your future for you. How would you like that?”
Saturna spoke up over both men feuding again. “We haven’t the time. Let’s focus on the mission, Kael.”
Sunthraze got stubborn, fast. “All missions for Nexites have to go through the Blood Knight matriarch, you should have told him that, Saturna. So. Ya’know. Not going to help either of you—where have you been! You’re only getting in touch now?”
Kael’thas got irritated too. “Yeesh, decide whether you hate us or not already, Sunthraze.”
Saturna raised a hand for quiet. “I don’t need Liadrin’s permission. In fact, we’re headed out after you two have recovered and I’m not stopping for it.”
Sunthraze furrowed his brow. “We haven’t even recovered from the Shadowlands yet, Saturna. I have loved ones I need to say hello to, you know, to make sure they know I’m still alive?”
“No you don’t.” went Kael’thas, in his flat tone.
“Know what? You really are the king of something, Kael’thas.”
“Oh yeah? What? Go on. Try something.”
Trixany had enough, she spoke over everyone. “Saturna, are you claiming to have the authority I think you are? Are you saying that, where you’re from, you are the Blood Knight Matriarch?”
Things were quiet. Uncomfortable.
“Well of course.”
Sunthraze muttered, “What did she do to Liadrin, then?”
Saturna spoke up for herself. “I didn’t kill her if that’s what you’re implying. That woman was my mentor—is my mentor. She simply got married and retired! Why are you both suggesting I had to commit murder to get a leg up in life! I am skilled, damn skilled!! In my day I was possibly the best. Right Kael’thas?”
More silence.
“Well, love…” Kael’thas winced, hated to say it. He gestured in a gentile, conciliatory fashion in his elegant, finely tailored red and gold embroidered gloves. “You did kill me. After getting extremely frustrated with me back at the Black Temple though, I will grant you that.”
Saturna looked furious at everyone, then focused on finishing her coffee.
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frostytheelf · 7 years
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There isn't enough Kairozdormu Art out there so I drew my own.
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lovingthewildlife · 2 years
Discord friend:
sees ur prompt post if my brain wasn't currently utterly consumed by draenei iw ould
I believe that’s the first prompt. With just a touch of extrapolating with what I’m fairly certain friend likes, I present you with Draenei loving.
Male OCxMale Draenei, Suspension, Sort of bondage
“This is not ideal.” Owen frowned as he hung not quite upside down in the arcane containment unit.
“I apologize my friend!” The draenei mage that Owen was working with was flustered as he moved to check the wards around the room and pulled out a spellbook that looked like it was ready to fall apart.
Owen’s hair was falling down away from his face and he grit his teeth when his body was rotated a bit. At least his friend was slowly managing to get him to turn around and come closer to the ground but he was still lodged in a glorified hamster ball. The problem, however, was that as he was rotated and turned upside down, his robes obeyed gravity’s order.
The draenei mage’s tail swayed slightly when he saw the fabric ruffling downward and there was a flush on both their cheeks. Owen whimpered, turning his head a bit to try to get the robes away but it ended up blocking his face anyways. At least this way he didn’t have to look at his friend and be utterly humiliated by knowing he was being seen so intimately. He could hear a quiet cough from Artaan and there was a cold feeling that was almost like the wind that brushed along his body.
“If you could maybe hurry?” Owen flustered and then tensed as he felt a pair of hands slip in and start to turn him further.
His robes stayed over his face as he was turned again and it was almost like he was being laid out on his stomach. The robes dangled down so he could see the soft pearly fabric with the silver embroidery taking up his vision but not blocking him from breathing.
If the bubble could have given him space to jump or even enough movement to let him move his hands, he would be pulling his robes back down. But as it was he had to just let his mage friend adjust him to a comfortable position in the bubble. Artaan cleared his throat and Owen could feel large hands gliding up his thighs questioningly. The thick fingers brushed the underside of his ass cheeks and lightly stroked there.
“Ah... Friend Owen..” Artaan sounded embarrassed but his fingers were still gently questing along Owen’s ass and up to his sides. “This bubble isn’t harming you, correct?”
“Artaan!” Owen was mortified as the thumbs came up along the crack of his ass to massage his hole. “I don’t think that’s the point right now.”
“Yes but.. but it doesn’t hurt, right?”
