#It's better than what I did before ie nothing or last minute cramming
Had a really fun episodic idea for Guardian Neos VS Lady Glasswing I thought you might like.
So Chloe's been Guardian for less than a week, but nothing much has happened... Yet, so she's hastily trying to get a handle on everything and one of these things is combat skill.
As Adrien knows she has issues (Her breakdown cver the phone when Fu died) knows how to fence and that she's the Guardian he is able to help somewhat, with nightly combat lessons.
Chloe knows the Guardian is meant to have a staff so she focusses on that and uses Second Chance to cram a lot of extra training in and to always end on a high note by memorizing Adrien's attack patterns.
This means she starts getting a little cocky and critical at school, enough that she ends up antagonizing some of the fencing team.
As this is happening Marinette's brainstorming with Noroo about whether choosing a champion with combat training would be better, but if she can trust them not to turn on her like Magistrix did.
CHloe makes a good and boastful showing of the fencing team, but Kagami being Kagami can see Chloe's skills are rooted in memorizing Adrien's attack patterns more than anything.
When Chloe challenges her, Kagami switches up fighting styles, leaving Chloe with a 404 error file not found failure on her hands & so angry she ignores Kagami's olive branch to prank her instead.
Kagami is Marinette's new test subject.
Chloe: Why does this keep happening to me!? The Kwami in her bag: (Staring at her like they are on the office) Chloe: ... Oh right... Consequences for the thing I did.
There's a battle, Chloe manages to win by creative use of Kwami swapping but ends up having to linger to save Kagami & catch the Butterfly.
She ends up giving the game away, almost, by being like "Weird to see you so worked up" before claiming Chloe told her that when being whisked to safety.
Kagami: Tsk, I shouldn't have bothered trying to help that girl. Neos: You were... Trying to help? Kagami: Se was relying on memorizing one persons attack patterns to win, it would never last her and after beating her to prove that I was offering to let her spar again, but she stormed off. Neos: Oh... Well, just keep an open mind, having been Akumatized I'm sure you see how easy it is for one's anger to run away with them, bye!
Chloe: I need to speak with you Tsurugi!! Kagami (Takes in a deep breath and turns) What. Chloe: ... I apologize, I apologize for pranking you. I started those duels, and even set the terms, pranking you for a loss was not a victory to me but... A sign I didn't think I could win fairly. That was far from exceptional of me.
Kagami: ... If you want to improve then you need to pit yourself against a variety of opponents, there weill be lost battles, but so long as you win the war, they will be worth the minor blows to your pride. Chloe: Uh, what do you mean? Kagami: If you want to improve, sign up to the fencing club, and we can spar again, good day Chloe.
Chloe stands stuff as a statue for nearly a solid minute before screaming into her hands and storming off, "Why couldn't she have stayed mad at me!?"
Sabrina trotted behind her, "Where are you going Chloe?"
Slapping her forehead in sheer vexation, Chloe only had one answer for her.
"To sign up for the fencing club apparently!"
IE, Chloe does think she broke her own standards by pranking Kagami & felt weird that Kagami was trying to help her, but also still expected her to be mad, which she could handle. She can handle people being angry at or hating her, actually reaching out leaves her floundering for what gear to get her mood in.
But that's how Chloe signs up for fencing classes, & Marinette gained some brand new Akuma data.
Okay but no this really highlights on how Chloé only /really/ learns via positive reinforcement.
Like. The Akuma thing is sort of teaching her some Cause and Effect, but not... not really. She's getting a message of 'when I do something mean, people will be upset. And then they come after me for retaliation'.
But that's a cause and effect she's already aware of. She knows that when someone sleights her, she retaliates. Ofc everyone else does it too, right? It's just that these people weren't able to usually and now they can via Magic Nonsense.
And this works here too. Chloé sees Kagami's actions as an attempt to humiliate her. Which.... it is. She may be trying to teach Chloé something, but she's doing it by 'putting her in her place' in front of an audience.
So she sees it as an insult rather than a lesson, and retaliates in turn. Then Kagami 'retaliates' via Akuma. So Chloé wouldn't have initially learned anything.
But Kagami /talking/ and /explaining/ to her what her genuine intentions were re: 'while you can beat one opponent, you need to have a more general study to adapt against anyone even a stranger' does actually get the lesson through to her!
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zoobus · 2 years
good luck with your IT exam. are you using official study materials for it? i'm interested in getting certified myself so i was wondering what the studying process is like. anyway hope it all goes well for you.
I'm using the highly recommended Darril Gibson Get Certified Get Ahead study guide, but I'm also taking a prep course from my local community college. I have immense respect for those who can study on their own without outside coercion but it's just not something I can do - I bought the study guide for the now obsolete SY0-501 four years ago and never touched it. It's likely not that hard if you actually meet the prerequisite (ie two years working in IT) but I don't and must learn what a DNS server is.
My original study plan was taking notes and completing assignments. I have since learned there's a better way
Before watching this video, I knew of Anki but didn't quite understand its purpose. I get it now and it's proving helpful. He has another good explainer here.
My study plan now is to have my (*through gritted teeth*) class-required, online-only semester-length rental etextbook open in one screen and a .csv spreadsheet in the other and rewrite notable points into silly, mildly humorous questions in one column, answers in the next. Jokes make it a little easier.
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When possible, I make cloze type questions in a separate file, which just means enclosing parts of a sentence {{c1::like this::}}, forcing you to remember the actual context of words and definitions. After you import those files into Anki, you'll have set of flashcards like so:
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So most days I spend hours reading and converting text into questions to answers, completing assignments and labwork, and going through Anki cards on my phone. Reading is the most taxing and lengthy aspect for me. Sad to say that this is my first stab at true studying so these might be no-brainers or outright false for everyone else.
Edit: I should note that I struggled with Anki before because I wasted too much time looking for existing decks that explained the material for me, not realizing that part of the studying process is literally creating the deck yourself. You can find shared decks online but to actually understand, you should write them
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
summer sizzle | morning, kevin owens [m]
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[ prompts used ] 
** as stated before, all of these came from some pretty amazing lists I found floating around online. I’ll have to actually sit down at some point and find them all but... for now, credits to anyone who recognizes anything from this prompt as one they may have thought up. The direction I took all of them combined, the unnamed OFC are mine though. **
Only one bed. Oh no! +“There’s only one blanket and two of us-looks like you’ll need to cuddle up closer then.” + morning wood + sex dreams/wet dreams + “Well good morning to you too.” + “I can make you cum harder than that.” + loud sex + “Were you dreaming about me?”-
[ authors notes ]
THIS WAS EASY BUT ALSO NOT. I started this like... last week at some point, but I kept getting stuck, going back to edit or change things and for a few days, I just ignored this one, even though of all the ones I have going rn, it’s the CLOSEST one of my wrestling writing prompt things to actually being finished. BUT. BUT.. It’s done now and honestly, I’m lowkey proud of it, even though I know it’s about to flop most likely. ie pls, I beg of ya’ll don’t let this flop.
[ warnings ]
18+ only. All children get yourselves out of here now. I mean this. There’s morning sex, brief mentions of body fluids and of course, bites / marking. Other than that, this one is surprisingly cute and fluffy.
