#It's like Raph and Casey with extra spice
zivazivc · 6 months
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I saw like two people compliment my fem Casey design and I immediately drew this. The power of tags lol
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which turtle do you think can handle spice? lol i made some spicyx2 ramen for dinner and both my parents asked me if this was food or nuclear war fare, they got scared of how red the ramen broth was lol
Spicy Food (Headcanon)
A/N: The lucky wheel decided on the 03 boys for this one, so here we go💚 I myself am very bad with spicy food, like it's really bad. Like, if the food does as much as touches anything spicy, I can’t eat it. But I think the guys generally would have a way better time handling it💚
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Leo does pretty well with spicy food. He’s used to Splinter’s spicy noodle soup, and was always the angel that ate everything his father made for him, without complaining. Not that he ever complained. According to his taste buds, all of Splinter’s cooking was amazing.
When Mikey started taking over in the kitchen, Leo could not help but find the food a little… What is the right word? Uhm… bland? But don't get him wrong, Leo loves his little brother’s cooking, but he did prefer his father’s addition of spice to the food. It just that feeling in his mouth that reminded him of childhood.
Although Leo is a terrible cook, and has been ordered by his whole family to never touch the stove or the oven, Leo did know how to use the kettle for tea, and the microwave for making leftovers. But he also knew how to make instant cup noodles as a snack, often finding himself gravitating towards the extra spicy once. But even then, he often finds that they aren’t spicy enough, and adds a little more himself.
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Raph has a love hate relationship with spicy food. On one hand he loves spicy snacks, but on the other he isn’t a big fan of warm and spicy meals. As a child it had almost caused several meltdowns at the dinner table, back when Raph didn’t have the words to clearly explain to Splinter that the noodle soup was causing him middle discomfort.
Raph could not explain it. It was as if the heat from the food made the spice so much stronger, to a point where he just couldn’t eat it. Even as a teenager and as an adult, he would let the soup cool down for a bit, before finally feeling comfortable enough to eat it.
But funnily enough, Raph LOVES spicy snacks. Chili chips or at least some kind of spicy dip with his chips, and this guy would be happy.
Raph once shared some of his chips with Casey, not thinking they were so strong. But neither Raph or April had ever seen someone run so fast to the fridge for milk, giving Raph a hint that his snacks may be spicier than he first thought.
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No one knew for sure, but there was this theory in the Hamato family, that Donnie’s taste buds were immune to pain. Donnie did not seem to care if his food was spicy or not. The important thing for him was that it tasted good, and that the texture didn’t make him run for the hills.
Leo had long speculated that it came from years of caffeine addiction, but that did not explain how seemed to have shown the same behavior, years before he even tried coffee for the first time. Spicy food just didn’t bother Donatello.
With that being said, it’s worth mentioning a time where Donnie’s spice tolerance really came to show. One day, an absolutely sleep deprived Donnie had made himself a cup of coffee, but in his sleepy state, he had added hot sauce to his drink, instead of the milk. The horror on his brothers’ faces when he took a sip, and went as far as to say that it even tasted better than usual, before he went back to work in his lab.
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Mikey had never been a picky eater, but if there was one thing he couldn’t stand, it was spicy food. It had been like that since… pretty much forever. Sure, Mikey could eat mildly spicy things, but he just had a taste for more sweet things.
Mikey’s food making was therefore obviously less spicy than Splinter’s. But just because his food was less spicy, it didn’t make it any less good. Mikey’s cooking was amazing, even if Leo seemed to miss the good old days, where his mouth was about to burn off.
But Mikey’s mild intolerance for spicy food, gave Raph a great opportunity for a prank. One day while Mikey wasn’t looking, Raph added one of his spicy chips to Mikey’s already opened bag of salty chips. The scream that followed when Mikey then unexpectedly bit into that one chip, was so loud that people on the street above looked around in confusion. It was no surprise that all of Donnie’s milk suddenly disappeared after that, having been drunk by a hysteric Mikey that desperately tried to kill the fire in his mouth.
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spectrumscribe · 7 years
I found out you were doing requests and I got so excited omg!! I know you love family reunions as much as I do so maybe the family at the farm house right after Leo wakes up and they're all reuniting? The moment was sorta short in canon and I'd love to see some things that you think should've been there!
There’s a hundred things they should be doing, a hundredplans they should be going over step by step-
But there’s time for that later. Right now, it’s time forthem to just be together again as a whole, properly reunited with their missingpiece at last.