Owen was glad right then that his face was covered. As embarrassing as it was, he was getting hard from the firm touches. Worse was that his friend knew just what to do because they had done this a time or two before. Artaan could play him like a fiddle and normally he loved it. They could find some time to curl up together in one of the more luxurious rooms of the Draenei cities and spend hours exploring each other.
There was a soft sound of a cork being pulled from a bottle and oils were dripped across his ass and down the crack. The large hands steadily gaining more courage in massaging the oils into his skin and relaxing his muscles. His legs being adjusted in the bubble so they were under him in a pseudo doggy style position.
“Friend Owen? Please?” Artaan begged even though Owen was the one who felt like he should be crying out for more.
His cock was stiff in the air under him, gently bobbing as his body was moved and swayed in the bubble. It was the only movement his body could do that wasn’t directly positioned by Artaan and Owen whimpered when his ass was parted simply so the mage could admire his hole.
“Y-yeah. Okay.” Owen tried to hang his head.
The answer was almost immediate for Artaan to move himself forward. The sound of hooves against the ground clicking hurriedly before the sound of the cork was heard again and Owen felt a slicked up cock head pressed to his hole. The brief resistance he might have given was hushed away by one large hand gliding up his back and rubbing along his spine, the other hand resting on his hip and guiding him back onto the sizable cock.
He’d had it so many times by now that he could swear his ass had memorized the feel of that flare that came part way down his length. He knew just how long it would take to have it pass the tight ring of his entrance and pop inside firmly. Artaan always thrust so gently at first, used so much lube that it sometimes made it hard to hold on. But it made it so easy to open up under him, and with the robes shucked over his head like this he didn’t feel as nervous to open his mouth and let out a low moan when Artaan bent over him and rolled his hips slowly.
“Thank you, my friend.” Artaan purred sweetly before pulling back.
His thoughts were spinning and he wanted to jerk his hips back as the lusciously long cock was pulled back so it was just the tip. Slow rocking movements making Owen pant and his cock dripped on the floor below them. Being held in the air like this, the large hands moving him slowly, he couldn’t think straight. A delirious moment of desperate desire made him wish that he could have a day just like this so he could warm the Draenei’s cock and be moved like a living toy.
They didn’t really need any restraints since Artaan was so strong, but there was something so good about feeling the mage take over him. A bit of drool came from the corner of his lips and he was dimly aware that he was whining softly, begging for his friend to go a little bit faster.
“My friend is so tense.”
Oil slicked fingers cupped his balls, lightly stroking them and cradling as the thick length speared into him at a pace that was quickening just a bit. Just enough to make him cry out a little bit. The flared section was rubbing back and forth through his entrance and Owen shuddered at the teasing sensation. He could swear he could feel the precum already starting to gather inside him and his heart sped up eagerly. He could tell that Artaan was closer because the strokes were getting longer. The heavy sac tapping against his own as the draenei grunted and pushed into him eagerly.
“Come my friend.” Artaan panted as he teased Owen’s balls, fingers just barely brushing the base of his cock. “Relax for me. Show me how much you love this, yes?”
Owen whined as the slippery fingers moved like soft waves across his sac, wishing he could move his hips down enough to feel the gentle hand on his dick. His mouth was slack as his friend moved to take both hips in his hands and Owen gasped, a smile twitching his lips when the draenei’s thick length was shoved in quickly. The sudden change and rush of pace had his body on fire and Owen groaned as the large thumbs helped to part his ass cheeks, making sure that it was easy for Artaan to watch as his friend took his cock. Knowing those eyes were on him so intently, his cock twitched and Owen shuddered as he came.
Artaan’s release was just a few strokes after that and Owen whimpered as the strong hands pulled him back to ensure the length was the whole way in. His insides flooded with the thick cum. The priest groaned in delight and felt an arm curl under him. The soft crackle of arcane telling him a spell was dissipating.
“You have needed that, friend Owen.” Artaan panted as he held him up, still impaled on his cock.
“Mmm.. might need it again tonight. Please?” Owen grinned, a delighted blush coming to him as he pushed his robes down properly.
“As long as neither of us gets in trouble.. we need to clean up.” Artaan laughed hurriedly and kissed his neck.
