yellowjellobean · 1 year
my heart is beating so fast istg i just got a notification from my 2fa app asking for a login confirmation and it was definitely not me... why are there fuckers trying to log into my accounts??? MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS LOSERS, GO FIND A FUCKING REAL JOB.
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mothmandibles · 1 year
You know it feels wrong to not at least say something about it here since I did draw a lot of Project Moon art in the past, but I hope it goes without saying that im fucking appalled by the current situation. Their fucking radio silence with just a bullshit nothing statement about both firing an artist for no fucking reason other than that the korean equivalent of 4chan got pissed off at the wrong person for not making a "sexy" enough woman designs, and that the statement didn't even touch upon the unfair working conditions that the leviathan artist has been speaking more openly about now...
I hope all of you are boycotting Limbus Company. If you're not on twitter, it's what has been called for by the Korean side of the community (alongsides the protests they've been having, and that's not even touching on the fucking lawsuits that are apparently in the works over this shit)
Don't play the game. Project Moon is clearly hoping that they can keep going like it's just business as usual, so please don't let them do that. It doesn't matter if you don't spend money when playing, just playing the game itself is enough to boost it and such.
I get that cutting yourself off from something you like(d) a lot can be tough but it's for the game's own good. One PM fan to another, ok? I've been here for years and their games really are some of my favourite, but the fact real people are hurt by this company is just fucking sickening. (and the disgusting irony of their story's messages vs their real life behaviours isn't lost, because for fucks sake.)
Don't go back just because they're showing off new banners or promises of quality of life changes, this is some fucking activision levels of jingling shiny keys in your face.
Don't fall for the fucking shiny keys. Don't go crawling back. We all wait this out until they get their shit together and ACTUALLY address these major problems, and then FIX it. as best they can, considering i dont even know if the artist they fired over a phone call at night would even want to go back to working for a place that left her jobless and alone to fight against the incels's harassment that got her fired in the first place.
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