Mikey and April commandeer the kitchen, and rope anyone notmoving enough into helping them. Their careful rationing of money and food isdiscarded for the night; this is a time to celebrate and cut loose like theyhaven’t in months.
There’s flour and sauce and spices flying everywhere; fruitand vegetables being diced as the oven heats and the stove bubbles merrily on. Betweenthe two sunnier teammates of their group, their first family dinner in threemonths gets underway almost immediately.
Leo gets carried downstairs, supported by Raph and Casey’sshoulders as Donnie directs them fretfully. Leo’s leg is still very weak andhealing, and despite all surface wounds having healed, Donnie is concernedabout moving too fast too soon and straining something that can’t take it. Leo tellshim in his newly gravelly voice that he’s fine, and Donnie gives him afrustrated look.
(“You can’t even walk on your own, shut up.”
“I’m not going to break if they bump my knee a little, Donnie-”
“Excuse me, who is the doctor here? That’s right, it’s me. Anduntil I say otherwise you’re to be treated as carefully as fine china.”
Leo groans at the coddling, and Raph and Casey just laugh.)
Leo is set up at the table, blanket around his shoulders anda cup of tea in front of him. He hasn’t had more than liquid in weeks, and whilehe can’t handle majority of the food that’s being prepared, he’s eager for itanyways. The smell and sound of bustling life fills up his senses, and he sinksinto it, sleepy and shaking off numbness still.
His throat feels odd, his leg won’t move right, and he knowshis family is keeping the worst details of what happened from him- but all thatcan wait for later.
For now, family dinner night is the priority of things, andit soothes everyone’s nerves.
Raph and Casey hunt down an extra chair to make it an evensix, and they plus Donnie set the table. None of the glassware or plates isanything special, but it’s the intent they’re for that makes them so. Donnie watchesLeo closely in the corner of his eye the entire time, checking if his brotherneeds to be taken back to bed or not. Leo catches him, and waves Donnie’s worryoff. Donnie rolls his eyes, and mutters belligerently that no one in his familyhas any sense of preservation.
He’s interrupted in his irritation by Mikey snapping adishcloth at him and telling Donnie to start getting food on the table. There’sa brief towel fight, until April steps in and smacks them both upside of thehead. Though it warms her heart to see Donnie loosen up for the first time inweeks, they have to get the food on the table before it gets cold, and she won’thave idiots mucking around in their kitchen while she’s working.
There’s a shoving fight between Raph and Casey as theysqueeze into the back seats of the breakfast nook; only worsened as Mikey shoveshis way in as well. Leo gets jostled around in a gentle sort of way during allthat, and laughs despite his voice coming out wrong and hoarse.
(Casey grimaces as Mikey barges his way into the bench seat,getting a shell edge to the arm. Casey shoves the mutant teen for it. “God,Mike, when’d you get so fat?”
Mikey shoves him back, sticking out his tongue. “I dunno,why’re you so bony-?”
Raph shoves his friend and brother both away from him. “Ladies,please, you’re both pretty. Now shove over and let me sit down-”
“-and Raph’s, like, wayfatter than me anyways- OW! Hey!”
“You get between me and those biscuits, there’s a lot morewhere that came from.”
“Fuck you,” Mikey grumbles, echoed by Casey and both of themignored by Raph. Leo just keeps snickering and Mikey shoots him a falsely woundedlook. )
Donnie and April get the last of the food onto the table-nothing too special, just biscuits and casserole and other comfort foods- andsit down to join everyone else.
There’s a toast, and then a fight to get the best portionsof food first. Leo’s plate is small and filled with only mild foods, pitiful incomparison to the mountains his brothers and friends are dishing themselves. Heeats with the same enthusiasm though, enjoying the atmosphere around him andwarm food on his tongue.
Leo spent a long time asleep, and he can feel that allthrough his body. The rest of them spent that long sleep watching over himanxiously, and doing their best to keep the team together in their own ways. Mikey’scooking and managing of the house, Casey and April taking every farmhand job theycould find and getting splinters every day for it, Raph and Donnie’s constantvigilance of Leo’s condition as well as the rest of their family’s.
It’s been a hard three months, and the months will only getharder as they try to figure out how they’re supposed to defeat an entire alienrace all on their own.
But, for tonight, its family dinner night, and the six ofthem revel in being united once more. Warm and bright and feeling lighter thanthey have in months.
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