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I've had this Sylvaina plot bunny bouncing around in my head for like 2 years and done nothing so I'm writing it down slash putting it up for adoption.
Set in BFA. Sylvanas and Jaina have been secretly in a loving relationship for years (unsure how long yet). They might be secretly married. Obviously the plotline of BFA has created some tension, and made it more difficult to steal moments with each other.
The Horde and Alliance clash for the whatever-hundredth time. Both Jaina and Sylvanas are on the front lines, as usual, protecting their people as best they can. Intentionally not firing directly at each other. Jaina leaves herself vulnerable for a moment and Nathanos, at Sylvanas' side, takes the shot. His poisoned arrow flies true and he takes out the most powerful mage in the Alliance. Who is unfortunately also his Queen's lover (maybe wife).
Sylvanas sees Jaina fall and proceeds to Lose. Her. Shit. Her terrified banshee scream knocks out half the soldiers fighting on the battlefield. She goes into her shadow form thingy and rushes across the battlefield to grab Jaina and brings her to a medic tent. Unsure if alliance or horde medic, I have this image of her screaming at a poor old Draenei priest in my head. Demands they heal her immediately. She refuses to leave the tent as they work and she demands Nathanos retrieve the antidote for his poison.
Once the rest of the battlefield recovers, this obviously causes a bit of a stir. Alliance think she's doing something to Jaina at first. Anduin tries to "protect" Jaina from her, and she seethes at him "she is my WIFE you stupid cub". The Alliance and Horde don't really know what to do with this information.
Anyway there is a lot of angsting and hurting and the comforting thereof as Jaina recovers. Sylvanas swears she's done fighting the Alliance if this is the end result. Anduin ends up convincing them to use their relationship to end the faction divide for good. Have a big public wedding, invite all the movers and shakers on both sides. Present a publically united front and say this is how we shall maintain peace.
There's also an angle where Anduin abdicates to Jaina, his idea being if the two factions' leaders are married, nobody is going to pick a fight because they won't have their faction's support.
Anyway yeah ramble over.
PS my headcanon for poisons is that anyone who fights with poisons always carries an antidote nearby just as a safety thing. Maybe some irresponsible rogues don't but the rangers DEFINITELY do. Like responsible gun ownership. Always lock your gun away and always carry an antidote to your poisons.
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aethermage1 · 3 years
Fheren’s Backstory
Context- I make a t o n of wow fan characters. And au like things. I try to keep to lore but I do once in a while deviate because, frankly. It’s a fantasy universe, and things go unsaid. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy reading about my Draenei Death knight and I hope to post again soon. I want to get some of my tales out there, after all. Seek out Azeroth. Fheren stood near the crystalline door, he- like many of the others- had heard the O'ros' suggestion, only a few had heard more than that, however, in the panic surrounding even getting into the Exodar to escape, there wasn't time to stop and consider what it had meant. "..There you are- I was beginning to worry you changed your mind.." Ezul'ann approached the vindicator, who, upon noticing his instructor sighed shaking his head, "...I still don't understand..why we had to leave any behind." Fheren's gaze lowered, "..Wouldn't an illusion have sufficed.." Ezul'ann placed a hand on the paladin's shoulder, shaking his head, "...Not for those monsters I'm afraid.." Ezul'ann looked back towards the naaru guiding them, motioning for Fheren to leave, "..I'll take over here. You go check on other survivors." Fheren simply nodded, moving down the hallway, unbeknownst to either of them, the blood elves had already begun their sabotage. The paladin entered the infirmary, helping to heal some of the more wounded draenei. It wasn't much but it had at least helped some of them...he still couldn't help but wonder however if things could have been..different. They left so many... Eventually, as everything settled down the paladin stepped away, only paying some mind when he noticed a strange mage in the corner, she didn't seem familiar. "Who are you?" The mage jumped slightly as if she hadn't expected to be seen, a glare showing up from yellow eyes, "...My name is Sironas. I just need to make sure we're on the correct course- for our Naaru's sake. Of course." She explained, watching the paladin quietly. A vindicator hanging around..this was not within her plans. Her allies needed this ship. And she needed to