[ pairing ]
kevin owens x best friend!ofc, one hotel room & one bed trope.
[ tag squad ]
[ tag list | masterlist | about page ] 
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                                         morning ft Kevin Owens + OFC
“We only have one more room.”
“Is it at least a double?” I questioned, biting my lip. The scent of Kevin’s cologne mixed with sweat was enough to call to memory just how fucking angry he got at Seth for no apparent reason back at the arena and I found myself getting wound up all over again… Thighs all drippy and slipping right off of each other. If this room wasn’t a double, it was going to be one long fucking night..
“Holy fuck, we’ll fucking take it. I just need to be out of that SUV. I’m exhausted.” Kevin grumbled sleepily from beside me. He rubbed his face - probably to keep his eyes from closing on their own.
“Okay, we’ll take it.” I plastered on my best tired smile and dug around, finding my ID and passing it through to the night clerk on the other side of the desk. Kevin did the same, moving to stand closer and pressing up against me as he passed his ID through. I just barely caught myself before I whimpered.
For a second, I could almost swear he heard the sound. But he was back to business as usual, breaking my gaze to take his identification back from the clerk, then tucking it away in his wallet. His other hand lingered at my hip and I gulped, keeping my eyes trained on the television set behind the front desk. The news was playing. It wasn’t interesting by any stretch of the imagination, but it did keep me from locking eyes with my best friend Kevin and having him read me like a book at that point in time.
Because I’m at least 99 percent certain that Kevin does not feel the slightest bit attracted to me. And the last thing I want to do is make everything between us awkward as hell. Which trust me, it would be.
He fell in step beside me as we walked down the carpet covered hallway in search of an elevator. The silence was heavy, almost tension filled to a point where I was having a hard time keeping myself together. Kevin spoke up, shattering the silence as we stopped at the door to the elevator and I leaned forward, pressing the up button. His chest brushed my back and I could feel the warmth of his breath next to my ear. “Did you whimper?”
“Huh? No. I might have yawned just now.” I said it quick. A little too quickly. If the look on Kevin’s face was anything to go by, he didn’t believe it. He shook his head and pressed against my back a little more. “No not just now. Down in the lobby. Because see..” he took a shaky breath, it was enough to give me pause for a split second. Was he just a little nervous right now?
He couldn’t be. Kevin Owens just doesn’t do nervous. He simply does not. I pushed the thought out of my mind and he promptly continued, a smirk creeping to play at his lips slow and easy as his eyes fixed on mine in the reflection of the metal doors we stood in front of. 
“I could’ve sworn I heard you whimper, doll.”
The tone of his voice was enough to push me over that fine line between just a little wet to my thighs becoming a dripping and slippery mess. He chuckled quietly and I did my best not to tense up, to continue to at least try behaving as if absolutely nothing was going on.
Fuck me, I’m going to need new panties as soon as we get to this hotel room.
“ Nope, it wasn’t me.” - and saved by the bell, literally. The elevators slid open with a slow lingering creak as the bell dinged quietly. I stepped on and leaned against the wall, almost dangerously close to Kevin’s side and he sort of leaned himself against me yawning and swearing about the drive in and the snowstorm that blew in so heavy we had to stop in the first place and all I could do was try to focus on literally anything but the way his voice drops and gets so fucking deep when he’s half asleep.
How I wonder if he sounds like that in bed.
It was a can of worms I could not afford to open, not on this night.
The few minutes it took for the elevator to reach our floor felt like honest to god hours, the time passing lazily as both of us kept quiet and scrolled through our phones like we’d normally do. That tension though, that tension was building and about to reach a boiling point. I almost couldn’t breathe. And I was practically throbbing each time I could feel his breath against my ear while he leaned casually against me. The elevator finally slowed and then stopped and after picking up my things, I started to slink towards the door.
I could feel his eyes fix on me the exact moment they did. I bit my lip and took a deep breath pausing just outside the elevator doors as he took his time walking out, his bag slung almost carelessly over his shoulder. He gave me a smirk and I just barely managed not whimpering, smirking right back at him. I nodded to the hallway ahead. “Are we going? The sooner we get to our room, Kev.. The sooner we can get to sleep.”
“The sooner you can get warm.” Kevin remarked, his gaze fixing on me. I realized then that I was shivering and cold, no thanks to every single layer of my clothing being drenched by melted snow.
“Yeah… Definitely.” I admit, I got more than a little distracted by the mere thought of a warm shower. And then my mind just didn’t stop.. I was thinking about those thick and rough hands all over my bare skin and I got the most intense shiver I’d probably ever gotten in my entire life racing through my body. I tripped on the carpet a little and grumbled to myself, Kevin reaching out, holding me steady as he stared down at me a few seconds without saying anything. Then he chuckled, shaking his head as he muttered something I couldn’t quite make out. 
We stopped at the door to our hotel room and he slid the keycard through the reader. The light changed to green and he kicked at the door to open it, stepping inside… where the cold air promptly hit us full blast.
“Shit. Fuck.” My eyes settled on the bed situation, taking it in as I tried not to choke on my own tongue. I just thought the night was going to be a long one. The fact that there was only one bed in the room just proved that not only was it going to be a long night for me, but probably, a sleepless one. And not in the way I wished it would be, either. I shivered at both the chill in the air and the realization that I was going to have to share a room with him and somehow, I was going to have to act as if I didn’t want him so bad I could taste it.
“The heat’s turned on but all I feel comin out is cold air. Fuckin heater must be broken.” Kevin mused as he turned his attention away from the heater that ran the length of the wall and followed my gaze.
To the one bed in the room. He coughed, staring at it intently, an almost amused gleam in his eyes as he did so.
 Shit. Tonight really will be a long night. I pushed the thought out as I fixed my gaze on him. “You take the bed. I’m shorter, I can cram myself on that couch.”
“How about no, doll. I’ll make the couch work if anybody does.” Kevin insisted, gazing at me firmly. I swallowed hard when he made his next suggestion.
“Or.. wild idea here. We’re both adults. We could share the bed. For warmth.” Kevin said it so calmly. So calmly that before I even realized it, I was nodding my head in agreement… without even really stopping to consider the fact that lately, I’ve been having some very vivid and very loud, wet dreams about the man. I think it sank in what I’d agreed to about three seconds later and from the second it did, cue internal panic.
“I’m gonna go shower and try to warm up… unless you wanted to go first?” I turned back around to face Kevin and found myself body to body with him. My bright red panties fell onto the carpeted floor, catching his eye. He bit his lip and leaned down, picking them up and holding them out to me a smirk playing at his lips as his eyes met mine. “You dropped something, doll.”
“Y-yeah. I noticed.” I could feel my thighs slip off of each other. The fact that my panties were getting wetter and wetter by the second did nothing to help the fact that I was also soaked and freezing from the snowstorm we’d walked through to come into the building.
If I didn’t know any better… I’d almost be willing to swear that he’s teasing me right now. And that he’s enjoying every fucking second. But that’s nonsense. We’re just friends. I’m overthinking things, overanalyzing every little minute action made right now because I’m exhausted and I know this is going to be a long -read, sexually frustrating, night for me.
