#Its not liek that now im actually quite bad because I barely play
ladymariayuri · 2 years
Forbidden hal lore is that I used to be really good at ove/rwatch when I was like 14-18 and would pretty consistently be like top 500 in the USA but it was only on . One hero. dva. and I was probably like top 10 dva players in the USA for a long time. But it wasnt like I could take advantage of that or anything because on tricking in ow is a death sentence but I had that I refuse to play anything I suck at swag. Can we have a moment of silence for pro gamer hal hypothetical she would have been so poggers
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tumblunni · 7 years
man why am I like this now im back in my DDS obsession again aaaa when its like THE ONE GAME that i can never replay the damn thing has like a black hole void where replay value should be I thought the dungeons were annoying enough in a P5 replay but the ones in DDS are so fucking ridiculous hard that you cant even memorize the solutions in newgame + and exp gain is SO MUCH SLOWER in DDS2 and there’s that fucking horse boss thats basically the amala puzzles from SMT Nocturne but AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE GAME. Spend two hours failing a fucking chase scene AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE GAME. It was enough of a hurdle the first time I played, geez! I think DDS had some of the best story but the worst gameplay, seriously. Or like.. not even BAD but like.. TOO GOOD? Its difficult but its not GOOD. It feels like they achieved what they wanted to achieve but they forgot about making it enjoyable. Even people who love super hard mode in other SMT games probably wouldnt enjoy this friggin ENTIRE GAME OF HARD MODE. And then AN ENTIRE SECOND GAME OF HARDER MODE. And most of the difficulty comes from ludicrously long dungeons with barely any savepoints or heal items, rather than battle difficulty. There’s just battle difficulty ON TOP OF THAT, because they are cruel bastards :P And the plot is SO INTRIGUING and SO DARK and people will die and its so hard to stop playing cos you care about them so much and AAAAA And the final dungeon of DDS1 is like BIGGER THAN THE ENTIRE REST OF THE GAME SO FAR And fuck, I defeated that so I’m allowed to quit at DDS2′s final dungeon. Its just too much for me. Its even bigger and full of instadeath spammers and youre STILL barely gaining any exp/ap and half your team is taken away and you have to raise up the ones you were neglected and then more of them are taken away and some are given back and then it just keeps whittling you down to like two characters to finish the whole damn thing. And apparantlt this is actually only the PENULTIMATE DUNGEON and there actually is another one after this where you get your whole party back but AAAA I CANT EVEN GET THERE And this was like three years ago and I still keep thinking about it but I dont even have my save file anymore to continue and DEAR GOD it is a slog to play the whole fucking TWO GAMES again... The first fucking dungeon of DDS2 is half the size of DDS1′s hellish first dungeon! And the whole game is increasingly unfair dungeons with minimal plot in-between! and just... GAHHHH But the plot is SO GOOD and I just want these poor cursed kiddos to be happy And I love Gale so much and his plot is so torture on him and then DOOM And aaaa I hope they do come out with a DDS dlc for Persona 5 someday cos Yusuke reminds me of Gale so painfully. He even says Gale’s catchphrase at one point! I MISS MY AWKWARD SON I failed them all, I wasnt hardcore enough to finish the final dungeon I am a bad parent AAAAAAAAAAAA but i love the story SO MUCH but i hate the game part SO MUCH anyway today’s cyrus spam shall now be joined by DDS spam i miss u gale my bro my son my friend my kinda similar to cyrus guy i should draw them hanging out AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and CIELO the sweet boy sidelined by the plot at every turn! and then he makes that really badass depressing sacrifice! AND I NEVER GOT TO SAVE HIM COS I GAVE UP AT THE FINAL DUNGEON LIEK A BITCH cos he was like my strongest party member and I was left completely boned when him and gale both got removed from the party at once and just AAAA I miss these poor demon children *sinks back into tagspam hell*
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