get rid of the stragglers. This was only a mere obstacle. Fheren shook his head, "..I apologize. I'm from Karabor- your name isn't all that familiar to me I admit." The mage only shrugged, lifting a hand to shoo him away, "Good...fine. Go then." Confused by the mage's behavior, Fheren gave a slight wave, before leaving to find his instructor. Something was odd about this- He collapsed, the mage only smirking as he fell to the ground, "..I don't need you finding aid.." she muttered, leaving. Nothing would stand in her way now. She signaled the sin'dorei that had come with her, to strike now. She ensured a less dangerous escape for them, leaving the draenei to hopefully perish. Any that hadn't would simply be dealt with later on. ~~ Fheren sat up, glaring at the dim purple light around him, "..? You're awake." Nus went over to check on the vindicator, gaze concerned, "...How much do you remember?" "...A mage-" Fheren stopped, noticing the cracked walls and crystals surrounding them finally, "...What's happened?" Nus sighed, shaking her head, "...We were sabotaged. We're still finding survivors...you were out for a few weeks yourself." Fheren's gaze widened, shaking his head in disbelief, "Then...where-" "..Azeroth. We at least made it to where we wanted to go. ...If you're upright, you should speak with Ezul'ann." Fheren left the crystal halls carefully, still somewhat sore from...whatever happened those weeks ago. "...Ezul'ann?" his instructor looked over his desk with slight surprise, "..Fheren. You're actually awake." Ezul'ann smiled slightly, inviting the vindicator in, "..That's good. I was hoping I could speak with you anyway." "What about..?" Fheren's gaze flicked over to the papers on the desk, some stamped with a strange blue marking, "..Our current allies. The Alliance." Ezul'ann explained, noticing Fherens confused stare, "..What of them..?" Fheren was surprised they found allies this quickly. Ezul'ann simply motioned to the papers, "..I've been told to train paladins there." He pointed to a strange image upon one of them. A large structure, with what appeared to be teeth on its sides. It wasn't much different then.. "...We haven't entirely escaped our fate. This...threat. It's something...wrong." The exarch seemed visibly worried as he spoke, "...It looks like what was left of the Shadowmoon clan.." "...Exactly why I'm concerned. They've only asked for aid in terms of training, however, ...they're looking for forces to help them." Ezul'ann went on to explain, Fheren nodding quietly, "...This is our home now." Fheren muttered, the cracks within the Exodar seeming somehow, much worse. There wasn't a second chance this time, there wouldn't be, "...I'd like to come." he finished, Ezul'ann seemed almost surprised by the answer, "...Are you sure?" "..Very, we've lost enough as it is." ~~~ Fheren hadn't taken kindly to the very idea of a wooden ship over water, much less considering the elekks and their supplies that were to come with them, "..Ezul'ann..is there not another way..?" Ezul'ann nodded, moving onto the ship carefully. Guiding his elekk, "..It's perfectly safe. Not to mention our mages are yet to establish solid portals." He motioned for Fheren to follow, the younger Draenei warily watching the boat. He stepped on, hooves quietly thumping over the hull as he tugged the elekk's reins. The elekk took no time at all to follow the vindicator, startling a gnome as it passed nearby. He hadn't noticed the figure watching them from above, until he hopped down, curiously watching the unfamiliar creatures that accompanied the draenei. "How interesting..you don't see anything like this here. Not often anyway." The elf muttered, noticing Fheren's wary glare, the draenei already knew who sabotaged the Exodar- was he among them- The elf stuck out a hand, startling the vindicator, "Call me Wavesinger! It's my job to ensure you get to stormwind safely." Fheren, nodded, still somewhat wary, "..I just hope it won't be long.." He admitted, "Aw come on! The Bravery's been at this for years. We'll be fine." Wavesinger chuckled, before tossing a treat to one of the elekks, "..That said..it may be a day or two. It's a long trip." __ Time passed, Fheren quietly watching as the strange continent came into view, still, it was a ways off and he could not make out much of anything at this distance, Fheren was distracted by an elekks bellow, a small grey and white bird stealing its feed. "...I don't advise picking a fight here." Fheren told it, waving a hand towards the bird in attempt to shoo it away. The bird simply gave a strange screech-like noise, flying onto the mast and out of reach, Fheren found the thing oddly amusing...apparently, they were common here. Azeroth was the chance the Draenei needed, he knew that much. _ By the time The Bravery had docked, the sun was beginning to set