That has to be it.
On shaky legs, I hurried into the bathroom, shutting it behind me with a soft thud. I scrambled to tear off the cold,wet clothing and I turned on the faucet with the hot water on full blast. Given the situation I’m in, I probably should be taking a cold shower but… I’m freezing and I wanna boil.
I heard the tv turn on, it sounded like the last bits of a hockey game, and I smiled to myself, gathering my bath products and lowering myself into the tub.As the hot water made contact with my cool skin, I let out a soft hiss, my eyes fluttering shut as I relaxed against the back of the tub. I could’ve easily fallen asleep if it weren’t for the fact that my magpie brain didn’t choose to go back to the whole moment between us just before I got in here and hyper-focus on that… Take it further. Make my imagination really start to go wild.
Just as I was starting to let my hands wander over my own body, softly, squeezing my tits together and gently playing with my nipples, my hips arching a little beneath the water, the door practically flew open.
When I tell you I have never moved my hands away from my body so fast in my entire life… I glanced up, locking eyes with Kevin who was a little red in the face.. He wasn’t really bothering to cover his eyes either.. Then again, to be fair, I wasn’t exactly making an effort to hide my bare ass naked self from his gaze either and any bubbles I did have in the water originally had long since disappeared, so..
“You got a little shampoo, doll.” Kevin was sitting next to the tub, one of those big and rough hands gingerly covering my eyes while he took a cup that he’d grabbed from the counter and rinsed out the shampoo. I swallowed hard but I managed to get in a hint of teasing in the form of the remark “At least I’m not shitfaced like New Years, huh?”
He chuckled quietly, and I glanced up after he moved his hand, noticing that he seemed to be in deep thought. “Everything okay?”
“Totally, doll.” Kevin finally answered, reaching down and taking the wash cloth I’d been about to use on my body from where I’d abandoned it in the favor of a little hands on exploration earlier. He reached across me, grabbing my bodywash. After he got the washcloth all soapy, he bit his lip and half-teased, “If I don’t help ya, you might try to stay in here all damn night and I wanna shower too.”
But there was something in his eyes that had me biting back a whimper. Had me getting wet all over again and god help me, squirming just a little in the tub. He gave a quiet chuckle and leaned in just slightly, his mouth brushing carefully against the shell of my ear. “Lean up a little. I’ll get your back.”
“O-okay.” I managed to stammer. If Kevin had one tenth of a clue just how close I was to grabbing hold of the front of his black tee shirt and pulling his mouth against mine right now, I found myself thinking, he’d probably laugh. He shattered the heavy silence hanging in the air around us when he bit his lip and sat the washcloth down, pressing the back of his hand to my forehead, tilting his head to one side slightly as if he were puzzling something out and then finally asking me with a barely hidden smirk, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” I answered, biting my lip and barely managing to keep a whimper at bay when I felt the washcloth making it’s way up and down my back. I know he had to have felt me when I shivered at his touch, there was absolutely no way in hell I could hide that in time.
“You looked like you were in a daze.” Kevin stated. I swear I almost responded with exactly what was on my mind, just so he wouldn’t keep pushing. I almost did. Luckily, common sense prevailed.
I sighed as the warmth of the water hit my body, rinsing away soapy bubbles and with a laugh, I nodded to the towel nearby. “The bath is all yours.” and for a moment, my eyes lingered on his and I licked my lips slowly, taking a gulp as I prepared myself to stand and step out of the tub.
I know what you’re thinking… you’ve obviously seen each other naked before if you’re best friends… And you’d be right, but… Tonight is the first time I’ve shared a hotel room with Kevin Owens since I came to the realization that I was in love with him.
And lately, with my realization, things may or may not have become a little… tense. Awkward. Because my extreme clumsiness really shines through. Two times I’ve fallen in his lap on a flight when trying to sit. Just his breath against my neck if he walks up behind me and whispers something into my ears is enough to send my thighs slipping right off of each other.
And I have to share a hotel room with him… and behave as if nothing is different… all fucking night.
I rose up from the warm water, biting my lip as I reached for the towel dangling from his fingertips. My eyes were locked firmly on his. He stepped closer, making sure the towel actually made it into my hand because in my distracted daze, I’d misjudged where his hand was exactly and it nearly hit the floor. 
If I didn’t know better, I found myself thinking all over again, I’d almost swear he was flirting with me right now. Between my lack of sleep and trying to keep it together as of late, I wanted to say I was at least halfway sure he might be flirting with me, but honestly, I didn’t want to get my hopes up and then make a move and discover that he wasn’t.
I wrapped the fluffy white oversized towel around me and for a second or two, neither of us really… Moved. We were standing there, both of us in a bit of a daze. I swallowed hard, tilting my head slightly, looking up at Kevin. “Are you okay?” I asked after a second or two in which for some reason or another I couldn’t hear anything but blood rushing to my ears as my heart hammered away in my chest.
“Yeah.” he muttered the word quietly, almost thoughtfully. My heart kicked up it’s racing a little as I felt his hand settle gingerly against my hip and he started to move closer. My breath really caught in my throat when I realized that I was moving closer too.
Neither of us were stepping back. My breath was getting shakier with each second that passed and with that came the realization that it was getting harder and harder not to raise my leg to his hip, put my hand on the back of his neck and pull his mouth against mine.
I even found myself toying with what harm exactly that might cause. Could it really be so bad? And he was stepping closer to me too.. Right off the bat, I shoved that line of reasoning out of my head as quickly as possible.
His hand settled softly across my lower back and I blinked a little, dazed. His mouth was moving in closer, about to close the distance between us. The knock on the door from room service Kevin ordered had us both breaking out of our dazes and springing apart. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks and I bit the insides gently, trying to calm myself as Kevin hurried out of the bathroom and to the door of our hotel room to pick up whatever he’d gotten room service to send up.
By the time he was done doing that, I’d managed to get dressed and I was flopped on the bed, flipping through the tv set. Kevin flopped down beside me and for a good five minutes or so, neither of us said anything.
We both wanted to though, that much was evident in the thick and heavy tension filling the air around us. I almost said something about ten times, but I managed to keep my biggest question internal.
Because every part of me wanted to ask if he’d been about to kiss me. 
We ate in silence, some stupid Hallmark Christmas movie I’d stopped on playing mostly for background. Kevin went to get himself a shower and I took a deep breath as I stood, staring down the bed intently.
,, you can do this. It’s just sharing a bed with your best friend, like all the other times..” was what I tried telling myself as I pulled back the covers, sinking into the soft bed. I’d just gotten as comfortable as I could given the arrangement, when Kevin came back out and settled into bed.
“It’s freezing in here.” I complained quietly. Kevin rolled onto his side and bit his lip, staring at me a second or two before nodding to the space right next to him. “Well, there is only one blanket… And two of us. Body heat means warmth, doll.” he pointed out calmly. After a good second or two of convincing myself that despite knowing this couldn’t be a good idea and it was only going to end in awkwardness in the morning, I moved closer. His arm settled over me and I burrowed down into the cover, getting as close to him as I could possibly get.
