#It's a bad time.im doing bad.
humanmorph · 1 month
I've always thought about how cool it'd be to be part of a zine so it's kind of teethgrinding that this fun hieron zine comes at. this current time
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happylos710 · 1 year
I never knew leaving would hurt as much as it did. I wanted to stay. I wanted to be with you. You made my world a lot brighter. You were the reason i was excited to get up in the morning. Then you were the reason I couldn’t wait to shut my eyes. You were the one who helped me fall asleep at night. Then it turned into nightmares. You taught me so many things in life.You helped guide me when i needed it, but i didn't do the same. We were meant to meet, but we wernt meant to last. I hope you find it in your way to grow. I dont want our past parting to be a burden, we ended on bad terms.I hope that if there is a chance i could meet you again, i'd apologize. And maybe we can make things right. I was selfish and only cared about myself instead of others. And it seemed like you took after me. As much as i want to be with you, be there for you, i feel that my past actions have drained you. And you reproduced those actions. Even if we aren't gonna last together, i'd do anything just to have one more day with you and talk with my best friend. To see you one last time.To hold you one last time.Im sorry for everything and I do still I love you. Until next time Alyssa Franklin I’ve always hoped nothing but the best and for some reason even tho I can finally sleep without waking up wanting to talk to you. I finally was able to delete the photos of you in my phone. Finally say I don’t care what you’re doing and do what brings me joy without worrying about you. I say I hate you but for some reason I would answer your call not to hear your voice anymore but to make sure you’re ok. I now understand what it means to no longer be in love with someone but have love for someone.
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If anyone reads my posts please excuse my vocabulary I love to write  but am quite bad at  the old spellings etc.,, but I don't want it to stop be writing.
.I met my partner when I was 8 obvioursly wasn't my partner but I knew he would become mine one day we dated  when I was 16 and broke up when he went to university then we got together again when I was 19and  that as they say was that  here we are 23 years later and still together.
 I'm a mum of 6 wonderful delightful children  well actually there argumentive stressful and annoying little shits  half the time.im sorry my mother taught me to never lie  so I thought  ok no one has the perfect children so I will start.
I had my first child at 21 nope wasn't pleasant or fun no matter what way I word it my downstairs was just not wanting to work with me so I ended up with a c section on waking up  from my emergency c section I asked does she have red hair which really irritated the nurses  she pointed out some mothers ask if there baby has all fingers and toes I supposedly said if you give me water you can have her ( ok I'm half sedated don't know where I am  cant feel my legs ) well that's my excuse any way .So roll on  month later I have postpartum depression it was bad I loved my child and washed bathed and dressed her but sadly felt that she was someone else's like I didn't see her come out so there for cant be mine right ? I know very wrong but that is what my brain told me so many months in with the mental health team telling me to bond with my baby and get out and take medications  it was all a blur but my partner stuck by me even though I was hard to deal with and well I got pregnant again and sadly had a miscarriage in a rough sort of way I thought id deserved it for being a crap mum for having the depression like a sort of payback ,
well a yr later I went on to have my second daughter again by c section but I was awake this time and saw her that was an experience and a half I was determined to show everyone around me the depression was gone and so I went around with a smile on my face working my ass into the ground to prove them all wrong . we went on to have our third daughter  which again  was amazing then we had our first son over the moon several years later we yes had another daughter and another son. I know what you all think crazy  I know I think I am to but in a crazy happy sort of way iv always loved kids I babysat from young age loved being like there big sister and having fun.
When my third daughter was 6 moths old we had gone to visit family and she got ill wouldn't eat, went kind of limp.I rang the doctor  who said was probably teething and that to call back if got worse. Eventually we had to ring back I still felt uncomfortable  so any way the doctor come out and instructed us to go to the hospital as would be quicker than an ambulance. When we arrived a Dr looked said tonsillitis  but admitted us anyway. I stayed with her my partner whet home  in the night I was rubbing her head and it felt like a lump on her head where the soft spot was the fontanels.I called the nurse she grabbed my daughter told me to grab the ob machine  we ran to this room they use to take bloods all of a sudden we had 3 doctors nurses  all in a small room doing things my daughter was screaming   they couldn't control the heart rate  her temperature went through the roof and  then  it went quiet and I heard someone say were loosing her  then she's back with us  I was told to leave the room  I was outside crying trying to figure out what was going wrong then a dr came out and said I'm sorry to tell you but your daughter looks like she has meningitis the next 48hours will be critical  felt like eternity but it ended up she had meningococcal meningitis.when I went into her she had like a tinfoil blanket on her and oxygen and wires and drips lying in a single bed with the sides up I was on my own couldn't cry couldn't fathom what happened I decided to ring my partner and told him he was crying down the phone and I didn't have no tears  in comes all family all crying all looking to me for support and I think I gave it to them to me this wasn't happening I was  happy 24 hours earlier. After 12 days in hospital my Daughter was released from hospital  I was never so thankful and blessed than I was that day.