over the horizon, "Well, looks like you got here!" Wavesinger called, waving the two off, "Ah- by the way, try the inn in old town. It tends to attract less attention." The elf advised, handing Ezul'ann a map, "It may be a bit helpful until you're situated." Ezul'ann took the map, nodding towards the elf, "Thank you. We'll take that advice for now." Fheren meanwhile carefully placed the last pack onto his elekk, turning to Ezul'ann, "We're all set. We'll want to get to the inn before it's too dark I figure." Ezul'ann nodded, Wavesinger bidding the two goodbyes a final time as they left, "Draenei hm..? I hope to see what happens next with them around." The elf mused, heading back to The bravery, preparing it for its next trip. ~ "The argent dawn?" Fheren asked, Ezul'ann confirming the question with a nod, "..Yes. They're an organization of paladins, oftentimes guards." He explained, watching as the inn came into view, "..The leader, Maxwell, seems a serious sort. Though seemed open to our joining the alliance as quickly as we did. Velen made an impression it seems." "I'm not surprised, the Prophet predicted this some years ago..didn't he?" Fheren questioned, it was one of the visions that was spoken about often, Fheren had however wondered if the outcome was a bit different then expected. The two arrived at the inn, which for the most part seemed comfortable, a large square room with fire lighting the wooden tables. Fheren couldn't help but feel a bit drawn to it for some reason, hearing tales being spun as they entered, Fheren couldn't help but be at least a bit curious. Tales of dragons were far less common in draenor, regardless if they had been there or not. "...I'm telling you, I saw it!" A human, dressed in what seemed to be plate armor exclaimed, drawing Fherens attention to the conversation. "..Those things are monsters, not even the banshee would mess with them." His friend muttered, shrugging, "Besides, the last story you told me was that there were wolf-beasts in the forests around Silverpine, You may just be letting things get to you, you don't sleep enough." "..Regardless, I couldn't make this up even if it were exaughstion. It had wings." The first grumbled, Fheren, upon hearing that turned to face the conversation, but the warriors friend had already begun leading him out. Fheren half considered following them, however at the moment it would have done more harm then good. ~~ The next day came quickly, Fheren and Ezul'ann making their way to a large building that wasn't far from the inn. A training hall. They entered the building, Fheren looking around quizzically, it was quite impressive. All things considered, "..I take it you two are from Azuremyst." A man approached them, Ezul'ann turning to face the stranger. He wore an eyepatch, and a relatively normal looking outfit. Aside from the tabard bearing a large sun-like shape. "Lord Maxwell?" The exarch asked, the stranger nodded, expression shifting to one more friendly, "..I assumed as much. Thank you for offering your help on such short notice, we've needed a new instructor for a while now." Maxwell admitted, gaze shifting to the other Draenei, "...What about you then?" "...I wish to join the Argent Crusade." Fheren stated, showing Maxwell the parchment with the image, "..You do realize what you're suggesting is dangerous. The scourge is not to be trifled with." Maxwell warned, Fheren stubbornly nodding, "..If I can prevent whatever this is..from finding the Exodar. I will." "We spoke of this on the way here." Ezul'ann explained, as Maxwell fidgetted quietly with the parchment, "...My order is small at the moment, a new ally would be beneficial, however." Maxwell paused, watching Fheren carefully, "..I will not allow reckless decisions to be made." ~~ Time passed, Fheren found himself traveling to the plaguelands shortly after joining the Argent Crusade. The rumors of a lich and strange illness coming over the land drawing the attention of many. Including the Silver Hand and Scarlet Crusade. The journey was long- even using a Gryphon, the creatures the alliance seemed fond of for long explorations. Other's had come with him of course, mostly other Crusaders. There were few if any other Draenei. "..Lost in thought again?" Valok asked, guiding a hippogryph to catch up with Fheren, "Makes sense, we've only been here for a short while." Valok replied, glancing to the ground below, "Some of it reminds me of Argus, it's nowhere near the same but, it's similar all the same." "..You lived on Argus?" Fheren questioned, he'd not known much of the world the draenei came from. Occasional stories at best. "Yes, I was from Eredath." Valok replied, as a forest came into view, "..Looks like we're here. Come on." Fheren nodded, following the other draenei carefully. The forest they entered seemed normal enough on the surface, but