I must have been out in seconds, because I don’t remember anything else after that. And that thing I’d been dreading might happen? Oh.. It happened.
 “Oh… mmm… like that, Kevin.” 
I could feel thick fingertips dancing over my bare thighs as I started to wake up. My ass was pressed right against him and I could feel obvious evidence of morning wood when I brushed against him just a little, wiggling around. The sun was shining in through the slit in the curtains and as soon as it hit me what I’d been dreaming about and what exactly I was still doing because of it upon awakening, I wanted the floor to open and swallow me whole.
But before I got the chance to slip out of bed and into the bathroom to get dressed for the remainder of our drive today, Kevin’s mouth was against the shell of my ear as he leaned over me, staring down in a daze.
“You got pretty loud.” Kevin muttered, stifling a yawn. I felt my stomach starting to churn and my mouth opened and closed a time or two. He smirked down at me almost playfully and I swallowed hard. “I did, huh? I’m sorry, I…”
Kevin leaned in closer, his mouth just barely brushing against mine as he asked me, “Were you dreaming about me, doll?”
“Kevin, I…”
“Just answer my question.” his tone was firmer. I won’t even get into just how soaking wet the sound of it had me getting in little under a second, but yeah… He was still leaned in, staring me down expectantly.
“Fuck it.” he chuckled quietly, his mouth closing the distance, my mouth falling open easily to allow his tongue access. My eyes popped open and the shock started to wear off just as I was starting to feel light-headed. I started to deepen the kiss even more despite not being able to breathe, rolling completely on my back so that I wound up beneath him. One of my hands raised, trailing lazily over his scalp and he gave a quiet growl as his teeth scraped against my lips, tugging. I could feel my mouth swelling at the impact of the kiss but I didn’t care.
The kiss broke and we pulled away reluctantly, staring at each other all wide eyed. 
“What… Why..” I stammered. Kevin chuckled, his hand trailing over my sides as he pressed into me just a little more and shook his head. He continued to stare down at me and chuckle as if my startled state really amused him and I managed a pout.
Finally, he broke the silence between us. “Do you not get it? I want you. Have for a while now, just never said anything because I also like keeping the few friends I do have.” he explained quietly, his eyes locking on mine as his hand lowered, moving from my hip to my thigh, rubbing his fingers over bare skin lightly. 
I let it sink in as my heart started to pound a little and that little sliver of hope I held out before grew into a fucking inferno. After a second or two, I raised my hand, letting it catch and come to a stop against the side of his neck and jaw. My legs spread, putting his body between them, a knee resting at either side of his body. He leaned down, licking his lips, a smirk playing at his lips. “You still didn’t answer me.”
“What do you think, Kevin? Was I dreaming about you?” I asked the question quietly, my breath catching in my throat as I managed to rub against him just a little bit. I heard his breath when it caught in his throat and when he grabbed my hips, rubbing me against him two or three more times while lowering his head to mumble against the shell of my ear, “Well, good morning to you too.” in that husky tone, I felt a shiver go through my body and I rose up a little, nipping at his lips, catching him just before he could pull his mouth away from my face. “What exactly was I saying?” I finally managed to ask the question sheepishly. 
All Kevin did was chuckle as his hands worked up and down my body. My legs squeezed his hips, making him stop staring at my tits to look up and meet my gaze. He shrugged. “Let’s just say I bet I can make you cum harder in reality than I did in your dream.”
I really felt my face burn hot when he said it, I realized just how intense my dream the night before must have been. My eyes locked on his and I barely managed to whimper out the words Challenge accepted than he was already tugging at the bottom of the oversized shirt I slept in upwards, tossing it once it was off my body. It settled on the nightstand. I tugged his shirt off, tossing that onto the floor. His fingers hooked in the waistband of my panties, a silent tear rendering that pair utterly useless as he pulled the torn fabric away from my body, tossing it into the floor beside his shirt. I tugged at the pair of gym shorts he’d slept in the night before, managing to catch both shorts waistband and underwear waistband at once and tugged them down. Kevin rose up, slipping off the bed to let them fall to his ankles.
When my eyes locked on the way his cock stood at attention, the thickness of it, I squirmed, getting so wet that my thighs were slipping off of each other with ease now. He lowered himself back down, settling himself between my legs as he spread them open wide, a leg settling over each shoulder as he muttered huskily against my thigh, “And I know exactly where to start.” daring to sink his teeth in just slightly, his lips latching onto a patch of skin on the inside of my thigh, leaving a big mark behind that I knew I was definitely going to feel for a while after this was done. His lips broke contact with my skin to reveal the huge purple bruise already starting to form on my inner thigh. They danced over my skin, moving higher up my thigh, quiet slurps and his little groans against my skin sending goosebumps over the surface of my skin. I whimpered as he continued to trail a path straight to my throbbing cunt with kitten licks and little softer bites.
I’d always thought he might have a thing for biting, for marking a girl up, but having it confirmed for me now was literally making me a drippy wet mess, my juices puddling to the bed beneath us. I tried to prop myself up a little better on my elbows and my breath caught in my throat as I felt his fingers working me open, slipping inside me deep, thrusting and scissoring, little wet sloshes with each move of his fingers inside me. His thumb pressed hard against my clit, rubbing the circular bundle of nerves and I whimpered his name, my fingers on one hand tugging at dark brown hair as I rocked my hips against his fingers and the little licks he was now giving to my folds. His lips locked on each one, sucking and I moaned even louder. He was pleased by that, I could feel the way his mouth curved into that damn smirk. “Kevin, oh- I..” I called out louder, my words tumbling off of each other breathlessly, a needy whine to my voice that couldn’t be mistaken. “C’mon.” I encouraged, rocking my hips a little faster. It only resulted in Kevin managing to find a way to keep me still as he rolled his tongue over my clit, lips latching on. “Keep it up and I’ll suck your clit til you go blind, doll.” he growled out against my throbbing cunt, his tongue greedily licking me clean, almost slurping up every single drop of my juices. 
“Is that a promise?” I managed to gasp, trying again to rock my hips against his mouth and fingers. His lips latched onto my clit and I moaned a little louder, doing everything I could to get more friction, trying to ease the slow and steady throb of my pussy but nothing I tried was working. And Kevin was hell bent on drawing this out. Pushing me until I absolutely couldn’t take it any longer.
“It’s a definite fucking promise.” Kevin mumbled against my pelvic mound as his mouth backed away from my clit long enough to catch on my folds, sucking until I was practically shaking and the puddle forming beneath me was growing. The orgasm was building to an almost blinding intensity and every single time we locked eyes and he thought I might be getting a little too close, he’d slow down all over again, chuckling as he shook his head no at me, that teasing gleam in his eyes. I was tensing, the strain of holding back my own incoming orgasm almost had me shaking all over. 
I pouted when he stopped altogether, raising up to look down at me, slipping dripping fingers between his lips. I could feel myself edging away from the orgasm, but Kevin seemed to have other plans.