 There are  many things  that have happened with my Children growing up that I want to write about ,One of the most important part is  have 3 children diagnosed With ASD and ADHD and to in  middle of diagnoses  all my trials and tribulations of the highs and lows I feel I want to share .
But mother duty calls for now .
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israelouvk717 · 4 years
Can That Charming Groundhog Actually Cause Damage?
While no person knows the origin of this word nor exactly how it became a device of measurement, we do recognize that Peter's peck of marinaded peppers totaled up to the equivalent of 2 gallons of completely dry weight, or 10 to 14 pounds. In 1988, Richard Thomas, a New York Fish as well as Wildlife technician, decided to approximate just how much wood a woodchuck may chuck if it indeed could chuck wood. Woodchuck burrows have a long passage that is 25 to 30 feet long, which causes a summer season den, a winter season den for hibernating, and a restroom. Thomas calculated that the average woodchuck burrow is about 35 square feet.
Famous Southern groundhogs consist of General Beauregard Lee, based at the Dauset Trails Nature Center outside Atlanta, Georgia. Very commonly the dens of groundhogs supply homes for other pets consisting of skunks, red foxes, and also cottontail rabbits.
When hunted in a reasonable fashion, the groundhog is likewise a valuable video game animal and also is considered a hard sporting activity. Bachman mentioned that when the young groundhogs are a couple of months old, they get ready for splitting up, excavating a variety of holes in the location of their early home. Some of these holes were just a few feet deep as well as never ever inhabited however the various burrows offered the perception that groundhogs live in communities. Woodchucks do eat wood.they eat on the structure as well as postd below my house all the time.im having a difficult time doing away with them.
To hinder them from ever before returning to your garden, squash some garlic and also pepper and also toss it into their burrows. If you can't purchase sudsy ammonia, you can make your own by mixing 3 parts water with 1 part ammonia, plus a squirt of dishwashing detergent. This produces fumes that the woodchuck or groundhog can not bear. You can also spray the service around the entries and also exists of their tunnels. My recommended technique for eliminating groundhogs is to pour ammonia down their passage; they will right away stop utilizing it.
Human activity has actually increased food access and wealth permitting M. A groundhog's, or woodchuck's burrow are holes with big heaps of dirt at the entrances and are a problem as well as can be dangerous. The woodchuck is an herbivore favoring tender plants to coarser bark and also trees.
They can be aggressive animals when they feel intimidated, and they have sharp claws. To them, every person is a predator, which is yet an additional reason to oust them from your residential or commercial property. I located it for around eight or nine bucks in 2014 at Walmart.
Well, today the German Shepard captured one and also trembled it up pretty good prior to I might get to her and also quit her. Groundhog was able to leave, astonishingly-- possibly because my Shepard has dulled her teeth a lot on bones. I do not assume that certain groundhog will be back (unless he's guano-crazy), yet simply having canines or their pee around isn't doing anything to discourage them. I honestly don't mind them due to the fact that they do not seem to do any kind of harm to anything in my yard, but it is disturbing seeing them obtain drunk about like that.
It saddens me to review several of the tips for eliminating woodchucks.
Jackson recommended the amount of damage done by the woodchuck had been exaggerated and that extreme persecution by people significantly minimized its numbers in Wisconsin.
Extra just recently, scholars have concentrated less on the beginning of the expression and even more on the response to its main concern.
Is it bad to have a groundhog in your yard?
A groundhog's, or woodchuck's burrow are holes with large piles of dirt at the entrances and are a nuisance and can be dangerous. A groundhog's tunnels are very large and have many chambers which are invasive to your lawn and garden. So basically, they love to set up around your garden's fence or a farm's field.
They emerge from hibernation with some continuing to be body fat to reside on until the warmer springtime weather condition generates abundant plant materials for food. Males emerge from hibernation prior to females. Groundhogs are mostly diurnal, and also are commonly energetic early in the morning or late mid-day. Groundhogs are exceptional burrowers, utilizing burrows for resting, rearing young, as well as hibernating.
What does it mean to chuck wood?
Answers. A traditional, if nonsensical, "response" to the question is: "A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood".
I haven't seen a solitary groundhog after using this strategy. It's possible that they made brand-new tunnels in the timbers behind us or have run to the neighbors lawn, yet no new groundhogs have actually shown up thus far. Due to the fact that there are virtually always several of them, make sure you discover all of the holes. You made need to do this over several days to efficiently scare them away forever. She had groundhogs excavating under the foundation of her barn, as well as the ammonia functioned like an appeal.
What does YEET mean?
Yeet is an exclamation of excitement, approval, surprise, or all-around energy, often as issued when doing a dance move or throwing something.
The claiming, "How much timber would certainly a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck can chuck wood," is simply a claiming and absolutely nothing even more. Their main food resources are plant life, lawn, nuts, and also little pests, like grubs.
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