as they came further in the trees seemed to become more sickly, the land dying around them, few animals even came into view, and even then it was the stray rodent or bird, "...This place...what happened..?" Fheren asked, at a loss for words, this destruction seemed almost perpetual, the only thing betraying the colors were the few signs of grass or small flowers, Valok only peered over the hippogryph quietly, seeming to be familiar with the landscape, "...This is the scourges work." He stated, motioning towards the empty ruins of a long-destroyed city, "..Andorhal itself. Where it started from what I've been told." He added, as he moved to land in a small clearing, "..Chillwind camp." The small camp was situated near the bordering mountains and made for at least a safe place to rest in these cursed lands. Fheren wasted no time, returning the gryphon to the flight master before heading further into the camp, seeking out the high priestess. Noticing that the argent dawn had also enlisted the help of adventurers. That would help speed things up at least. ~~ That night, a forsaken guard had left Tirisfal. A vial glowing eerily in his hand. Araj only asked a simple favor after all. He needed only a deterrent. And in trade- the forsaken would be left alone should the crusade fail. Allowed to wander as they pleased. A simple trade-off, even the queen couldn't argue much. It wasn't far now, he mused, gaze momentarily slipping towards Andorhal. How long had it been now? many years at least. The signs had already begun fading, who knew such a quiet town could bring such havoc. The very idea amused him. ~ "..There are more ghouls about today.." a gnome muttered, glancing towards a nearby farmstead. Fheren approached the gnome curiously, glancing towards the direction he was pointing, "..How odd- That cauldron was destroyed as well..the lich had no hold?" The draenei asked, watching the creatures stumble about, The gnome simply nodded, "..It may be a Necromancer with this much activity.." Valok mused, glaring towards the destroyed barn, "..We have supplies that will be arriving here soon..let's get them dealt with." "..We'll cover more ground separate," Fheren admitted, watching the ghouls. They were slow and clumsy. They were at least easily dealt with if they weren't aware of their opponents. Valok nodded towards his friend, "..Be careful regardless. We don't know what the cause is." Fheren nodded, before wandering off, a few light spells did exactly what he assumed they would, putting the ghouls to rest. After the last one collapsed to the ground, Fheren's gaze landed on a strange figure, noticing a haunting blue glare. "Who exactly are you?" The draenei demanded as the figure stepped forward, "...not to worry Crusader. I'm from the Bulwark...we're allies." He said, tone somewhat flat, quiet even, "...And those ghouls?" Fheren asked, the undead seemingly annoyed by this question, "The mindless beasts you mean? Nothing to be concerned over. They're dead. Aren't they?" The undead shrugged, turning to leave as Fheren warily watched, there was something...wrong here. "...How come they didn't attack you then? I've known them to target your sort especially." The forsaken glared, watching the draenei now, "What of it?" He reached under his cloak to retrieve a dagger, just to be safe, Fheren took a step forward, light coating his hands, "..You summoned them. Didn't you?" Ylidrin sighed, shaking his head, "..I really didn't want to stir up more trouble y'know..think of it as a test. Go on now." Fheren shook his head, moving to block the forsaken's escape, "...I think it's best my allies know of this as well." He moved to use a flare, Ylidrin glared, cursing under his breath as he lunged towards the larger opponent suddenly, digging the dagger deep into his side, "..I tried to be kind..." He said, pulling it back and moving out of the way of the vindicator's axe, Fheren's gaze slipped to the wound's area, noticing a deep blue color begin to seep through his armor, "You should have just let things be.." The forsaken hissed, As the draenei threw him aside with the light. Ylidrin rolled to the side, coldly glaring at the draenei, the fact he was still standing after that was annoying. I can't let him get away, Fheren glared, moving to seal the wound in his side with the light, the forsaken having taken little time to recover took the chance to grab his sword, lunging forward to impale the draenei, Fheren's gaze widened as he collapsed forward, the forsaken pulling the blade away as blood pooled under the draenei, "...I gave you the chance to leave.." He muttered, shoving the wounded draenei to the ground as his glowing eyes began to dim, //Not yet..