His hand lowered, circling his cock as he winked at me and then lowered his gaze, watching as he dragged his cock right between my lower set of lips. I arched away from the bed and he settled on top of me carefully, his hands catching hold of both of mine as he started to bury his cock inside me slowly. Teasing shallow thrusts with the tip only. If I thought I had control of the orgasm threatening to take over?
I quickly learned that I, in fact, did not.
And Kevin seemed to really relish that fact. It shouldn’t have surprised me that he’d get off on being in complete control like this, but somehow, it did. Maybe it was because I alone had a better glimpse into his less confident side as his best friend for so long.
“Gonna make you feel so fuckin good, princess.” he growled next to my ear as he started to fuck into me harder, even slower and deeper drives, burying his cock to the hilt deep inside of my womb. When he started to mutter things softly against my mouth in the French he was fluent in and I barely knew outside of a few phrases, I really started to squirm beneath him, also trying to wiggle my hands free from the grip his hands had on them. Pouting up at him finally, “Kevin, please.. I want to touch you.” 
He ignored my simple request, instead, catching hold of both my hands with one of his and letting the other glide down my body, gripping my hip, guiding it so that I was angled upward ever so slightly. The shift in the position of my hips had me really moaning, loudly enough to be heard over the quiet and drawn out creaks of the bedframe. 
“Does that feel good, doll? Like.. don’t let me crush you or anything.” he muttered the words quietly, a scowl playing at his mouth just a second or two, only to vanish when I did manage to get my hand loose and I gripped his jaw lightly, pulling his mouth down against mine to quietly drawl against it, “You won’t. I like the way you feel on top of me.” I bit my lips, rocking my hips against him just a little faster, a pleading look as I met his gaze and finished, “And inside me, fuck…” 
The orgasm was built to a point now where I ached all over. I could feel tears welling in my eyes at the frustration mounting as I tried to do what he asked and hold off just a little longer. 
He smirked a little, chuckling. “You do, huh? You’re gonna love this then.” he slammed into me all over again, deep enough to strum against my spot a time or two and then just to tease, he pulled himself out just a little before slamming back inside me even deeper. My moans had to be loud enough by now to be heard out in the hallway, but I didn’t care.
At one point, around the fourth time he did this, I caught hold of his face, pulling his mouth against mine just so a long and deep, needy kiss would swallow the fact that I was literally screaming his name. He chuckled, his forehead resting against mine as he stared deep into my eyes, rough lips roaming over my face gently, laying soft kisses against my flesh. “You wanna cum pretty bad right now, huh?”
“Yes. Oh fuck I--” I whimpered, trying to get more friction all over again, only to have Kevin use his hips to pin mine still beneath him. He chuckled, his mouth conquering mine before venturing down the front of my throat, lower, against my breasts. “Almost, doll. Almost.” he muttered calmly, continuing to fuck into me long and slow and deep. “So goddamn tight. Fuck.” he growled quietly, his fingertips digging into my hips now, holding me mostly still against the bed. He knew exactly what he was doing, not letting me move all that much and not letting me cum like I desperately wanted.
“You wanna know how close I am, doll?”
“Hm.” I nodded, my lips against his, our eyes locked on each other. My hands were all over him now, mostly digging into his shoulder blades.
 He chuckled quietly and after nipping hungrily at the outline of my swollen lips yet again, he mumbled into another kiss, “All it would take is you, rockin your hips one more fuckin time.” he shivered as I managed to do just that, only so careful and slow that he growled against my neck and sank his teeth down, latching onto a strip of skin. I did it again and his grip tightened even more. 
His teeth dug against my skin just a little and I whimpered and moaned, eyes fluttering open and closed. 
My own orgasm was dangerously close to ripping me apart beneath him. My breath caught in my throat as he started to bottom out over and over.
 I dug my nails in his skin a little harder and he mumbled against my ear, “Wrap your legs around me. C’mon.” almost breathlessly, the soft smack of our bodies meeting over and over again competing with our pleasurable moans and growls and the noise the bed made every time it struck the wall. I wrapped my legs around him like he asked and the tilt sent him smashing into my spot over and over every single time he fucked into me. My legs squeezed either side of his body tight and then tighter and Kevin muttered quietly, “You wanna cum so bad you’re shaking. Is this anything like you imagined in your dream last night, doll?”
“I, oh.. Right there. Fuck, Kevin!” I cried out, the echo shattering the air between us as he promptly dove his mouth down to mine, swallowing up my cries. “So if I keep it up…” he muttered into the deepening kiss, “You’re gonna cum all over me… Make a real mess of the bed for me… Right?”
“Yes, fuck. Please just let me.” I begged breathlessly as the kiss broke and he pulled away, intently focusing on exactly what he’d been doing before. “C’mon, doll. You’ve been a good girl, fuck… You can let go now.” 
My orgasm shattered through me, making me cling to him as I erratically met his deep drives with my hips, rocking myself against his cock since he had put my legs over his shoulders by this point. I could feel my pussy clinging to his cock, the soft sound of suction and his quiet growls as he continued to plow me, slow and deep. 
“Don’t stop, doll. C’mon.” Kevin urged, lust blown eyes almost blacked out when he looked down at me, hips stuttering against me as he leaned down, his mouth finding mine clumsy and hungry, his lips latching onto my bottom one and his teeth tugging at it. “Fuck, that’s it. Fuck, you’re takin me so well.” he groaned into the kiss closely followed by “Don’t wanna stop, fuck. You feel too fucking good, doll. So tight.. Wet. Fuck..” in a throaty growl against my mouth.
“Don’t stop, Kevin, please. C’mon.” I pleaded, just plain overcome by how good, no how amazing it felt to finally be allowed to get off that I honestly wasn’t thinking and didn’t care to think about anything else but feeling the warmth of his seed when it filled me up. He chuckled and muttered half teasingly against my ear, “As you wish.” which had me smiling softly, because it was a line from my favorite movie and he knew it. 
The harder and deeper he slammed into me, the more I moaned and begged for it. The throbbing of his thick cock deep inside me as his own orgasm shattered through him had me whimpering, desperately slamming my hips against his own erratic movements, trying to drive him inside me as deep as I could get. My toes dug into his shoulders and as he slowed to a stop, his mouth found mine again, his tongue darting between my lips, meeting mine and dominating the kiss. 
I lowered my legs and Kevin fell to the bed beside me, swearing a little, one arm behind his head as the other shot out, pulling me so that I was on top of him, holding me in place.
“I’m fucking starving.” Kevin admitted, just as both of our stomachs growled.
“Me too, but there’s the tiny problem of me, being a little sore to move.” I muttered with a soft laugh against his mouth. He chuckled in response, untucking the arm folded behind his head to lazily reach for his phone on the nightstand as he muttered aloud, “Room service it is then.”
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amateurish · 4 years
<h1>Why did the iPod go out of fashion?</h1>
This video very aptly explains why Apple’s iPod was the single greatest music listening experience that we’ve experienced: you can plug into distraction-free music, wherever you go.
So why did it die?
When the iPod touch came out, it quickly replaced its internet free predecessors. We had a shiny new gadget, we wanted it. We wanted all of the functionality we could muster, crammed into one device. But do consumers always know best? Given the choice to switch back to an iPod Nano, I would take it.