// Fheren tried to will himself to move, to do something, as the forsaken moved to leave, as the draenei finally fell still. Araj had a gift for the lich king, in any case, thus securing the forsakens ever-tightening hold on the plaguelands. __ Razuvious watched as the newly raised death knight unsteadily got to his feet, hand carefully placed on his runeblade. This one hadn't been dead long enough, regardless of the Lich King's reasoning, it'd likely revert too soon to be of any use, <Let this one break, Razuvious. It'll prove amusing enough for me.> <You'd best know what you're up to.> Razuvious replied, somewhat annoyed. It'd be easier to just skip the hassle. Where was this..? The draenei's gaze flicked over the dim walls around him, trying to recall what'd happened, where- <...Yet betrayed by your own kind. What else?> Fheren glared towards the instructor in front of him, "...What do you mean my own kind?" He growled, Razuvious only giving him a quizzical glare, "..I said nothing, you only heard your master death knight." he explained, this one at least seemed somewhat promising. For now. <...Abandoned, forgotten by your own- practically handed to those you wished to avoid..> The voice continued, taunting the Draenei, as images of outland- and Ner'zhul flashed into his mind, <...The light means nothing to you now, does it? ...All you've gone through- for nothing.> "..Well death knight? Come...Let's find you a runeblade.." Razuvious suggested, motioning for the Draenei to follow. ~ Thassarian watched as the draenei entered the tavern, a blood elf in tow, "...So you managed to keep him upright too? That's helpful." Thassarian said, grinning slightly, "You do realize that was too much of an uproar." The blood elf glared at his ally, before shaking his head, "...Nonetheless. It's appreciated Thassarian...besides..we came upon useful information." "Oh..? What is that then?" The draenei handed Thassarian a piece of parchment, "...To cut this short, prisoners. Likely ours." He explained, glaring quietly out to the newly razed farm outside. Their work was almost done, this was sidetracking- "...We sent Plaguefist there not long ago." Thassarian snapped the draenei out of his thoughts, handing the parchment back to him, "...Why don't you check it out. Hm?" The draenei took the parchment back, confused, "..You already have someone dealing with this...we should focus on the task at hand." He argued, Thassarian putting a hand up to stop him, "...Just check, it won't take long if not. Correct?" "..Fine then.." The distance wasn't far, admittedly, The Chapel of Crimson Flame was also simple enough to get to, only situated on a low hill, Fheren noticed the lifeless scarlet crusade members, scattered nearby, not an uncommon sight at this point. Now the one moving around.. He lunged forward, blade stopped as Plaguefist moved to parry him aside, "..! Sorry, the funs over." He explained, as the Draenei lowered his weapon carefully, "...What's the point of coming then? Thassarian said you may need help." The draenei retorted, Plaguefist stood there for a moment, silently, before his gaze flicked towards the run-down building beside the chapel, he understood now, "..Ah..yes- The prisoners. They're not ours, I was going to execute the last one but-" He shrugged, "..I took your fun here as it was. And the last ones real stubborn. You go ahead." He motioned to shoo the draenei off, "Return to me when it's done though. Just to be safe." "..You're acting as if they mean anything." Valok struggled against the ropes behind his back, attempting once more to get his hands free, those monsters, one by one they came here and now- He stopped hearing footsteps near the doorway, knowing that his time was likely up he glared in the direction the steps came from, hardly caring at this point, "Come to finish the job, haven't you, monster?" He was already weakened from whatever poison the crusade was giving them, so simply moved to face the death knight, glare immediately shifting to horror as he recognized who it was, "....Fheren? What did they-" "They?" Fheren growled, cutting off the injured argent crusade member, "You left me to die. It's not all that uncommon a behavior for us..is it?" he said, allowing unholy energy to gather over his sword, Valok shook his head quietly, "...You were a Vindicator for a reason, you can fight this, don't belive their lies-" He paused, noticing the shadow outside stop moving. "What's going on in there? Hurry up!" Plaguefist ordered, knowing full well the reason why. Their informant had made this so much easier. Fheren stood there quietly, magic ebbing over the edge of his blade. This wasn't hard so why- "...They'll kill both of us if you're much longer." Valok muttered, noticing the death knight's hesitation, Fheren glared, shifting the magic over his fingers, "..Fine.." He placed a hand over Valoks head, letting the magic finish the job for him. Valok fell limp to the ground moments after. <...Why hesitate.> That voice again, Fheren shook his head, annoyed, <...A lapse in judgment. I hoped he would help our cause simply.> The draenei left the building, Plaguefist smiling slightly, "...Did you have your fun then?" ~~ Silence filled the area as Arthas left, the battle for Lights Hope chapel over. Nothing more than a lucky break, Tirion had managed to strike down the Lich King, forcing him to flee. Fheren, like other death knights, began faltering during the battle, having little to show for all their effort. Maxwell shook his head, watching Tirion warily, "...We're to trust them?" He questioned, Tirion giving a solemn nod, "...There's been enough death here for one day. They pose no threat as they are now." Mograine, still regaining strength after fighting Arthas turned to the remaining death knights, opening a gate to Archeus, "Let's reclaim our home- ...then worry about what's next." ___ He stepped off the boat carefully, watching the forest, "..Want us to wait a bit?" Wavesinger asked, the elf had recognized the draenei after he returned to Stormwind. Others in tow, readjusting to the death knights was a challenge, he knew just how much damage they could cause, but he met many adventurers by this point. What was the difference between them and a warlock, really. Fheren shrugged, "...Carry on should you need to." He said, glancing to the large crystalline structure nearby, "..If I can get any answers to...cure this. I will." "...We'll stick around, we need supplies anyway." Wavesinger replied, moving to help tie the boat down. The draenei had been sure of this course of action even before they left. Hoping maybe, that this..O'ros could provide a clear answer on reversing this. Whoever that was. It'd only been a year, but Azuremyst seemed to have changed a lot since they crashed, much of the rubble cleared up. Fheren watched as a group of silver deer wandered quietly nearby. He didn't fully get a chance to appreciate the scenery before...it was..quiet. Almost like Shadowmoon in some ways. Fheren hesitated slightly, stopping on the stone path leading to the Exodar, ...Was it worth exposing it to the Scourge..? The draenei looked down the path, it was..safe. Nothing here seemed overturned...or changed. It was healing. He didn't notice the Umbrua approaching from the woods, having taken a different path to the paved road, "..I was told you were coming." She said, approaching the death knight carefully, "...The naaru will kill you. If the guards don't." She added, as Fheren's gaze shifted, "..What makes you assume..?" "...Most of us banished the Broken- the Krokuun, because of what happened to them, you were there. You're of the scourge...you can't return. At least, not now." Fheren glanced towards the Exodar carefully, "...Why warn me then?" He questioned, Umbrua just carefully moving to head towards the docks, "..I was taught by the Krokuun...there are other ways." She explained, "..I can't decide your path. I can only warn you, but if you ask me. It's enough of a second chance to not be squandered." She added, moving to approach the docks, Fheren turning to follow, "...I suppose it's..not great timing right now. At least." ~ Fheren took a different ship after hitting the Stormwind docks, bidding farewell to the shaman. He decided to become involved in the war with the Scourge, he wanted to prove himself before he had decided to stay anywhere. And, in some ways. He had, he gained the trust of the frost vrykul, helped release Loa spirits, and even took up some of the battle against the Lich King. He made it to Ice crowns citadel, but was incapacitated by Sindragosa. Regardless of the outcome, however, the Lich King did fall, freeing the death knights, and scourge of the ever-present corruption that threatened them, and though new control had taken over, Arthas was gone. The looming threat of Ner'zhul was gone as well. Leaving some time for Fheren to regain perspective. Without concern for harming others in the process, hopefully. ~~ A few years had passed, and with Deathwings fall a new island had emerged. New to all of Azeroth it seemed, Fheren was surprised to notice Ezul'ann, along with a guest within the inn he'd decided to stay at. "..Well, Ezul'ann...ah..Fordring. What brings you here?" He questioned, Ezul'ann motioning for Fheren to sit nearby, "..A favor. Actually Fheren." Ezul'ann explained, as Tirion sighed, something clearly on his mind, "...A favor indeed..one of my Paladin's needs a bodyguard." He explained, Fheren's gaze confused, "...And..you come to a death knight for this? Why not one of your own?" "...Krihao can be...stubborn." Tirion admitted, "..And meeting you may be beneficial. She's had a difficult run-in with our Prophet." Ezul'ann added, as Fheren shrugged, nodding, "..Alright. I planned to leave soon anyway."
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