<h2>I may be crazy, but give me a Nano</h2>
I’ll be the first to admit that I love Spotify. The recommendations and personalisation are unprecedented and make the listening experience incredibly seamless. In an age without radio, Spotify is the saviour we need to discover new music and support small artists. But you have to ask yourself, how often are you truly disconnected from your phone?
For me, I’ll never be further than 1 AirPod connectivity radius from my phone. If someone wants to reach me, they can. I’ve been conditioned to answer calls, texts, and emails immediately, no matter the time or day. I wholeheartedly believe that this is to do with the fact that everyone is connected. You can be sure – to some level of certainty – that the person you’re texting will see the message within 5 minutes. Is it rude to respond later? No. Will you feel guilty for not responding straight away? Yes.
This has a huge impact on social development and mental health. If you grow up believing that you must be at the beck and call of anyone – even strangers – on the other side of your phone, it will undoubtedly translate into real life. Gen Z is famous for simultaneously being aggressive and fearless activists while being terrified to raise simple concerns about a meal to their waiter. We have been conditioned to put ourselves last. If we were to break the chain of absurd interconnectedness and relieve the expectations of always being available, we would have a much better chance of forgiving ourselves for taking a moment to focus on us. 
<h2>But how could the Nano succeed?</h2>
The solution is two-fold: change the marketing strategy, and increase functionality.
As I write this, I realise that now might be the time for Spotify to enter the game of audio devices. What the consumers love is the ability to stream & discover music, audiobooks, and podcasts, with pseudo-unlimited storage. 
There are two distinct target audiences for this device: Boomers & Zoomers. Okay, I actually mean (Boomers + Gen X) & Zoomers, but it sounded cooler the first way.
In my experience, Gen X & Boomers enjoy clean and simple tech. They want to listen to their music. That’s it. Targeting towards them would look like nostalgia, simplicity, and discovery. Keep the experience similar to what they’ve had before but play up the disconnectedness.
These generations are generally late-adopters who rely on the recommendations of their (grand)children. That’s where the Gen Z come to play.
Gen Z want simple. They want retro. They want to care about their mental health and the wellbeing of others. Give them the option to jump back in time to an mp3 player that will allow them to be completely disconnected. Listen to your music without the fear of getting a call or text. Play up the long-term goal of releaving the pressure to be on standby every second of every day. Open up discussions around the benefit this could provide & let them recognise these expectations within themselves. Your Gen Z will be your early-adopters, and eventually influence the Gen X & Boomers.
Design is next; designing an updated, successful mp3 device will be tough. Perhaps seperated mp3 players are cyclical with the fashion. Regardless, fashion has brought us bumbags and handbags for all genders. Now more than ever, we don’t care about the number or size of devices we’re carrying around. 
The physical device will need to be sustainably produced. Gen Z want to reduce waste and ensure fair trading and construction processes. Give an insight into how the devices are made. Employ underprivileged or underserved communities for good wages. These devices will be more expensive, but in the climate we live in, it’s necessary.
Functionality should be at a minimum, but equatable to a Spotify or Apple Music app on your smartphone. This device can be supremely optimised for audio playback and discovery. Here’s my vision:
Load time is next to nothing. We cache not only the songs that the user generally listens to, but also the songs that we think the user might want to listen to. We need to find an optimal starting point (what song/playlist we expect the user to listen to first) and press the user to start there. This will allow us to deliver the super-low latency experience almost every time. 
We optimise the cache based on the listening habits of the user. If this user historically listens to the same song/s on repeat, we use an LSU (least recently used) cache. This will delete the least recently used files and allow us to constantly keep in memory the songs that we believe the user will want to access in the near-term future. Similarly, if a user generally listens to entire playlists, we use a MRU (most recently used) cache which will bias towards discarding the most recently listend to music. 
Extrapolating listening habits to premptively load and cache songs will be another huge part of a successful stand-alone mp3 device. Imagine a device that would allow you to continue on your Taylor Swift deepdive while you’re stuck in the NYC subway for 30 minutes. This would be revolutionary to oh-so-many New Yorkers who currently need to make sure all of their audio is downloaded prior to subway trips. 
We can use an exploratory method to determine the current listening path of the user. If you imagine a tree data structure and we’re traversing using an A* algorithm. The head node is the current song, and we generate its children based on historic listening habits of the user, along with those of the wider listening community. If I’m listening to Baby by Justin Bieber (Ft. Ludacris), it’s pretty likely that my next song will either be: old school JB, newer JB, other nostalgic songs from the late 2000s, or back to my normal listening habits. With each additional song that I make a decision on (ie. listen to or skip), we become more certain about what my next choice will be. By doing this, and expanding the cache in an A* kind of way, we can try to keep all songs of interest in memory, all the time.
We need Spotify for one main reason: data. This optimised caching system will only work if we have incredible amounts of data. To get this data, we need trust, time, and good data storage and modelling practices. Starting as a new company trying to gather this data would either be incredibly expensive, or incredibly time consuming. 
All I can say is, let’s do it!!
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star-shapedfruit · 6 years
A sort of KH3 review.. thing
Well dang that was a wild ride wasn’t it? It’s been about 2/3 weeks since I finished the game (took me 5 days which is record time for me considering it was a pretty big game) so I’ll try my best to condense my thoughts on it below
Please note this is my opinion so you may agree or disagree with me on some parts and that’s totally fine!
And it’s gonna be long
Alright let’s get the bad out of the way:
-The pacing
I’m not the first and I definitely won’t be the last to complain about the goddamn pacing. Kingdom Hearts in general is pretty bad when it comes to a well balanced pace and this was the same. Everything felt rushed and crammed towards the end with it feeling like ‘quick let’s wrap this up ASAP!’.
It was literally Disney world after world with bits of important story in between and then the actual plot of saving everyone kicked in and probably made up of about 3 hours of the whole game. It could have been better if we’d have rescued Aqua and Ven earlier then towards the end save Roxas, Xion and Terra (and Namine) but nah.
Even the ending itself felt rushed and half assed at times. We didn’t get to see Sora save Kairi it was just Keyblade Graveyard ending- everyone being happy at the beach- credits. That was... kinda dumb? Also when you’re wrapping up a 17 year old saga you don’t tend to end it like that. You know what I’m talking about.
They gone did Kairi dirty again. AGAIN. How many times are we gonna do this? My poor girl got shafted right at the end just to fuel Sora’s anger and then didn’t explain how she got back to the islands anyway but who fucking cares y’know.
She was hyped up after being confirmed to be a guardian of light and in training with Lea and they did fuck all with it. It’s like you’re so excited to see Santa and you get up on his knee to ask what present you want this Christmas only for Santa to laugh and smack you in the face.
I could go on and on about Kairi but I’d probably be saying what everyone else has already said. I was expecting more character interactions ie the famous Roxas and Ven one we’ve been looking forward to for years but we got a funny glance and that’s it. Again, probably due to pacing but there was so much potential for some great new friendships to blossom and they just... didn’t.
Ok this is mainly Twilight Town being so teenie weenie. Come on, in KH2 we had TT, Hollow Bastion, TWTNW, Yen Sid’s Tower but for 3? Two sections of TT that’ll do. ??? Why??? It looked gorgeous and I couldn’t wait to explore the whole town but for some reason we were reduced to it being two rooms. Also missed out a good opportunity to have RG playable again but nah.
I get the feeling Disney we’re very pushy with this title? Like they had more input than usual and Square couldn’t really argue with them which would explain why the OG worlds were kinda dull? Idk I hope they learn to butt out a little and let Square do their thing. I’m not saying get rid of Disney god no. I just think there needs to be less Disney and more OG in the next title.
Alright the good stuff now!
- The graphics
Holy shit this game was BEAUTIFUL
Everything was gorgeous to look at and Unreal Engine made all the worlds look unique and specific to their Disney world. Like o can’t fault how this game looks it’s just that pretty
-Voice acting
Hayley, Hayley my man you did fantastic. I was getting worried that he’d sound off like in DDD but the man delivered. Everything was spot on and his emotions came across so much better? That scream? The crying?? The joy?? Beautiful. And Vanitas sounded so goddamn evil and Hayley sounded like he was having a blast voicing him 👌
Jesse did amazing as always with Roxas and Ven making them sound different. Just wish they coulda talked to each other xD I really liked Alyson’s Kairi too! I miss Hayden but for the most part Alyson pulled it off great along with Xion.
Like everyone sounded so much better I could go on and on. Can’t really fault much of the voice acting tbh. Xehanort grew on me but Nimoy will always be the better Nort
-Minigames/side quests
I absolutely SUCK at the cooking mini game but I still found it loads of fun. The only one I could do properly was the salt and pepper shaker one 😅 The 100 Acre Wood stuff was very samey samey but still cute and fun regardless.
I only did one flan mini game (the one in Toy Box) and that was awesome too! Hunting for ingredients and lucky emblems was tricky in parts but I loved the satisfaction when you finally find the damn thing! They were just a nice little touch and even though I only got 17 out of 90 I enjoyed looking for them.
-Attraction Flow
LOVED this gimmick. What can I say I absolutely love Disneyland and being able to use the rides to fight in battle was a blast. I especially loved the mad tea cups (“Bring it in!”) and the pirate ship they were loads of fun :D shame I only got to use Thunder Mountain twice because it’s one of my favourite rides xD
-The gummi phone
Who doesn’t love this. Finally I can take selfies with Disney characters! It was so cute I’m glad they added it. I’m definitely gonna use it more on my next gameplay at inappropriate times during the final battles 🌚
-Final battles
Being able to fight alongside Riku, Mickey, Aqua, Ven, Kairi, Lea, Roxas and Xion was at the top of my wish list for 3 and it finally happened ;-; Ok we’re with Kairi and Lea for two minutes but I ENJOYED THOSE TWO MINUTES. Kairi actually does some decent damage too so she can fight. You did amazing sweetie. And how OP is Roxas? You can just sit back and let him do all the work while you and Xion chill out. Granted they weren’t difficult bosses but I don’t care I got to fight with my sons and daughters by my side <3
I’m nearly done now promise. Just wanna say my favourite worlds ❤️
Corona: Gorgeous and (mostly) tranquil. Rapunzel and Eugene make great partners and the hair swing thing was awesome to jump to different areas. Also the little quests with Rapunzel were adorable and made the world feel more alive.
Monstropolis: I think what made this world for me were the character interactions and the music. The world itself was just inside the factory but the way everyone played off each other and dealt with Vanitas at the end was amazing. And Sora doing his funny face again. You little treasure <3
Toy Box: YOU. ARE. A. TOYYYYYY. Everything was so gigantic and interactive and gsjsksksla it was just loads of fun! Loved Woody and Buzz as partners and the whole world was such a treat- nothing like we’ve ever had in a KH game before. Can we also talk about Woody absolutely wrecking Xehanort though? Iconic.
Well I think that’ll do me for now. Overall I’d give it an 8.5/10 with the major issues being plot pacing and lack of character development. Also the camera sometimes did this weird thing in attraction flow mode where it’d just zoom into a rock or a tree :/ I really enjoyed KH3 despite its flaws and what was done well was done really well
Maybe get some more new writers and let Square properly take the reins for the next one yeah? And let Kairi finally have her time to shine. You’ve set up a rescue mission after all, Square 👀
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capsoff2 · 5 years
An Evening With The Bats(Wouldn’t Protest If Someone Filmed This And Sent It To Me On Here)
It’s a typical night at Wayne Manor, full of family arguments, family love, and avoiding the katanas held by a 10 year old boy.
JASON: (walks into the living room) Demon spawn, have you seen my, woah!
(he has to duck to avoid the pillow being chucked at his head)
DAMIAN: (shutting the TV off) Leave at once, Todd. No I have not seen any of your weapons.
JASON:(walking out of the room) Fine, guess I’ll check the other 50 assorted rooms of this place. (sticks his head back in) Wait, were you watching My Little Pony?
JASON: (gleefully) Demon watchs MLP, Demon watches MLP!
DAMIAN:(getting up and grabbing his katanas) I’ll teach you not to mock me Todd!
JASON: Oh hell naw..
(Jason runs out of the room faster than the nope train, followed by Damian screaming curses at him)
TIM: (sticking his head out of his bedroom door) Hey what’s going on...nope
(Tim slams his door shut, already preparing an escape route)
Now, Jason, like all the other Bat Family members, has very high endurance and stamina, but he is running out of steam
JASON: Gotta find a, gotta find a(sees his AK-47) gun, yes!
(Jason grabs the gun, and loading a clip into it. He cocks it and turns to face Damian, pointing the gun at him. Damian stops)
JASON: What’s the matter hellspawn, afraid of a gun?
DAMIAN: No, it’s just that my father is standing right behind you.
(Jason turns slowly, making a “meep” sound when he sees Bruce)
JASON: Oh.. hey, B-man….
BRUCE: (rubbing his temples) Jason, what have I told you about trying to murder Damian…
JASON: But I didn’t! BRUCE: And you wouldn’t have if I hadn’t been here?
JASON: No...well..ok fine, but he started it! DAMIAN: t-t, you sound like a whiny little child Todd, (mockingly) he started it Daddy, he started it, wa, wa, wah.
JASON:(ticked off) Why you little…umph!
(He is cut off as Nightwing drops down from above and lands on him)
RICHARD: Jason, what have I told you, Damian swears enough as it is, please don’t encourage him.
(He waits for an answer, before remembering that he is on top of Jason, and gets off)
RICHARD: Oh, sorry little wing.
JASON: How many times have I told you, don’t call me that?!
RICHARD:(counting off fingers) I’d say it's going on 100 now, but I just pretend not to notice.
TIM:(coming down the hallway) You guys seriously have got to stop fighting...one day you’re gonna cause some serious damage….to the house.
JASON: You’re more worried about the house than either of us?!
TIM: (shrugging) Property damage is a big pain, lots of paperwork, and usually you guys argue with Bruce when he grounds you..
JASON: I’m a grown adult! He can’t ground me!
DAMIAN:(smirking)Yet, you allow him to.
JASON: I….(realizing he can’t deny it, he stops)Ugh..whatever
ALFRED:(calmly walks down the hall, dusting a vase) Masters, dinner is awaiting you.
BRUCE:Yes, thank you, Alfred, we will be there in a moment.
(the look he gives Bruce makes the younger man sigh, before handing over $20)
ALFRED: Thank you, Master Bruce(he walks briskly back down the hallway)
DAMIAN: Father, you and Pennyworth were betting on us?
BRUCE: Yes, and sadly, I lost. Now boys, we are not leaving this hallway until you both apologize to each other.
(Both boys begin to protest, but one quick bat glare stops them)
JASON: Fine...Demon...Damian, I am sorry for possibly trying to murder you if your father wasn’t there.
DAMIAN:Todd....Jason, I am sorry for attempting to murder you.
Bruce: There, now was that so hard?
(Both of them turn and give him a look)
Bruce: (sighs)I’m pushing my luck...well then I suggest we get dinner while its warm
(With that, the family walks down the hallway together towards the dining room, all conflict temporarily forgotten. Until of course, dinner is served)
Act II
Bruce barely stopped a fight between the most aggressive members of his family, but hw will he fare during….dinner?! A temporarily quiet dining room is entered by our five Waynes, as Alfred is placing down the food on an elegant, candlelit dining table
ALFRED: (setting down the food) Here you are, Masters Bruce, Grayson, Todd, Drake, and Wayne
BRUCE: Thank you, Alfred, this looks amazing(under his breath)Let’s see how long it lasts.
ALFRED: $20 it lasts an hour? Or do you think you can control them for longer?
BRUCE: I bet $50 on 2 hours!
(The two shake hands and Alfred turns and leaves)
As the food is passed out, Bruce begins to reconsider his bet
BRUCE: Dang it Bruce what were you thinking? Two hours? More like two minutes. Alright, calm down Bruce, you can do this. Ok, here we go…
BRUCE: So...Damian…..how was school?
DAMIAN: It was the same as always, Father. Some dumb adults believing themselves to be the Albert Einstein's of our generation trying to cram useless knowledge into our minds. I had to correct several of them, even my honors English teacher who somehow confused Mark Twain with Shakespeare. I do not understand HOW, they pick the teachers but I’ll have a word with them about it, so help me….
BRUCE: Alright then….Note to self, talk with the Board of Education about replacing the 10th grade English Honors teacher...Honestly, Shakespeare with Twain? How, just how?
JASON: (who happens to enjoy Shakespeare, nearly chokes on his water) Shakespeare with Twain, why I outta….
Nightwing claps a hand over his mouth, muffling Jason’s obvious swear words
NIGHTWING: (pulling his hand off quickly) Did you just lick my hand?
JASON: I had to, I was dying with it there.
DAMIAN: Quick, Grayson, do it again! BRUCE: Damian…
JASON: Oh you wanna go, hellspawn(standing up, reaching for his gun)
BRUCE: (standing up, slapping the table) Everyone sit down!
Jason promptly ignores him, pulling out his gun and aiming it at Damian, who pulls out his katanas
DAMIAN: Bring it on, zombie boy.
JASON: Why you…
He shoots the gun twice at Damian, who promptly blocks both shots. Then, the fight truly develops, with the two of them running at each other, with Tim running to the kitchen for some popcorn, and Bruce putting his head in his hands, while Nightwing is ready to intervene if things get too ugly(ie. Someone loses a limb)
After a bit of fighting, Damian manages to get the gun away from Jason, and stabs his katanas non lethally through his arms, pinning him to the ground.
DAMIAN:(as Jason is on the floor in obvious pain) I don’t know why Father even bothered taking you back. If it were me, I would’ve shot you then and there and buried you in an unmarked grave.
BRUCE: Damian….
DAMIAN: (continuing) You couldn’t even stop yourself from getting blown up, could you! No, it was your own fault anyway. You’re a weak, good for nothing waste of space, and I wish you had never been born. You’re a freak, a worthless creature that even hell doesn’t want. You, Jason Peter Todd, are nothing. You always have been, and you always will be!
With that he walks away from Jason, leaving him pinned to the ground.
BRUCE: (roars, furious)Damian!!
Damian turns, and his eyes widen for a second when he sees how livid his father looks.
BRUCE: Never, in my however many years I’ve lived with you, have I….
But he cuts himself off as his head snaps to look at Jason, who’s breathing heavily. Nightwing is kneeling by him, along with Tim
NIGHTWING: Damian, you better have not hit anything important or so help me...
DAMIAN: Relax Grayson, I made sure to avoid any life threatening wounds. What’s wrong with him?
NIGHTWING: His eyes are wide, and they’re darting around. He looks….afraid….
He trails off as he realizes what is going on at the same time that Bruce does, and the two exchange glances, before the elder man walks briskly over and kneels next to Tim
DAMIAN: What’s going on?
BRUCE: Panic attack (to Jason) Jason, can you hear me? Ja…
But he’s cut off as Jason screams, thrashing around, trying desperately to get free
JASON: No… please….please stop! It hurts, it hurts so much! (softer)  I….I don’t wanna die….(loud again) Bruce, Bruce where are you? Bruce! Please! Make him stop! I can’t take it anymore!
He goes back to just screaming, but with noticeable tears in his eyes now
BRUCE: Damian, the med kit in the cave, bring it here. Now!
Damian, understanding that this is not a good time to argue, runs out to get it
BRUCE: Alright….now we have to wait
Bruce holds Jason still, and Nightwing and Tim gently, slowly pull out the katanas from Jason’s arms. Jason whimpers in pain and fear, and Bruce holds his head in his lap, stroking his hair out of his face
BRUCE: (to himself) It’s going to be alright Jason. I’m here. I will never leave you again. You are my son. I failed you once, I won’t do it again.
DAMIAN: (running back in with the kit) Here it is.
Bruce takes it and injects Jason, who is screaming less now but still thrashing, with a syringe full of sedatives. Jason flails for a few more minutes before going limp, unconscious.
DAMIAN: Will Todd be...alright?
BRUCE: He should be….Damian….
DAMIAN: I have one question: Did I trigger this?
BRUCE: It’s possible that your actions led up to it. We still don’t know the full extent of the torture that Jason went through, so we can’t be sure. It would be best if you leave now, Damian, we’ll talk more soon.
DAMIAN: I….yes, Father.
He turns and leaves, as Nightwing and Tim gently clean and bandage Jason’s katana wounds, before carrying him out the other door to bring him to his room.
Bruce sighs, and he too leaves the room, to head to his study.
DAMIAN:(In his room) Did I go too far? I mean, he tried to kill me, and it’s not like I haven’t insulted him before, but did I go too far? Did I trigger a memory, or possibly memories? I didn’t...I didn’t want for….mean for this to happen. My actions were possibly too harsh, and how could I call him that after all I went through with all different people saying things like that, even a few of the ones I said, to me? This made me no better than them. If I argue that I had a reason, well then so can they, and I don’t want that. Ugh.. I need to sleep on this.
With that, the youngest Wayne gets ready for bed and climbs in, waiting for sleep to overtake him.
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